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bitcoin miner spotted
askubuntu.com/a/815493/271 OMG this ex link only answer became something really good
@AndreaLazzarotto but it's still a dupe :p
I left a comment
I saw
Yeah, I upvoted the A, not the Q indeed
@Zacharee1 that's when I really love the canned comments script so I don't have to type them over and over again :D
Tks? do keystrokes hurt that much?
laziness knows no bounds
@Zanna ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch
@Zanna what's up with that last sentence askubuntu.com/a/815679/15003
@Zanna seriously though. If they can't be bothered to type out full words, why should we be bothered to help them? It's not like we lose out jobs.
@edwinksl trackpad glitch is my guess. Check it
but we are nice people :c
@edwinksl orly
@edwinksl as long as that we does not include a specific list of users I am fine with that :=)
@Zacharee1 well maybe not the two of us but the rest of the AU folks are nice :P
haha thanks @edwinksl and @Zacharee1 fat fingers & stupid phone keyboard
fixed it
@Zacharee1 nice :) upvoted
I guess it is right :p
@Zanna why did you lynch all the full stops in your answer???
where was that?
who needs full stops when you can have a nice newline? I hate bits of punctuation stuck together
but edit if it hurts you
oh I'll do it myself...
that's all I'm prepared to give, but like I say fill your boots
@Serg look who's talking >:D
missing periods are common; i don't plan to fight a losing war
@edwinksl I is always capital
there are way too many lowercase i on this site to fix
mostly my grammar and spelling are ok on laptop, but mobile in put just screws me ower all tje tim
you gonna blame "bellow" on mobile?
also. . . . my cough every morning is bad. . . .
for some reason that slayed me, I am roflmao
@edwinksl nah, that's just goats in my head. They are bellowing from below
@Zacharee1 make that into avatar ^
what, like a bellows with a crown?
sure. . .or a bellowing penguin with a crown
come on people, VTC these questions
@Serg o_O
@Zacharee1 Is that the right dupe? The OP wants to ssh from Ubuntu but the dupe is about sshing to Ubuntu.
@terdon the title says connect Windows to Ubuntu
but I see the question says the opposite....
oh great, body contradicts title
So it's off-topic, since it's asking how to set up an SSH server on Windows
@Zanna lol what happened
@Zacharee1 Not really, it's asking about ssh tunneling. Since one end is Ubuntu and, presumably, that end will be launching the tunnel, it seems on topic. Unclear, but on topic.
@terdon But we don't know whether or not the Windows machine has an SSH server setup
@terdon here's the real dupe, if you want to superclose it so it's the right reason askubuntu.com/questions/58539/how-to-use-ssh-ssh-rsync-commands
@edwinksl it was @Serg blaming his bellow on his cough
@Zacharee1 Where does it mention a tunnel?
> I want to connect to my window machine from my ubuntu machine via ssh tunnel how can i achieve this.
What is this? And I ask myself again, why on earth am I watching it??? :D
Let's just see if the OP will explain what they actually need. We can't find a dupe unless we know what the question is asking
It was weird but kind of sweet, they all went and sang Christmas carols to unsuspecting people.
God, why am I just watching random things that pop up on the YouTube homepage? :D
I've now spent like 3 hours answering that PS1 question I begged this room for a dupe target for on Sunday haha
@edwinksl your editor eyes are sharp!
i am just being nitpicky :X
nope big improvement, thanks a lot :)
@terdon start digging?
@Rinzwind how are you doing?
Do you remember me?
Where have I heard this one before?
@karthick87 you are that user that ditched Ubuntu for an inferior alternative >:)
I thought that was htorque.
@dino him too
@Rinzwind right :)
@dino his meta q's are good :D meta.askubuntu.com/questions/4077/…
@Rinzwind have a minute? need a small favour in an py script. Hope you can help me out.
sure but I am on and off a lot :D
am doing an install of a procedure and when they call me I need to help them asap
@Rinzwind sure.. Here is the script pastebin.com/raw/1BzHk9Sk you can take a look..
Oh dear, I've found a bug in part of GNOME core language switching functionality...
I'm going to screencast it when I get the time because it's so strange I don't know how to describe it!
@Rinzwind actually the script takes the file name test1.json as user input.. And it will also take the class name as input and it has to append the class name into the json file under classes..
@Rinzwind there the appending is not happening.. not sure what is missing out.
not a clue :D
this "json.dump(f,data['classes'].append(class_add))" seems correct :P
@Rinzwind yeah right. And here is the error that i get pastebin.com/raw/ufZqFP2G
Unclear, Too Broad, Opinionated, whatever you want askubuntu.com/questions/815815/…
time to exercise my 3k powahs
@Rinzwind let me know if you get anything out of it.. I am also checking it. Thanks :)
Q: Is Linux Mint supporting AMD graphic cards?

EzardI want to upgrade to a new distro because Ubuntu 16.04LTS has MAJOR problems with any graphical use, I can't edit videos, and the screen is really glitchy, I can't watch videos on fullscreen because of this anoying glitchy thing. I would be also happy if someone would suggest a distro. I heard th...

