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12:03 AM
yeah. gtg
12:25 AM
2 hours later…
2:13 AM
@jgallant you still playin RL?
2 hours later…
4:07 AM
Wow, my game is almost up to 10K lines of code...
Of course, 3K of that is Accidental Noise Library, but still...
4:31 AM
Is anyone still here?
@Almo What do you mean?
@jgallant What's Almo referring to?
2 hours later…
6:36 AM
leaving :)
3 hours later…
10:03 AM
^This shit came from a brazilian, because of the new plug change, we call that kind of solution a "gambiarra"
10:33 AM
Work wants me to register for this password reset thing at work here. And it wants me to fill in 6 really personal questions. Would you fill it in?
Wtf 6 personal questions? The most I ever saw was 2
Name of first love, favorite toy as a kid, favourite meal etc
I'm not comfortable giving work this information
And you can't even choose lol
6 of 20
Still not good, I prefer when I can type the question
Then I can make some shit that isn't personal but that I'll remember
But I avoid those when possible, personal questions for password recovery are so flawed
2 hours later…
12:50 PM
@DH. I once cracked my co-student email thanks to that dumb questions. The question for password recovery was "What's your favorite eye color?" After three attempts I gained full access to his email box.
@DH. I think phone verification is much better then those questions.
1:06 PM
@DH. That is really hazardous thing to do, if the ground isn't connected anywhere the user might get electrocuted and even killed by the device
Oh we know, it's was just a joke because the conversor of this plug was stopped by the government and someone came with that crazy idea
it's a good illustration of software development though
@Sie trump, and what his cronies stand for.
that bannon guy is scary
1:20 PM
His real name is not even trump
It is Drumpf
if you have no idea what you are doing, it sounds awful
I'm being serious
His real name is Donald Drumpf
2:24 PM
I think I've got a slight issue in my camera panning code...
It's much worse in the full screen, it's a 30-60 Hz vibration... Sigh.
I know how to make it happen, I'm not quite sure why it happens yet, however...
Also, it seems like I have "Dead zones" in my panning ability, which is quite strange as well... Sigh.
Okay, I know what the shake problem is!
tell us!
It's complicated...
Basically, to do my cylindrical mapping, I have 2 cameras.
I'm switching to a raycast based system instead of a purely mathematical system to determine where the mouse is pointed.
The main camera's position was updated, but not the secondary camera, which can cause some interesting artifacts, as was seen, essentially it was confused as to where the camera was...
2:39 PM
why are you using two cameras. just curious, not saying it's wrong
One camera shows the left segment, the other one the right segment.
There might well be a more elegant solution, but...
Shit man you are insane.
Is it really that complex?
The alternatives seemed more complex...
I'm still getting these weird null zones, no idea what's happening there... Not even quite sure how to start lookng at it, but I'll come up with something I guess.
3:00 PM
that seems an odd solution to me, but I'm not in your code and don't know what specific problems you're solving
How would you do it, out of curiosity?
My original solution was 1 camera with 3 maps. It worked, but I remember there was a reason I switched...
I think it caused some weird artifacts when switching from one line to another, maybe the clouds or something.
I can't remember, I make the change months ago...
I would have the map tiles reposition themselves and only have one camera
so as you scroll to the left, the tiles falling off the screen on the right move over to the left
i say this without solid knowledge of your codebase; that may not work for you
Well, I found my problem... Sigh.
I guess I could do something like that, it wouldn't be too terrible. It's fairly close to what I had before. Hmmm.
It would make dealing with clouds easier...
Actually, as things are right now, there's 1 mesh.
3:47 PM
I think my wife would kill me if I were to play this without headphones on
Wtf is this? Some sort of Osu?
Just added the barrel placement logic. Still have a fair bit more to do, but it's a start...
And the panning all works with raycasting, which in theory will allow me to tilt the camera or do other similar fun things!
Note that the barrels will have a ship in the background, I just haven't gotten there yet.
