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@Vaillancourt Modular is probably a better term than fragmented. My recollection (which could easily be wrong) is that back in the 90s, maybe early 00s, if one was using Boost you had to use the whole thing.
It could be that it was much smaller back then &/or more interdependent.
It could also be that I didn't know enough to grab specific modules.
@Pikalek I don't know if there is a way to use smaller parts. I mean: the "thing" I'm working on is a graph/A* search for path planning. So I'll use the boost/graph/bla.h headers, but this uses also things that could be more "generic". I don't have the specifics currently.
But probably boost::asio will probably not use things like boost::graph if it doesn't need it.
The thing is: most of boost is header only, so you could set boost in an global include directory, and your files will pick only what they need. As long as the part that you need is not associated with a cpp file that needs to be compiled, you could cherry pick only the things you need.
4 hours later…
Q: Is it possible to use a pre-existing texture buffer containing vertex data to initialise a vertex buffer for rendering in OpenGL?

Iron AttorneyI'm generating a heightmap in a compute shader in OpenGL and storing it to a texture. Lets say I actually store the full vertex data in that texture instead of just the height, which is a trivial change, and that I could easily also create an index buffer in a separate texture/SSBO at the same ti...

1 hour later…
@Vaillancourt :(

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