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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

If anyone needs a Precise build of GCC 4.7... well, I have one in my PPA :P
Q: Did I read the rules for the nomination phase correctly?

guntbertDoes After 7 days, the top 30 nominees, ordered by reputation, advance ... really mean that people with lower rep don't get into primary, no matter how good their presentation is ? I am trying to understand the process, not to criticize it :-)

@GeorgeEdison is that the gcc you are using for the new nitroshare?
It ships on Quantal and Raring but the latest release in Precise is 4.6.
And GCC 4.6 doesn't support delegating constructors.
ah, I think that is why I couldn't make any progress on trying it on mac, because the gcc installed was older.
Guys! I should totally be a mod.. I mean.. I can't think of a better candidate!
@GeorgeEdison o/ long time no see
come hang out in chat.SO/javascript
we're a fun crowd in there
Isn't there another chat bot there?
more of a tool than a true "bot"
Right - I think I remember playing around with that.
Zirak has done a tonne of work on it - he's trying to hack it to node.js port but auth is giving him a runaround
Heh - FlackBot was one-of-a-kind then :)
It actually ran as an independent application. But believe me, it took a lot of effort.
And I think it's currently broken.
aww - yea Zirak is strange. I'm not sure what he does for a living but he always has time to screw around with the strangest stuff.
right now he just did this: github.com/Zirak/SEN
@rlemon: I know the feeling. I did this the other day.
...and I look back and ask myself... "how did I find the time to do that?"
@GeorgeEdison alas mine never are useful.
@Seth Oh, you mean elections have begun? How did I miss that?
They have good advertising.
ping every single user.
However: To all. this has to be the most fun code I've written in a while for the chat systems. run this in your console then keep an eye on the gravatars.
function gravatarUrl(a,e,f){
$('.avatar img').each(function() {
  var tests = $(this).closest('.user-container').attr('class').match(/user-(\d+)/g);
  if( tests ) {
    var id = tests[0].split('-')[1];
    this.src = gravatarUrl(id,CHAT.user(id).email_hash,128)
mucho funo
yea.. i tend to write small snippets of useless code - but then some of it becomes useful to some people and I feel justified in my time wasting.
gist.github.com/4338988 hacking around in the chat is a past time of mine.
^ this code again is safe to run in the browser console.
if it brings the sled back great.
My head is still sore from falling out of the balcony.
it does-ish
CTRL + SHIFT + I and check it out
@rlemon cute ;)
yea I'm full of em
VOTE FOR ME! (nay, I kid. Vote for someone good!)
will do.
hmm, Lubuntu is off topic?
no, its on-topic
thought so, then there are clearly wrong comments: askubuntu.com/questions/251358/…
@guntbert commented.
Now that post got commentbombed, lol.
4 comments in 40 secs
Deleted mine already.
might be a bug though
Ah noo.... that would be sad. Then his Q gets closed anyway!
yeah, delete after this has been resolved.
"215MB ram" yikes.
^-- That was my thought while editing as well.
"Probably just not enough ram to run."
That was one bit I overlooked
It's election time again eh?
Good good.
Oh man... now everyone has a mustache - thanks for making my Monday, @rlemon :P
hm, It says I am up to date, but I signed 1.1?
@mateo_salta Launchpad is dumb like that, yeh.
so deactivate and resign?
So, I've installed nginx, and looked at the default "Welcome to nginx" page. I found it quite boring and decided to improve it a bit. I'm playing with the idea to propose that as a new welcome page. mainerror.com
Q: why this Questions is showed in two way when you are reviewing?

hhlpwhen you click on review tools you can see this answer : and when you are reviewing low quality post you can see the same answer : I think this is a double effort and should be eliminated. but in the review tools (1) when you flag a question your helpful flags is increased and in the revie...

< Sleeping, ping if needed.
@FEichinger Ping
@Seth So expected that.
@mateo_salta "I am know" should be "I am known" ;)
whops, also known to make typos off and on...
thanks @Seth
yeah, now on v2.0!
site is down
Loads for me.
nice, it works again!
Our CDN provider is experiencing a DNS outage, we have removed the dependency for the moment and are hosting our own static content.
thats what happened with the meta q that's about to hit.
they seem to have a lot of issues.
I guess it's what happens when you have a giant site.
well, they practice NoOps.
I see.
In startup we are apply strategy of one size fail all.
somewhere i have a graphic of the cost of doing business in IT.
@jrg 2015: Proactive Lifecycles. Instead of waiting for the operative system to tell you there's data, you get data faster if you poll for it every 5μs.
expensive I'm sure.
@Seth it's funny, accurate and oh-so-true.
Is this considered an answer?
he suggesting another option.
OK, all good then.
now, it's not great, but it is valid.
How many folks can edit a three line question? askubuntu.com/questions/251402/… We're only at 4. Can we get to 10 editors? ;-)
@maggotbrain To be fair the original question was ugly
...but I couldn't say no to such a polite request :-}
There we go. The cost of IT.
therefore, from a management perspective, we must do NoOps.
these are lean times, and our budget is limited.
@badp By the time we get done with it, the Q will be about a recipe for bread. ;-)
@maggotbrain Actually I was thinking about editing some more because ", then" and "and" don't sound like part of your typical error messages
@jrg I heard that if we switch to a full Canonical backed Ubuntu cloud stack, the distro comes with a proprietary CUPS driver for money printing machines and it's already set to produce CAD500,000/hr with the right juju invocation. So the cost is, like, negative!
@badp turns IT from being a cost center to what... being a legal liability?
@jrg and a readme.txt claiming that, as everybody knows, monopoly money isn't real money
Ah, righto.
But we can't expect management to read the readme.txt, I mean, a .txt? How... quaint.
@jrg That's because management freaked out - every time they connect to the disk remotely they saw this "README type file" and Windows doesn't know how to open it.
(My English is terrible tonight)
^-------- The new NitroShare logo. Thoughts?
looks like some early 2K shareware.
I worked so hard to get the points to line up on the grid and everything!
Lens flare, rounded corners, reflection, cloudy borders and you're good to go
Whew! That was close.
It just needs a "glossy" look I guess.
But that will serve as a worthy placeholder for now.
You know how you can make it even more edgy? Make the left hand side of the N a down arrow too.
Actually I think you end up with a logo somebody actually used at some point if you do that.
Coming up with a good logo is hard.
You're welcome.
@badp you on Windoze?
(Geddit? The S is on FIRE and SPEEDING)
@Seth mspaint.exe, accept no substitutes
@badp That is pbrush.exe. Le sigh...
I actually ought to grab the mspaint.exe that was in Windows 95
@badp lol
@GeorgeEdison I never actually knew pbrush.exe and mspaint.exe were the same thing
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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