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7:25 AM
@CodeAssassin (45)
Good morning everyone.
7:48 AM
Passed the 500 mark! Makes me happeh!
8:19 AM
I see you @Billy =o_o=
A: Has piracy ever resulted in a developer getting shut down?

BlueAfter a little running around the internet I found an interesting article that shows a good example of how pirating can affect a game directly and shutdown a project. iOS Game, Battle Dungeon, Forced To Shut Down Due To Piracy In this article, Hunted Cow, the developers behind the iOS game Batt...

So proud :D
8:56 AM
Had your brush with the daily rep cap. :P
I had mine here
A: Why does my object move faster at 45 degrees than at 90 degrees?

William 'MindWorX' MariagerThis can be explained with the Pythagorean Theorem, which is the following formula: a² + b² = c² In your case, when moving right, you're using (x:1, y:0) which gives us c² = 1 + 0 = 1 c = sqrt(1) = 1.00 When moving up and right, you're using (x:1, y:1) which gives us c² = 1 + 1 = 2 c = sqr...

Super simple stuff. :P
Which, without @eBusiness, would've been a wrong answer. :P
gj have an upvote
my best answer only had 28 upvotes :(
*hugs @Gajoo *
there there
but my 5 best answers have more upvotes in total, compared to yours!
No my ePeen is largest!
9:05 AM
@William'MindWorX'Mariager 77 vs. 79 total upvotes in 5 best answers.
bytes56's best and second answer each have more upvotes compared to my best 5 :|
hehehehehehe my 4 answers = 69 :P
9:42 AM
Parse SDK looks amazingly useful
whats is the best language to develop a game?
@AreebSiddiqui all of them.
for example?
There is no real answer to that, its too ambiguous a question.
Its like asking "What is the best mug to drink coffee in?" The answer is whatever you like the most.
9:44 AM
haha @Blue, I got it.
Are desktop games always the best?
Not neccessarily
Baldur's Gate 2 got ported to iOS
the best of PC is on tablets now
Driving games perform better overall on consoles. FPS tend to favour pc, different genres and gameplay tailor to different machines.
Hey, Have you guys ever played Counter Strike?
9:45 AM
Counter Strike 2 is coming soon...
pics or it didn't happen :O :O :O
Check this out : google.com.pk/…
Isn't that cool?
July 2012, I'm assuming its fake.
9:50 AM
because there's already CS: Global Offensive out there
:O O.o
-_- :P
wanna see a samurai on the toilet?
Your link shows the company Nexon. They are the licensee to Asia's version of Counter Strike called Counter Strike Online
9:51 AM
@BogdanMarginean now stop that thing up :P :D
On April 5, 2012, Nexon and Valve announced a partnership to develop Counter-Strike: Online 2, which is to be based on an enhanced Source engine, and will offer enhanced graphics, powerful impact physics, and more new features. It has not been confirmed if it will have any connection to the newly released Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Oh Man!
So it is not CS:2 its CS:O2
:/ ok :/
9:54 AM
I'm the librarian in these parts.
Isn't that right @Gajoo.
How old are you?
personal questions :>
I love them
10:23 AM
@BogdanMarginean lol
he left :(
and I was hoping he'd ask me what the colour of my underwear is
That's fine by me.
10:50 AM
We recommend that you NameYourClassesLikeThis and nameYourKeysLikeThis, just to keep your code looking pretty.
that's my SDK!
11:00 AM
Is that your ENTIRE - SDK?
no, it's an expression
stating that I agree with what it's saying
Damn. I was hoping to use it.
Import it into my colleagues and hope they get a clue.
clue about what?
11:15 AM
why do people use the underscore at the beginning of each private field in a class (especially in C#) :(
to me it seems really inconvenient
maybe I have a weird way to type
because I have to completely change my hands' position on the keyboard just to type the underscore
@BogdanMarginean People do that?
That's silly.
I just use a lowercase.
yeah I've seen a lot of scripts
private T _someIdentifier;
I don't like that.
_ makes for ugly code.
even MonoGame goes with
I like the "reads like prose" concept.
11:18 AM
and whatnot
I prefix everything with this./base./ wharever applies.
I immediately ditched the style and adopted Microsoft's "spriteBatch"
So like "this.isMovingLeft"
that I've been used to
Which is sexy in code: if (this.isMovingLeft)
11:20 AM
I normally use ThisKindOfCasing in most cases
Even for private?
yes, even for private, never had issues
I have mixedCase for private properties and CamelCase for public properties.
that's cool too
This allows me to easily distinguish public from private.
