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well, imagine it was correct xD
would you like it then?
I really like that concept, but imagine a situation where someone who understands the difference writes some code and some other noob tries to make a change 2 years later. Off by one errors are painful to debug.
but ignoring the noobs, it's a nice feature that I personally would love to have
Intervals would be pretty nice. (you are proposing are intervals)
I call them ranges xD
hmm, what if I allowd you to set the step...
I think python calls them ranges, so I say OMGtechy is more right here :P
@OMGtechy (0, 5) looks like a tuple or maybe a function. You could do something like (0 .. 5)
I like range better but I see "interval" used more in the Math articles I see: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_(mathematics)
ooh I do like lokkij's idea
@Lokkij have you seen swift? :P
Swift does that
I was actually taking inspiration from F# again :P
F# is a wonderful thing
I really need to learn F#. I've been meaning to for some time now and never get around to it.
@Lokkij well tuples won't look like that, but people seem to like the ... so thanks :P
Hmm, it'd be nice if you could set the step
like x ^ 2 starting at 1
ooo, if I could express the Fibonacci sequence through that it'd be uber
F# does: [0 .. 2 .. 10] gives 0 through 10 with a step of 2.
F# strikes again
Fuck Sharp
@OMGtechy I would just have list comprehensions like python has for setting the step. [x*2 for x in [0 .. 5]]
I should probably look at F# as well
and D
@OMGtechy opposite
fuck D
@MLM I though python would be range(0, 5, 2)
@MLM it seems more complex than it needs to be
I'm used to them though :D
I like list comprehensions, but not necessarily for that purpose.
interval notation is great
they might be the clearest way of expressing it though
[0 ... 5]^2
it's an idea
@MLM 's suggestion might be the lesser of many evils
I think [min .. step .. max] is pretty decent.
@OMGtechy The only downside is that is not as clear what the true range is. In that example 0-10
@Lokkij hmm, I need to toy with it...
Why the two .'s instead of 3 btw?
Because that's what F# does :P
Swift has .. mean exclusive and ... mean inclusive
3 ellipses usually means to unroll the argument
Check the new ES6(javascript) syntax
And it looks slightly better than [min ... step ... max]
what's ES6?
@Lokkij I'd say the opposite :P
Hmm, I'm not sure where to go with this. I could go for "all values matching expression" or "apply expression to all values"
[0 ... 5]^2 or [0 ... n^2 ... 5]
[]^2 looks neater :P
But is it clear what it does?
I like it, but I want people to understand it easily
Not to me.
it's not good being all clever when noone can understand you :P
C++ is a good example of that aha
[]^2 looks like it would raise every element to the 2nd power
which is what it does
[0, 1, 4 ... etc
what are you trying to do firstly?
just defining a language feature for expressing sequences / ranges / intervals or whatever they're called
so [0 ... 3]^2 would yield 0, 1, 4, 9
I'm warming to it, but I like to keep my options open xD
As that's usually when the bigger ideas appear
... in ES6(new javascript) is the spread operator: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…
@MLM ah C++ does that with variadic templates
I thought we were talking about the step. ([0 .. 3]^2 would be equivalent to (int i = 0; i <= 3; i += 2))
^2 would be applied to each element in the range
0^2, 1^2, 2^2, 3^2
Yeah, then it makes sense.
thats another way ^ but tedious to write
yeah that makes a lot more sense
for step I like F#'s [0 .. 2 .. 10], oooor [0 .. 10, 2]. either one would work.
I like the second one as well
ah I see what you mean
are you looking to write it so its less work or so easier for some one to get it from just reading it
@Dave just playing with ideas for now
Though the first one looks really nice
I prefer the first
as the ] or ) is next to the thing it applies to
[0 ... 2 ... 10)^2
@ErikE Looked it up out of morbid curiosity: Parquet is from French and approximately "par key". Khaki is "khaah key" and it's from Hindustani apparently. [ pronunciation demos: parquet | khaki ]
n^2 for n in range(0, 10) would be the python
@Anko I know kharki as a shade of green
lol sql style linq in C# would be pretty similar to that too
probably a bit longer though
Well, I like this, I shall toy with it
and then I shall take over the world
I just discovered why new lines should be at the end of source files
As I've been bitten by it
@OMGtechy Also a village in India. Man, the word is a confusing place.
@Anko it kinda looks like kayak too :P
a little
very little
not much at all
it doesn't does it
maybe if you squint
a lot
Always put fucking newlines on your files
ok heading out talk later :)
<-- never puts newlines at EOF
<-- always puts newlines at EOF
← uses unicode arrows
<-- doesn't understand what this arrow stuff is about
« fuck the police
wait, why should there be a new line at the end of source files?
visual studio always does that shit on its own and it pisses me off
probably a C++ thing because of the way includes work?
Seconding @Icy. I've been advised it before but never understood.
