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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

ooo. @Hello71 you got a cool avvie
my default was lame
What is the meaning of ./ before a given path? http://t.co/Fd1fOeL #bash
Opinions on the layout please :)
i don't like the download buttons
could choose a better font for the title
it's very... sans serif
particularly considering it's an image already
what does registering do?
@Hello71 It isn't.
@Hello71 You can try it if you want (registering) but keep in mind this is the development server...
...so your account could get erased at any time.
@djeikyb Yeah, they need a bit of work still.
@GeorgeEdison: I mean the "JS Studio" text.
@Hello71 Do you have a suggestion for another font?
i think it's the contrast that bothers me for the download buttons.
@djeikyb Okay, I'll make a note of that and fix it.
Thank you.
for the nav buttons, can you make the entire inner rectangle clickable?
@djeikyb Sure can.
@djeikyb I updated the CSS for the download buttons.
Is that better?
Not really.
yeah, that's more readable
Well... it's better.
but don't know if it's best
Black might be better?
yeah black is better than white IMO
@Hello71 So white text on a black background?
I mean for the download buttons.
Black on gray.
i like the header. dunno if i'm enthused with the blocky looking bubbles
looks good on my monitor
rounded edges are cool though
@djeikyb Should the download button have rounded edges?
shrug i like the contrast of rectangle against rounded
download button should be rounded
-.- timestamps
@Hello71 I changed the color of the download button again.
maybe remove margin on login/register and round lowerleft corner?
margin or padding whichever one it is
Hm... it's getting there.
@Hello71 I rounded the corner for you.
@GeorgeEdison that looks better
I changed the margin too.
i wonder..could the gradient in the header end in the light grey of the nav buttons? and then get rid of the top border of the nav buttons so it flows
*flows into the background of the nav buttons
I see.
That will take a bit to fix.
just a thought. don't know if the end result is worth it
Well it's easy to get rid of the top border on the nav buttons.
Ok, well, I survived an encounter with the local Red Hat employee at the LUG meeting tonight. Fun. :)
(he's a cool guy)
haven't ever done the lug thing
what do you guys do, @jrg?
Well, I'm not sure.
This was our third meeting. First two were just "Ok, lets talk Linux", this one we had a demo of spacewalk. - spacewalk.redhat.com
Next one I'm presenting on Git. (Something I seem to be doing a lot of lately :P)
So... we do whatever. Coffee is there, as is wifi. Most folks don't bring their laptops though.
i've been having fun with git
and i don't even code (much)
it's a handy program
Cool stuff. If you have questions, feel free to ask me. :)
will do! my weekend job is chef'ing at a camp. i'm managing my menus and orders in text files. i use git to back it up and github to make it accessible to my staff and i and whichever computer we have around
Opensourced menus and orders eh? :D
: p
and recipes
even better.
index cards are a pain to keep track of
Yeah they are.
(speaking from experience with using index cards for other, not-so-yummy things)
Did I pick a better font?
i wasn't opposed to the old one, but this also is good
@GeorgeEdison: Navigation is... not very good with a small window.
@Hello71 Hmmm...
Width: 748; Height: 588
is the last decent dimension for me
for just the header that is
wow, the lower stuff is no good
ok, with everything, the smallest decent dimension for me is: Width: 874
Height: 574
@djeikyb I made some adjustments.
Instead of specifying absolute dimensions, I'm using percentages now.
Not a huge change, but it should make a difference.
@djeikyb That's not too bad is it?
(Except maybe for the scrollbar.)
could be worse
how small a screen do you care about?
Probably 1024x768.
in that case you're fine
@djeikyb Great, thanks!
no idea how it will look on an ipod
I appreciate your feedback.
@djeikyb Yeah... I may make a mobile front-end (based on jQuery-Mobile) later on.
Similar to what I did for StackMobile.
oh, hey, that's neat
i'll have to borrow someone's ipod and check it out
@GeorgeEdison glad to help
so where does your "George Edison" name come from?
@djeikyb On...?
oh, i noticed the (c) to name on stackmobile was not George Edison
assuming you don't have four names, of course. just a silly curiousity
@djeikyb My real name is at the bottom.
But I go by 'George Edison' around here :)
just something chosen out of a hat?
Well... it goes way back, but essentially, yes.
It was a name I just stuck together.
@jrg hi5 on the git presentations
Great answer: How to switch between Ubuntu and Windows 7 without a reboot http://t.co/QUuk5bX #dualboot
Posted by Joel Spolsky on September 6th, 2011

DevDays has been canceled, due to poor attendance.

