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Q: What did Genevieve mean in The Last Picture Show when she said "A person can’t sneeze in this town without somebody offering them a handkerchief”?

temporary_user_nameIt was a very good movie but I can't quite make sense of this line, and it felt important. I can think of a few interpretations - the most basic being that everybody knows everybody else's business. But the truth is I didn't grow up in that era nor did I grow up in the middle of nowhere, and part...

3 hours later…
Q: How does signing a non-discloure agreement work?

Yu ZhangIn the TV show, Succession, Ep 1, Season 1, Roman Roy teases a boy by promising one million dollar if this boy could hit a home run in a baseball game. It ends up with Roman tearing up the one million dollar check into pieces in front of the boy. Logan Roy sends his lawyer over to the boy and his...

3 hours later…
Q: How often do localized versions of movies localize shots?

GreendrakeWhen a movie is released internationally, it is not unbeknown to localize credits and title sequences (on top of the must-dos — localizing audio and, often, subtitles). But The NeverEnding Story takes it to the next level. In the German version (which, if I am not mistaken, was actually the origi...

2 hours later…
Movie of the day Dressed to Kill
2 hours later…
Q: Is Bluey an unreliable narrator?

Aaargh ZombiesMany of the events in Bluey are openly childrens' games, and primarily take place in the real world with an overlay of imagination. For example, in S01E01 the audience is expected to understand that the xylophone isn't really magical, and that this is simply a game that Bluey and Bingo are playin...

9 hours later…
@steelersquirrel Brian de Palma, awesome!
@NapoleonWilson Michael Caine and naked Angie Dickinson awesome as well!! :P

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