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Merry Christmas :)
Q: Does the question OP have full right to edit an answer?

Mooseman is eating pizzaThis user edited my answer on this question of theirs. ( <= There are four links in there) They removed relevant, useful information from my answer because (presumably) it incriminates them of spamming. Fortunately, because they didn't have the privilege, the edit was rejected by two established...

Thoughts? ^^
@Mooseman my thought is you're overreacting to a user :P
1 hour later…
@Mooseman I do have thoughts, but I'll put those in an answer to that question.
Hi all
Merry Christmas UTC!
How should I phrase a Q&A? I have done it before, but I think I'm doing it all wrong? Should I write the question like I would have before I found a solution?
@iliveunderawesomerock Yes.
Ask it like a normal question, including a tried and failed section.
@J.Musser Thanks, I making one now :)
9 hours later…
Merry Christmas! :D
3 hours later…
I've spent a few days thinking about it and I'm going to decline. I think any help I can give to this site I can do through Meta whether or not I'm a mod. My interest in the site is mostly from the "can it work, and if so how?" standpoint and not the actual subject matter. In particular, in its current form, I do not believe in this site enough to actually promote it to people, which is probably a good sign I shouldn't be a mod. — Sterno 4 mins ago
Also, Merry Christmas back at you!
@Sterno sorry to hear that, but I respect your decision
5 hours later…
I really don't like this question lifehacks.stackexchange.com/questions/2225/…
I feel like it should be off topic as not a physical problem
what do you guys think?
@apaul34208 The "simple enough solution" for the problem would be to just turn your hands upside down and wait for the water to go down mostly then grab the paper towel
or to use two
or to sling your hands before grabbing a paper towel
none of those are lifehacks
I would say your answer isn't a lifehack either
@MattS. why'd you VTC this one lifehacks.stackexchange.com/questions/2221/… but not others?
I'm asking because I feel like we need to address the types of question more clearly, not because I doubt you
@ZachSaucier I understand where you're coming from, but it seems that in a few cases adjusting technique will work just as well as a new tool or gadget. Take lifehacks.stackexchange.com/a/2133/32 for instance.
@ZachSaucier Is it an issue of how the question is worded? Would it be better if it appeared to ask for a tool?
....in any event, guys, the question has been edited since you guys started arguing about it. It looks fine to me, in its current version. — Shokhet 25 secs ago
@iliveunderawesomerock @MattS. @ZachSaucier
@Shokhet Hello Shokhet
Hi @iliveunderawesomerock :)
What's doing?
@Shokhet U mean what r u doing?
@iliveunderawesomerock I meant more like "What's up?," but you could take that however you want :)
@Shokhet Oh nothings up, I checked out Mi Yodeya and snooped around some interesting questions, things seem to be good there.
@iliveunderawesomerock Cool.
@Shokhet I have been thinking up some more questions, what have you been doing? This chatroom seems really empty.
@iliveunderawesomerock I haven't been doing much, recently.
@Shokhet Oh how come? Nothing bad I hope :?
@iliveunderawesomerock The chatroom has been pretty quiet....I guess some people would like to spend the holidays with their families, more than SE :P
@iliveunderawesomerock No, nothing bad; just not anything new :)
@Shokhet The holiday has become more and more ignored it seems.
@iliveunderawesomerock I wouldn't know; I don't celebrate Christmas :P
@Shokhet There's always new stuff, have you gone to Stumbleupon? Or WikiHow? And FanPop is always popping?
......though it's not entirely clear that it's a celebration of what most people think it's a celebration of :P
@iliveunderawesomerock I've never been to any of those; save for WikiHow, on your recommendation when I was preparing a presentation :P
@Shokhet I don't really celebrate it either, I celebrate Life everyday :)
@Shokhet Did it help?
@Shokhet Yeah, it appears few people know those facts about it :)
@iliveunderawesomerock I started looking for something, and then decided that I had better spend my time on organizing my notes, which I would need to do regardless ;-)
@Shokhet I always found Speeches easy, I don't know why? Did you pass?
@iliveunderawesomerock this is a good lecture on the topic
@iliveunderawesomerock I never really had a problem with speeches; my issue this time was that my time got cut significantly, the day before I was due to give it.
@iliveunderawesomerock It wasn't about "passing," exactly....in my school, someone presents a topic in halacha (Jewish law) once a week, for fun....that week it was my turn.
@Shokhet I can't watch it now, but I will be sure to. I know about Christmas though, but if the holiday makes you feel better then celebrate it. I think we need more celebration nowadays.
@Shokhet Oh that sounds like fun! I'm in a college so all I had was 5 speeches :)
@iliveunderawesomerock Celebration doesn't hurt, but after hearing that lecture, I would be really upset if my kids celebrated Christmas. ....like I said, it's not a celebration of what most people think it's a celebration of.
@iliveunderawesomerock It is indeed :)
@Shokhet I was a speed talker, I got the highest grade in the class because I gave it my all. Some non-shy people failed and they shouldn't they weren't shy.
@iliveunderawesomerock I happen to be pretty shy, but if I feel like I know what I'm talking about, then I have no ( okay, almost no ) issue with public speaking.
Effort definitely counts for something, in speaking.
@Shokhet I agree with you, my biggest trouble was eye contact and pitch
@iliveunderawesomerock Pitch isn't really a problem for me; I have to pay attention to get good eye contact -- I can do it, but it doesn't happen by itself.
I've found, though, that every time I speak publicly, it gets a little easier. I figure I'll do it enough times, it'll get to be really easy, eventually.
@Shokhet I was so quiet and eye contact is very painful, good for you for getting past that.
@iliveunderawesomerock Thanks :)
I should really do it more often.
@Shokhet Whatever works :)
I have to go now; see you around LH, @iliveunderawesomerock :)

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