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6:00 PM
Those values you have should apply to both projection matrices.
If your light projection matrix gives you a view like the Quake FOV and your camera projection matrix gives you a COD FOV you're going to have inaccurate results with your shadows.
Yea.. which may very well be going on
Hence I was narrowing down the issue
The thing that strikes me currently is that when standing at the lightsource looking towards the origin, I expect both mini boxes to give the same image
but they don't
You should use the same inputs for both the orthographic and perspecitve.
atleast.. something similar
and when I do that, the weird half-lit half-shadowed happens, when I do it correctly
When you have both inputs the same?
yes, that was the first picture
It may very well be that the shadowing kind of works, but that the shadows overlap or something
6:05 PM
Well I'm not sure then, lol.
I'm gogn through my code once more, something must be wrong
It's trying to say that something is blockign the light source
Is your light position at -20f, 7.5f, -20f?
in the light pass, only objects that cast shadows get drawn, that is correct, right?
uniform vec4 light_pos = vec4(-20.0, 7.5, -20.0, 1.0);
in shaders, hardcoded temporarily
next step was to uniformize them
Then I don't really see what could be the problem. You must have some object obstructing the shadow.
ouch, I noticed my Box has very strange normals (all pointing upwards), but it should still be able to cast shadows
6:12 PM
You should be re-calculating the normals after the translation and rotation of your world.
ouch, I noticed my Box has very strange normals (all pointing upwards), but it should still be able to cast shadows
sorry internet was being wonky
i'll just highlight an important bit from the gamasutra link Grey posted
about Lanza, the sandy hook shooter and violent video games:
"The shooter liked to play a game called Dance Dance Revolution, which is a music video game in which the player stands on a platform, watches a video screen and moves his feet," explains the report.

"The GPS found in the home and reportedly belonging to the shooter indicated that he regularly went to the area of a theater that had a commercial version of the DDR game in the lobby," it continues. "In 2011 and up until a month before December 14, 2012, the shooter went to the theater and played the game. He went most every Friday through Sunday and played the game for four to ten hours."
You should be re-calculating the normals after the translation and rotation of your world. < If you missed it.
so... yeah. when press says he was "obsessed with violent video games", they are being silly.
the normals of the floor (the shadow receiver) do not change.. ever, so I guess it is fine then @MDavies?
what I did notice is that when I change the light projection matrix to use a frustum instead of perspective it suddenly works
6:17 PM
The light projection matrix "shouldn't" be using a perspective.
It should be an orthographic projection.
@Almo That seems more like a symptom of underlying problems (as in, maybe he used DDR as an escape from a bad personal situation) rather than something that would cause him to go crazy...
yeah agreed
apparently he wrote violent fiction about hurting teachers and gave it to them
In this image it looks like it is perspective. Because the cube changes size.
6:19 PM
it's pretty obvious just seeing bits of this report that violent games were not the problem
@Almo exactly
thanks for the link Grey
This image however the size of the cube stays relative.
6:21 PM
how do you mean exactly? @MDavies
the camera projection is perspective fyi
Yes. The camera projection should be perspective.
The light projection should be orthographic.
I'm trying to come up with a setting for a Pokemon-alike mini-RPG game.
@ShotgunNinja save the helix
@Grey Oh hush. I want to recapture the feel of the original Pokemon games.
Okay I understand that @MDavies However when I use the paramters from the perspective projection... with an orthographic projection it does not work (that weird half-lit half-shadowed), but a frustum it does work, but it makes no sense that it does work
6:26 PM
What is in your orthographic projection function?
(when it is not working)
public Matrix4f orthographic(final float fovy, final float aspect, final float near, final float far) {
    float y2 = near * (float)Math.tan(Math.toRadians(fovy * 0.5f));
    float y1 = -y2;
    float x1 = y1 * aspect;
    float x2 = y2 * aspect;
    return orthographic(x1, x2, y1, y2, near, far);

public Matrix4f orthographic(final float left, final float right, final float bottom, final float top, final float near, final float far) {
    return multiply(
        2 / (right - left),                     0.0f,                                   0.0f,                               0.0f,   /
I've boiled it down to a few key points that I think really represented the dynamics of the original Pokemon games.
and that multiply is multiplying the identity with that matrix
Customization, Sense of Purpose, Simplicity, Expansiveness/Choice, Appropriate Challenge, and Community/Collectivity.
