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12:06 AM
got that GTA pack
Steam Bundle?
all of the games in the series for 7.5 eur
really good deal, I mean it includes GTA IV and Episodes from LC too
O: Good Deal. ( I barely play games anymore :P)
I play from time to time
can't make games without playing :D
though I do play very little
I'm certainly going to smash that vice city and san andreas soon though
I'm out - gonna check the screenshot tomorrow :D g'nite
12:22 AM
oh god
got your py arrays werkiun?
no... i bluescreened
THIS SUX oops caps lock :P
32 years later, Blondie's Atomic still kicks ass.
12:25 AM
what a great song
ok then... sure
Truly good music transcends its technological background and just becomes great music
i see. anyhow, i may scrap the array and draw individual blocks
12:27 AM
it would be easier for now, i mean
I would hesitate to ditch the array approach due to a language understanding issue
i would too ordinarily, but i have been working on this for three days, no one has been able to make me understand it or get it to work, my question was closed and deleted.....
oh no
lemme look at the pastebin again
12:29 AM
OK ill give the link again if you need it, but it'll take a sec
you looked at my examples?
looks like you're just not initializing them properly
ok, how do i do that?
look in my example
the .append adds elements to the array
theArr = []
makes an array
adds an element to it so that you have
theArr == [0]
theArr.append(1) then makes it
theArr == [0, 1]
then you can say
print theArr[1] and it will print "1" which is the 1st (not 0th) element
if you want a 2d array, each element must be an array
so for Tic Tac Toe board, you'd need
theArr = []
then you need to initialize the 3 internal arrays
12:32 AM
for i in range(3): theArr[0].append(i)
for i in range(3): theArr[1].append(i)
for i in range(3): theArr[2].append(i)
now you have
theArr == [ [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2] ]
lols its like i cant say anything but ok
now you can do theArr[1][1] = 5 and get
theArr == [ [0, 1, 2], [0, 5, 2], [0, 1, 2] ]
my appends should be append(i)
so i can do theArr[0][0] = True
should be able to, yes
12:35 AM
is there a way to detect if any of them == True?
if theArr[1][1] == True:
do something
or probably since it's a boolean, just if theArr[1][1]:
ok. good.
I'm not a python expert, but I think this will all work
so how do i draw the blocks then, just use the current code?
no clue
i only ever did text output in python
I've only written one program and some SCons build files in it
12:38 AM
ahh, i use pygame for graphics. i was going to switch to jython to use java's graphics, but it was weird
hahah :)
ok heading into a LoL game
talk to you later; hope you get it worked out :)
kk love league, never played but watched
hello @jlptn1
I play ranked games quite a bit
very challenging
I'm still in 2nd lowest league :(
got into 3rd for a while, lost every game and got demoted
12:48 AM
I'm a good team player. But I can't carry bad players
so on a good team I'm great
on a bad team, I don't get much done
cool, anyhow, array still doesnt work. Pastebinning it
I'll check after the game if you still having issues
first, name it something other than "a" hard to track in your code with a single letter name
you column count is 10
you've intialized a 3x3 array
12:51 AM
oh damn
i think you need a 10x10 array
ok hold on ill fix
so initialize it with a 0-9 for loop of append([])
tkaing 5 min to load LoL should be a reportable offense
1:35 AM
still not right
blockArr = []
for i in range(10): blockArr.append([])
for i in range(10): blockArr[i].append(i)
that should give you a 10x10 array like
[ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ]
you are still not initializing a 10x10 array
what you're missing is some really basic stuff
if you want an array in python, it's []
a 2d array is an array of arrays
so you need [ [], [], ... ]
then those arrays need elements
[ [0, 1, 2, 3 ... ], [0, 1, 2, 3 ...], ... ]
then you can do blockArr[3][4]
what you had was a 5 x 10 array
@PythonInProgress I assumed you would work out that you needed to put in 10 [] to make 10 arrays to put 10 elements each into
I really recommend figuring this stuff out. it will make a lot of other Python stuff make more sense
1 hour later…
2:50 AM
@Almo ik that i made a 5x10 array, thats what the variables are set to look for.
3 hours later…
6:01 AM
@PythonInProgress Ok I missed that. So you had the right number of elements. Does it work now?
1 hour later…
7:05 AM
Monday morning at work again.
And jup, mondays shivers
8:07 AM
@Almo taking 5 minutes to load ANY game should be a reportable offence :P
3 hours later…
10:57 AM
My UI is looking splendid now. :D And I've made everything the right way. So I have a GameStyle for my buttons, but they still behave and work like regular buttons. And I have a special OutlinedTextBlock for my comic text look.
Combined I have nice looking buttons with the ability to have icons inside the buttons as well.
All in all, I'm very satisfied at the moment.
I'm very proud :P
Next up I'm going to look and see if I can make it animated based on properties. So panels show and hide animated depending on whether they're enabled or not.
