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12:00 AM
Hi Chris
How's tallowmere?
@IcyDefiance visual studio works a treat
@Hjorthenify it's good!
eh, I couldn't get visual studio to play nice with git. the tools are there, but they hated me.
12:02 AM
@Chris Good to hear! What's next to be added?
I think I've used TortoiseHg before for Windows shell right-clicking goodness, tortoisehg.bitbucket.org
@IcyDefiance 2013 or later should be ok
I don' have any problems using it
don't remember if I was using 2012 or 2013...
2012 was flaky as hell
4 hours ago, by Chris
Right now, my next main focus is to add a little more personality to the dungeon, like maybe have images/ghosts of Lady Tallowmere appear at the start of each event room, with a cute/snarky message or two, "Can you beat my hydra?", sort of edging the player on
12:03 AM
I bet that was it, then
yeh probably
@Chris right-clicking, like right-click to paste?
Ahh I see :)
it gave the folders checkmarks if they were outdated or not I think
and you could right-click your project folder and choose to commit
and it'd bring up a pop-up dialog so you could add comments, and review all the changes and diffs before commiting
much like the github desktop app
ohh right, tortoise. I used that before.
12:05 AM
I used it for svn, though, and it was horrible
there's also a version for SVN
yes lol, I used that for Google Code stuff
never again
Another 5 star rating from a German.. I love Germans
Leichte Bedienung und keine Werbung!
i have had a steady 2 sales a day for 2 months
12:13 AM
not huge, but i mean it seems to be generating money for coffee
everything helps
80% of my sales are in Gemany
What did u make Jon?
12:29 AM
@IcyDefiance Do you know if it is possible to make certain files in your repo with bitbucket public? Such as the .exe?
uhh...I remember that being possible for branches, don't remember if it was possible for individual files though
Is it possible to make a branch just for the release files then?
don't use a branch for that, use the uploads tab
I dont see an upload tab D:
Sorry. I'm kinda new to this xD
12:31 AM
@IcyDefiance lol?
err, downloads
you upload to the downloads
lol logins busted
But yes of course!
.... what?
gonna play a quick hots game
will check back after
oh, sorry Almo, I can play
@Hjorthenify if you can't find the downloads button, then go to the repo's main page and add /downloads to the url
that page then has 3 tabs. the first you can upload anything to, but the second might be even better.
12:35 AM
I saw the button JUST as you said that :P
you can tag a certain commit as a release, and bitbucket will display it on the Tags tab there, along with a .zip download of the source for that commit.
github then allows you to attach a binary download to that tag if you want. dunno if bitbucket does the same, but I would expect so.
Hmm nice
@Almo league with a 21 minute login queue D:
ow shit
12:36 AM
yeah they say there's a problem with login, they're wortking on it
will check back aorund 9
framework design question: should I make Window abstract and force people to inherit from it and override the Update() method, or make Window take an external function as a parameter and call that every frame
I like the callback approach
aight I was leaning toward that anyway. just wanted to be sure it wasn't totally insane.
1:22 AM
@Jon I saw the pixels trailer, but I didn't like it because you see a space shuttle in the beginning, but then when it gets to space, you see a the third stage of a saturn V. On top of that, the space shuttle was never used for inter-planetary satellites (AFAIK).
it looks bad
but i'm gonna watch it
1:51 AM
What does this shader error mean? (Unity)
> Duplicate system value semantic definition: output semantic 'POSITION' and output semantic 'POSITION'
We did it. Traffic problems are solved.
Well the error goes away if I change the vertex shader signature from v2g vert(inout appdata_full v) to v2g vert(appdata_base v)
idk, shader syntax/semantics is still confusing to me
@SpartanDonut hahah
2:06 AM
The voyager 1 contained some works of mozart. I guess you could say that his music is pretty far out :P
okay I quit vim
syntax highlighting still isn't working quite right, and while I know why, I have no clue how to fix it
ask josh
he'll help
@IcyDefiance grab your favorite intelij IDE
and turn on vim mode
@IcyDefiance If you want settings to be saved, you have to write them in the vimrc file.
Is it a problem with youcompleteme?