I use mixedCase for parameters as well, but that's no problem since I prefix all my property accesses with this. or base.
11:21 AM
but I have to agree
Java's conventional casing is the best I've seen
I just can't use it in C#, it feels inappropriate considering I'm used to camelcasing everything
I don't like the lowercase for public.
I much prefer C# coding convention.
fair enough :D
I think the IDE helps me get in a particular casing mood
whenever I see VS's colours, it goes camelcase
whenever I see Eclipse, bang! niceJavaCode!
was doing that even in Python, when coding under Eclipse
funnily enough, when using IDLE, I'd camelcase
11:25 AM
but microsoft doesn't say the code will look pretty if you follow those
They don't?
I assume they suggest that way because that's how they like it looking? :P
har har
well they better not look at my code then
I was being serious.
That's how Microsoft suggests we code.
Why wouldn't you assume that's how they like it then?
11:26 AM
I'm not saying I'm not assuming
I'm saying that on the page it doesn't say the code will look pretty if you follow the rules
in contrast with what it's said on Parse SDK's documentation
I think it's pretty implied? :P
I mean, would it make sense for them to suggest something horrid?
of course, as long as stuff like this is subjective, there might just be the possibility for someone to see it as horrid
unless it's about the underscore prefix thingy
that's horrid at an universal level
Microsoft discourages it as well. :P
11:29 AM
they're good pals
I don't get why someone make such a public library as MonoGame wouldn't follow Microsoft guidelines.
But yeah, that's just one of the MonoGame weirdness.
And far from the worst. At least this doesn't impact usage.
Their preference to use return null; over throw new NotImplementedException(); really irks me something bad.
Why that ever was allowed to happen is beyond me.
It makes debugging take ten times longer.
and TDD pretty wrong
but they probably don't do that
test driven development
11:39 AM
there's basically no way to separate a test case when a correct returned value is null (e.g. GetComponent<T> in Unity)
from a test case when the function is actually not implemented
the basic rules of TDD are:
1) write a test case that you know will fail
2) implement functionality on the method so that the test passes
assert(NotImplementedMethodName() == null); //when we start implementing it, this test will always fail
so we have to remove it
with the NotImplementedException approach, this would not be a problem
So yet another reason to use NotImplementedExceptions.
they're also useful when not TDD-ing, because they make debugging really easy
consider there's some forgotten yet critical function somewhere in the code base
everything works, but the output is wrong
instead of throwing not implemented exceptions, the function is returning nulls
and the rest of the program does what it can with those nulls
have fun finding the culprit
12:22 PM
apparently there's a russian rambo too
1:16 PM
what language, what's it supposed to do, and what is it doing
maybe use Paste bin instead, that websites CSS is terrible.
No word wrap.
it's JS
I got that much, after scrolling 40% accross to the right.
1:19 PM
quick CSS question. I've got this class defined: .nearSearchButton {
if I set it to a button (input), alignment is done well but the colours are kept to their default values
if I add the same css in a style="" tag inside the HTML code, it works fine
why's that?
needs more jQuery, which is really good and does all things.
@Almo It's JavaScript, and it is supposed to move from the first 2 parameters towards the last 2 parameters.
Ill wrap it in a fiddle to show that it dont work
So the Error seems to happen when one of (x,y) is the same as (targetx,targety)
It then no longer returns a new Array cordinate
Oh.. and it should be able to update from 5,5 to 6,6 ? if it has 8 direction?
1:31 PM
Where is the error happening exactlY? I don't see JFiddle doing anything.
You have to check the jS console. Else nothing will go on :) Ctrl + shift + I But you might need some dev tools
What is it actually meant to do?... what should the output be?
on input (5,5,6,6) Output should be 6,6 as the new position. because it should be possible to move 1 right and one down
@Blue (stopit) v-v
1:37 PM
@CodeAssassin (49)
Daww I made him leave :(
@OliverSchöning sorry bro: LOG: 6,5
Yeh, Maybe when I am awake. Shoulndt be hard
@CodeAssassin YAY YOU'RE BACK!
One point away from a 50 vote answer.
Oliver you should totally vote :D
A: Has piracy ever resulted in a developer getting shut down?