It’s my fault, actually. I took a perfectly good thing (DevDays ’09) and gold plated it until it was a different thing.

DevDays ’09 was one day. So even people who couldn’t get their boss to let them go to a conference could take a vacation day or something. Everyone told us “Great conference! Too short!” So version 2.0 had to be longer, we thought. Two days!

Oh, also, DevDays ’09 was $99.  We pulled that off by being cheap. Really cheap. So even people who couldn’t get their boss to pay could afford to spring for the conference themselves. But t …

@MarcoCeppi Noooooo!
You must be really disappointed.
yup, really disappointed when I got the email earlier about the cancellation
Well... better now than closer to the event I guess.
...if there's anything positive to say about it.
They might still have the DC hackathon
That would be cool... even though it's on the other side of the continent as me :)
I didn't get a email :(
@Alvar You're not a speaker :)
@GeorgeEdison not about this! ;)
@GeorgeEdison it's still about Ondina! :)
@Alvar Oh... well you'll have to ask Marco then.
then I know I'm not in the first row...
I guess I might be in the second :D
I hate waiting! :(
@Alvar I've actually got some sad news
I really REALLY want this! :(
Hold on, let me finish the post. it's not the end of Ondina, just a delay
aaaaaauwwww :(
why isn't there a link on ondina.co to the marco blogg?
or just the marco blog that is about Ondina?
@MarcoCeppi I just read it...
My blog is just a place holder until the ondinahosting.com site is up, that will have it's own blog
But it's good to know you don't let us use something that isn't finished.
@MarcoCeppi cool you bought it! :D
oh, I've owned ondinahosting.com - ondina.com is the one I don't own
@MarcoCeppi It's for sale, apparently.
it has been forever
@GeorgeEdison Yeah, $2.5k
@MarcoCeppi Okay... never mind.
They can stuff it - that's half the price of a server, and every penny counts at this point
so after a year you might be able to! ;)
@MarcoCeppi I'm sure it does. Wait... 2.5k is half the price of a server?
What happened to $2.5k servers?
Well, a little less than half.
@GeorgeEdison or servers for less?
For the servers I'm getting, Dell r710s, they're about 5k
the minecraft server I played on is gone :(
@MarcoCeppi Wow. That's... expensive (for lack of a better term).
Yeah, they don't come cheap. but 8 cores and 32GB of RAM should be a nice setup :)
that's like a mac pro
man I love "loose" :D
@MarcoCeppi I can only dream of 32 GB of RAM.
it's a "band"
the ideal server setup would be one with SSDs, then I could push 16 cores and 64GB of ram without the IO bottleneck :D
@MarcoCeppi So you're not going with SSDs at first... or it's planned for later?
Would you consider adding SSDs for databases or something down the road?
I'm looking into the option, as of right now doesn't look like it. We'll be doing md1000 raid arrays
I would love to setup SSDs in these, but I don't think I can justify the cost without raising account prices
then you could survive some of the old mac viruses! that opened all the programs on your computer and then the system crashed! :)
@MarcoCeppi Well, that's okay then.
@Alvar nope, I've got ulimits, fork bombs and the like won't affect these servers
got to go to school now
it's 07:25 here
@GeorgeEdison If we don't get SSDs done in Phase I, they'll be setup in Phase II
It's 1:25 AM here :)
@MarcoCeppi I know I looked it up in my iPhone :P
cya all later! :)
Bye everyone who is leaving / heading to bed.
Hey! I'm not leaving yet!
me neither
@MarcoCeppi So to make it easy for you... please don't feel a need to create my account until Python is ready.
Can you answer this? Limit applications that can go online when tethered http://t.co/yKwZK44 #tethering
Good morning to you to Marco :)
Night all.
2 hours later…
is gtk-recordmydesktop the only decent desktop recorder?
you can also try xvidcap
Q: How to create a screencast?