2:14 AM
yeah it's not that. vim doesn't highlight namespace, type, or function names, so I installed TagHighlight, which uses cmake. it works fine on my own libraries, but not on the std libraries. easiest fix for that (supposedly) is to run cmake on the std libraries and point the plugin at the result of that, and doing that worked...on the std namespace, but none of the types inside it...for some reason...
hmm yea idk i was very turned off to vim in the console... but very much liked having an application running the commands just personal preference so far, still a newb
vim with YCM and NERDtree is really cool. it's just the little details after that which get annoying, and I'm trying to fix them all, but it hates me.
haha yea I dont have patience for customizing that much stuff.. i could spend more time customizing my tools than i do coding
I'll just go back to visual studio for now. I'll keep my vim stuff around just in case Josh can help me later, but for now, VS will work.
@MickLH You use Vim?
2:26 AM
Hell no, I'm sane.
Why not?
nano master race
midnight commander when you wanna ball hard
midnight commander?
What can nano do that vim can't?
Be convenient
Mick the other day you said something about making a main function to dispatch main functions...was this what you meant? gist.github.com/IcyDefiance/1f6a188d306cf1f3c7c8
I feel so dirty after doing that
2:34 AM
Lol that's technically acceptable still
I was implying that it's wrong to combine multiple programs that way, like busybox
But that was a joke too
ah okay
@MickLH How is it inconvenient?
3:06 AM
@AidanMueller I was mostly joking, but actually I hate vi's commands because I can never remember them
Well you can't mix up vi and vim :)
I've never wanted to go past vi
I tried it for about 0.2 seconds and it obviously was not the state of mind I'd like to go down the path of
I have a fucking X server, I use gedit
or SciTE (or recently, MonoDevelop, it's kinda nice)
I mostly like vim because of how fast I can move the cursor around the file without touching the mouse
there's probably a VS extension that will do the same thing...
Well you can use GVim, which is a happy medium.
Also, I've encountered too many vim evangelicals
So I automatically religiously hate it
3:09 AM
lol yeah I've seen those too
I mean it really does look really nice, but dat religious hate doe.
It's the source of all my other problems with vim ;)
and emacs
The only thing worse than emacs is vim
I'm in a great mood if you can't tell.
@MickLH Well I hope I'm not coming across like that, I'm just curious :)
1 hour later…
4:19 AM
I wish that euclideon's geoverse thing was an open source project.
Technology would be so far ahead with unlimited detail.
Even though I could imagine how to implement it a few ways, they are full of shit.
If it would not embarrass them, they would release something.
If they won't release anything for business reasons, I'd love to hear about their business reasons.
At any rate, we will eventually be gaming like this.
@MickLH Their demonstrations look pretty hard to fake.
They have released geoverse.
They also said that they are working on some games, so we can see once those come out.
If I hadn't heard that over and over, I'd be optimistic
@MickLH Like it?
4:35 AM
looks good to me
4:47 AM
so...setting CXX_STANDARD 11 in cmake and generating for mingw produces the -std=c++0x flag
which is obsolete and it should use -std=c++11 instead
this means I need to use the namespace std::tr1 for some things instead of just std
(╯°□°)╯︵ ǝʞɐɯɔ
You're more patient and persistent than I
How the hell is it friday already
eh, this time the fix was easy. I just had to set the flag more directly and hope other compilers don't need a different flag for the same thing, lol.
5:07 AM
@AidanMueller Oh you know what, maybe that texture feels a little blurry. I mean it doesn't look unnaturally blurred, but the colors are just all so similar I get that effect.
1 hour later…
6:22 AM
@MickLH That isn't the actual texture, it's just for visualization.
OK going to bed goodnight.
How dare you forget the gh and add an e!?!
It's a code word that means the boogeyman is in your closet
6:24 AM
OK well then I'm not going to bed XD
Whatever, I'll load the shotguns.
lol good, I need company
jk go to sleep
OK bye.
wtf I can read a file from a folder in Documents, but if I try to check if a file exists then it throws an exception saying I'm not authorized to access the containing folder
Make a proof of concept exploit that enumerates un-accessible directories using brute force
nah turns out I fucked up a + and tried to check if a directory exists using File.Exists()
2 hours later…
8:27 AM
@IcyDefiance Still there?
9:10 AM
Q: What should I do if I get conflicting answers?

joehot200Yesterday,I asked What is better? Lots of small TCP packets, or one long one?. At first, the answers tallied with what I thought the answer would be. "" However, as the question got more and more views (How on earth did I get 1000+ views in a day??), I got more and more conflicting answers:...