BlueAfter a little running around the internet I found an interesting article that shows a good example of how pirating can affect a game directly and shutdown a project. iOS Game, Battle Dungeon, Forced To Shut Down Due To Piracy In this article, Hunted Cow, the developers behind the iOS game Batt...

You know you want to @OliverSchöning
down or up?
have fun with your digital badge :)
1:43 PM
Im off to watch star wars in ascii , maybe even with commentary just for the lols
Link me, link me right now.
Starwars ASCII...
the commentary is from redlettermedia. 2 dollars. Worth checking out if thats your humor
@Blue if all those pirates would buy the game, it still doesnt mean that the game wouldnt be shut down since it wasnt able to handle such amount of players
It's not about whether the sales ruptured the game, that example shows how the easy accessibility of it being pirated and published on pirate websites caused a huge increase in the load on the servers, too quick for them to simply meet normal business demands to expand their hard ware. Which, if pirates had not provided the game for free, would not have happened as they would see the demand on their servers increase gradually and so take action to prevent overloads (ie - upgrade their hardware)
Yes - if they were all bought instead of pirated the servers would still have crashed.
However they would have had the money to solve it instead of take it down in that situation which is why the pirates shut down the game in doing so.
1:52 PM
@Blue i dont think you can assume that they would fix it, even with higher amount of money then they had
and if the game was free, this issue would still happen, so i dont think that anyone can blame this on pirating
But the game wasn't free, it was a paid game, so we can ignore that statement.
@Blue and this didnt happen either, so we can ignore that too
However this did happen, the lack of resources is what made them take down the servers, they didn't have the money to upgrade them at that point in time. This is all on their website and forums and in various posts they made on their blogs.
@Blue And all this just because someone invented internet where you can download stuff, i guess its all Al Gores fault then
this is definitely not something that is direct cause of pirating
have to go, later
I'm sorry I forgot how you were the expert on everything and did research on all the posts in that answer.
1:58 PM
@BogdanMarginean @William'MindWorX'Mariager ClassAndPublicProperties, privateAndLocalScope, _doesntExistInMyVocabulary
But I believe people who use the underscores do it to differentiate private and local scope variables
Which makes sense but I agree, underscores are an obnoxious character
I love how kikaimaru simply likes to contradict things, even when I was taking the time helping him with his Diablo 3 clone he would contradict my advice and yet would go on to then use the advice I gave. He didn't actually give any reason there which hasn't already been answered in that thread as invalid, yet gets up on his high horse saying that my answer (and several others in doing so ) were wrong. I'm amazing at his ignorance and inability to listen.
And now I've ignored him. Happy days. I <3 functionality.
@ToddersLegrande I never did get used to _ in names.
Always got confused as to the context they were used and made me confused when _variableName and variableName were used in the same context.
oooh a lot to catch up on
@BogdanMarginean reading up?
2:13 PM
Good pony.
well I guess the developers, if they'd get more money from sales
COULD decide to fuck up their entire business
and not extend the servers
but it's highly unlikely
but its foolish to say that the moment they had pirates post their game online that it over doubled their server load in a few days and then say it had nothing to do with piracy - conveniently leaving out the part where they have a business to run and costs to measure,
I lol'd @ Frozen Synapse's post on Facebook. It seems too many people asked them the same thing over and over again
"Oh hey Bob, our servers at 40k users at our highest peak yet! Shall we expand our server nodes to cope with 150k and spend over 140% of our profits on it?"