^ question for you @Zacharee1
"many AMD user"
by that he/she probably means the one and only zach
@edwinksl now now. There's all of two AMD users ... ;p
@JourneymanGeek like Pilot...
gpl hater spotted
@JourneymanGeek OP and zach
(my linux boxen run intel)
are you the new jokerdino?
I dont say boxen.
@Zacharee1 ox oxen box boxen fox foxen...
@dino puns, jokes
@JourneymanGeek doxx doxxen
@Zacharee1 clearly you must be unfamiliar with me ;p
@Zacharee1 really? That's a first.
I never do puns. My jokes don't even qualify as one.
so you are neither a joker nor a dino...
Also, jokerdino is by definition old. 65 million years at least.
@edwinksl You are hurting my feelings.
What's up with you @dino
edw is bullying me.
plz no ban me :)
love the apps here electron.atom.io/apps
@Zacharee1 don't join him
@CodeX where is skype for linux? that thing is almost certainly electron
@edwinksl they forgot to send add request I guess
time for ms to admit they spent all these years just putting skype into electron rofl
@dino hugs
hey you hugs.
user image
that kind of hug ?
user image
WARNING: approaching maximum permissible levels of cute.
Core reactor explosion imminent. Rain of pink marshmallows cannot be ruled out.
@Zanna OP rollbacked your edit... askubuntu.com/posts/814982/revisions
@edwinksl lol, he replace "their" with "there"
haha ok if there thinking that there English is better than mine then there welcome to roll away
huh, that seems odd
No, that hurts to read.
oh just seen the kittens ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
@Zanna then*
wow that's a cheap 10 votes on that answer
dat screenshot
@Zanna Woah. That is not good
cheap ten votes where?
@edwinksl srsly
I'm guessing what happens is that vim copies the file to a new inode. I just tested and I can't modify something unless I have write access to the directory. I can, however, use ! to modify a file in a directory I have access to, despite not having write access to the file.
you're telling me it's not good @terdon !! does the other editor do that??
Not that I know of.
And no, it doesn't change the inode. Something really weird here.
at least I can't do it without w on the directory. Still that is messed up....
how is it able to do that though?
are you able to delete files without write access to them if you have write access to the dir?
well, then it doesn't seem that bad...
But it's not doing that. The inode remains the same.
$ echo foo | sudo tee fff
$ ls -i fff
1839014 fff
$ vim fff  ## o the :wq! trick
$ ls -i fff
1839014 fff
what is that?
(the inode?)
Or were you asking what an inode is?
no, what is an inode?
is it like a hashsum?
In a Unix-style file system, the inode is a data structure used to represent a filesystem object, which can be one of various things including a file or a directory. Each inode stores the attributes and disk block location(s) of the filesystem object's data. Filesystem object attributes may include manipulation metadata (e.g. change, access, modify time), as well as owner and permission data (e.g. group-id, user-id, permissions). Directories are lists of names assigned to inodes. The directory contains an entry for itself, its parent, and each of its children. == Etymology == There has been some...
it's a link
Think of it as an address on the file system. Each file/dir has an inode associated with it.
ah OK
Rather, each file is a hardlink to its inode.
so it's not possible that vim overwrites the file on the disk?
Well, it doesn't look like it's deleting/recreating the file, but let me check again to make sure. It might just be using the same inode again (although that seems unlikely)
@dino that makes me think it elevates itself to overwrite the file
Huh. OK, it is actually deleting it and recreating it. Weird.
I figured a thing
This has a bit of info about it, apparently you do need to own the file superuser.com/questions/694450/…
nice answer @terdon :)
Thanks. That had me worried for a while :)
+1 for terdy
I feel like there have been lots of good Qs today
french post spotted
Closed and commented.
Putain mais ca m’énerve quand ils essayent meme pas de traduire!
randomly appears out of nowhere
like a pokemon?
Quick, catch it, catch it!
ThomasWards are really rare!
disappears, then reappears standing on @edwinksl 's head
don't ruin my tinfoil hat please :)
too late
you'll need a new one :P
makes new hat and scp it to eddy
yay new hat new conspiracies :)
any one here good at python? looking for a bit of help..
define "good"
good is a relative term.
@karthick87 the definition of "good" is relative, I know my way around some python, not sure if I qualify as "good" in your mind though
@ThomasWard here is the script pastebin.com/skj84LmU
@ThomasWard actually i have to append the user input to the json file
@karthick87 the way to do this sort of thing is to i) explain what the code is supposed to do; ii) explain what it is doing instead and iii) trim it down to the simplest possible example that reproduces the error
and you've done none of those
so i'm going to go work on my own python stuff
that said, looks like you're passing an object instead of the contents
an opened file is just an object. Reading the file helps :p
simply opening the file does jack squat
f.read() will give the json contents
f = open(userinput,'a')  # Opens the file for append, but that's just the write mode
json.dump(f,data['classes'].append(class_add))  # Does something with 'f', but likely expects *json* content, not a file object.
(comments are my own)
This answer looks like a lot, but it's not much askubuntu.com/a/815858/274320
@karthick87 read docs.python.org/2/library/json.html#basic-usage to get better data on what json.dump expects for args and such.
