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Wait, $20000 for a domain!?!?! :O
I thought you meant $20...
(don't know why)
These days, you get the domain name at the same time you decide to use the name so that it will be there when you need it :P
@Seth I'm sure he doesn't mean dollars... (I mean, only google's domain worth that much)
@Braiam The one I wanted was selling for like $600.
(75 $)
.eu is $ 35,- only.
Have someone a look - I've never seen such a message
might it be someone is pulling a hoax on him?
mailwizards.com proof that some people are just crazy. Most serious sites have like this: Place an offer and we'll get back to you...
it's right now hosted at alvarberglind.se/howto/home.php
@guntbert that message seemed so strange to me too. I don't think he's running Ubuntu...
@guntbert sometimes is because you switched window too fast and gksu couldn't grab the keyboard...
(polkit didn't had this problem, tho)
@Takkat fixed in 2009...
unless he's using 9.04 or older, he should don't have that problem...
if i read correctly he said "during boot" though - that would exclude "switching too fast"
could be an app trying to get permission and another app opening it's GUI at boot...
@guntbert I read it like it was when he first logged in
and: why is ssh-askpass-fullscreen called when loging in locally?
well, we will have to wait how he responds
What's his Ubuntu version to begin with? This just seems very strange...
@Braiam about age: the fix in Ubuntu wasn't committed until a year ago
@Braiam just wanted to say its not a hoax...
@Xylo time for your education in what counts as a constructive comment.
Ubuntu is not made for gaming. If you want to play Skyrim, make dual boot with windows and play games there. — Xylo 7 mins ago
^ THAT is not a constructive comment on a question asking "How can I get Skyrim running with Wine?"
(comment is flagged accordingly)
yeah - and gone.
but he'll not get it to work
never smooth
@Xylo irrelevant
it'll be like 17 fps
if you don't have a constructive comment to add to a post, don't say anything.
well I told him the truth
If you had said this instead:
yeah I have time to write 300 lines explaining why is he not getting it to work
"Ubuntu is not designed for gaming. Skyrim will not get as good a framerate by running through Wine, and I do not suggest that you use Linux to play Skyrim" or similar...
then i wouldn't flag it
and i wouldn't be publicly flogging you about this
your comment as it was was not constructive though
"Ubuntu is not designed for gaming" is not clever and not true - would lead to arguments.
best not to comment at all.
yeah happened once, sorry
@fossfreedom it would still be less not constructive.
remember to be honest, but at the same time be nice
doesnt matter that i've done like 30 edits today
and not enough to get on my radar of airstrikes
@Takkat, thx for clarifying it is not a hoax - so i can correct the spelling error in the Title :-)
now like the flame war is going to start on me
as always
@Xylo Try to ignore the flame part..
i don't care
Some people are/can be rough ;)
i'm proud of myself
done about 30 edits
in like 3 hours
at least once in the lifetime, im proud of myself
@Braiam You would think.. but you would be surprised too.
@fossfreedom can you see who's closevoting things as "Not about Ubuntu" when they're just wrong with such a close vote?
@Xylo heh - much appreciated from my POV - thanks.
thank you too
@Xylo we are only trying to bring the best of you, it may be rough or somehow unreserved, but we believe is for good ;)
@Xylo - a word of warning (from my own experience) - too many edits/reviews/votes in a short time may lead to errors :-))
@ThomasW. close votes are captured on the timeline - so yes.
yeah I know guys
@guntbert of course it may, I failed in one edit
still I want to help both mods and people
mods = people
people with problems, foss
@Xylo if you prefer quantity over quality, you are doing it wrong
@Braiam i do not
both are needed
@fossfreedom which is sometimes doubted, seeing how much work they do :-)
@guntbert haha nice one

What the hell
freak, I hate chromium... why it doesn't allow me to use userscript... :(
@Braiam You need to trick it.
@Braiam, @Seth - yes on both of your comments on the meta
But I find using Tampermonkey is easier.
there is official chrome, you don't need chromium, but like it's based on opinions
@fossfreedom I'm not sure exactly what part/comment you are saying yes too.. but OK :)
@Xylo /me avoids most direct Google products
@Seth yes - I will help out where I can
Cool :)
@Seth it has it's negative effects
but eh
still better than IE
@Takkat you think that this canned comment lack info? "Could you edit your question and provide more details? Like the Sound Card you are using? The output of pulseaudio --check, pulseaudio --dump-conf, amixer -c 0, pacmd dump-volumes and pactl info."?
Much better. I personally prefer FF myself, but can't use it for other reasons.
I was using FF
but got into Chrome
using it for like 2.5-3 years now
or even 4
/me uses iceweasel/fx mainly, but chromium for very specific tasks
something among those lines
@fossfreedom This made me laugh one day:
@fossfreedom can we close this one askubuntu.com/questions/232665
That was after the LQP queue went crazy.
I can't believe he spent that much time reviewing.
@Braiam done
@Braiam That one lasted a long time
What happen to close votes expiring..
Q: Integrated webcam won't work

CharlesComputer is a Acer Aspire M5-583P-6428. I can use Cheese to activate the webcam, and it takes pictures succesfully. As soon as I press "record a video", it crashes. It also won't load on Skype.