@DH. Hakune Mitsu (I think that's her name) is a virtual pop star. she has a ton of games, that's one of them
looking cool pearson
Oh, it's Hatsune Miku, it's the most famous Vocaloid
Not that I'm a weeb, but that shit is everywhere, yeah
what's a weeb
4:01 PM
It's just a name they give to those that are fans of japanese stuff
ah ok
4:14 PM
@Almo He is an idiot but that just sounds like fear mongering to me.
Have you read Brietbart at all?
if not, then you don't know what you're talking about. It's genuinely scary.
seeing the stuff going on in the Nazi press before all hell broke loose people say "why didn't they see it coming". Trump's not Hitler, but it's the same idea. We can see what bannon's organization was writing, and it's very unpleasant.
makes fox news look like a paragon of good journalism
Have you noticed that Trump sways like the wind? He talks to someone and his opinion changes. He is a puppet.
I'm not sure he's a puppet. I more think he's an opportunist. Manifests a similar way; what he says changes very quickly.
Well, he surely is an opportunist
He won't do half of the things he said
He just says what retarded people want to hear
Honestly I worry for his safety.
I don't like him but I think he is at a real risk of being assassinated.
4:19 PM
I don't think anyone would dare doing that just because there's a lot of people that disagrees with his radical dumb ideas
Hillary had more to worry about that, in my opinion, from the gun nuts who were trained that she was going to take away their guns
People have killed for less. I heard about a kid who got shot and killed over $10 worth of drugs the other month.
a quick survey of who gets shot over the last 50 years shows it's not people on the conservative side who get shot
reagan's the only one I can think of
but kennedy (both), MLK, Giffords..
hahah ALex Jones says he's joining the fight against false news
when he's one of the worst offenders in that regard
I was laughing my ass off when Limbaugh said he thought Trump was unhinged.
hahaha yeah
Rush helped create this atmosphere that allowed trump to get in
4:24 PM
I miss Obama already. I don't agree with him on certain issues but he's much better than the other options that we had.
his demeanor over the last week has been one of the few things giving me hope
what a good guy
Oh wait... the archaic system that has no right to exist in modern society made that decision for us!
agree with him or not, he's just a good guy.
I get really annoyed when people accuse him of corruption
he may be wrong about shit, but he's got good intentions
Steep on Friday open beta
jg freakin out about steep
4:25 PM
Who is gonna a fucken play with me
not me
not my kind of thing
Trump lover.
I don't know what you guys are upset about. You're both in Canada right?
You guys need to get started on that wall to keep me out lol.
I'm a US citizen. so I'm upset.
4:26 PM
I'm not a nationalist
also, it's well known that these nationalist movements often become expansionist then start wars
not that the US was not already starting wars
Unfortunately, I suspect the recent election is the new normal
but I expect it to be worse
Foreign governments hacking and leaking information to sway the out come
Same here but I thought you were Canadian. Must be the avatar...
4:27 PM
celebrity status as a requirement to win
my avatar?
it's a piece of that
Ely's Realm, Doesn't even have one... lol. I need to get on that eventually.
Fuck you guys I'm gonna play steep alone then
I'll call myself nogdse
SSX Tricky 4life.
No shit it's like a spiritual successor to ssx
4:31 PM
I didn't like Tricky. Too much focus on ridiculous trick animations
Bring it
I liked SSX better
I know why they did it
my wife spent most of her time on SSX trying to do tricks instead of winning the race
I bet many people were like that
so they went with it
My ex wife was a loser. Just raced
but did she win
4:32 PM
Steep make me uncomfortable, whoever was making the promotional video died doing it
that's what the game was about
crossing the fucking finishline.
She's still a loser though cuz she doesn't have me
tricks were for getting speed boosts
Open world? Seriously. Why the fuck is it that every god damn game is open world nowadays.
Closed world's are dumb
4:33 PM
open worlds are boring
You rather run into an invisible wall?
I shouldn't have to wander around hunting for the game
Open World is only useful if the world has something to do in it
It's a hill
I find ppl either prefer linear or sandbox
4:33 PM
You go down the hill
It works for this
only sandbox i like is EVE
I actually have friends who prefer medal of honor and don't understand GTA
Like, Kingdoms of Amalur is Open World
But I don't have to walk 30 minutes to get to a new city
I find GTA dull, because it's so unfocused
It's like, 3 minutes and I already found the objective
4:34 PM
That's precisely why I love it
Same with Fallout--no interest in the storylines
just love to roam and create my own narratives
Did you guys see Conan's Final Fantasy XV review?
