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Q: Trouble with jhbuild installation

RPi AwesomenessI am trying to learn GTK+3 as per this site: https://python-gtk-3-tutorial.readthedocs.org/en/latest/install.html. From the page: 1.1. Dependencies GTK+3 Python 2 (2.6 or later) or Python 3 (3.1 or later) gobject-introspection The easiest way to install PyGObject from s...

Anyone have input?
I thought about putting it on Stack Overflow, but I figured that I should keep it here because of the fact it is installation.
and configuration and all that fiddly-diddly stuff.
@Seth IS there a way to have a line of Text "None" can hold a intergeter value like 0? Because I am having trouble with filtering cause of None, and it doesn't make any sence... In HTml, JavaStripe, ... an web lanuage
@Andrew This might fit better and get a better answer on Stack Overflow, that being a programming SE.
@Andrew I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, or why you're asking me, but I think C/C++ can do something like that.
However I'm not a C/C++ person.
@Seth I know you are a programmer that why I am asking but I don't know what languages you know.
Ah OK.
What exactly are you trying to do @Andrew?
You're not mixing "None" (from Python) with "null" (from JS) are you?
@RPiAwesomeness for that question to be useful, you need to get to a much more complex problem. right now it's just directory does not exist
Did you read the whole question? He created the directory and chmodded it to 777 and it still didn't work..
Or maybe I'm confused.
no he didn't reread the errors
@Seth ...And not every one in the room since most are not programmers. Can a string hold a Int value. Like None when filter will present as 0 but not visibly. Is that better?
A little better.
@Seth I may need to put 0 in the code, and it present as None, that would make more since of code, right?
yolo, posting a question on SO! :P
are you wrapping C in something else or what. i don't get where the question you linked to is related to 0 != None
NO! html, Javascripe
@Andrew Ahh. So you have 0 but you want to convert it to "None" when you display it?
Or vice versa?
crap, my lines crossed. rpi and andrew
But I will refer None in the code. to make it mot understandable to noobs
I've got to go atm, but I can get back to you later @Andrew. Could you post the particular snippet of code to jsfiddle and link me? I think I understand what you are trying to do, but I might need a but more context.
just add an accessor method in compiled languages or override the magic method in python.
@hbdgaf Might wanna ping the person you're talking to :P
haters gonna hate.
and hatters gonna hat
@Andrew this and my last comment are linked to your problem phpied.com/3-ways-to-define-a-javascript-class
@Seth I have been working on this page of wikipedia put in like 6 hours or so, It doesn't filter None. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoking_age
@Seth My wikipedia username is "Mathsquare"
Took that one on the way home.
it was really a very well tended bonsai. it actually looks like this:
looks like 5mt
@NathanOsman Dang. You are one very tall penguin.
(not to mention buff)
@Gilles That's a tall tree - maybe 50-60 feet?
It's at a nearby park.
wow, and you carried that?
oh, you mean took the picture, not the tree
damn I'm so new to web programming...
@Gilles Oh... sorry. I see how that could be ambiguous.
(It's okay to be ambiguous in English. It matters more when you're programming.)
@Nathan Lol. Nice
@jrg still testing?
@Mateo yup
you'll need to set the IP address of the server to
since I haven't bothered with DNS yet
join us in the conference room
@jrg Que?
it''s called living
@RPiAwesomeness Come again?
@jrg Never mind. I'm being nosy.
@RPiAwesomeness considering I'm using this as a test group, by all means, be nosy.
@jrg The server thingy. What is it?
@RPiAwesomeness it's a XMPP/jabber server
basically, i've taken it upon myself to create a new communications/collaboration platform for work over the holidays
(my sanity project)
so i'm tinkering with things, and then i intend to write a nice blog post about how it all fits together
Cool! Hope you get it working!
Sounds interesting.
@NathanOsman I was looking over the code for StackApplet and noticed that you use API calls. What/where is the API? Is it an official Stack Exchange API? And if so, where can I find it?
@Mateo @Gilles ok, thanks for your help guys!
I'm going to implode the server soonish
and all your messages will vanish into the cloud...
like they never existed
That kind of cloud?
@jrg cool, the im user to user worked, but I don't think I could send on to you?
@jrg cool, thanks
can you remind me what server software you used?
any reason for this choice?
it's free.
it's based on a standard
so are 403984 others
and it's "easy" to use
and LDAP integration as step 2 of the initial setup
mostly the last one.
hmm, we could use that too
and I guess there's a windows client?
since it's XMPP
but I'm using spark
from the same folks
which in turn is cross-platform
(well, java based. ;p)
@jrg cool, If you do a write up link us, our church is thinking of setting up a messaging system
will do
Q: Do we need a Dansguardian tag?