Because when you print it in the terminal you get a new line rather than having the cursor sitting somewhere on the right
cat foo.txt
this is foo's content [terminal thingy]
cat should just put the cursor on the next line on its own ._.
stupid cat
almost as bad as real cats
terminal thingy = caret, I think
nope, because then if you grep it you have an extra new line @IcyDefiance
or manipulate it any other way
as for C++, the standard requires it.
@MLM carrot.
zsh puts it on a newline but appends a weirdly highlighted %-sign to indicate the line wasn't newline-terminated
@OMGtechy yum
Atom just appends the new line
notepad++ doesn't care
git gives you evils
vim also appends the newline on save. TIL.
well git is just all evil. it's just the best evil we have for that purpose.
I love git
When you've screwed up there's always a way to fix it
not like Perforce where it's like well shit
it's just overly complicated and far too easy to fuck up in ways that are impossible to understand. the featureset is perfect though.
I don't think the basics are complex at all
the more complex things though...are...well...more complex.
It's like C++ aha
The confusion with rarely used commands might arise from how they're a bit inconsistently named.
problem is if you only know the basics, you're a lot more likely to need more than just the basics, because you're going to screw it up somehow
yeah I'll give you that
I have no idea what rebase actually does for example
I think I know what reset does
I use commit, add, reset, diff, list and rebase.
and clean just does its own thing
rebase is super handy
and super easy to fuck everything up with
I just google my problem and then copy/paste commands until it works ._.
But the joy of git is there's always a way back
log, status, push
oh yeah status
status is super handy
oops, log not list
git status is great for realising how much you've broken everything xD
lol status is fun. half the time I think it's lying to me because the result doesn't make any sense, so I just move on, and then I fuck up the repo because status wasn't lying at all.
status knows all
I have a summary of git status show up in my shell prompt as little coloured lights.
Otherwise I keep accidentally committing stuff I didn't realise was staged.
How does that even happen?
The only time I accidentally stage things is when I get too wildcard happy
by doing things without consulting git-status first :p
I git status often to keep a healthy colon
pfft make a good .gitignore file and you can just git add . every time. can't remember the last time I've typed anything more specific.
But... interactive staging is the shiznits!
or if you're lazy git commit -a
yeah that is nice if you forget to commit for a while
hmm, if I used ^ for powers ... what should bitwise XOR be?
@OMGtechy Only do bitwise on binary bin(3) things?
or I could not use ^ for powers
LiveScript has dots around everything bitwise
if I remember right C# intentionally chose not to use ^ for powers, to encourage people to use multiplication instead when reasonable, because it would run faster
so .&. for bitwise for example
should look that up before quoting me on that, though
@Anko that's a nice idea, thanks :D
@IcyDefiance if you find a source let me know, that's interesting
it was probably just an after-the-fact justification I saw on SO or something. trying to find a source now.
I doubt that explanation. They could just compile-time convert it to multiplications.
I'll tell you what does annoy me though; whenever I type C# into chrome it changes it to C/#
well here's a dev post on the question: blogs.msdn.com/b/csharpfaq/archive/2004/03/07/85564.aspx
and yeah that annoys me too, but that's only if you type c# first. type your search, then put c# after it, and it works much better.
< legend of poro king champion
prepending a space works too
opening a new tab, typing google.com, hitting enter, then typing your search works too
but doing this much typing is almost more evil than using the mouse for something
I wish they'd stop it doing that
but I cba to complain to anyone who can do anything about it
Legend of the Poro King is a game mode in LoL, yeah
lots of fun but also horribly unbalanced, which actually keeps it fun because no one gets all that competitive about it
@IcyDefiance do you know about trigraphs
I have something to fuel your hate of C++ aha
I know about them now :D
i dont see how unbalanced?
I just found the best use of a trigraph ever xD
Q: What does the C ??!??! operator do?

Peter OlsonI saw a line of C that looked like this: !ErrorHasOccured() ??!??! HandleError(); It compiled correctly and seems to run ok. It seems like it's checking if an error has occurred, and if it has, it handles it, but I'm not really sure what it's actually doing or how it's doing it. It does look l...

you pick your champs and has a ban phase
I think they're getting removed from the standard soon IIRC
aram is unbalanced for sure though
@Dave Icy or Almo explained it this way to me. Some champs can take better advantage of the poro tele such as Garen
@Dave the primary weakness of many champions is their lack of gap closers. like galio. ban phase helps but there are a lot of champs like this and you can't ban them all.
yeh but you can easily build a team with that in mind
helps kat a lot too because she can use her E for escape instead of to initiate
you don't need kat getting more op than she already is
shes always banned lol
urf mode is next in april can't wait
i hope its even more rediculous as last time
I didn't actually play urf. :( It was available during one of the periods where I quit league.
urf last year was when i first joined league
it was so boring when it ended i was so used to fast reloads
sona was just rediculous she had 1 second cool down
lol a lot of people want to combine urf and one for all. get 5 nidalees on each team throwing spears all at once.
