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4:00 PM
not so dark here
looks good @AlexM.
@ShotgunNinja *seth!
I need buildings
yes u do :D
and some debugging in-game tools like setting points and teleporting to them through commands
4:01 PM
@CodeAssassin s/*seth/sed, a stream editor
@AlexM. a gazebo perhaps?
well I already have teleporters scripted for in-game use
but I was thinking about a debugging menu
@ToddersLegrande I shoot the gazebo with my bow!
@Jimmy all dey everydey
4:03 PM
@Jimmy i love munchkin
@Jimmy it's a gazebo....
@ToddersLegrande but its a LEVEL 8 gazebo
but at least it's wounded now
@TheProgramm3r see the link @CodeAssassin has found for us all
4:04 PM
@ToddersLegrande i saw
the teleporter was one of those simple things I made to make the gameplay more nice lol
protected override void OnActivation(GameCharacter ActivatingCharacter) {
		if (IsActive) {
			if (TargetTeleporter.IsActive) {
			else {
				HUD.ShowNotification("The teleporter at the other end seems to be inactive.");
		} else {
			HUD.ShowNotification ("It seems the teleporter is not active...");
since I'm switching everything to external script files, it looks like it'll get some overhauling
@ToddersLegrande the card game "Munchkni stole that, the Gazebo is a level 8 monster card
the polymorphysm will be replaced with composition, to make it simpler to build objects from scripts
i meant "Munchkin" btw
never would have guessed :P
4:08 PM
have you played it?
Many times
i love it :D
i get to play in a few weeks
when i visit family in Indiana, we always play at least once
@ToddersLegrande @CodeAssassin i found it!
you totally need to stop @Someone-ing everyone for every little thing
I don't disagree
what relationship did I have with this gazebo of yours anyway
4:12 PM
im leaving...........
Why is OpenGL so confusing :(
yeah, I can now click on one of those torches and teleport to another torch in the level
it's still worse than a debugging menu
luckily, it's a level for testing stuff, otherwise I might have forgotten such scripts attached in the final game lol
I am interested in hiring someone to design an App for iPhone from scratch, and if things go well, an Android App as well. The App is fairly simple. It is an alarm clock App which will play audio and video (to get woken up by videos).
I get it if it's a justin bieber video lol
@AlexM. How are you woken up by a video, if your eyes are closed?
4:22 PM
history channel aliens guy magic
@Tips48 Boilerplate code?
I just don't understand anything :P
I've yet to find a tutorial where it doesn't just give you like 15 OpenGL specific lines and expects you to know what every one does :P
Before you touch OpenGL make sure you're up to par with C++. You should at least know about data-structures,pointers, and OOP.
If you know how to add,subtract,multiply,divide and are good with fractions then you should be able to do the math associated with graphics programming =)
(and decimals :P)
there'll be a whole city stuck in that cave
@AlexM. Name it after MEEEEE
4:37 PM
I'm not sure I'll give it a name
Aight ^_^
I'll let you play through it though
that ought to make up for it
normally, it's team-only
Haha I was joking about the name thing :P
alright, no game for you then >:)
@AlexM. Heh no problem :3 I actually want to be able to do stuffz in the cave and be able to see all the pretty shaders. I demand top notch shaders by the way.
4:41 PM
you'll have to wait for those, I've yet no idea what a shader does
yeah, I posted it some time ago
dat sniper elite
snap. Too bad it's short
people should totally buy that DLC thingy
it lets you kill the person whose name I won't say because I bet someone will feel it's either offensive or racist
@AlexM. That's a safe bet.
4:48 PM
In-game dispute led to Facebook comments from 18-year-old referencing school shooting.
Texas teen jailed after League of Legends argument
does the US jail EVERYONE?!
pretty much
I am confused as to how you guys still prefer to live there
Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin) <3
cool RaspPi is now officially sold in Romania
$55.14 for the 512MB rev2
5:02 PM
glUseProgram(theProgram); wtf is theProgram >_<
shipping included
@Tips48 know how to read documentation?