BraiamI was killing off the filter tag. And found this question but don't know what tag should I use. I found 44 something posts with Dansguardian keyword. So, we have people capable of answering dansguardian's questions? Any volunteer?

"Researchers still don't know how attackers are able to compromise those Web servers. "
@JohnMerlino wow, that sounds like what you ran into
yep, that code is identical to what I had in my crontab
and lone and behold, I am running two ruby on rails sites on that server
@JohnMerlino ouch.
i've patched all my stuff at this point
i had it all patched within 72 hours
so about 2 hours after the metasploit code made it into the wild, I had finished the last deploy.
referring to the monkies with machine guns not you ofc jrg
hmm wireless can't connect to internet, but can connect to the wifi, any ideas?
wired internet works though...
wireless has worked before
just unplugged the cable to check the wifi..
bad dns setting, bad cable-sense routing table reset, bad cached data, etc in all probability. bounce your wireless interface, restart the networking service, and open a new browser window...
reset the wireless setup right now
waiting for the router to reboot
YEAH! it works now!
was scared the wireless network card had died, it's an old 12" laptop from 2010 :P
only use it for coding
i've suffered from my router hates me recently too. doesn't make a lot of sense, but it does happen.
well it's a quick fix so it's not a big problem
I'm a poor founder of names so went with something classic like pretty fly for a wifi
the usual dlink name was busy :P
@Alvar Dude. That isn't old. My laptop is from 2007. That's old.
@RPiAwesomeness everything from 2010 is old.
Ha! Mine is still older.
a laptop from 2007 would be useless to me anyway..
I bought the fastest eee pc with a full size keyboard that I could find
my hp dv7 is older...but stronger than my new asus touchscreen lappie. of course it was top O the line when i bought it. the keys are a little falling off now though
and it's kinda awesome.
it came out before the ultrabooks did and it's very close in design.
I built my desktop this February so that's top of the line right now
but it's a gaming computer not a coding machine :P
@Alvar: I had a router that did that, and didn't work till I did a 30 30 30.
@JourneymanGeek 30 30 30?
@Alvar on "before ultrabooks were a thing:"
mine's upper mind-range as far as ivy bridge went.
@hbdgaf hahahaha
8 pages and 1.5K words written about software
@Alvar: hold the reset button for 30 seconds while the router is switched on, unplug for 30 seconds while holding the reset button, plug back in while still holding the rest button
my desktop is high end ivy with low end graphics. but it works for games. my laptop is an Asus 1201n
written in just over 2 hours.
it resets the nvram.
i'm braindead. :P
@Alvar: my graphics card is a gforce 660
@JourneymanGeek ha! I just did the wireless setup again and that worked ! :)
OEM overclocked
@jrg what?
@JourneymanGeek Asus gtx 650 ti ;)
intel 3570k cpu, fractal design define R4 chassi...
@hbdgaf so i'm the self-appointed "We're growing insanely fast, about frackin' time we stopped using weird tools" guy.
soooo.... i wrote a report with suggestions
why am I still up.. I should sleep.
wait. where am I and why am I wearing a hat? 1)can I post questions here or is it just general discussion 2) why are there hats on the avatars?
and I'm going to implement whatever my boss picks between now and new years, when everyone joins.
@ConfusedStack So, 1, this is general discussion. 2, you are wearing a hat because Stack Exchange is having fun! winterbash2013.stackexchange.com
ah. i'm doing a wrap libnl bits to use iw like functionality from python without scraping the command-line and soft-ap like functionality that only requires monitor and injection with scapy running from userland instead of requiring a ap-mode capable radio and loads of other crap type of thing for funsies. think replace everything but the cracking from aircrack so it just works without all of that hardware inconsistency.
do you have monitor mode: YES
do you have injection: YES
Great. All the things should work on linux and BSD without problem
downside: wrapping libnl. so a python ctypes auto-wrapper is the project that is a dependency of the goal that i have to write. so, it's project within a project inception
that's what all this doxygen versus gccxml (that should be named g++xml), etc, blah, python3.4 beta woes (for the built-in enum type), virtualenv doesn't work with 3.4 ootb, etc is about
sort of makes your head hurt when you realize how many projects you start just to not do things a crappy way.
@jrg ok thanks. How long has SE chat been around?
Q: Errors with VPS.ME Free