"What the hell, James, you CRAAAAAZAAY? Just wait til we hit 45k so we know its a worth investment."

=== Tomorrow Morning ===


2:19 PM
of course I asked them the same thing right below their post >:3
On the subject of piracy, one of the authors of Super Meat Boy had this to say: tommyrefenes.tumblr.com/post/45684087997/…
I think for an indie the nicest way would be to build a sort of community right from development
and try to become more famous through them
@JohnMcDonald Now THAT is what I like to see when someone contradicts a point. Actual references and facts, not bullshit pulled from their arse.
you also feel more secure knowing that your X fans at present will also buy your game when it gets released
I remember that Minecraft encouraged pirates on certain occasions, Notch tweeted to a user that couldn't afford the game "Just pirate it until you can afford your own copy, we don't mind as long as you enjoy it and pay it forward!"
2:21 PM
because in the end, someone who pirates games all the time, wouldn't buy your game anyway
so you should count on those that buy games all the time or when impressed
@Blue you might also enjoy Vogel's take on piracy
maker of Avadon, Avernum and so on
it's an interesting part where he says that making his books publicly available didn't damage his sales whatsoever, and interested people would still buy them
Why is tumblr blocked!?! D:
interesting post @BogdanMarginean :)
I've actually read the one @BogdanMarginean posted before. I want to read @JohnMcDonald's link
His is pretty good
The idea that as a digital distributed game you have infinite copies of your stock
therefore infinity - 1 pirated copy is still infinity and likewise infinity - 1 trillion copies is still infinity, so your direct loss is still nothing.
@JohnMcDonald Great article, John.
2:30 PM
yup, reading through @JohnMcDonald 's link too, pretty interesting so far :D
is so jelly right now
Just tryingto build a simple lightbox for my gallery on my site now.
It's getting there, larger images seem ok, smaller ones aren't centered yet.
The RIAA should read this article
2:36 PM
everyone should star that post of John's. The star button is over there -->
@Almo your powers are amazing
Your Jedi Mind-Tricks don't work on me!
@Blue - I don't think this contradicts your point at all :)
Your point is that they had financial problems due to server load/costs caused by quantifiable pirated users using the system. Not that they lost sales
I know but when someone can show me that piracy has been done before and shown no direct loss and are able to back it up with factual claim then I respect them far more than opinionated blabbers
2:45 PM
howdy folks
Of course
@ShotgunNinja HELLO
@ShotgunNinja :D
hey dude
like the new ARAM setup with points for rerolls.
I met a game designer at a bar on Monday.
went 23/9/23 with Miss Fortune last night
2:46 PM
@Almo ??
Moved here from California to live with his girlfriend.
Ah I see.
@Almo Damn gurl
What changes are there to ARAM?
2:47 PM
@ShotgunNinja and he regrets it because Wisconsin is awful? :P
it's matchmade now
@ToddersLegrande He said he's liking it so far
@ShotgunNinja hiya
and you can reroll your char for a "reroll"
you start with one
can hold 2
But he's worked with a couple of decent companies (one of which is now defunct)
2:47 PM
and earn new ones for playing ARAM
In LoL?
And he needs a programmer for a visual novel.
Fuck. Did not know this.
@ShotgunNinja de-funked :(
just hit last night
2:48 PM
Have they fixed their servers yet?
no clue
I played last night
Turns out I've dabbled in Ren'Py a bit, and I wanted to take on the challenge.
cool good luck on that SG
Thanks, man.
Yeah thats awesome
2:49 PM
I think this made Bastion's ending 10000x more awesome
Spoiler alert?
Or is it just music?
just music
is a afraid to click
Ah I've heard the soundtrack then :P
the western themed songs reminded me of Trigun all the time
yet another work with an impressive musical score
^ indeed.

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