Riccardo MurriHow can I create a screencast on Ubuntu? What applications are available? The app I'm looking for has ideally all of these features: Can record in a format that can be played back easily on any platform and/or accepted by youtube or another popular video site Can record just a window (instead...

unity terminal windows focus http://t.co/CjAEGU5 #unity
@lazyPower I intend to make the git repo for the presentation into a puzzle - have one "slide" (doing this in Google HTML slideshow thingy) in a branch, and you have to merge all the branches into master in order to get the whole slideshow. is evil
Hello all
Hey, nice to see you!
@MarcoCeppi Afternoon
It's morning here, but hello
Woah... SSD's?
@MarcoCeppi Dude, consider sleeping?
Probably tonight
OK. :P
Q: Animals popping up randomly

oriole4008There are pictures of animals that are popping up randomly on my computer. When I move the mouse over the animal it turns into a a sword icon, and when I click it, the animal disappears but after a few minutes another animal comes up. I think it may be related to Chromium but I'm not sure. Wha...

:D :D :D :D :D
(Note: I didn't actually post that)
@jrg (Note: I did)
Note: I don't approve, but I still smiled. So, lets see if our friend has a sense of humor. :P
mh.. does this make any sense at all?
@StefanoPalazzo ?What in the name of?
Good morning to you Stefano
afternoon @amith :)
@StefanoPalazzo Afternoon there too !!?
yep, it's about 14h
Ok, we can't treat our friend with the animal control problem as a joke like that. :P
oh crap, I've got to get ready for work
eh :D have a good day Marco
@MarcoCeppi Wait... you did NOT sleep? Anyways, have a good day
in Electrical Engineering, Sep 4 at 10:53, by Matt
USB is supposed to be plug-and-play, not pluug, unplug, plug again, hunt out the drivers, try and find how to tell it to actually lookk for the drivers, unplug again, plug in, unplug, throw out window, install linux.
@MarcoCeppi See ya at the office
Animals popping up randomly http://t.co/G2vFIpA #bug
@jrg thats a really good idea! teaches them a mastery of branching/merging
and just to be a putz, you should merge a slide together with updates so they get a completed slide, and see how the diff util works. (assuming it wont be stored in pure binary, i'm not sure on the file format and storage)
Moving house is hard.
And the latency on mobile broadband (eg HSDPA+) is awful.
you aren't supposed to move the whole house!
@StefanoPalazzo you aren't a ubuntu member yet, are you?
@htorque nope, much too busy at the moment :)
interesting, I found a mistake in an RFC.
from 1992
> I found a mistake in an RFC.
sounds as surprising as
> I found a mistake in Unity.
Maybe I was too optimistic then ;-)
i'm sure there are lots of mistakes in rfcs
how silly is this. It says "Set C[j] to S[c xor L]."; in fact it's not "Set" but "xor". :( that cost me 20 minutes I'll never get back.
probably often defended or corrected in other rfcs :D
yeah, I should probably have read all of them shouldn't I :D
that's the same when you should read a six page scientific paper. you gotta go back back back reading all references and in the end you wasted a week reading like 500 pages :D
it's so easy when you write stuff and then do "(see [12,14,21])". :D
well, I can't find the correction anywhere
send in an errata and add yourself to the authors ;)
great idea :D the RFC has been obsoleted though, and it has "historic status"
anyways i watched such an ubuntu membership meeting thing yesterday and it wasn't that bad.
maybe it was because the candidates were all awesome, but it certainly didn't feel like a job interview :D
I'm pretty confident about being accepted. But I always remember it a few days after each month's meeting ;-)
i'm not sure i would pass
but the bigger problem is that i'm not sure i would continue to contribute at the same rate i did in the past cycles
@htorque surely you'd pass, absolutely
i'm just doing bug reports and a bit of AU fun
you've actively and substantially contributed for about a year now
that's merely on Ask Ubuntu
look at contributions from people like andrea azzarone (got member yesterday)
i'd pay for an @ubuntu.com address :D:D
and as we know: ubuntu membership is all about that :P
I just sent an email to the ietf, why not :)
making sure that future generations can properly implement MD2.
maybe some students will have to read it, err want to read it :)
you saved them!
yes, I deserve a medal :)
here's the code, in case you want to issue SSL certificates :D paste.ubuntu.com/684446
you'll probably get an ubuntu purple heart ;)
naaaa, no code today
checksum[j] ^= S[c ^ L]
so that was the problem?
yes indeed
that's quite a difference to checksum[j] = S[c ^ L]
and it only showed up on half of the test vectors (all the ones longer than 16 bytes unpadded)
now to implement MD4 :D
it's got practice
i think it was geohot that explained some of his sony hacks and also found that they failed to correctly implement a hash function (i think it was md5 or sha-1)
it's really easy to make a mistake implementing these
I had a bug that didn't show up on any of my test vectors, except one of them (happy accident)
if you are working for companies like sony it shouldn't matter how easy it is to fu** up :P
this is what you have to put up with in RFCs: and let XY denote the bit-wise AND of X and Y.
yeah why not. X v Y means "X or Y" too
thats some slick code Stefano
that's one way to put it. another way would be neeeerd! :D
as a fellow nerd, i <3 my geek buddies
yinz have taught me quite a bit :)
that's nice :)
is it just me or is this a really bad question? askubuntu.com/questions/60373/animals-popping-up-randomly
hello. I'm trying to install IntelliJIdEA but when I try to run the ./idea.sh it says:

