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@NapoleonWilson Oh, gheez. I don't want to drink it! lol
I thought that it had a mint flavor, but I guess that I don't have a clue what I'm talking about ;)
5 hours later…
Q: "Mad About You" (season 4 episode 11, Get Back) - What does Ng Lieu Cho really say?

George 2.0 HopeAt the end of "Mad About You" (season 4 episode 10) - Paul Buchman (Paul Reiser) "translates" for the dissident poet Ng Lieu Cho (Jim Lau), because he fails to pick up Professor Gittleson (Leland Orser). What does Ng Lieu Cho really say?

3 hours later…
@steelersquirrel Hmm, thren not.
4 hours later…
@MovieReel Why does this have close votes on it for being ID? <confused squirrel>
In honor of National Puppy day...
Movie of the day The Breed
Q: Can they make digital copy for Lance Reddick for "Continental" tv series as he is dead?

ERJANLance Reddick is dead, but they plan to make the "The Continental_" tv show - is that possible to 'revive' dead actors thru some digital acting? Is this primarily a legal question - who gets the money from the acting - the family of Lance? Can they make a digital copy for Lance Reddick for The Co...

1 hour later…
@steelersquirrel it's open and disagreement with CV have 4 upvotes
@steelersquirrel there is day for that too ohh
4 hours later…
Q: in Doctor Sleep- whats the meaning of the last scene when the girl has a dead lady in the bathroom?

ERJANcreepy ancient lady from overlook hotel is together with the black girl. why? whats the meaning of this? like she assumed the fears,ghosts and is fine with them in her life?

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