What about this one guys?
@Braiam hmm - these commands if they run will only give us limited access to debug audio issues. Whenever there are issues all information gets tremendously lengthy. Then we need pastes of almost everything. I prefer default.pa and the output of pacmd list for the pulse side of issues.
@Seth obviously Luis has the proverbial bit between his teeth :)
btw, if someone wants to know the questions that has close votes data.stackexchange.com/ubuntu/query/50547/…
@Takkat you mean cat /etc/pulse/default.pa?
@Braiam some people have their default.pa in ~/.pulse (but yes, it usually is in etc/pulse/)
@Xylo prod the OP with some pointed questions - lets get details of his computer/traces of the error etc - then we can assess if its a bug or not
the daemon rarely causes issues.
jeez im like sitting chatting with elite of askubuntu
how did I get here
Dragons and daemons rule the world - lets fight them :)
haha @Takkat nice one
@Xylo get blue too :P
my blue is not from AU however.
should I buy this?
the .au
Ah takkat is always available, except .com
well 30$ for 2 years
@Takkat 3rd level domain?
I did not find it on first level .au ...
yeah takkat.net is a bit more expensive.
<-- wants it to have .au
australian takkat, so cool

holy shit, is it real
god please help me
make takkat
make: Nothing to be done for `takkat'.
but seriously
"how to check"
@Xylo solved...
i gave up
when I saw "how to check"
those problems are normally easy to solve... is just a matter of "forgot to install something"
real problem
program told him what to do
Q: Trouble Configuring Wordpress with PhpMyAdmin

user229952So I'm trying to set up Wordpress to run through Phpmyadmin, in conjunction with LAMP. I'm running Ubuntu 12.10(if that matters), and I haven't found the answer to this question on this site yet..... My problem is, when I get on wordpress(localhost/wordpress works fine) Every time I try to ent...

he doesnt know anyway
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'the_real_password'); D:
define('AUTH_KEY',         'D4cRfQDV7@3:<^vs_E/m]u54A},Pto1pt-s8{o7~3xQ*<pN(HSnMHIiK@J@LiiAl');
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY',  '|A30]LIZeOB%7{x=[PM`rX+ukS$+J+7$((Gx-0y-{RsDkq~lN;VS@Jx|m0I8CV/]');
define('LOGGED_IN_KEY',    '+kk}.-Z,@%x|9]SnW{-.,L{-m+cFwRf$)eXn-gxFD_x74uI>~F#i:LaqWr7=%@y]');
define('NONCE_KEY',        'aCO>P82i{I/O9+JL-V|W*b?UG&?n|T/T~I=`NZ>jB2>:#OR^o%5`bY_DgyNV2(~w');
define('AUTH_SALT',        'J1PAd.KK^owkw .LQ@?@aYZp4?4SwolCUw5Wq7CftHxO-jM[7}3n^6W!A?%P+m#0');
define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'DJr+.-i=Rb)lJ[Xi%r=&lv(?,#q,PX/BCm 7hz2[2b?XXzp}~[)F{_+Ol1rcG*T]');
we can hack now
@user3132152 please, do not spam comments, try to write everything you need to say in a single comment. — Braiam 19 secs ago
@Braiam let's take control over the world with these keys xD
@Xylo those doesn't matter, he can change them again...
my compilies perfectly when i compile it by using this command gcc main.c -o hello gtk-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0 – user3132152 1 min ago
@Braiam yeh, cuz he's smart
he asks what to do
when program told him what to do
@Braiam review my edit please
ok, I'm out, going to sleep.
@Braiam why the flag on that nginx answer?
@fossfreedom he's asking for feedback, and poke here and there, instead of giving a definitive solution
may be the wording, but I really don't know how can that answer the question, and going for comments apparently the problem isn't solved either
its a speculative answer of sorts - vote appropriately would be better here.
he's (was?) active in SO, so he should know better how answer should be, tho
true - I'll leave the flag for others to agree/disagree before acting on it.
@Braiam - do you have access to the pro-forma canned comments? It would be more than useful to see the comments as well as the flag - for all the mods and others reviewing as well. Thanks.
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