1. Each team was uniquely representative of each player.
2. You had a clear overarching goal (Catch em All), driven by a large, focused goal (Champion), broken into smaller goals (Gym Leaders), broken further into open-ended goals (beat Trainers, raise Pokemon).
Your orthographic matrix doesn't look correct.
6:30 PM
that could explain why things aren't working
3. The original Pokemon was extremely simple and accessible. Few items, simple actions, clear results.
Go to the bottom of that page and the it's the second matrix from the bottom that your matrix should look like.
4. Pokemon was a tremendously large game, especially for the Game Boy, which allowed people to bring it with them and play it as much or as little as they wanted. It held people's attention for an extremely long time with its diversity and pacing, but could be put down whenever.
If you notice the 4th column on the first row you aren't doing an equation.
And I think you have issued in other spots too.
Did you write that orthographic function yourself?
@shotgun I haven't played the old pokemon games. Ive only play emerald/(leaf green version/fire version etc
6:32 PM
5. In the beginning of Pokemon, the game was simple, with few choices, and forgiving of mistakes. It also showed you that your choices have obvious consequences. As you progress, you have more choice, but less direct consequence. It leads you into learning how to use the system to your advantage, whether that is catching Pokemon or becoming the Champion.
6. Pokemon would not be where it is without the Card Game and the anime.
yes @MDavies
but that is because the OpenGL eats column major
so first row in code is the first column of the matrix on that page
So are you saying you transposed the matrix?
In addition, the ability to trade Pokemon to promote both goals (Champion and Catch'em'All), and battle Pokemon (to show off your party's customization and the effort you put into raising them), and to have those behaviors echoed by the TCG and the anime, made for a very interconnected community.
Everyone knew the vernacular of catching, raising, trading, and battling. Everyone learned movesets, type advantages, and so on. People chose favorites for their design as well as their strengths.
6:35 PM
-1 * (right + left) / (right - left) for starters this is incorrect I believe. Shouldn't it be -1 * ((right + left) / (right - left))?
And that promoted such other things as glitch hunts, rumors, and anticipation of special events.
hm does that matter? hmm
I'm not sure, I would have thought so.
right = 8, left = 2
-1 * 10 / 6 vs -1 * (10 / 6)
boils down to the same I think
6:38 PM
@Grey, I'd highly recommend going back and playing Red or Blue, just so you can see what they were going for in the game's design before it got clouded by the popularity of the franchise.
Well I would stick the brackets in there just in case.
@ShotgunNinja i tried silver a bit
I didn't like it that things happened at fixed times on the real clock
6:41 PM
Well, in my opinion, the addition of the real-time clock added a lot of depth to it, but restricted people to play it at certain times of the day (without changing the clock settings...)
You could time-travel in the game, by having your Mom reset your clock.
I think.
apparently they had problems in schools with kids trying to catch pokemon during math class that only showed up between 10 and 12 or something
Besides, G/S eschewed the simplicity of its predecessors because they didn't need to hook new people with its simplicity.
personally, I didn't like that feeling
it's one thing to have farmville where things take real time but you choose the schedule.
Pokemon Gen I was a stupid-simple RPG. I played it when I was 6/7.
You know why I got addicted to it? Because it provided me with a deep experience without frustrating me or distracting me from itself.
@skiwi Yours is Row major I guess?
6:44 PM
Yeah, there were some frills, like the Game Corner and Mewtwo, but those had very real impacts on the game's goal of "catching all Pokemon".
column major if I recall correctly @MDavies
For example, while the Game Corner was just a simple mini-game, it was the ONLY way of catching Porygon, who was a really cool conceptual Pokemon. Even if it sucked in battle, few stuck it out to actually get one, so that became a braggable achievement in and of itself. Plus, Porygon's design was nifty enough, and the TV series (and controversy with the episode) boosted it even more.
in Libgdx, is there a way to clear a SpriteBatch without clear all the Screen ?
Well OpenGL is column major.
You should transpose that matrix back if you want to follow column major.
is there a way to do this in libgdx : 2 views
2 views of the same things
6:49 PM
Not sure, never used libgdx. Probably a camera function in there somewhere?
Alternatively you could just scale the images as it is only a 2D game.
I have another question
in this doc, what does means those static ints
C1 C2 etc.
Are you asking what a static int is?
I'm asking what those value means
those values doesn't have descriptions
C1, C2, C3 etc.
