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And the vote counter ticks over for another day
Woohoo! My flag weight increaseth.
@GeorgeEdison lucky you :)
@Oli I do and it's already been fixed.
A: Software centre image link is broken

Marco CeppiThis appears to be an issue with certain ISPs, while the root cause is unknown, it appears to affect a large part of the community. As a result I've updated the bit.ly link to point to a different URL of the same image. The image links isn't broken. Not sure how else to replicate this. ...

@MarcoCeppi Look at my comment at the end of that (posted shortly after you wrote that). It still doesn't work - the links have to go through i.stack.imgur.com for them to work here (for some reason)
Is it possible to get dwm/xmonad style of tiling management in firefox?
@MJB in Firefox? Have pages tiled around rather than be tabbed?
@Oli Right. Ff 7 has that functionality. But I'm missing the "dynamic" tiling functionality with "hjkl"-control. I'm wondering if that's done or possible.
@MJB No idea
@Oli What you're not getting is it has been switched to i.stack
I'm on a train with train wifi, so it's slow, but I'll screenshot in a second
@MarcoCeppi Well that's even more odd because when I tested it earlier it, that wasn't happening here
wget bitly.com/software-small
--2011-10-20 01:55:03--  bitly.com/software-small
Resolving bitly.com...,
Connecting to bitly.com||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved
Location: i.imgur.com/oRhB2.png [following]
--2011-10-20 01:55:04--  i.imgur.com/oRhB2.png
Resolving i.imgur.com...
Connecting to i.imgur.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
Nevermind, it's only edited the title. Not the actual link.
Actually, bitly.com/software-small+ says that it's not using the .stack. version
@MarcoCeppi What are you visiting them for?
Don't really know yet
Can you answer this? PC logs off instead of shuts down http://askubuntu.com/questions/66777/pc-logs-off-instead-of-shuts-down #bug
3 hours later…
Having some problems with graphics drivers. Oddly enough, they work exactly how I want them to on the liveUSB, but it drops 3D support when its installed. Any way I could copy/apply these settings?
@Explorer not even a hi?
Source code for 'df' command http://askubuntu.com/questions/69581/source-code-for-df-command #disk
2 hours later…
Whats with developers not giving Shutdown buttons in the name of User Control ?
What do you mean by that?
I read a blog by some developer named Joel, who said that they did not provide a shutdown button in Gnome Shell, in the name of user-control.
complain to them, I still see a shutdown option in unity :P
Haha. well there is a suspend button in the user menu, which changes to shutdown when user presses the Alt key.
sounds perfectly windows-like
And there are gnome-shell-extensions that can be installed in Fedora, that give you the button and some other things like docks. Haven't been able to install in Ubuntu, yet.
@ajmitch Really? You can do the same in Windows?
I gotta check now.
I don't often use windows, but I recall the shutdown menu being a bit odd there
I checked just now. There is a default button that can be assigned a value (that u use frequently, I guess), and others can be selected via a hover menu.
Night all.
will this spam ever stop? oO
Bounty offered: How to install using Ubuntu Core? http://askubuntu.com/questions/67001/how-to-install-using-ubuntu-core #ubuntucore
@KaustubhP you can alt click on the user menu in Gnome shell to see "Power Off"
@htorque it's a cunning ploy for you to get to 749 flag weight, isn't it?
@ajmitch yeah, it's a love-hate - but only until i get the badge. :D
let me flag a few
I only just got to the 500 flag weight mark today :)
meh, another day without the swag delivered. :-)
I've even got my new notebook battery. :)
Eight cells for the win!
i'd love to have a nine-cell battery for my t510, but it costs 100+€ :-/
Paid 89€ for the 8-cell one.
I've got a remote FTP server with authentication. I want to use Nautilus but it doesn't have those username/password fields.
No other choice other than a dedicated FTP client?
Ah, got the solution. Get Nautilus to open an ftp:// link and it will ask for the method of connection.
Why wouldn't it have those fields ... sure it has them.
@OctavianDamiean I'm still on Natty, dunno about Oneiric. But if ye go to Connect to Server and choose FTP you won't have those fields.
Well you have to try to open the connection first.
Then there is a popup.