Yes lol I found it now
5:05 PM
@AlexM. an ex-classmate of mine has a RaspPi and we played with it a little :D He bought a bunch of displays and input stuff for it. Very kinky stuff.
kinky? :O
my god blush
I'm sure I'll love it then
5:31 PM
Aight live stream time.
@AlexM. brohoof
We are live in....
Graphics are drawn by an awesome dude in finland btw
Hello GreStranger!
also, chat is borked for me
@ShotgunNinja :< let me see how I can fix that
is probably a local thing
5:38 PM
@ShotgunNinja yay
@ShotgunNinja If you say something via chat will it notify me?
it shouldn't unless you enable it...
it's turned off by default for busier channels iirc
@ShotgunNinja got it.
Labor intensive process of creating a mockup.
I've seen these graphics before :O
@CodeAssassin If I were you, I'd write up some quick tiling code and a pick-and-place editor... but you may be far better at graphics than code.
@ToddersLegrande ;)
@ShotgunNinja Graphics are by a friend of mine - and I've written a little tile editor before. But you are right
I was actually planning on using Gleed2D for collision boxes and such - so the map would just be a .png
or should I go with the custom pick and place editor approach?
@ShotguNinja ping
5:53 PM
Do you have an engine already?
@ShotgunNinja brohoof
nothing as nice as a shower
for sure
the temperature went below 20
I did say I wanted the weather to stop being so hot
but now it's too cold
(celsius, that is)
@ShotgunNinja No too cool for enginesssss(lol)
@CodeAssassin If you already have an engine, then I'd stick with whatever works for that. If you're writing your own engine, then I'd say leverage the code base from that, and write a custom editor using that architecture. You get dual benefits of testing your engine with your editor, and customizing the code based on the needs that arise from using the editor.
5:55 PM
looks like I need some trousers and a warmer blanket
The biggest thing is to have common code between your game and your editor.
Common code means common functionality. When one changes, so does the other.
Got it.
What language are you using?
Making it for a few friends who want to play something with their controllers :P (they have an xbox so it's my only option.... considering something that I'm familiar with)
pragprog.com - the pragmatic bookshelf
pragmatic programming books for pragmatic programmers
5:58 PM
Oh, perfect. You have a well-tested Tier 0, and you'll have a common Tier 1 between your editor and your game.
The Healthy Programmer: Get Fit, Feel Better, and Keep Coding
Beta eBook + Paper Book ($46.00)
Then you build up Tier 2 for the editor and the game separately, and there's your code.
if those $46.00 are from your dessert budget, you're already doing progress
oh wait, off by one.
Check it out
5:59 PM
Tier 0 = Platform-specific code. Tier 1 = Common underlying frameworks. Tier 2 = Common engine code. Tier 3 = Specific game/editor code.
That's how the Source engine is divided up.
Okay so I'm missing tier 3?
Well, Tier 3 (using the Source model as an example) is stuff like character- and weapon-specific functionality.
aka "game" code.
Tier 2 is "engine" code, Tier 1 is "framework" code, Tier 0 is "platform" code.
So that means I'm missing tier 2 and tier 0. O:
Since you're using XNA, that covers most of Tier 0 and 1.
Okay then just tier 2 :P lol.
6:03 PM
I don't know if I fully agree that the editor and game need to share a lot of code. It depends on what you want your editor to do I suppose.
Hey @Kikaimaru, I updated to Awesomium 1.7.1 last night
Tier 2 is anything that can be shared (file loaders, data models for levels and character info, display loops, bootstrap stuff, etc.) between the two bodies.
GDI+ and its flickering lulz. @ToddersLegrande Just be able to load maps and save maps so I can edit them and create them to my leisure.
I liked how the guys behind Dungeon Siege layered things at the top level
Yeah, there's typically not much that can be shared, especially behavioral code, but there's still enough that should be separated (ie. in the game, but not the editor) for this to remain relevant.
6:05 PM
@CodeAssassin in its simplest form a map is just data. If my level designers can get me the data in the format needed by my game, I don't care if they use a full blown editor that I wrote or if they write me some XML by hand.