Frigging hilarious
Well, he is a comedian, so saying good things don't make people laugh
5:01 PM
It's a pretty good sendup of someone not getting the sandbox concept
FFXV is a sandbox?
Naw it's Asian.
"open world RPG" is how they describe it
(never actually played any of them lol)
Open World != Sandbox
From what I understand at least
I think sandbox ideally means a world you can affect, such as Minecraft, but it is commonly used for games like GTA and Fallout, where you can't actually change anything
so while I agree with the distinction, the two terms seem to be conflated in popular understanding
For me, the real can of worms is the meaning of "game"
for instance, puzzles are now popularly considered games, seemingly due to the advent of electronic formats
although the classical definition of game is a contest between multiple participants
5:24 PM
Er... not really, look at the famous game that comes with Windows, Spider
It's a solo game
Solo games are another interesting category
Since the game is based on specific rules, as game AI are based on algorithms, is it actually a contest between two competitors, or is it really a "puzzle" where the human participant is trying to figure out how to beat the rules?
There's no AI, you just follow the rules
Right, but I was expanding the idea to account for both player vs. game and player vs. AI competitor
(No disputing the modern, colloquial usage of "game" which definitely means solo endeavors per the advent of personal computing)
5:42 PM
Thinking about these issue b/c I'm trying to draft a paper on "Balanced Asymmetry" in game design, but I have to define what "game" means in relation to how I am approaching this idea
For instance does it apply to impartial as well as partisan games? It probably has application in solo games, but it is critical in the same way as it is for multi-player, deterministic games?
5:58 PM
What the heck. I just make games I have no idea what you are talking about.
I hear you
These types of questions arise out of the study of games, both from a Game Theory and Combinatorial Game Theory standpoint
Although it seems merely philosophical, thinking about games in these terms is also quite practical
For instance, balance and asymmetry are utilized in art and design for aesthetic purposes
In game design, balance and asymmetry are functional
aspect of a game
6:31 PM
Low-background steel is any steel produced prior to the detonation of the first atomic bombs in the 1940s and 1950s. With the Trinity test and the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, and then subsequent nuclear weapons testing during the early years of the Cold War, background radiation levels increased across the world. Modern steel is contaminated with radionuclides because its production used atmospheric air. Low background steel is so called because it does not suffer from such nuclear contamination. This steel is used in devices that require the highest sensitivity for detecting...
what the fuck
I would like to know how the fuck people afford to play games nowadays
There are a lot of games I want to get, but I simply cannot even afford, it is just ridiculous
Truthfully unless it's something I REALLY want usually I just wait for Steam sales.
The only game I've pre-ordered in recent memory is Pokemon Moon.
in Canada, the base price for a game is now 80$ and that doesn't include all the content
And I haven't gotten a raise in 3 years
that game prices remained $60 for so many years in defiance of inflation has been strange.
6:33 PM
Chicken and steak costs even more than ever.
I just don't get how people can afford to do anything anymore.
$60 is still too pricey for a game I feel. The max I'll pay for any game is $30.
it depends on the title really.
I'd pay $60 for something I knew I'd play a shitload
Battlefield 1 is a 80$ title.
but the season pass is killing me
It has to be a pretty good game for me to pay $60, but for some games I'm willing to do so.
6:34 PM
If it were 2007 I'd buy TF2 again.
160$... like shit man.
who can afford that? lol... i feel like i make decent pay
and I have a house and a car, and a kid
and I can't spend 160$ on a damn video game
Do you have zombo though?
Yes. With zombo you can do anything.
I remember when Zelda WindWaker, a 10 year old game that was redone, was $60 for something like 2 years on Wii U... I couldn't believe it.
They dropped the price to $20, and that seemed a bit more reasonable, but still a lot for a game so old...