You can enter all the stuff you need and choose an option how to save the entered data.
Yeah, that's what I did by entering ftp:// link in the address bar or whatever it's called.
But since it's automatically going to / which I don't have access to, I don't know how I can navigate to my folders. What a pain...
Isn't that like a wrong setting on the FTP server?
Got no idea, I'm no admin.
If you log in with an account you should get into the directory that you have access in.
Anyway, either it's SFTP or FTP, Nautilus likes to take me / by default.
> Cartier Replica mens watches Breitling Replica Breitling Replica expensive watches
@htorque refresh every 5 minutes, and there's yet more to flag away
I want them watchez! GIEF MEH THEM WATCHEZ!
damn, out of habit i always flag those spam posts as "not an answer" instead of "spam" :D
someone has to stop this. while it's certainly no spam flood, it has never been that bad since the launch of AU.
@htorque agreed, it's increased a lot over the last few days, it seems
more wow gold farming ads...
@OctavianDamiean It appears to be behaving as you said, I think the connection timed out the first time around.
no! again flagged as not an answer... i'm low on caffeine i guess. every time i lose another flag. :D
Shall we start a Meta thread asking to allow us to change or at least cancel our flags?
i guess you can just add a comment
@htorque \o
i'm sure there are already threads about this at meta.stackoverflow.com
@KaustubhP hi!
@htorque how are you doing :) ?
@KaustubhP The spam is wearing down on his caffeine.
@KaustubhP fine! how about you?
The world is about to end.... MC Hammer is starting a new search engine :-X
@Rinzwind What's MC Hammer?
@htorque cool. cool cool cool.
@Rinzwind ola!
@Oxwivi ...
have fun :X
Seems like he wants to do something that Google is already doing.
filefrag--what's going on here? http://askubuntu.com/questions/69608/filefrag-whats-going-on-here #files
@Rinzwind tell him that its not his thang!
he didn't listen :=)
He probably must be thinking, Lets build a Search Engine. Beaches love Search Engines.
@Rinzwind No can do, I don't like music and my headphones aren't near, so...
Unfortunately, this video is not available in Central Europe because it may contain music for which GEMA has not granted the respective music rights. :P
@htorque 738 flag weight for you now, so close ;)
yet so many flags to go, stupid near-asymptotical weight calculation
i'm sure that's still like 100 flags
I'm not too worried about it, just want to get rid of the ****ing spam
but it's sleep time now, I'll let you handle it :)
good night! :)
Hi all
Hey, nice to see you!
The sinnoh league stadium looks familiar
Is it me or does this login screen look much cooler than the GDM login boxes we're used to?
That looks awesome.
Can someone make a lightDM theme for that...? :D
@AmithKK I should be.
I'm back now.
I can't believe this epic regression.
But current LightDM is plenty good enough, better than the Warty one, IMO.
@jrg i certainly can, but i won't. :P
It's all CSS, right...?
@htorque Prove it!!!
i'm not sure about the state of the webkit greeter for lightdm (the one that allows you to have a html page as greeter)
cd ..
oops, wrong window :D
@jrg YU bohh chat?
I should be online...
@jrg Did you secretly block him? :0
@RolandTaylor that was hi, <3 and where are you all together
@Oxwivi no, pidgin was running, I just wasn't online. :P
@jrg just had a look at unity-greeter: it's basically ~2k lines of vala.
I have been mislead. I thought it was CSS. :O
buuuuut, i think to make it look like ubuntu 4.10, you'd only need to edit/shuffle around some code.
Hehe, google knows me too well.
anytime I search for something tech related, the Ask Ubuntu results are on page one. :D
yeah, there is a greeter that let's you do this stuff via css, but not sure how mature that is (it was available as lightdm-webkit-greeter, but that's no longer there)
@jrg Same here
@jrg You have been profiled!
@htorque Thanks, I'll take a look at that
The Wekit Greeter should become avaiable in the Ubuntu Oneiric repos because it is really easy to theme lightdm with it If this is due to lightdm not supporting this implementation anymore it should be rethought, as the abilities with wekit are endless, take a look at this login screen developed in a few hours for elementary:
LightDM Webkit Greeter
High / Triaged
no documentation?
doesn't webkit greeter also come with an example greeter
I can't find any.
Q: Move /home to a different disk