2 hours later…
10:40 AM
I love it, I only have to post one answer and all the arguing happens automatically without my intervention!
11:19 AM
good day!
11:53 AM
You are all slaves!!! slaves!!
Ooh kinky
lol wtf
Yeah I have no idea what went on there
But eh, I figured my reply was the least nonsensical of the possible replies
pretty sure you just hit on me dude
12:08 PM
@Jon you started it
@Hjorthenify Hey
Jon you mentioned an app yesterday, right?
One which you released
picross touch?
You never mentioned the name. I was just corious about your creation :)
its just a simple puzzle game
12:12 PM
Ah yes
12:24 PM
@MickLH any advantages to not specifying the -std=c++11 ?
I want to use non-static data initializers and it's yelling at me
what are non-static data initializers? and what is it yelling?
A C++ thing and I think that non static data initializers aren't allowed in C++11 anymore
Why don't I know about them? Because I've always coded in C++11 time?
Because C++ is a gigantic language and anyone who tells you they know everything about it is either wrong or lying
@Pip And uuh no real advantages to not using -std=c++11 excepting maybe it's more compatible with compilers that don't support c++11
@KevinvanderVelden other way around
g++ -c -Wall -I/usr/include/SFML -c -o obj/main.o src/main.cpp
^[[BIn file included from src/main.cpp:2:0:
src/Window/Window.h:12:16: warning: non-static data member initializers only available with -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11
  int screenX = 800, screenY = 600;
src/Window/Window.h:12:31: warning: non-static data member initializers only available with -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11
  int screenX = 800, screenY = 600;
src/Window/Window.h:13:41: warning: non-static data member initializers only available with -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11
12:33 PM
Lol -Wall
@Pip ooh ok =p
@KevinvanderVelden every one has their own achievements I guess
lol that's actually quite cool
No wonder it is yelling at you :P
12:34 PM
@Hjorthenify -Wall is actually pretty useful. It can find a lot of things that wouldn't otherwise be noticed
Yeah, but still prints a lot of unnecessary stuff as well :)
True, because it errs on the side of caution =p
Personally I prefer compiling with -Wall, I think whatever flag it is that treats those warnings as errors is a bit too far (can't recall which off the top of my head) but it has advantages
Use -wall and enable TreatWarningsAsErrors and you will never get any job done :P
12:36 PM
explain what -wall does? Google says fuck you when I looked it up
Hey Pip I heard you tried Godot?
It is not unusual to get about 4000 warnings with wall turned on :P
@Pip It's a compound argument, -Wwarning tells to compiler to look for that kind of warning, all tells it to look for all the warnings it can
Oh, not even all, there's -Wextra and -pedantic for even more warnings
Q: What does "-Wall" in "g++ -Wall test.cpp -o test" do?

steven-o changes the output filename (I found that using --help) But I can't find out what -Wall does?

yeah, I'm using -pedantic
Has anyone here tried Godot?
nope, looked at it though
it looks decent but not as good as some other engines/frameworks
I'm now a big fan of Unity and UE4 both
12:43 PM
I typically just write my own stuff
Up to a limit
I'm currently using bgfx for rendering for example
Which is pretty low level: github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx
you generate sounds on the fly inside your game?
bgfx is a rendering engine
I thought you meant this, lol
I figured
4 letter nonsensical words with a b, x and an f in them? No way you'd confuse them =p
thats what they should of called bgfx
way less confusing
12:50 PM
To make it even better he also has a utillity library named bx
what is this man's obsession with bx
I dunno, the b is probably from his name (Branimir Karadžić)
and the x means he is from generation x
@Jon That's probably the most annoying website I've ever seen
12:51 PM
oh shit, Metallica is in financial trouble... quick everyone send them money
hello gentlemen!!
the band - of necessity now rather than by choice - are driven to tour Europe every summer."
Those poor bastards...
@Hjorthenify Ooh! Godot also uses bgfx
Now they actually ahve to work to pay their gigantic mansions
12:55 PM
@Jon probably spending tons of money on a bad movie wasn't that smart
WOuld be if it had made money, lol
yeah :D
it was a really strange movie
well it was made by a bunch of 80s has beens
that think they still have it
1:04 PM
sometimes I just hope that I would name stuff like normal people: DGuiPanelMenuItemButtonCallback
A callback for the button part of a menu item in a dynamic gui panel?
pretty close
D means that it's a typeDef
Of course it does
thats not what D means to my gf
1:07 PM
wouldn't 'T' be a better initial designator?