6:36 PM
Nintendo is kind of a dick.
yeah, they are
they are asking 15$ for NES titles for christ sakes
They are so pricey because they think, scarcity = good.
I thought it was $5...
Ya. $60 for a shitty unmoddable emulator? You shitting me?
yeah it is 5 for nes... 10 for snes, and 15 for n64
6:37 PM
I'll stick with Android or Raspberry Pi thank you very much.
Is that the NES box thing?
and if you replace your console you have to buy it again
purchases are tied to the consoles
it is so fucken retarded
Ya because Nintendo has no idea how the internet works.
i use xbox1
with x3 chip and 200gb hd
and coinops
It's starting to show that a bunch of old farts are running that company. Frankly I love me some Pokemon but I think if their next console isn't good they might be looking at a fate similar to Sega.
6:38 PM
Best arcade/console emulator I ever had
I was able to copy my games from my Wii to my Wii U.
I guess if people keep buying the same Mario game a billion times they'll be alright.
the new mario iphone game, mario run
they want 10$ for it
Seems typical.
Super Flappy Mario?
6:39 PM
People don't want to pay for mobile games what they are really worth.
mario run
@Sie That's basically the rumors I've heard.
It's not $10 up front, either.
I don't buy mobile games usually. I shit you not GORB was the only game I ever bought off the store.
it is 10$ after you play
you don't get the entire game from what I gathered
6:40 PM
It's almost certainly a $10 IAP unlock, yeah. So it doesn't seem that unrealistic to me.
That's not insane...
it said it was a 10$ one time payment
only nintendo could pull that one off
imagine if you tried that :)
I can't justify paying more than $5 for something I only play while pooping.
yeah, it better be good
And frankly, I hope it works for them. They have the capital to weather any loss of sales it might cause them and it could potentially help the ridiculously low prices in the market
6:41 PM
I'm willing to put 10$ on a GOOD mobile game
because there are really not many
If it is good, they screw it up with ads and nonsense -- attempting to monetize it
take my 10$ just don't screw it up.
This is nintendo's first actual mobile game too. so it will be interesting to see if they keep pumping out titles.
The one-time $10 payment I think is great.
Also, yeah, they might change the game.
others might adopt that model.
None of this "come on, give us another $10" after paying $500 over two years for shit like clash of clans
That is why the mobile market is shit now.
I'm all for free to try, but the milk 'em for all they're worth thing is horrible
6:44 PM
It has turned into a gambling dream.
I'm having trouble lately finding any free mobile games that seem worth downloading
I know someone who worked on one of the slots games... someone would get up, pay $50, play, pay $100 at lunch, play, pay $200 at night, EVERY DAY
It is not actual gaming -- it is literally a type of gambling that doesn't reward you anything other than flashing items and sounds.
yes they had paid tens of thousands of dollars
that just strikes me as not right
It is not right -- but look at the profits.
6:45 PM
What would you do if you had that IP
In-app purchase model is similar to the casino model: people with poor impulse control spending money they shouldn't be spending
I would turn it into Wine.
I don't get mobile games anymore really.
My son got a 15$ gift card
He spent it on fucken gems in some monster fighting game
6:46 PM
@PearsonArtPhoto there really is a lack of innovation in the mobile space as far as I can tell
It is how people play on mobile
My son spends a large sum of money playing Roblox...
I wonder how much money Steam actually brings into the trading card system.
Almost all of his allowance for months.
My son also plays roblox
6:46 PM
but you present those same people with something like Cognizer where they can pay once, they're like IT"S NOT FREE FUCK YOU
I'm now seeing Momument Valley ripoffs that don't have the Escher art--complete cons
He spent about 10$ on it
oh god roblox
Your son is lucky. I would be thrilled if my dad was a game developer. Instead I got a drunk who left when I was a kid lol.
Yeah i'm a drunk that sticks around
6:47 PM
my nephew was into roblox
it seems he just liked it because he could swear at people
(as opposed to people buying them from the internal economy)
my son is really good at it -- he tried making his own levels and stuff
that's cool man
Although, some of the items are ridiculously overpriced, lol.
i calculated some of the items in the store, i'm taking 5000, 10000 suits you can buy to put on your character
Does he have any interest in learning Unity? It's a super easy way to get into game dev.
