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Sure sure.
5 hours later…
It was quite the twist ending in the early 80's!
Movie of the day Body Heat
6 hours later…
Q: What multitool does Scully use in The X-Files S08E04 (Roadruners)

Will HaleyI'm curious about a tool used by a character from the show The X-Files. Per the Wikipedia article describing the plot of this particular episode: She [Agent Scully] inspects his wound again and finds a lump moving along the man's spine; digging into the open wound, she pulls out a piece of a lar...

4 hours later…
@steelersquirrel Drgh! You should have said Body Double for the Brian de Palma double!
@NapoleonWilson Body Double isn't streaming on HBO right now, Body Heat is! ;)
Q: How much time passes in the John Wick movies?

tilley31After watching John Wick Chapter 4, chatting about it with my girlfriend we talked about how John Wick looked so worn out by the end, and she said something like "well, yeah, he's been fighting non-stop for what? 3 days?" And it got me thinking. We do know that Chapter 2 starts almost immediatell...

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