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Stop! Hammer time!
_/ ‾
@RolandiXor is in the house!
...and throwing things on the floor.
What happened?
I just wanted to make a mess :D
Does @NathanOsman have kids? Usually people that do say What did you do?

HAMMERTIME err.. something like that.

Feb 18 '14 at 2:29, 25 minutes total – 198 messages, 10 users, 9 stars

Bookmarked Feb 18 '14 at 2:54 by ɥʇǝS

@TheBrownOne :P
I love that one :D
I remember that bookmark everytime I hear that.
me too. I literally laugh out loud usually too.
What is the hammertime thing about? (Other than MC I got dem flows like you never heard before when I start to drop bars you better hit the floor... Hammer?)
(Yes, I rap).
I can't rap, so I don't know.
George might be able to rap.
I never asked him.
Can he spit the bars?
Drive in 32 42 moving cars?
Make the people be like rar rar?
(Trollstation reference)
@RolandiXor rar can make anyone mad. I recommend .7z when you need lots of compression.
@Tim That made me giggle a little.
@Seth xD
If you don't vote for Akiva, we will crash the convention.
If I remember correctly, the convention disturbance debacles were the other way around... but oh well. Still funny.
Trump (2015! - make time travel great again) actually said that his followers will crash the convention if he is not the nominee.
Why else do you think everyone had to fall in line :)?
eh. he had it in the bag anyway. Hillary is the Manchurian candidate this time around. Bernie was just for show.
I'm so sorry for what I caused :P
@RobotHumans honestly I think Bernie was a serious contender - but he came around before his time.
Oh, you already saw that one.
@RolandiXor That needs to come after the "basic income" wave that is bouncing around shakes out.
@Seth .xz is supposedly even more efficient
An interesting feature during moderator elections would be total-rep/years-in-community*(years-in-community/4) or something similar. like a community engagement score for Qs and As. similar for moderation-like tasks would be nice to be able to see at a glance also
@RobotHumans basic income wave?
@JourneymanGeek .xz is LZMA2 right?
I seem to think so
xz is a lossless data compression program and file format which incorporates the LZMA/LZMA2 compression algorithms. Since it shares the same compression formats, one can think of xz as similar to the 7-Zip program known mostly on Windows. xz has its own file format rather than the .7z format used by 7-Zip; notably, .7z lacks support for Unix-like file system metadata. == Design == xz compresses/decompresses single files as input, and does not bundle multiple files into a single archive. It is therefore common to compress a file that is itself an archive, such as those created by the tar or cpio...
> "Build a FireWall, and make Yahoo Answers pay for it."
and lrzip for large files but I've never got it working
@NathanOsman for that reason alone, he has my votings. All of them.
Unless he tries to take my gum.
Or tries to send me to school.
He can do it too.
@RolandiXor they took my gum :(
He's yuuuuuge.
@JourneymanGeek :O
Not much going on in the review queue. Guess it's back to homework for me.
@NathanOsman very.
Singapore's the only country where you can chew gum and say 'Its medicinal'
lol wth
So... I went to work with an overcast sky and no jacket. Unfortunately it started raining :(
Thankfully, it was only raining where I got on the bus and not where I got off.
That is why you need a Trump in your country. He can control the weather.
Please no.
is innocent
If those Americans elect the clown, I'm going to walk down to the border and help them build the wall.
which clown?
well, the choices are a clown and cruella deville
The bald one.
I was going to say there is no good choce
The best clown, the best.
we should all write in McAffee just to see how weird things can get.
Aw man.
It's gone now.
I was going to post this:
> "Look, we can change Ask Ubuntu. That I will tell you. We're changing it, ok? And I understand what you're saying, I hear it all the time. People call me and say "Is Ask Ubuntu really dead?". Thats what they are asking me, its unbelievable. Ask Ubuntu is in big trouble, that I can tell you. But we are going to change it."
@NathanOsman xD
I love a good challenge
I hope someone remember to screenshot his entry.
A lot of important people wanted to read his entry.
Very important people.
and I learned something new today. the deleted answer privilege doesn't apply to mod entries (should it)?
@RolandiXor the best people. with the best questions and answers.
@RolandiXor Drat. Just reloaded the page.
Can't you mods see it even after deletion?
@RobotHumans it should imho.
@NathanOsman not in this case.
@JourneymanGeek I didn't want to star that, but it felt right to do so. Good job on the screenshot
@NathanOsman same lol
but I made it back to the car before the actual downpour.
man, English has pour, poor, and pore -.-
Fun fact: I have a whole folder of Ask Ubuntu classics on my computer :)
@RolandiXor haha me too
I probably don't have as many as you though
@RolandiXor Have you submitted them to Gems?
@NathanOsman not all of them
why does @Eliah not have a diamond?
It might be because /usr/bin/moderator lacks the --verbose option.