@ToddersLegrande Well, in some situations it's non-trivial to write a loader for more complicated level formats, which is where a multitiered architecture would come in handy.
Yeah I usually use the age-old trick of using numbers to represent certain objects. I think I'll just stick with the .png and Gleed approach because I don't feel like touching my editor code... that was meant as an experiment anyways.
Right. That's where the "it depends on what you want your editor to do" comes in.
Fair enough.
we r famileh
nu rguing
6:07 PM
kk <3
@ToddersLegrande (where's your heart!!?!?)
I always thought families argued about everything
This is friendly programmer debate IMO. :P
6:08 PM
@ToddersLegrande War.
Opinions are like arm pits... I don't have any?
family arguments that end well are one way to show love
Opinions are like nipples.
@AlexM. Be the bigger person :P
they're substantially different from arguments that end with one wanting to shoot the other in the head
6:09 PM
@ShotgunNinja NO NIPPLES
> Opinions are like nipples, everybody has one. Some have firm points, others are barely discernible through layers, and some are displayed at every opportunity regardless of whether the audience has stated "I am interested in your nipples" or not.
programming is like cake
I like cake
So... I don't have nipples.
or "an" nipple I guess
I might have one
@AlexM. Cake.
6:10 PM
Okay going back to making my map - anyone like Donavon?
@ToddersLegrande :> fat (snicker)
Men don't have nipples.
I think this conversation is going over the way-side though.
@ToddersLegrande lol. It's just.... bean dip :P
lol wut
Lol you don't want to know.
Hurdy Gurdy Man <3
Donavon is the best.
What would you guys like to see in a top-down shooter(please nothing over the top I need to get this done by thursday)
google this: cyberdogs
it's an amazing top down shooter that tries not to bore you
and yes, tons of enemies are boring
fun fact: it was written in Borland Pascal by one guy, many years ago
6:17 PM
@CodeAssassin twin stick controls would probably be my request.
This is supposed to be multiplayer?
@ToddersLegrande You can help me with that - no xbox controller :<
@ToddersLegrande Local
Oh... speaking of "by Thursday"
@ToddersLegrande LOL
To actually get this on the Xbox you need the creators club membership
@ToddersLegrande Xbox Live yeah
6:18 PM
not the same thing
@ToddersLegrande If we can't do that I'll just bring my HDMI cable over plug it into my comp and display computer on tv screen and they can plug in the controllers into my computer via usb.
That would work right?
If you've got wired controllers yeah
He has one
Lots of people have wireless these days
but it's not for the 360... it's an old Xbox controller.
6:19 PM
I have no ideas on that one
Ill see if there's something that allows me to connect to some wireless one... but I mean there should be software like MotionInJoy that allows me to do that.... I think.
this would definitely work well for a room station on a Pi
@CodeAssassin yeah maybe. I've never looked into it
I wonder if I could find thinner, and less feature-rich LCD displays, to somehow hack myself a tiny rasp laptop
I bought a wired Xbox 360 controller long before I owned an Xbox just so I could do XNA development
6:28 PM
@AlexM. Rasp-top?
rasptop sounds legit
Needs a touch screen
this has touchscreen and is what I need
screw it I may need to make a tile editor lol
but I'm too far into it :<
use TILED or something
6:41 PM
use mappy
@CodeAssassin what is the point of doing it in inkscape anyway?
I've toyed with Mappy and TILED before, I think I liked Mappy better...
I've not used either, honestly
I have first heard about Mappy from a book written by Jonathan S. Harbour
"Visual Basic game programming for teens"
6:43 PM
@ShotgunNinja the Glee episode just doesn't do the show justice :P
@ToddersLegrande I'm not using inkscape doing it in GIMP. I planned on using Gleed2D but this is just taking too long.
@CodeAssassin same difference :P
@ToddersLegrande :> okay so mappy it is I guess
I just don't understand why you feel the need to mock it up when you could just do it
@ToddersLegrande It wasn't a mockup it was an actual map. Gleed2D for collision boxes
6:50 PM
Mappy looks weird
I guess on the plus side, with the way you were doing it, you didn't need to plan out all your tiles (as in you can offset things or scale things as needed without needing to create a new tile for it). Just have to be conscientious of map size and slice it up as necessary.
