I really like that concept, but imagine a situation where someone who understands the difference writes some code and some other noob tries to make a change 2 years later. Off by one errors are painful to debug.
but ignoring the noobs, it's a nice feature that I personally would love to have
lol status is fun. half the time I think it's lying to me because the result doesn't make any sense, so I just move on, and then I fuck up the repo because status wasn't lying at all.
if I remember right C# intentionally chose not to use ^ for powers, to encourage people to use multiplication instead when reasonable, because it would run faster
opening a new tab, typing google.com, hitting enter, then typing your search works too but doing this much typing is almost more evil than using the mouse for something
I saw a line of C that looked like this:
!ErrorHasOccured() ??!??! HandleError();
It compiled correctly and seems to run ok. It seems like it's checking if an error has occurred, and if it has, it handles it, but I'm not really sure what it's actually doing or how it's doing it. It does look l...
@Dave the primary weakness of many champions is their lack of gap closers. like galio. ban phase helps but there are a lot of champs like this and you can't ban them all.
ashe is HUGE with crits, and shiv makes even more huge. if you get 3 kills in lane, then buy shiv, your first hit on anyone will take 1/2 their hp just like that.
well, yeah, being able to move would be a buff for her, but not one she needs.
ashe isn't the only one either. mf, varus, jinx, and draven all have little mobility, at least until after you get a kill.
the ones that do have mobility (ez and kalista) just don't have the same amount of damage that the rest do. well, there's corki too, both his mobility and damage are insane, and he's considered god tier because of it. he needs a nerf.
yes but she's not op because of the attack speed. she's op because of the movement speed after she gets a kill/assist. if one person on your team dies to her, you all die. shut her down all game, then have one bad engage in one team fight and bam she's fed again.
kat is the same with her stupid cd resets. one person dies and she just jumps all over the place mopping up your entire team. kat is the one champ that can get a pentakill so fast that she's done before the first person even realized he died.
she just does either that or her q needs to be more slowing
i find if im against another adc with a longer range than me i simply have no way to win without jungle's help which is annoying cos i hate relying on jungle
In computer programming with object-oriented programming languages, duck typing is a style of typing in which an object's methods and properties determine the valid semantics, rather than its inheritance from a particular class or implementation of an explicit interface. The name of the concept refers to the duck test, attributed to James Whitcomb Riley (see history below), which may be phrased as follows:
When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.
In duck typing, a programmer is only concerned with ensuring that objects behave...
As a javascript guy I thought you'd be a good one to ask
well #1 @Dave, adcs don't duel. I mean, once in a while you might want to duel, but not often enough to be part of your calculations. While laning you should have your support with you, and the rest of the time your only job is to do a shitload of damage in team fights.
If you have type A that has a method named foo and type B that has a method named foo, you can use them in a function that requires a type to have a method foo without needing interfaces or inheritance @Dave