@RolandiXor What.............. is that?
@RolandiXor I remember this!
@NathanOsman I don't remember, but it didn't make sense then - and makes even less now.
It's also old.
You should see the smile on my face xD
I remember.
@RolandiXor that is a classic. @NathanOsman it's an old AU family tree. I was van Helpsing back then and peachy was one of the few female users.
Anyone remember Mochan?
she made that iirc
Vaguely. It was soooo funny at the time
Then Roland (I think it was Roland) made that image as a kind of joke on how terrible it was.
It was supposed to be an AU family tree.
Indeed :)
So I'm @jokerdino's grandfather?
Or grand-mother?
With appropriate gender colours xD
guys, I can't stop laughing. help.
I miss Mochan and Peachy - they were cool
Me too.
It isn't that funny, @Seth... :D
Thanks for sharing again @RolandiXor, I needed that :)
@NathanOsman you weren't there when it happened :P
(I don't think)
@seth do you have a minute for a question?
I always miss the fun...
@Seth :D
@WildMan sure!
@NathanOsman It was funny, not because it cast you to female, but because you looked at it and thought "What sorcery is this?"
@RobotHumans what is your old name, I am trying to place you.
@NathanOsman Only because you're the only responsible one here :P
@RolandiXor hbdgaf, Abraham van Helpsing, i don't remember what came before that...
(okay, you don't miss all the fun, remember April fools?)
@RobotHumans ah yes!
@RobotHumans aking2012 or something, no?
@seth I have looked but can not find information on it but do you know if I can be a moderator on both sites at the same time? I do not believe there is a rule against it.
@Seth probably 1012
and then TheV, and then hbdgaf I think. Maybe one in between.
@WildMan The forums and Ask Ubuntu?
I see no reason why you can't, if you have the time :)
It would be nice to have a mod on both to sort of trans-moderate question to forum migrations.
There are quite a few moderators on other Stack Exchange sites that are also moderators elsewhere, although I don't think that is true of any on Ask Ubuntu at this moment.
@RobotHumans ah, right.
Oh, I forgot the awesome news.
Scaleway is open for signups now.
@Seth not currently. But for a while I was also a GM
6 x86 64bit Cores
8GB Memory
200GB SSD Disk
200Mbit/s Unmetered bandwidth
...for €9.99/month
That's a steal.
@NathanOsman well damn.
Yes, yes it is. That's a full on weak desktop on consumer internet. So, a sort of desktop away from your desktop.
I think I have the time now, I did slow down for heath reasons but I am better now.
@RolandiXor It's in France though, so latency could be an issue.
@edwinksl heh, so it was all a reddit stunt?
my laptop keyboard is going out and it skips letters and words sometimes
I thought scaleway was all arm?
@Seth seems like it lol
@NathanOsman I have a server on their dedi offering
@WildMan well you are certainly welcome to join the fray!
@NathanOsman yeah I'll be sticking with DO, but good to know there is that option if the need arises.
They also don't have a CoreOS image.
@JourneymanGeek nope, they have amd64 servers as well.
which is handy
@Seth oh boy... I can leave my comment after all :D
@NathanOsman your comment on reddit almost makes me sad, because it is mostly true :/
@seth I am thinking about it, looks like stiff competition from a 3 or 4 people at least
definitely :)
@NathanOsman but upvoted nonetheless xD
I have to see if my the forum has an issue with it
nathan = george_edison? TIL
Although George has his own account now.
@edwinksl George is J.A.R.V.I.S irl.
Nathan is Tony Stark without the stink.
And I am some guy who knows too much and has glowing blue eyes... not sure the relevance of that but there you go.
@RolandiXor that makes perfect sense, not sure how i missed all that
Nathan hides it well.
@WildMan I can't see why they would.
@seth I do not think they will either but I think it is best to ask first
more about respect
What in the world, Facebook...
@NathanOsman Eh?
It randomly generated an "ad" for my app.
"a cross" - what does that even mean?
@NathanOsman Beats me
@muru @ByteCommander Well, looking at my rep history, it looks as though I was affected by that stupid script as well. Although for me it was only a single unaccept :)
@AndroidDev I don't see anything like that
@muru My answer to this was accepted, unaccepted, and then accepted again:askubuntu.com/questions/781119/…
I'd say that was the user experimenting, not the script..
@muru Possibly. BTW, have you notice that the number shown on the red inbox notification symbol is often not accurate?
@NathanOsman nice - Atom.
@RolandiXor the text editor? That's Sublime.
@Seth Well, that's... Interesting.
thisisnotarealwebsite.com actually, it is.
@NathanOsman :O
It's like I don't even know you D:
@Seth Urgh, I've been stuck for 30 minutes not getting my @media query to work... Turns out Cloudfare disable developer mode after 3 hours, so my CSS was cached.
What's this domain even good for? thisisnotarealwebsite.com
Hello Everyone! I am trying to hack smokedetector. :)
And how are you going about that?
@NathanOsman hi
@SQuirel hello.
@AndroidDev I am trying to make him say something.
George the Dev uploaded a new vid! :D
And you are accomplishing that how?
