@Vikas If you're using Python, maybe something like this? Or you could make it handle a limited subset of questions ("who are you", "what is your name", etc.) by writing responses manually
@CiurkitboyN You're not joking, you're CiurkitboyN
@CiurkitboyN people keep saying "I'm joking" but they are not "Jo King" (one of our moderators) so the joke that lyxal keeps making is "you're not joking, you're <actual username>"
Easy solution someone upvote it and someone else downvote so the asker gets a rep increase but the score doesn't change :P (disclaimer yes I am joking please don't do this)
@user I was asking if there is something similar script in JS or node, the one you shared? I don't know python, but it looks like that's what I need or could help
@Vikas Oh, I didn't read your previous message. Try this or any of these, I guess. I just looked up "chatbot" on npm, I don't know how to make them work
Earlier I had thought that space ships can strike against space rocks while traveling to another planet. But I've read that space is vastly empty, it's highly unlikely that something will come in the path of space ship. It is explained here.
Now, to reach a planet like Mars, it takes around 7-8 m...