But if you were using the tiles as is, a tile map editor makes more sense since you can just paint the tiles on.
Is Tiled easy to use?
my tiles aren't exactly 16x16 they are different sizes :/
mappy is pretty easy
@CodeAssassin are you sure that your tiles aren't 16x16 with some transparency on the edges?
@CodeAssassin OMG the painting is magical :P
6:56 PM
I am sure bro
@ToddersLegrande not magic its magik
@ToddersLegrande :<
How to rotate tiles
You add a rotated version to your tileset? xD
7:00 PM
@ToddersLegrande DIS IS SHIT
flips table
I'd be grateful if you would like to leave the tables alone.
it is for your own good
otherwise, I'll start flipping users
@AlexM. :M
I do as I want I DO AS I PLEASE!
flips @CodeAssassin
7:02 PM
flips @CodeAssassin
(っ-●益●)っ ,︵‿
This just got real
flips @AlexM.
7:03 PM
(っ-●益●)っ @CodeAssassin
Or maybe he's just flexing
I may have to stop the stream for a while :P
Need to do some important bizz
@AlexM. (◣◢)┌∩┐
yeah, I need a new phone too
I think I'll get an android instead of a lumia
@CodeAssassin gasp
that is so... insulting
7:05 PM
I only have
3 fingers
Not my fault
@AlexM. I have that book, lol
@ShotgunNinja :< sounds stoopid
for teens
It really was. It was the worst game development book I've ever read.
For one, it was all in Visual Basic.
For two, they dumbed it down and provided no further understanding of how everything works.
7:08 PM
For three, the copy I got was secondhand, and missing the CD.
the author got some criticism for his GBA book
I think the VB book was well balanced FOR TEENS
I believe my wife owns that one
(she plays piano)
@ToddersLegrande Talent
Piano = Good with Acoustic and singing.
I just want to get a job @thatgamecompany
Naughty Dog is too naughty(tuff) even though it is within my local vicinity. I mean I love their games but it has too many employee's if you know what I mean... something a bit smaller
7:13 PM
Yeah she's way more musical than I am. I might be jealous.
@ToddersLegrande too much skill
She's finally conceding to the fact that I might know a thing or two more about computers than her. flex
@ToddersLegrande lol
( =':')---<[:]|||||||[:]>
♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪
┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪
hey guys in case any one wants to rip textures (sprite sheets) from mega man, take a look at this site : sprites-inc.co.uk/files/X
the galaxy s2 looks well balanced for the price
7:17 PM
@Gajoo old
it's a bit old but in the price range I can't find top notch devices
@CodeAssassin if you knew, you could have told me about it in the past 4 days >:
@CodeAssassin there is a big difference, in the number of sprites in the site I've linked
@Gajoo I know
I've been to that site before they also have other sprites as well besides megaman
The site I juts linked you also has 3D models btw
7:19 PM
I know,
right now I'm looking for an image I took from that site, but I can't find it
something like this:
finally it was MMX2 weapons
8:12 PM
Was building a new development VM and installed Windows Server 2012 on it expecting to install SharePoint 2010 on it.
Apparently thats not supported until SharePoint 2010 SP2... release date TBD
8:39 PM
@ToddersLegrande so why not SP2012?
I'll assume you mean 2013 :P
but the answer is I do development for both. So I need both
Now I've got a 2008R2 server provisioned. Waiting for it to get added to the domain.
For anyone who cares, Windows Server 2012 off the bat seems WAY faster than 2008 R2
yay screenshot from above
was sitting on a platform meant to allow access to certain lumps of ore above the floor
@ToddersLegrande did you buy it? Or you got that version for students?
8:55 PM
@Romeo I use it for work
Ohh i see.
Also, for anyone who cares, Hyper V on Windows 8 + VMs seems pretty awesome right now. But I'm barely 2 days into trying to get it all set up
Microsoft’s Xbox Head Don Mattrick Leaving to Take Top Role — Possibly CEO — At Zynga
har har, so appropriate

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