@SQuirel Hello! :)
@HenryWHHack Hi :)
@AndroidDev I can hack into undo account but that's illegal so I won't. :D
@HenryWHHack And I'm not sure its a good idea to talk about hacking the smoke detector with mods in the room :)
@HenryWHHack you wreck anything in mtrek yet?
@NathanOsman Are you going to still be a mod after the election ?
I'm not a mod.
At least, not on Ask Ubuntu.
But your name is blue...???
@SQuirel From what I've heard, once a mod, always a mod.
world building
A mod on any site is a mod on all chats, except SO and MSE.
Let's see here the help page said use !!/help to get smokedetector help page.
NathanOsman o/
@seth I posted to see what my people tell me n the forum about running for moderator here, so a few hours I will know for sure.
I apologize for my keyboard on my laptop it keeps dropping letters
no problem :)
the wiki situation sure is a mess
@Ravan hello.
@WildMan yeah..
I was going to send an email to the docs team about it, with maybe a few ideas, but it seems there isn't much of a docs team left anymore.
All they need to do is install MediaWiki.
@NathanOsman If you wanna get the scripts set up, go for it.
That's basically what Jorge told me.
@seth I receive email from them anytime they communicate and the issue is being worked on
@NathanOsman migration scripts.
@WildMan Yeah, I'm subbed to the community team mailing list.
Meantime tons of people seeking membership are stuck..
Because of the spam lock?
Members can still edit, so if they can send their additions to one of us...
@Seth Are there really a ton of people seeking membership?
@NathanOsman well seeing as belkinsa is pushing it and the forums having a permanent banner encouraging people to seek membership, I'm pretty sure there are :)
@seth they are putting together a team but not sure when they will get started. I offered to help post peoples info on a wiki page until it is fixed
@WildMan you can throw my contact info down for that too, if there's a public place somewhere.
@seth I do not think this is one yet, but I believe it will be soon. I will let you know
good morning
Woo this is fun
@Videonauth Hello! :)
11:51 PM
@NathanOsman eh what o.O
ok since this answere here askubuntu.com/review/late-answers/576796 is a exact duplicate of the one muru mentioned what to flag it for, its neither spam, nor rude or abusive, neither is it not an answer
flag other as duplicate answer
it was a copy and paste basically, I saw it earlier
not good that they are using sudo on a gui app
@jokerdino Don't look at me.
Someone put together a "family tree".
@WildMan I am curious, is your forums post about moderating both public? I'd like to see what people say.
ah shoot. I connected my Windows Phone 7.8 device back to my live account with an app password (because 2FA) and now it's in a reboot loop of sorts.
trust microsoft to muck with old versions..
@seth no it is in the staff section, and no replies yet most admins will not be on for a few more hours
@WildMan oh okay. I guess you guys do stuff differently over there :)
what is wrong with this phone now... seriously o_O
@seth we have a secton where everything is open for people to see but I posted just for the admins
I know if I go ahead I will be hurt from inactivity for a while but I was busy with busy then I had a heart attack but all is good now, so I figured I might as well go for it, at least I can explain the lack of activity. I logged in almost everyday I did not do much. I have not felt this good a a very long time.
That's.. great! I guess :)
Heart attack not so much, but if you're feeling much better that is good.
it is that I feel a lot better
I almost died
yikes! I'm glad you are doing better now.
My grandmother had a heart attack some time ago.. A quadruple bypass saved her life.
But that was probably different from your situation, because she was 80-something at the time.
I had to recover from having a 90 percent blockage in my main artery, the Doctor told me they call it the widow maker, almost everyone blocked like that dies.
wow, that sounds very scary..
Indeed I am 51
that is why the absence
Ahh, yes. Now that you mention it, I do remember noticing that you had not been around much.
not by choice
That's nice to know. So many people come and go around here that I didn't really think much of it.
but I like committed users, we need more :)
I have been around ubuntu since 2008
I meant Ask Ubuntu.
vasa1 used to frequent here, for example.
Now I hear he became a forum moderator. Good for him.
yes about a month ago
I know we talked about good people just quiting a long time ago
I am surprised he is not still active here
that is an awesome bot
I know right?! It's amazingly handy.
@WildMan yeah, I'm not sure there is really any rhythm or reason to it.
is it working yet?
is what?
is the spam bot totally operational?
oh, yes it is.
I have been practicing scripting more lately but far from being good at it. My wireless script sure has gotten popular, it is all over the net
yeah, it's awesome!
@Seth still around?
just realized I forgot to answer your question
@RPiAwesomeness dat pun doe -.-
Silly question, but could you indicate the time spent daily on the janitory section of the job?
Q: iptables configuration