6:48 PM
I mean converted to real money
Seriously, I can hardly believe the things my kids use their allowance for...
wow fuck
lol- those much be for the Rich Kids of Beverly Hills and such
Oh yeah , but he is 9 years old and not really ready to code in that type of environment yet
I thought LoL's $30 skins were on the expensive side
6:49 PM
Money that I had when I was a kid I either used to buy books, video games, snacks, or trading cards.
speaking of which, the 4th one of those is about to hit
it's 10-in-one.
My kids use theirs to blow on online games, and going out to eat primarily...
Well I saw the items... i put 10$ and he got like 800 robux -- then I see this item for like 40000 robux and I'm like.. there is no way.
can people get robux from other players somehow?
And it had hundreds of sales
6:49 PM
They are sold for 5k only inside steam
like "hey i like your level, here are some robux"
Roblox is pretty cool. You can make literal games in side of it. Pretty neat.
I was freaking out and meaghan was like... so what who cares?
They don't get sold by much more than 100$ with real money
I have a feeling the creator of the item can give it out to friends or something... there is just no way.
6:50 PM
Most games with IAP use them as a way to do something easier than you can do it for free.
And yeah my son attempted to create a game with their editor.
I look at that as a challenge, to not spend a dime on the game and still do well.
He made a level he can run around in... but I didn't want to learn their IDE.. ugh. lol
I guess I probably should
The worst are the games where they slow down advancement to the point of unplayability in an effort to squeeze money out of you
Walking Dead: No Man's Land for instance
Roblox is so.. meh
6:51 PM
Kids love it man.
My son has spend $60 on Roblox in 3 months (Including most of his birthday money)
I know, but it still sucks and you have to pay for it to have full access
See? wtf
Even in World of Wacraft I don't spend that much
you spend money to get items and stuff in the games
I've been thinking about maybe trying to see if I could teach a class at the high school level. For game dev.
Out of $70 he had in his account.
6:52 PM
Since they have programming classes already.
you don't have to put money into the game.
but you can get massive advantages if you do
click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=MfHvR/… is a good course if you are willing to spend a bit of cash for a course to teach Unity.
Time is literally money.
Its at a level that a complete newbie to programming could take it, at least in theory, and do alright.
time is merely your perception of life happening
6:56 PM
I think it's on sale this week, something like $11, well worth it in my opinion.
No idea if even could though. The school situation in this county (and in the US in general) is a cluster fuck.
You'd have to get a teaching certificate probably.
Part of the problem with mobile games is particular is that a large number seem to be designed around the monetization model, with the actual game as a secondary concern
It's so difficult to create truly novel games, it's not a workable model for serious companies looking to profit
Robolux is genius b/c it's all about community, much in the same way Minecraft was
But parents liked minecraft b/c it was an upfront monetization model as opposed to predatory
Robolux sounds horrible from that standpoint
join me in gold league, where the players are cool
woa fuck!
really nice dude
7:10 PM
I have this new trick i figured out
i can get goals from the faceoff in certain conditions
i pulled it off 3 times
in 2v2 -- if you are in the diagonal front position at faceoff -- floor it, but don't boost until they start boosting
you will be slightly behind them, so they will hit the ball first -- knowing this think about where you want to hit the ball after he hits the ball
being in that diagonal position, if you hit the ball straight towards the wall, it will bound right in the goal every time
most of my goals are made by predicting where they are going to hit the ball
haha awesome
bet you want to play now
I do
7:30 PM
well you can't
haha :D
man... I really want to start playing that game :|
7:45 PM
Well my new video is almost done. Going to try to the lead programmer and see what happens. Last time I asked if I could use information about engine choice the company (Heavy Iron) sort of stone walled me.
rokit leeg?
best game of 2015, easy
@Almo yup
ok yeah, you definitely want to play that
8:41 PM
I had a real help on the unity forum, that's unbelievable
Unity forums and the subreddit are very helpful. At least in my experience.
I have better luck on the subreddit (/r/Unity3D) though personally.
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