@ThomasWard thanks a lot.. Will check that
Very cool! Just installed NVIDIA 370 drivers and CUDA 8.0 comes installed with it! =)
@Zacharee1 well the problem is the nvidia card as you pointed out... nothing in that answer addresses that
@Arronical looks like the offensive things have been deleted
Yup, removed my chat message, but too late!
:31858614 Just flag such things as offensive next time.
I'm not doing anything other than deleting the comment because this is a new user who's probably never coming back. Issuing a suspension will just lead to drama.
@Zacharee1 looks like NAA to me
Cheers @terdon, I did that, think I'll remove my comment too, don't want to stoke anything.
@Arronical Congratulations on your restraint, by the way. That was a very civil response to a very uncivil comment.
Uncivil comments happen here all the time. :(
@Terrance Heh, try hanging out on Stack Overflow for a while.
@terdon I think I am going to have to hang out there. ;)
Just don't ask any obvious noob questions, you can feel the collective huff and eye-roll make its way around the world!
I noticed one yesterday that I let slide.
@karthick87 still there?
@ThomasWard yep
@karthick87 so you want this script to take user input of a path to a JSON file, import it as a JSON object, manipulate the data in the JSON object, and then write the updated JSON to the original JSON file, correct?
@ThomasWard yes exactly
I think I've done your work for you
@Zanna nah, it's an answer, it just doesn't need to be nearly as long. It also follows HP keyboard shortcuts when OP has MSI, but that doesn't really matter.
@edwinksl they said it worked for them, but I doubt it would have affected anything. They might not even have Nvidia.
I think it's NAA if it's about a totally different device
@edwinksl did you see what happened here after we both commented? askubuntu.com/questions/815107/…
Anyone know of a good cheap NVIDIA PCI-E card? Something with at least 1GB VRAM?
@Zanna my answer is about all devices at once :
@Zanna hmm no, i don't think i got a notification
Wow, the total for my server I built has gone up since last year
@karthick87 note I replaced your user input with static strings for my testing, as I was using an IDE that doesn't have interactive python console during code test runs
@Zacharee1 I have the GTX560. Doesn't look too expensive, and it is a good card in my opinion: ebay.com/itm/…
yeah @Zacharee1 and that's why it's useful to everyone, but the other answer is like "this totally generic procedure mysteriously worked on my particular device"
@karthick87 concept is still the same though.
@Zanna it's not a good answer, but it's not NAA
@ThomasWard thanks much. I appreciate it.. Checking it.
@Terrance two DVI, an HDMI and a DisplayPort? Wow
@karthick87 I added some additional prints to make sure JSON format was done. Note that I replaced "append" with "write" for the file open mode, because you have to write the whole JSON object as overwrite, not append, otherwise you get weird errors.
Can I use all four at once? :P
@Zacharee1 I haven't tried all the ports, but it detects them all in xrandr
@karthick87 (such as random list objects at the end of the file, which breaks JSON serialization - this means you have to overwrite the whole file with the complete JSON, not append.)
@Terrance huh. Problem with that listing is it's bulk - 20 min
And I don't need 20
back in a few.
@Zacharee1 How about ebay.com/itm/…
You found that fast o_O
It was right below
Well it certainly looks tempting, but I'm gonna see if I can't find something with 2GB
Go for it.
And I don't really need 4 ports :p
Just letting you know that I love mine by the way.
I am not really a serious gamer, but it holds it's own in the games that I do like to play. :)
@ThomasWard got it.. So that is the only option then i believe. I mean overwriting the whole file..
@Terrance how is it for Minecraft and Garry's Mod if you know
@Zacharee1 I actually have not tried. I will have to get my son's account and install it on my system and test it that way. Train Sim 2016 and Flight Sim X look awesome on it. I have not tried any newer games that are higher end like Doom or GTA
Apparently, the 750 Ti is the best budget range
My sons have the 760 Ti's in their systems and they say they run good. Some games have needed tweaking.
This looks OK newegg.com/Product/…-na--na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076‌​&PID=3938566&SID=
If 760 Ti exists, it isn't compatible with my build
Oops, they are the 750s. Just found the links
See, that's why I'm not in favor of translating questions. I left a comment explaining that the site only accepts post in English and directing the user to Google Translate. They responded by telling me "OK, I added the link to the guide I followed".
And so forced me to write yet another comment. In bleedin' French! I hate writing in French. I can speak the language well enough, but writing it is a whole different thing.
@Terrance I can get one for $80 though :p
@Zacharee1 That's cool. That is just the link from when I bought them for my sons. :)
Maybe you could buy me one too :pp
I have two teenage boys that have expensive computer habits that drain my wallet. ;)
So the Asus is 4 stars and us $80. The zotac is 5 stars, but $105
I know people trust EVGA, but it's $120
@Terrance well darn
@Zacharee1 Do you think you found one to fit your needs?
I like the Asus, but I'd have to get it while the rebate lasts
Asus does have a good rep behind them. :)
Wow, this split screen thing is great
Can't do this on my iPad
nice quality, but iffy linux compatibility
The Asus?
Or Asus in general?

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