11:15 AM
That's just the current visual state. There's a bunch of code behind already working, like login, registration, logout and warcamp joining. It's just hidden while I work out some more.
What are you building this in?
Silverlight at the moment.
Ah I see, that's where the style comes from
I would rather use HTML5 and JS, but I'm doing this as a simple thing that shouldn't take too much energy.
I'm finding it hard to find the energy to program lately because of school. I'm hoping this small project could spark some more energy.
11:18 AM

<- this says it all
11:43 AM
morning guys :D
Morning gang! :D
Happy Funday Monday! :D
it's holiday here, so I had no idea it was Monday lol
Way to be :P
@William'MindWorX'Mariager looking good! But I have two points of criticism.
11:49 AM
I don't have silverlight on my machine :(
1) The font is kind of difficult to read. I like it but I think its awful bold for the size or something.
2) No password reset option D:<
The font problem is kind of noticeable on the buttons but as soon as you open up the help screen my eyes just want to explode.
"my budget is $200 ,,, however I have received an offer from one of the contractors for about $150. He says he can do the job in almost 10 hours / $12 per hour."
lol what a lame attempt at getting a job done for free
and he ain't even hiding it
btw, do these oDesk posts of mine bore you? I can stop posting them if they do lol
Some of them are good. Others are a waste of time (like this one to be honest)
I do enjoy the exceptionally stupid ones though
oh, so you like the stupid job postings
alright, will only post those
this one is pointless to be sincere
oh my GOD
if you ever need a "how to not" organize a UI example, open up a forum on indiedb
everything is so counter-intuitive it hurts
even the simple fact that you fill up data starting from left to right, and then you have to go back to the left extremity to press a button
but that wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't another button right where you stop entering data (to the right)
that does something completely DIFFERENT from what you need
so you just press that one because it would have made sense for it to be the one you'd want to press
I think there was a noob like me behind it
who can't even layouts
You have already added a board with the name of (Development Area). Please try a different name when adding a new board.
that one is in another forum category damnit
jesus, why would you hotlink them as /forum/development_area instead of /forum/category/development_area
12:09 PM
I'm having a hard time envisioning what you are saying honestly
I don't have an IndieDB account and don't plan on having one for the time being
I'll show a picture
But I sympathize with and enjoy your frustration :P
clicking add category adds a new category (greenish box)
and when you add a new BOARD, you start writing stuff from the left, where the "Add board" button is located
but when you're done, your reflex might be to press the add category button
@Blue that's how I felt during the past week
the other rant was because all boards are in the same pool, regardless of the category they're in
so if you have a Category1/development area and a Category2/development area
they'll collide
12:16 PM
@BogdanMarginean the UI is so bad I don't even know what I'm looking at :P
you should see the reply boxes
they allow BB codes, but also have a WYSIWYG editor
but they don't work well together
also for some reason, when pasting stuff in the box, ALL formatting goes away
Including formatting that was already in the box?
12:18 PM
So this would be like
there are also cases when you manually remove all formatting, but when you post the reply the formatting is still there
I wrote a 7 page paper in Word. Had lots of formatting, bullets, headings, etc.
I paste something in
yup, exactly
and all 7 pages get reformatted to plain text?
12:18 PM
Dear god... :O
I write my posts in notepad first :))
never use the same reply box for previewing
formatting from the previous preview might affect the new one
I think they got their forum system done for $150 on oDesk
otherwise I can't explain the sloppiness
GTA 2 had the best radio stations
also, you can't delete threads or boards or categories
you can just hide them
probably so this doesn't mess up their X points per post achievement system
Title says it all: "What happens when pirates play a game development simulator and then go bankrupt because of piracy?"
Well I'm glad that says it all because that link doesn't work for me :)
weird, it doesn't work for me now either
I think their site is down
nope, works now
12:37 PM
No good
:( well in short every player was complaining that they were making 9/10 games and they'd soon go bankrupt because of piracy
and that's about it
@LegrandeTodder hugs
@BogdanMarginean personally that sounds unrealistic for that to be a consistent problem
yes, I know
If it was DRM put into the game, I'd love it :P
12:39 PM
though the devs were pretty happy with the experiment
@Blue @Green HEYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! :D
More serious though... Why isn't anyone into eSports?!?! Dreamhack was awesome this weekend and I have no one to be excited with D:<
12:51 PM
I'm fucking excited!
Naniwa vs Jaedong was a wee bit unexpected.
So you aren't lying :D
Niniwa vs Jaedong was amazing
Nope, Although LCS took up my time quite a bit
I'm honestly sick of watching Leenock win though
Good matches at least
12:53 PM
^ hitman dog finds no joy in his job
@Blue the fact that you watched some Dreamhack makes you an even better new best friend than before :P
@ToddersLegrande dawww you been missing some humble eSport bros?