BystryI need your help. I'm a total noob about Linux, thats why I need you to help me by telling me what to do, step by step. My problem is that I have only IPv6 from vps.me hosting and I want to connect via remote desktop. I found tutorial link but I have some errors.

This has been down-voted because of lack of info, though I think we can help him. Anyone have any input?
He gave the error in the comments. I'm editing to include it in question.
i think he needs to read the manuals: google.com/…
realvnc does support ipv6
or tunnel it over ssh, or ...
@ConfusedStack it's been... oh, years.
longer than i've been around
and I just celebrated 3 years last month
never noticed
hrm..link isn't loading. Bother and confusicate it
google results for vnc ipv6 tutorial
Question: do I provide enough information here:? askubuntu.com/questions/393737/…
i've been here since i was 14...?
@RPiAwesomeness Your edit was only half OK, see the revision data to see why (it was helpful, but ultimately needed tweaking)
And how can I keep formating for terminal output when I post?
@ConfusedStack Well done question. At a quick glance looks like good!
@ConfusedStack select it all after you paste it in, then hit the button that looks like "<$>" on the formatting bar just above the entry box
ok. thanks
@ConfusedStack the question was good until the paragraph at the end that deviated from your issue and went in to unrelated bits.
I posted since I wasn't sure if it was related
*posted it also since
^^ i have a sound question. also i don't have brightness working and i just got this other... silence here. the sound question was awesome. and @Takkat is our resident sound subsystem awesomesauce in human form guy
I figure it is a driver issue, so I listed the driver issues, but I can remove it if you think it doesn't help.
let Takkat take a look. I'm confident it's not related, but he's the sound answerman
for a couple of minutes I lost the control over my mail
it was crazy!
ok, I listed the extra bit as possibly unrelated, as a heading.
cool. if he answers it with something reasonable that works or idenifies the issue and it's not related, i'ld be prepared to snip out the "i'm using opencl instead of cuda because support blows among other things" paragraph though.
it makes the question sound like "all this crap doesn't work, but can you fix my sound" - which isn't a good tone to have when you have a good question with a good answer.
This is the ugliest face on AU:
we're waiting...anxiously...and wondering...
that makes e almost as sad as the handle wilf.
@hbdgaf you're paranoid!
I mean, your hat!
haha, that hat is funny
i always switch to the latest earned hat for at least a couple of hours.
@hbdgaf like the 99% of the users
i don't complain about amazon and lenses or anything... it's just a <hat>got it</hat> statement
@hbdgaf ?
there are some people that cry about lack of privacy on the amazon ad optimizatiion through data harvested from lenses. i'm not one of those tinfoil people.
oh yeah, now I get it
I wasn't expecting to change of issue so quickly
We were talking about hats dude!
heh yeah. i'm a little all over the place.
I just run KDE ;p
xfce here, but kde is my number 2
Does lfce exist or is just my fantasy?
No, it's definitively my fantasy..
you're confusing it with lmde ?
That was!
@Lucio hello
Hey, Jeremy! Who are u?
lxde doesn't have not abysmal compositing. that's why i don't use it.
I just use Unity :P
Grr. Dont you hate it when you get outbid on Ebay?
@Alvar 3770, 16 gb ram, 250gb SSD, 3tb storage drive, 40gb drive for linux, and a 'dead' 250 gb drive I use for trainsient files
I suspect I need to switch torrent clients
@Lucio Unity is like trying to bench-press a dump truck. it just doesn't work on my hardware.
I'm using qbitorrent but the current build seems to freeze every time I download a big torrent
@hbdgaf for sure, neither I do on laptops
@JourneymanGeek That could be a problem :D
wierd thing is I had it running reliably on a raspi for ages
does it bork on allocation, slow down on writes, or what? pre-allocations is a great idea, it just leads to pain in pre-start issues.
it just freezes
if that is what it looks like, it's probably borking on preallocation. the same way vbox makes the whole computer go non-responsive when it allocates a large disk
which they should fix tw
I don't preallocate
I don't see the point ;p
it might also be it error checking.
i want a responsive vm, not a "please hold while i make the file longer and check to see if this is past the end of the disk" thing
@hbdgaf You will need a Quad Octo core my friend
i need my old desktop back, but it's not going to happen.
This is my lesson of the day:
lose control over email -> lose control over everything
I also added a proxy server
and it runs fine without the proxy
HW list:
quad core 3.2, 16,2TB internal, 2TB external, three 21 inch monitors with no mirroring, and this vid http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814129141 dual booting windows 7 for gaming.