OxwiviCurrently my /home partition and / are on different disks (configured at install time). Can anyone guide me to move the /home directory to the disk where my / currently resides in?

@Oxwivi oooohhh... good question.
@jrg Thanks. It's on my USB disk to be accurate. I want to free it up and put Ubuntu 11.10 image in it.
G'day guys!
@Shiki Hi, Welcome to AU chat
Move /home to a different disk http://askubuntu.com/questions/69733/move-home-to-a-different-disk #directory
from this home moving, resizing and other stuff I always remember
there should be a more dynamic disk implementation like the Disk Manager on Windows... something convenient, yet easy and powerful
@brunopereira81 - hey!
@jrg have a script for you! Will get it when I arrive home (4 hours) :P
Ha! another dictator gone \o/
@RolandTaylor poke
thanks :-\
@brunopereira81 hey any luck on that chrome autoupdating thing?
@JorgeCastro no, not yet! ill post the lauchpad bug report on the answer so you can keep a track also.
that would be great!
working on it
Happy birthday all!
"Ubuntu, the world's most popular GNU/Linux based operating system is celebrating its 7th year today. Ubuntu was first released on 20 October 2004. In these 7 years Ubuntu has changed the GNU/Linux desktop segment by making it more useful for ordinary user."
@Explorer :(
Q: Are there any free, high quality, career mode games for Linux?

Roland TaylorOne of the most frustrating things about gaming on Linux is that every game with some semblance of quality requires me to play with a bunch of obnoxious people online. Are there any free Linux games, with some degree of quality, that allow the player to play offline in a "career mode"?

Too ranty?
BTW, community wiki?
hi, Are there any one knows how I can display what happens at my assembly program without running it?
@RolandTaylor Yes! My internet connection is horrible, I don't find any good single player game.
I'm tired of gaming with obnoxious people :/
nexuiz has bots :P
Yeah, so does Xonotic, but they're boring as....
no people no fun. play quake live (if that's still alive) and turn of chatting. :)
or don't play anything and read a good book instead. :P
Doesn't Linux have ANY games with a storyline?
you can play half-life and half-life 2 :D
even portal
BTW, I've played almost all the shooters we have... and they're all the same. Q3 engine or Q2 engine, or mod - same maps, same graphics, same pointless shooting...
(not sure about portal 2)
@htorque Read: free.
There must be something with a story line, a mission, a purpose...
Yes... and free works :)
i guess that's just too much you are asking for. :-)
Seriously, are there lack of story tellers in the FLOSS world?
I can't understand why there's an acute lack of a career-mode games.
i don't think coming up with a story is the problem :P
I would do it, but I have the ideas, not the team...
@htorque Getting the devs to agree and work on the stories, you mean?
@Oxwivi I could say why, but I'd risk getting chewed up over it.
@RolandTaylor It's just the two of use here. :) (Other than yourself)
@Oxwivi a good game is a looooot of work.
Yes, but why put all the effort into junk?
I mean, why do developers... put effort into junk.
@RolandTaylor LOL!
I think the problem is that we have too many dungeon dwellers in the FOSS community. We need exposure to the sun a bit (including me) so we know how to integrate with the wider world.
(Yes, that stings a bit, but it needs to be addressed).
Is back
Here's what I think:
Haha somebody downvoted my question :)
When it comes to features, it's all great, and it will accepted.
Looks like a stuck a nerve, especially seeing as they left no comment.
But stories, nobody cares in the first place, but if they do want one, there'd be lot of disagreements into integrating it into the game.
@RolandTaylor I did?
@Oxwivi maybe, but companies have succeeded at if for years.
Maybe it's just that no one has tried it on Linux.
I think we should encourage/advocate building campaign creators for FLOSS games.
Who's with me?
@AmithKK did what?
@Oxwivi I have no "FLOSS" games
BTW i dont floss
@Oxwivi me
@AmithKK that's good... if you're a rapper like me ;)
Flossing == showing off...
@RolandTaylor Let's communicate the idea with some projects then?
@RolandTaylor I knoz
Floss a lots == failures
I have a mailserver related q
@AmithKK sited
@Oxwivi it needs to be formulated first :)
@RolandTaylor What needs to be formulated?
As in, get a concrete something, then attract interested parties, then push it out there.
My idea is, we talk the projects to start with some initial system.
Then maybe we can create some sort of platform to share and popularize these campaigns online.
@Oxwivi Like: The Gamerz of the Linuz
The games themselves would need some modding though. Maybe the best route is to start by getting a game together (something simple) to demonstrate the concept to developers, and get people's feedback. The point is, at the end of the day, when we start getting an influx of the Windows/Mac diaspora, we're going to find ourselves disappointing the gamers unless they find something established.
(I need to get less good at ranting lol)
Q: Is Jorge Castro a Robot?

Luis AlvaradoBefore reading see the following links I noticed today http://askubuntu.com/users/235/jorge-castro http://askubuntu.com/users?tab=voters&filter=all http://about.me/jorge.castro http://askubuntu.com/users?tab=editors&filter=all After that, how can a human have time for all of that....