5 le blancs would be confusing as hell
or wukong
no. malphite.
one sec there's a video of this
@OMGtechy Interesting. Never heard of the trigraph before.
I encountered them at work once
and died inside
urf just wasn't fun
this trebuchet sim is addictive
@Almo get out.
*points at the exit
urf was the best by far if u play the right champ
I had one fun time with urf as ashe
by the end, almost all (or maybe all) opponents had banshee's veils because of all my long-range ults
ashe is my fav champ
even though shes not the best
she might be my main this season
infact she needs a rework
i went over 60% last season with her despite my actual main being cait whom i went about 45% with
her q and e could do we something more useful
code snippet of the day
Q is totally useful!
you get out. there's the door. :)
x[1:> = 4
actually ashe has a really high win rate right now, even at plat+ ranks
she's entirely useful
its useful but its not impressive
her E is especially useful in solo queue where no one wards
her lack of escape is not great though
ult == best escape ever
u need distance for it to stun longer
her e should be allowed to be double tapped to allow u to jump away
that would be awesome
doesn't matter. few champs have more than one gap closer. let them use it, then stun, then kite. they won't touch you.
I've wrecked so many xins and vis that way
do u build boots with her?
cos i dont
always build boots. bf sword, then first boots, then IE, then berserker's, then statik shiv, then last whisper. every game.
at the very end of the game, if you have all your items, then you can replace boots with zephyr
i go for life steal and damage and armour pen
shiv is like 4th or 5th item
ashe is HUGE with crits, and shiv makes even more huge. if you get 3 kills in lane, then buy shiv, your first hit on anyone will take 1/2 their hp just like that.
yeh but i need the follow up to finish it
thats what works for me
well yeah, you're an adc, you just keep attacking
plus i dont think the shiv damage affects life steal
at least i dont think it does
it doesn't, but life steal is shit right now. even moreso because BT got nerfed and only gives the same ad that IE does now.
if you really want lifesteal, build a vamp scepter after IE and berserker's, then just leave it unfinished until after you finish last whisper.
I usually don't bother and just build whisper, then bt after that
well i still think ashe could do with more movement ability
well, yeah, being able to move would be a buff for her, but not one she needs.
ashe isn't the only one either. mf, varus, jinx, and draven all have little mobility, at least until after you get a kill.
the ones that do have mobility (ez and kalista) just don't have the same amount of damage that the rest do. well, there's corki too, both his mobility and damage are insane, and he's considered god tier because of it. he needs a nerf.
lucian has a bit
and he does a fair bit of damage although i hate his ult
yeah lucian was on the same tier as corki until they nerfed his double-shot's damage and gave his dash a mana cost just a couple patches ago
right now it's graves, jinx, and corki that are god tier as far as adcs go
jinx when she has attack speed is deadly
yes but she's not op because of the attack speed. she's op because of the movement speed after she gets a kill/assist. if one person on your team dies to her, you all die. shut her down all game, then have one bad engage in one team fight and bam she's fed again.
kat is the same with her stupid cd resets. one person dies and she just jumps all over the place mopping up your entire team. kat is the one champ that can get a pentakill so fast that she's done before the first person even realized he died.
@Dave I'm not sure you understand playbalance if you think ashe needs an escape
she just does either that or her q needs to be more slowing
i find if im against another adc with a longer range than me i simply have no way to win without jungle's help which is annoying cos i hate relying on jungle
I find I have no problem with Ashe killing enemy ADCs even if they have more range, provided I get ahead in health
since he golds faster due to E, you out damage your opps and they can't escape due to Q
@Dave what're you thoughts on duck typing
i only own a cat so i don't know how well they type with their webbed feet
but my cat is a dick she just lies on the entire keyboard
In computer programming with object-oriented programming languages, duck typing is a style of typing in which an object's methods and properties determine the valid semantics, rather than its inheritance from a particular class or implementation of an explicit interface. The name of the concept refers to the duck test, attributed to James Whitcomb Riley (see history below), which may be phrased as follows: When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck. In duck typing, a programmer is only concerned with ensuring that objects behave...
As a javascript guy I thought you'd be a good one to ask
so its just self explainatory naming in the code?
well #1 @Dave, adcs don't duel. I mean, once in a while you might want to duel, but not often enough to be part of your calculations. While laning you should have your support with you, and the rest of the time your only job is to do a shitload of damage in team fights.
If you have type A that has a method named foo and type B that has a method named foo, you can use them in a function that requires a type to have a method foo without needing interfaces or inheritance @Dave
Give an adc some cc on top of that damage and it becomes even more op in team fights. And ashe's stun is HUGE.
@OMGtechy tbh as a self taught programmer im not the cleanest - if you saw my code you would die like a taylor swift fan
I saw your code before and I don't remember dying :P
I'm self taught too <3
I died when I saw his code, but I figured it was just typical javascript, not his fault. :P

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