lipesmileI'm trying to setup iptables, the forward rules are workin fine, but the output rules are making problems. I Can't access internet from the hosts beheind the firewall neither the firewall server can ping www.google.com . And the hosts can't ping www.google.com too, the ping didn't worked with i...

yeah so.. Here's what I did anyway. For the first year (2014-2015) I handled around 800-1000 flags a month. But that's a lot. Way too easy to burn out. After that I handled around 400-600 a month. Lately I've been handling closer to 200-300; partly because my life has gotten busier and partly because I want to spend a bit more time in other parts of Ubuntu and answer more questions.
Q: These shouldn't have been downvoted

CollDue96Software Center will not start from icon and Ubuntu Store won't launch? shouldn't have been downvoted. It this more of the malicious up-down voting?

@RPiAwesomeness, thanks for the bash video
But if you can spend a solid 5 minutes a day in the queue plus a bit more time here and there for complicated stuff (voting investigations, meta, answering stuff in chat) I'd say you're good. @JacobVlijm
@WildMan :)
@Seth That doesn't sound so bad :)
If you can be consistent with ~100 flags a month I like you. One thing I learned: Don't burn out, just be consistent.
But I find keeping myself above 200 isn't hard at all.
@seth that is not much time at all, I use to be on the forum 15 hours a day
@WildMan wow, that's a lot!
@Seth then you did a lot!
I used to spend something like 5 hours a day, but not all at once.
@Seth Thanks for the info!
no prob.
@Seth I have slowed down a lot and I just take my time and still get a lot done without getting burnt out
@WildMan exactly. It's better to have 20 moderators each doing enough that they're helping, but not burning out, than it is to have 5 full time just burning through everything.
I tell all the newbies to slow down because if you burn to bright you burn out fast
@RPiAwesomeness "bash your head in"
Well again good morning crew :D good morning henry
slowly cattching up with what i missed the past 7 hours
anyone know of a good gui diff'ing tool?
@seth looks like the last gui for diff was for 13.10
hmm, there is a nice one called meld, but it only handles files and folders. Usually I'm working with raw text that isn't necessarily in a file.
I found one called kdiff though, that seems to be working.
FUN FACT: The only way to easily change my public ip address is to upgrade my internet plan.
ISP are robbing us.
Q: Forcing zpool to use /dev/disk/by-id in Ubuntu Xenial

Ruben SchadeI'm giving the bundled OpenZFS on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial a try. When creating pools, I always reference drives by their serials in /dev/disk/by-id/ (or /dev/disk/gpt on FreeBSD) for resiliency. Drives aren't always in the same order in /dev when a machine reboots, and if you have other drives in th...

good night all
good night! I will be going to bed as well. 2200 here.
@Braiam : Please stop editing my posts. Thank you.
Hello friends :-)
@SeverusTux Hello! :)
Hi :D
Hm... so only 10 candidates ??
@JacobVlijm @Serg @NathanOsman Hello :D You guys have any plans of nominating yourselves ? . Only then there would be some real tough competition
Nope, I can't commit to the time required to do the job properly.
@SeverusTux I care to but I can't. :(
@NathanOsman Sorry
I love mods. :)
Most of the people have small community at their native places and They do post a great Answers,whereas I am an alone warrior learning through Internet. and AskUbuntu :D
@NathanOsman Has a smiling face but behind this a cruel devil is hidden,I am just kidding. :)
[ SmokeDetector ] URL-only title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: advancedtrimsite.com/beard-czar/ by milozmcoy on askubuntu.com
Please Don't take it Offensive
@SeverusTux Just did a few seconds ago :)

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