/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/: Permission denied
I've set it to 777 and tryied also with 0755
but it keeps showing. any idea??
@rogcg try running "sudo ./idea.sh"
@StefanoPalazzo im logged as root already
LOL, animals poping up.
that was really funny.
i'm a level 42 ubuntero animal hunter
@htorque LOL
@StefanoPalazzo it solved thanks.
huh, cool
@StefanoPalazzo have you already worked with IntelliJIDEA??
looks like another java IDE to me
no, I've looked at it for 2 minutes
@lazyPower yeah. I want to use it instead of using eclipse for android development. eclipse loves to troll me.
but now when I try to run the script it says,

ERROR: cannot start IntelliJ IDEA.
No JDK found to run IDEA. Please validate either IDEA_JDK, JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME environment variable points to valid JDK installation.
Ive set it already
did you export them?
if I type echo $JAVA_HOME it says: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/
@StefanoPalazzo yeah. i followed this link
why don't they just build a .deb, it's not that difficult
export JDK_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk
that did it for one lucky member of the ubuntu forums
@StefanoPalazzo its on bash.bashrc
i did that
bash.bashrc? is there such a file?
you mean ".bashrc"
@StefanoPalazzo yeah.LOL
you've restarted your terminal I presume?
@StefanoPalazzo yeah
you're running 11.04?
@StefanoPalazzo 10.04
try running it like with this argument: --jdkhome /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/
I'm just guessing really...
--jdkhome command not found
what's the command to start the program?
run whatever that is plus this switch
you might be better off asking a question on the site by the way :)
@StefanoPalazzo ok
why is there no infinity constant in programming languages? :D
16 GB RAM may be not enough to harbour it?
Hi btw
@htorque there is a value in the spec for floating point numbers
some max_val probably
i have an equation SOMETHING^infinity = <some ugly complex crap i don't want to implement>
instead i could just do math.pow(something, infinity)...
what language is this?
i don't think you can do this in any language :D the one i'm using is java
sorry, s/expression/equation/
by the way, infinity is when the exponent of a double is 0x7ff (or 11111111111)
I think it's Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY in java
but "<some ugly complex crap i don't want to implement>" is likely more precise :D
wait a second, you want to calculate something^infinity?
how about "result = infinity"?
oh wait
1/infinity :D
haha, good catch!
where did you get this equation then?
obfuscated code contest? (:
no, it's just some math blabla but having real precise infinity would make things easier :)
maybe if i add more ram? :D
the spec is pretty good concerning infinity
>>> inf - 1
>>> inf * -inf
>>> -inf + inf
>>> inf/inf
>>> 1/inf
see that's totally wrong :P
no ;)
but you'd think -x + x = 0, no?
or x/x = 1
math is so weird
in an interesting way ;)
I don't think of infinity as a number :) (but I'm glad it's treated as one in IEEE754)
Hello everyone.
Hey, nice to see you!
morning @GeorgeEdison
or whatever :D
@StefanoPalazzo: Did you see this ?
I made a few tweaks.
There is also a profile for each user when you click on their name.
@StefanoPalazzo exactly that's my problem :D
that's a 404 @george
here too
@StefanoPalazzo What is?
Oh :P
Wrong link, sorry.
I forgot the port number.
I run Apache on no fewer than 3 or 4 ports :)
this is great
very nice work; I can't wait to see what addons people think of
Great answer: How to remove all files from a directory? http://t.co/JA6Lw7M #commandline
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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