@Tyyppi_77 ... no
i agree. T
I use T for classes that are used as "types", so basically stored as values, not pointers
1:08 PM
TVector2, TColor
@Tyyppi_77 that would be a C
currently the only T classes
Or, you know, the fact that it starts with a capital
Morning kids
1:08 PM
i'm not your kid, dude
Good. Find someone else.
the subtle, i banged yo mama joke
git outta here
@Jon Hi i'm not your kid, I'm dad
1:10 PM
my dad is Vodka Drunkensky
a mediocre boxer
@SpartanDonut morning ancient one
Oh, the flashbacks...
...even before you posted the pic
@Jon lol
1:11 PM
It's about as I suspected
I suspected pupils but it's close enough
lol this is my compiler command
g++ -c -Wall -I/usr/include/SFML -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wfloat-equal -Wundef -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wlogical-op -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wshadow -Woverloaded-virtual -c -o obj/main.o src/main.cpp
g++ -L/usr/lib -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system -lsfml-audio -lsfml-network -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wfloat-equal -Wundef -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wlogical-op -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wshadow -Woverloaded-virtual -o main obj/main.o
hahaha makefiles are great
They are pretty awesome
Though I also like tools like premake, they can create a Makefile, but also visual studio project files and others
1:49 PM
I have those flags defined in a variable in the Makefile, so I only have to do $(CC) (LFLAGS) $(WFLAGS) etc
just got >9000 errors, gotta love all of the warning flags that I have + TreatWarningsAsErrors
wait wut did I do
You broke the thing
Why did you break the thing?
IT'S OVER 9000
That is, I suppose, a decent enough reason to break the thing
wait wut
error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
2:04 PM
Guy writing script to make Mario teach himself how to play Mario - twitch.tv/sethbling
Using evolution no less
2:24 PM
annoys me that is says Super Mario World
@Jon He was working on SMW first. He's now modified his SMW script to SMB. He just hasn't updated the stream
yeah, well... uhhh... whatever
Just letting you know it's oversight not ignorance :)
well that is good.
puts my mind at ease
2:27 PM
That was my only objective
Your mental health is my greatest concern
would you say it is the most important thing in your life right now?
thats not what I asked pip
No. Going down stairs to find some breakfast is the most important thing in my life right now.
2:28 PM
been there, done that
thinking about reheating pizza now
as long as there is no negative impact on your mental health I am ok with this
@Byte56 Hi! I was having the feeling that since Phillip already commented on the question, he would have put it on hold if he felt it was opinion based.
But now I'm guessing he does not have yet the power to do so?
Byte56 is a mod, there are very few things he doesn't have the power to do =p
@AlexandreVaillancourt Phillip voted to put on hold, I flagged it. One of those probably caught Byte's attention
2:41 PM
Yeah, but my guess was that Phillip would have had the authority alone to put it on hold; now I'm wondering what it takes to put a question on hold..
Mod power or 5 votes from normal users
In order to vote you need 3k+ rep
you can also flag stuff without much rep and it goes in a review queue for other high rep users to check
@SpartanDonut I can flag questions, but is that not the same is vote to close?
Yeah, I often flag, but didn't know much of what was happening after..
2:44 PM
@Tyyppi_77 nope. that's simply flagging it for high rep users / mods to come see if they would like to cast a vote or outright close it in the case of mods
ah, makes sense
ehhh,newsfeed >_<
@AlexandreVaillancourt Only moderators can unilaterally close a question.
@Byte56 and being Moderator is a special status not (directly) related to reputation points one has, is that it?
2:53 PM
Mods are voted in by the community. Elections are held on an as needed basis
Yep, elected.
You can see pending close votes when you have 250, and cast votes when you have 3k rep
Yeah, ok, that's why I didn't see the 'close..._now_' privilege.
All right, thanks, then!
Sure thing, thanks for learning more about the system!
Now, will the question be deleted someday because it's been put on hold?
Maybe, the community has some auto cleanup stuff, but I'm not sure what the requirements are. I imagine it'll be auto deleted with no positive votes

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