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like they did with emplace_back in vectors
I dunno, I think that's a bad idea in general.
Just leads to the for-loop-scope-conformance switch.
Or people avoiding it anyway because it's not quite correctly standardized.
for example, constexpr, I'd like to be able to have that bit of code compile at least, even if it doesn't apply the optimisations
how do i tell unity to generate folder structure when it don't exist ?
@OMGtechy #ifdef ...something... #define constexpr
Look ma, it's almost like a polyfill
I'm generating the textures for my planets and saving them to disk but im using planet names as the parent folder and it bombs out if the folder aint there
@MickLH I want ma constexpr D:
You will sit here until you eat your #defines and you will like it mister.
@Wardy you should be able to access system.io and create the folder if it's not there
@MickLH :(
@Almo hmmm thats annoying
hello everyone, what's up ?
The other sky, if you're inside the earth.
I thought that unity might have a more forgiving overload for saving stuff
@Veritas all the stuff that aint down I would guess
@Veritas is your name a pun on coveritas btw?
No, not really.
What's coveritas?
nvm :D
hello aha
@Veritas It's proof that your google-fu is not super saiyan level.
Not that many relevant results tbh.
@MickLH it's over 9000
@Veritas I'm 100% breaking your balls, notice I said "super saiyan"
Why would Veritas be a pun of anything? It's an existing word: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veritas
@KevinvanderVelden because I hadn't heard of the word but had heard of coveritas :D
coveritas is when there are two veritases. one is the main veritas and one is the coveritas.
it's like a veritassistant
@OMGtechy well it means truth =p
So then is a coveritas an alternate truth?
It's also the name of a goddess in roman mythology
Coveritas is a piece of software
pretty sure it's been renamed / mostly forgotten now
yea it appears to be called Vertizan now
@MickLH or the opposite of the truth
@Lasse What's that one picture you used to describe how Dwarf Fortress provides fun, versus the way other games provide fun.
I vaguely remember someone on a throne with a viciously satisfied look and discarded fun containers all around
yes, thank you
Now that everything has blown over, here's what I meant:

This message does not actually serve any logical purpose other than reaching out to build some form of emotional connection.
We're obviously not going to kiss, ever lol
quick question - is it undefined to copy a storage buffer with a placement new created object as a swallow copy method?
How do you do it?
@MickLH thats cool lol
@Veritas whats a swallow copy method?
I'd guess you're casting to void* eventually, @Veritas, which becomes UB if you do anything except cast it back to the original pointer.
Although in my experience, reinterperet_cast<> never does anything lol, so banging the pointer around after Works For Me(TM)
But I'd think, if placement new exists, there should be some well defined way to use it... I haven't come across the use case though. I'd love to see what you're doing.
reinterpret_cast actually works for placement_new
I am almost sure this is undefined
lol, it looks super sketch
wow i really need to be less cautious with cpu time
unity process ... 1% cpu
whilst generating an earth sized planet
ooo a spike to 3%
no wonder this crap takes so dam long
@Veritas Well the reinterperet_cast and the aligned storage are the only things that look possibly weird to me. And that's only because I'm too lazy to find relevant language in the spec :P
Although it makes me think you're doing something weird somewhere if you need this.
not mine
Ah ha! So you're working with weird people
You weird thing doing weirdo
the reinterpret cast in this case works because the dynamic type is the same as the one that we cast to
but I am not sure if simply swapping the storages is a valid way to swap the objects
it should work in most cases but it smells like undefined behaviour
Well I'm still too lazy for the spec
@Veritas you may ask it in c++ lounge =)
will do
But with logic, you can see that pointers to internal members can be destroyed
never used a storage, what is it for?
I would guess it's intended for explicitly controlling alignment of individual fields within a class
it's intended for use with placement new
@Veritas 1. lol why did you ask that question here but not there. 2. did you post a question on stack overflow first? 3. you might get better results on C++ lounge if you've posted a question first :P
1. Wasn't even aware of the Lounge and it was really intended a very fast and quick question.
So far, writing a question has always been faster on Lounge<C++> for me :P
I mean, writing a question on SO, and then going to chat.
@Wardy how is the generator going?
The other way around, no matter how trivial, has resulted in the RTFM'ing and no-question complaining taking longer than actually writing the question.
its not really @Veritas
I haven't done anything with it for a while ... been playing with windows 10 stuff
and this stupid ass uv mapping issue is pissing me off
the Lounge is seriously misnamed
that word somehow implies a relaxed atmosphere
@Almo oh yeah
I went to crazy lengths to build a mesh gen that used the same params as the noise gen but for some reason my textures aren't being put on the right parts of the planet meshes
well that sucks
I want to go ask about the implications of using int x = 1 + 1; instead of using int x = 2; on C++ lounge, and see how many hours it takes before they say it's the same
and see how many years it takes to realize that 1 + 1 was the better option because it was probably magic number that makes sense + other magic number that makes sense
I'm sure you can find a question to mess them up for hours
I used to hate programmers
But then I found the C++ lounge and realize it really is just my choice of language
@MickLH It's not just me then
if those two statements were on the same line I'd star it
@Wardy I guess it takes the mind of an ignorant ass who comprehends problems easily to answer this kind of question.
A: How to float object up and down in space with Unity?