Haha yeaaaaaaaaah
Saturday night was pretty awesome though. My brother logs into SC2 after a really long hiatus and I'm like... "Whats up?" and he was all like... "Trying to quit LoL" and I'm like... <3
Bless. I've been showing a reddit friend how to do SC2, the basics and races. He instantly said after seeing what I was doing "So zerg are the easiest... right?"
I bless thine chat with thine presence.
1:01 PM
"Oh Ben...." Slowly shakes head
@CodeAssassin tips hat
@Blue you would think that with the number of pro zergs
Namely... the number of pro zergs that outplay the other two races
But I do know I've heard people say that the larva mechanics is easier than the other races. I can't grasp it as well though
@ToddersLegrande This I believe is because of the higher skill cap into Macro style gameplay - the more late game orrientated the race and emphasis on forcing this late game to happen is obvious in a lot of builds you see.
I love the larva mechanic for general unit comps, it is much easier to spawn larva than warp/queue building on structures.
Protoss I'd say are next easier on that side of things - with regards to Warp gate tech.
what fonts do you guys use when writing tech documents?
I really like liberation serif
looks serious enough, but also a bit artsy
What's a tech document?
I really like the "Calibri" font Microsoft started going with in Office 2007
I use that for basically everything
I call tech documents any documents dealing with stuff that's written for and about technical details on projects
e.g. design documents
calibri looks cool too
I like the ubuntu font family too :D font.ubuntu.com
26 celsius outside
need some ice cream, pronto
1:20 PM
Damn I wish I had some ice cream now...
well run and get some :D
I WISH >_>
Mint Choco Chip Ice Cream Ftw >3
I just get whatever ice cream my neighbor's shop is selling
there's an interesting rule regarding the taste
let X be the average price; whatever is inside [X-20cents; X+20cents] sucks
whatever is outside the interval tastes awesome
even cheap ice cream
o: interesting
1:23 PM
cheapest is around ~15 cents here
it's also the best lol
._. srsly!? Hmmm what brand? I'll eat anything from Coldstone,to Haagen Dazs, to Ben & Jerry's
it's a local brand
most of them are anyway
actually I'm not even sure companies from outside the country are really popular when it comes to ice cream
all the leaders are romanian hmm
wish romanian clothing stores would be more popular
can only name a couple
nowadays, whoever wants to buy clothes, goes to Zara or whatever
thank god the ice cream is still ours <3
1:40 PM
I got a longcoat from some italian shop or whatever, but it's so not comfy and parts of it show bad sewing
next time I'll go on a trip to the romanian market and see what's for sale
I know for sure their leather clothes are highly resistant
one of the leading supermarket chains here in romania sells these things: thesweetroad.com/2011/07/24/mcennedy-american-way
it's always fun when a german maker makes american products
I've never been to the US but I'd probably bet there's nothing american in them whatsoever
@BogdanMarginean Made In <anything-but-the-US>
I'm currently baking a pizza from this McEnnedy dude
I bet it'll be amazing /sarcasm
If you want real pizza try Digiornos
Not sure if it's in Romania though ;-;
it's by nestle so there might be a chance
I'll keep an eye out for it
Dr. Pepper isn't sold officially in Romania but you can find it in some supermarkets
1:54 PM
@ToddersLegrande Yeah, I noticed the font thing. I've been looking for a better font to use along with a better outline method.
Right now I'm using a shader, though I don't like the result.
The result is nice for the "Goblin Warcamp Survival" title text. But for the buttons it looks bad.
And I agree, the help box is really bad. :P
gotta love fallout
2:07 PM
Who is this?
WHO IS THIS??? looooooooool
That voice
It sounds like N.O.V.A an FPS on the iPad :P
never played NOVA
but you, sir, should play Fallout 1 & 2 asap
fallout 2 is worth it just for this guy alone: youtube.com/watch?v=EkKkHmFOfKE
the enclave guy in the first video is also from fallout 2
it's more or less an easteregg
anyway I think my pizza's done
I can't wait to feel that american taste #yolo
2:24 PM
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm pizza
2:49 PM
okay, I'm done
impressions: there's a bright side and a not so bright side of things
on the bright side of things, it was surprisingly tasty
on the not so bright side, it tasted like any other pizza in the supermarket
it didn't feel particularly special or american
so I think the people who made it put lies on the packaging
how very naughty of them
is there some open source matchmaking (lobby) protocol?
Now I want pizza...
The Elo rating system is a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in competitor-versus-competitor games such as chess. It is named after its creator Arpad Elo, a Hungarian-born American physics professor. The Elo system was invented as an improved chess rating system, and today it is also used in many other games. It is also used as a rating system for multiplayer competition in a number of video games, and has been adapted to team sports including association football, American college football, basketball, Major League Baseball, and eSports. Each player has a nu...

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