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Q: Is the gamble Adam Sandler bet on in a high-end restaurant legal?

Yu ZhangIn the movie, Uncut Gems, Adam Sandler walks into a restaurant and bets 24G dollars with a well dressed guy sitting and eating at a table. Adam Sandler tells this guy what stats he bets on in an upcoming NBA game and this well dressed guy writes them down on a piece of paper. Later in the movie, ...

Q: What does "Fat ass by a nose" means?

Kartik ChauhanIn the movie "The Shawshank Redemption", a scene goes like this: [Fat Ass] (whimpering) God! I don't belong here! [Men Yelling] We have a winner! [Fat Ass] I wanna go home! [Heywood] And it's fat ass by a nose! What does "fat ass by a nose" means here?

5 hours later…
Movie of the day Superbad
10 hours later…
Q: whats the meaning of the photo in the end of the shining? did he become part of the hotel or he always was and forgot?

ERJANor was it a dream? and he never had family, he always was there and actually lived his life in 1920s according to the photo? or did he become part of the hotel forever after he died and the hotel ALTERED the existing photo and put him there(yet he was not there in the photo at all before his fami...

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