PipYou have a pretty simple solution. What your problem here is that you are not preserving the original y position. Essentially, you need to store the original y position in a variable, that would look like this: (Don't forget to set the variable in the Start() function.) Vector2 floatY; float ori...

I thought the same thing a while back
@Almo Noted, lol I'll try to buffer a couple messages and evaluate whether or not there is a benefit to starrability to be had by grouping (or maybe even ungrouping)
@Pip lol so I gave you the answer as a comment ... he then improved the question whilst you wrote the code up for it
So does C++ programmer mean hater?
but close
C++ lover means hater
C++ Programmer =/= hater == C++ lover
@MickLH :D
I love c++ but I'm not a hater
pip wtf is =/=. Come on man, use a real operator: !=
@Almo He tricked you
Now you made the logic error, it was just syntax before
lol array index error
@JohnPoison after attempting to create a new C++ development environment in windows that wasn't visual studio for the last 2 days, I must say, I hate C++
I have to go do hygiene and life-sustenance bullshit now, be back in a while
@IcyDefiance lol, I hated C++ when I worked on porting ios game to android
that was a hell
you didn't do Java?
C++ is probably my favorite non-scrippting language
game was on C++, so we used NDK
ah ok
I do all my iOS stuff in Objective-C
@Almo lol
but android is an epic shit
yes it is, for programming at least
I've just read how it works... each app is a user in a linux system
it's a decent os IMO
its interfacing is shit
I can't really comment on the OS
it's a non-standartized shit
developing for android really isn't that bad...until you get an error
(any error)
if you look at it as a user, maybe it's not bad. But If you look as a programmer...
android errors are as cryptic as linker errors and half the time they're not even kind enough to give a line number
as a user with no knowledge of what good interfacing is, maybe.
one example: scrollable list when you hit the bottom.
debugging c++ under android is a torture
iOS: resistance starts. it still moves as you move your finger, but less. you get the idea you're at the bottom
droid: stops cold. is it still getting my input? scroll up down, stops again, nope, that's the end of the content.
the interface is riddled with these kinds of things
nah android has something like the resistance thing. I'm not sure when it was added though, and I forget whether it happens while dragging or just when you flick and it hits the bottom.
don't have my phone on me to try it
WP7 didn't have it at first, but it was added real fast
it's some blue thing that shows up
hard to see
unless that's just in the version of droid I had
blue thing...yeah I know my phone doesn't have that.
well I'm heading out for today. talk later guys. :) I might be in for LoL tonight, Icy.
@Almo I loved ios. But now it feels like ios is going different way than before, after Jobs passed away. It became less polished and more buggy
cya Almo
@JohnPoison Not sure about that, but I'm still on iOS 7. My wife has two 8 devices.
(iPhone 4, so I can't get 8)
bye pip
I also have to go. Good night
OMG it feels so good to finally be able to cast a decent spell with my retarded troll.
Though he's chewing through my fruit supplies like crazy now.
2 hours later…
dang that was cool
Q: Unity simple map generation

user2351722I am trying to generate simple map like this. Everything works as i want, but i am new to programing so my question would be, is it a good way to do something like this? And if not maybe someone would explain me where and why it is bad to do something like this. And how bad is it on performance. ...

just spat out a 2d map gen and mesh gen from my head
I bet its broken though
> i will be reading your code and learning what it does for next week :DD – user2351722 6 secs ago
was it really that complex ?
its likely wrong
@MickLH lol

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