User Gnome-ppp
Install gnome-ppp
sudo apt-get instal gnome-ppp
Run gnome-ppp and setup your configuration.
click on setup and detect your modem
close after detecting the modem and on connect
I don't like the current notification sound. I thought the sound is the browser sound but it is not i heard different sound the same browser different chat rooms.
How can i change that.
Quoting my comment from AU: @Alvar: It's not a meta question. A meta question is about the site itself, this question is about Ubuntu itself: changing the notify-osd sound, which does not have to be related to AU
from the source code of the Stack Exchange Chat:"audio");;c.extend(this.config,{canPlayMP3:!!
the notifications are an HTML5 feature (I think) which is currently implemented in Chrome and Chromium. Marco has written an extension that uses libnotify to display them on ubuntu. but If you don't use Marco's extension, they still work
@Lekensteyn that'd be awesome. You should only have to replace a URL (the sound file). But note: there are quite a few of them for different browsers. The chat tries to check if your browser can play MP3s, then OGGs, ... lastly it uses Flash if all else fails