I don't know what context they are used in.
C1 maybe colour? I don't know.
6:53 PM
Where am I supposed to be looking?
@LeSam That's a link to the main page of the API docs. Give us the name of the class, please.
sorry 1 sec
I'm assuming you're looking in either some shader or animation code.
this is the correct link
6:54 PM
If it is U and V they are usually texture coordinates.
Ah. Those are probably field index identifiers.
is it possible to clear a batch ?
They're most likely used to specify positions of values in the data structure passed into the OpenGL backend.
not all the screen
6:56 PM
Not really; batches are designed as once-per-frame insert structures. The correct operation for "clearing" a batch is to never add the "cleared" elements in the given frame.
Why would you want to clear a batch?
You would want to clear the information that the indexes have a handle on.
A Batch is designed so you specify what goes in, then put it into the batch and let the system do its work.
@skiwi Any luck?
Unless I'm misunderstanding the implementation of a batch.
I think you're right, Ninja.
6:59 PM
Procedure (per-frame): Begin drawing, Add all elements to be drawn, End drawing (dumps everything as configured to the screen).
this is the context : I have a Viratual BOX sparating the screen in 2 parts, I want to draw some texts & Images, inside a BOX I want that when The Image is out of the BOX, the part that is out is cutted.
So you want to clip some rendered text to within a rectangle's bounds?
Any procedure which identifies that portion of a picture which is either inside or outside a region is referred to as a clipping algorithm or clipping. The region against which an object is to be clipped is called clipping window. Examples In 2D graphics for example, if the user of an image editing program is modifying an image and has "zoomed in" the view to display only the top half of the image, there is no need for the program to spend any CPU time doing any of the calculations or memory moves needed to display the bottom half. By clipping the bottom half of the image and avoiding the...
Yes Imagine I want to render some images & text inside a TV screen that is inside my Screen
Clipping in 2D graphics is a relatively simple process.
I tried with a framebuffer with no success
7:02 PM
You just define the size of your "TV screen" and anything that falls outside of it you simply don't render.
Are you getting anything on the framebuffer? You could just be computing your transformations wrong, or configuring the render target incorrectly or at the wrong point in the render process.
I just found this : code.google.com/p/libgdx/wiki/GraphicsScissors @ShotgunNinja I hadn't the correct term for the search
Yeah, then you're probably using the wrong transformation matrix.
The problem with the framebuffer is that Images arn't cleared
the screen doesn't clear after each frame with the framebuffer
I don't know why
I have put the Gl.clear but It doesn't work
Try rendering a flat polygon behind whatever appears on your TV screen.
If you don't have any background or skybox-type things behind it, then it probably won't clear. I'm not sure why the GL clear method isn't working when using GraphicsScissors, but I think it might be getting applied at the wrong point.
Also, GL clear might be clearing the regular render target, not the GraphicsScissors-pushed render target...
Since it's probably reusing that same chunk of graphics memory from frame to frame, then it might hold the previous render in memory even while Gl.clear is writing over the regular render target on the GPU.
You might want to check GraphicsScissors for a clear() method, and call that before pushing the scissors onto the stack.
7:09 PM
@ShotgunNinja It doesn't clear using the FrameBuffer, I havn't tried GraphicsScissors yet
Oh. Well, try that and see how it goes.
What it seems like it's doing is (a) setting up some offscreen image space on the render target for your content, (b) drawing to it, and (c) clipping from that space back onto the main render target in the visible viewport.
I ll do some test by now
Please let me know how that goes.
finished testing out the bug genie
now doing the Jira trial to compare them
@ShotgunNinja It's only works with Camera, I was using a Matrix4, I must rewrite some lines
7:19 PM
atlassian pwns all
though considering how confusing the bug genie is, and how completely broken everything regarding sprint reports is
a piece of paper and a pen beats the bug genie
@MDavies nope not much luck
I want to help but I'm not an OpenGL guy :(
@skiwi Sorry to hear.
