This is a general discussion room, but please feel free to create more subject-specific rooms (a single room with every possible discussion isn't very helpful)
I upvoted this question, and was told I have 5 votes left today....can we have the vote limit lifted for private beta, in the spirit of "vote early, vote often"? — Shokhet19 secs ago
Shoot! Just got the Mortarboard badge more reputation today. :(
It is clear who experts are for Tex/LaTeX, Earth Science, or Christianity. However, for life hacks this is less clear, Is there such a thing as an expert for life hacks, or should we formulate it differently?
I posted an answer to this question which is just saying "There are devices precisely for this", does this still count as a life hack? Should questions as such be on-topic when the "hack" is "go buy one of these" ?
I'm inclined to say yes, I just want to get it on record and from the community w...
In-line with my other question: Is there anything that isn't on-topic here?
Can we get a clear definition of what a lifehack is?
I think if it's clear what a lifehack is, we can clearly define what is or is not on-topic here, and also who our experts are.
I know this is day one, but let's be honest... some of these feel a lot like questions asked simply for the sake of asking them and populating the site. Should we enable some sort of filtering system to help eliminate the fluff and focus on the true problems?
For example... Eating ribs and avoid...
I've seen this question have a "how to" title. I edited it, and then the asker said the system said the title was "too subjective". Can we change it so that the system doesn't think it's "too subjective"?
The chatroom name is so bland. "Lifehacks." Look at all the creative names others have thought up:
"Root Access" for Super User
"The DMZ" for Security
"The Renderfarm" for Blender
"The Litter Box" for Pets
"The Hangar" for Aviation
"You Are Here" for Travel
"The Water Cooler" for The Workplace
Any post I try to edit on the main site (including tag wikis; excluding my own q&a) gives me this plaintext message on its own page:
This post has been deleted - no more edits are allowed
Why is this?
The tag removal seems to be of no lasting value. Usages of it are ill-defined and the tag is overly broad.
It also has large overlap with cleaning in the way I saw it used. In chat I got positive feedback so I went ahead and removed the three occurrences of removal to be found by suggesting edits