I'm generating the textures for my planets and saving them to disk but im using planet names as the parent folder and it bombs out if the folder aint there
Now that everything has blown over, here's what I meant:
This message does not actually serve any logical purpose other than reaching out to build some form of emotional connection. http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/20623220#20623220
I'd guess you're casting to void* eventually, @Veritas, which becomes UB if you do anything except cast it back to the original pointer.
Although in my experience, reinterperet_cast<> never does anything lol, so banging the pointer around after Works For Me(TM)
But I'd think, if placement new exists, there should be some well defined way to use it... I haven't come across the use case though. I'd love to see what you're doing.
@Veritas Well the reinterperet_cast and the aligned storage are the only things that look possibly weird to me. And that's only because I'm too lazy to find relevant language in the spec :P
Although it makes me think you're doing something weird somewhere if you need this.
@Veritas 1. lol why did you ask that question here but not there. 2. did you post a question on stack overflow first? 3. you might get better results on C++ lounge if you've posted a question first :P
The other way around, no matter how trivial, has resulted in the RTFM'ing and no-question complaining taking longer than actually writing the question.
I went to crazy lengths to build a mesh gen that used the same params as the noise gen but for some reason my textures aren't being put on the right parts of the planet meshes
I want to go ask about the implications of using int x = 1 + 1; instead of using int x = 2; on C++ lounge, and see how many hours it takes before they say it's the same
and see how many years it takes to realize that 1 + 1 was the better option because it was probably magic number that makes sense + other magic number that makes sense
You have a pretty simple solution. What your problem here is that you are not preserving the original y position. Essentially, you need to store the original y position in a variable, that would look like this: (Don't forget to set the variable in the Start() function.)
Vector2 floatY;
float ori...
@Almo Noted, lol I'll try to buffer a couple messages and evaluate whether or not there is a benefit to starrability to be had by grouping (or maybe even ungrouping)
@JohnPoison after attempting to create a new C++ development environment in windows that wasn't visual studio for the last 2 days, I must say, I hate C++
nah android has something like the resistance thing. I'm not sure when it was added though, and I forget whether it happens while dragging or just when you flick and it hits the bottom.
don't have my phone on me to try it
WP7 didn't have it at first, but it was added real fast
I am trying to generate simple map like this. Everything works as i want, but i am new to programing so my question would be, is it a good way to do something like this? And if not maybe someone would explain me where and why it is bad to do something like this. And how bad is it on performance.