makes me significantly sad that i don't have it any more...like more than not having any of my ex's. ;P
@Lucio I'd remove that. There was a whole meta post on smileys in posts..
@hbdgaf Whoa. Nice setup :D
what's the RAM and CPU?
it was...
Although you'll probably invoke wilf's wrath.
@RPiAwesomeness did you read the message?
@hbdgaf haha
@hbdgaf no one did, but me :D
@hbdgaf ermm. ner.
@Andrew Okay, I'm afraid I have no idea what you are talking about now :-/
@RPiAwesomeness then read it before asking processor ram or HD configuration...
@hbdgaf Which one :P embarrased I came in late.
I couldn't find a question about how to mount exfat devices... so I think I'll ask and answer one.
@RPiAwesomeness the one that has a star
(in case you didn't know, Ubuntu throws a mount error)
@hbdgaf The HW list? I read that. Just now seeing the 16 as RAM. facepalm
@hbdgaf really nice system
it was my godbox.
(in response to a starred message)
lol. Wish I had the cash to make that nice of a PC :)
btw, Verizon released Android 4.3 for the GSIII recently.
@RPiAwesomeness Jelly Bean the third.
:12772615 it was returning "ERROR!"
Kit Kat is 4.4
@ThomasW. it's not a dead link. check the link in chat history
I still wish they had gone with Key Lime Pie...
it works
16 secs ago, by Thomas W.
:12772615 it was returning "ERROR!"
it's working now
@Seth Ah. Course. Duh,
@Seth Nice
Tasty stuff that :D
:O For a moment Thomas broke the internet.
@ThomasW. like i said. it's not a dead link.
@Lucio : O No wayz!
Times like this reminds me ... downforeveryoneorjustme.com
pretty descriptive domain
@Lucio No kidding!
isup.com also works
Nope. www.isup.*me* is the short
finally. :P
*,com <-- something should be wrong but I don't know where...
Those are the more complicated issues in a programmer life
He is so blind that will never ever see any difference between , and .
It is just impossible!
And after 1.5 hours debugging, a friends come and says "Why is there a , ?"
@Lucio nice :D O_O
waiting on ebay item. Hoping on ebay item. For pete's sake I'm praying over an ebay item.
makes me smile a little. still moving on.
@hbdgaf Erm, that link is bad...
mydns failing
yes. did you read it out loud?
i lol'd
it was a joke
@ThomasW. thanks
@RPiAwesomeness No, this is nice :D
There is a star in C o.O
changing hat
Q: How can I get a exFAT drive to (auto) mount?

SethI have a flash drive that is formatted exFAT and when I plug it into my Ubuntu machine I get a mount error. How can I auto-mount exFAT formatted drives?

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