@Oxwivi *some sort of initial campaign building system
Who questions the origins of Jorge Castro?
"Jorge is the result of an elaborate Chinese botnet running on millions of Windows XP computers around the world."
They must be punished.
@RolandTaylor Well for that we'd need a team. And the project themselves are where we get a good start, is what I'm thinking.
they always forget to add that he doesn't blend.
@htorque Lets ask Dickson
@Oxwivi trust me, from experience, the teams are not the people to approach first.
who's dickson?
That blendtec guy.
@RolandTaylor Well, how do we get started then?
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
361k 87 1476 2657
I'll do whatever I can to help.
Q: Wubi.exe won’t start

FreebodyI'm currently using Win7 64bit. I right clicked "wubi.exe" and chose "run as administrator", then nothing happened. I have "ubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-i386.iso" and "wubi.exe" in the same folder. Thanks.

what is teh deal with this question?
@AmithKK Yeah, Jon Skeet is quite an active user.
what does it have to to do with Ubuntu?
he is using windows!
@Alvar Wubi, of course.
It's Wubi, officially supported distribution of Ubuntu.
what's wubi?
@flackbot lookup wubi
@Oxwivi We form a document of what the plan is, then get a community formed around it :)
why was it removed? :P
@RolandTaylor GDocs?
(I won't be able to start right right now, but we can work on it in our own time :))
A: Is Jorge Castro a Robot?

Roland TaylorDon't believe the heretic lies of Marco Ceppi! Jorge's origins are generally a well kept secret, but with the permission of the universal council, I will reveal his nature: Jorge is an entity. Where there is a question, Jorge is present to edit. Jorge was created via a mysterious process unknow...

@RolandTaylor Okay, ping me on AU then.
@Oxwivi yep
hmm the preview still uses the wrong word...
Jorge Castro is the AU mascot.
Are there any free, high quality, career mode games for Linux? http://askubuntu.com/questions/69817/are-there-any-free-high-quality-career-mode-games-for-linux #softwarerecommendation
damn, i think i'll soon be able to answer my own question
want somebody else to get rep
@AmithKK cya
@RolandTaylor You want for Linux or for Ubuntu?
@MarcoCeppi Linux (it should be playable on Ubuntu ofc)
Then this question should go on either gaming or U&L
Oh well then let me make it Ubuntu specific (I intended to keep it here)
Q+A with Rick Spencer (ubuntu engineering manager) on #ubuntu-classroom on freenode.
I could use people asking questions!
Shakes head...
A: Build in WinXp 32 for Win Xp 64 Bit

Ivan G.O.It's not possible to build a 64 application on a 32 bit operating system. It is possible to do the opposite, build a 32 bit application on a 64 bit OS.

@GeorgeEdison Windows XP 64-bit? Isn't it literally useless? I mean there's someone actually using it, and for development purposes on top of that?
Q: debugging assembly code under gdb | platform linux

fataiI am new to debugging an assembly code under gdb.Therefore, I have some question; How can I run my assembly code without actually running it ? If it needs a value, how can I insert a value to see how it works for each case in switch statement? ex: I couldnot give example on assembly so I give ...

Jorge is a Robot.
@jrg the council will deal... with you.
I do not fear the Council.
In soviet Russia, the Council does not fear you :).
The enemy! Stomp out the brethren of the Dark Side at once!
I mean, they have to abide by the CoC. Which means I can only get yelled at, lose upload rights to the JorgePository, and be banished to the Debian Dessert.
@jrg Or the United Terrorist Republic of Windows [Gasp!]
No punishment could be worse!
@jrg they would put you in a NTFS partition and slowly fragment you until theres nothing recognizable left D:!
Yes it could - The Communist Territories of Microsoft Bob.
@RolandTaylor I fear no NTFS partition. Only the btfrs of two years ago.
Heh, FAT16 for everyone!
NOooooooOOOOOOoooo!!!!!! D:
@jrg worse yet, they might make you run live copies of Windows ME on real hardware... with no anti-virus!
...running on Windows ME to boot.
... I wonder what an average Joe would think if they saw the above...
@RolandTaylor Lol... you stole my Windows ME joke :P
@GeorgeEdison LOL
@RolandTaylor That is a fate worse than fragmentation.
@Oxwivi they would probably call us war criminals :P
Even average Joe knows Windows ME is a heinous crime!
@RolandTaylor They'd think we are aliens.

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