@Grey what is that
7:25 PM
@AlexM. next gen screen savers for w8
ooh cool
microsoft said they are giving me 2 mill for the src code
holy shet
and of course you were like
7:26 PM
oh my god, Anarchy enabled during a PC attempt on TPP
Down to 2 pokemon in our party
"***** gtfo my turf, my src is for homies only"
^ yes
@MDavies I got a little but further though:
neat then :D
teach microshit a lesson
7:27 PM
That's great. :P
public Matrix4f frustum(final float left, final float right, final float bottom, final float top, final float near, final float far) {
return multiply(
2 * near / (right - left), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, //X column
0.0f, 2 * near / (top - bottom), 0.0f, 0.0f, //Y column
(right + left) / (right - left), (top + bottom) / (top - bottom), -(far + near) / (far - near), -1.0f, //Z column
frustum is working, orthographic is not
and indentation is neither zz
hmm I could aswell use orthographic instead of perspective for my camera itself
let's see what happens then
I wouldn't.
Then you lose perspective and you won't get the affect of distance.
7:30 PM
matrix math is way less annoying than differential equations
hmm my orthographic function is just broken as hell
@Almo :(
So Gabe Newell is doing an AMA on Reddit at 4:00. Today. The third. Of March. 3/3. #believe
Not sure if this is true
differential equations are way less annoying than getting shot
@Grey lol I hope he announces left 4 dead 3
7:33 PM
hl3 l4d3 prtl3
I think I got shadows working
That could be a nice desktop background if you took out le green cube
and if he took out the top part
7:37 PM
but then there would be no shadows
and replaced all of everything with an anime wallpaper
bcos unity
@AlexM. stop there
@ShotgunNinja the clipping seems to works but I have hard difficulty to set it correctly, I don't know what is the meaning of each variables in code.google.com/p/libgdx/wiki/GraphicsScissors
clipBounds is where you want the clipped TV screen to show up in your world space.
The camera is what you are using to render the world
The spriteBatch is your sprite batch
7:43 PM
oh hush, whoever starred that
Anyway, your clipBounds should have X and Y represent the upper-left corner of your clipping rectangle, and W and H represent the width and height, respectively.
SpriteBatch theSpriteBatch //your sprite batch
= new SpriteBatch(); //Initialize your sprite batch to a new object of type SpriteBatch
^ the proper way to code
7:44 PM
the problem is that the cliped render is not the full part, I would like to consert all the scene, actually it's just a part of the scene that is rendered in the TV
hahahah alex
@AlexM. spritebatch sb = newer spritebatch
Yeah, so clipBounds should be the rectangle representing the TV screen.
7:46 PM
and you should render objects such that their X/Y locations are relative to scissors.X and scissors.Y
@Almo lol
@ShotgunNinja it's quite hard to understand when others are trolling me
"I have included the SLUT library in our game for networking. We've also renamed all of our sprite batches to sprite bitches to keep things in balance."
SLUT is totally a real lib for networking or sth but I just can't find it again
all I find is vintage porn with a chick fucking in a library
I should have realized that before Googling it on my work computer
oh well
someone here told us about it
I think it was bluebug or typpppppppppppppppiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyoooooooaaayyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee_77
7:50 PM
@ShotgunNinja it's ok, everything is working I will simply resize all my images according to the clipping size
> Venkat Says. . .
Enforce Good Practices
I was working with an application that sends different types of
files to a server process and was asked to implement code to
save another type of file. That shouldn’t be hard. When I started
digging in, I was shocked to find that the code to handle each
type of file was duplicated. So I followed suit: I copied and
pasted a hundred lines of code, changed two lines in it, and
got it working in minutes—but I felt low. I had violated good
working practices.
when you look at examples like that you're like
"yeah, obviously, duh"
but you still do it wrong
anyone doing anything for the Xbox One around?
from the same book
> If you’re being pressured to compromise code quality, it might help
to point out that you, as a developer, don’t have the authority to
degrade corporate assets (the overall code base).
this is actually an interesting POV
@MDavies You cannot plug in fovy, aspect values in an orthographic matrix
7:59 PM
Not as they are, no.
As I said you need to convert them to what would be the left, right, top and bottom.
which is not trivial/easy at all...
because perspective matrices work differently
Well as I said you're using a overloaded method of the perspective projection function. You can have a function which takes in left, right, top and bottom.
when an author publishes a book like that, it's fine
I don't see this book description saying anything negative about people from India.
as if I ever say
:P :P
8:14 PM
you did once that I recall.
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
and a "flagraping" as you say did ensue. :)
todders got flagraped back then too
8:36 PM
or FlagRapped?
@LukasKnuth Yes?
We're talking about flag-based sodomy and x-boners.
8:58 PM

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