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@DForck42 O.o
@steelersquirrel lol
@AnkitSharma I wonder who was that. I think he was on puzzling, movies, and sff, because I lost rep on all of three.
@AJ Gheez. I wonder now, too. Hmmmmm...the plot thickens. Dun dun dunnnnnn!
@steelersquirrel Yep. But we can't know.
A boy to his girlfriend, Tum kaho to chand taare tod k rakh du tumhari hatheli par, time mile to aao kabhi haveli par.
@AnkitSharma ^^
Why did you forget me? @AJ
@steelersquirrel lol
@AJ lol
@AJ I lost rep on anime, pets , here and one more site I forgot
Be right back. Away from keyboard for some time.
@AnkitSharma Maybe I should have said that...just for the reaction that I might get ;)
@steelersquirrel Eva Greeen, I bleh you
@AnkitSharma Hey, I don't want to look like her either. I don't find her attractive at all, but Napoleon seems to fall all over himself over her ;)
@BlueMoon93 wow nice idea, why not pic old classic films
Okay. I think that I have this list ready for @DForck42. Argh. I wanted to do it before anyone else came on for fear of my messages being broken up :(
@steelersquirrel yeah I know he had questionable taste in actresses
Lol. Now, you're a Steeler Squirrel :D :D
@Dawny33 Hehe! I'm a total squirrel :P
@Catija yeah gonfor Scream @BlueMoon93
@AnkitSharma Yeah...Eva Green and Mischa Barton. Ugh.
Oh, and Rooney Mara. Double Ugh.
Apr 13 '16 at 21:04, by Napoleon Wilson
It's ages since I even heard of that. Used to watch the first or so seasons of it, I guess. Misha Barton was quite hot.
<shakes head>
@steelersquirrel not seen that film but Uma's poster always look good and maybe Kill Bill look nice too @BlueMoon93
@steelersquirrel yeah he like those Mara sisters bleh
@AnkitSharma I know, right? I think that we should ban him from ever speaking to us again ;)
Great bounty commmunity ad fixed \o/
@steelersquirrel lol
@BlueMoon93 yeha I know, I answered a question about lobster poster 😉
@DForck42 Okay. Here are a few comments that I have found regarding users suggesting imdb/google or whatever other means to OP on questions. Please forgive if these might be broken up by other chat messages right now. I will just give you the comment links:
Have you considered comparing his director credits to his actor credits yourself? IMDb should make that pretty easy. — Catija Mar 2 at 0:38
@steelersquirrel ohhh common I will not
Simple google will give you what required. — A J Apr 1 at 6:00
If you'd googled "he's due back" you'd have found an explanation. Please do some effort yourself before asking on an SE site. — BCdotWEB Apr 3 at 14:42
@NapoleonWilson uhuunnn 😱
School sucks and I hate everything
This seems like something that could be easily answered by typing "Joya restaurant" into Google.... — MattD May 27 '16 at 21:17
@BlueMoon93 movie buff
@MannlyMann what happen
And then, here is the one that I commented on the other night:
The proper spelling/pronunciation for all of the characters on that show can be quickly referenced by using a quick google search. The show has it's own website and wikia page where you can easily see that information. — steelersquirrel yesterday
To which I got this reply:
@steelersquirrel meta.stackexchange.com/questions/8724/… "just wiki it" is just as bad as "just google it" comments... — cde yesterday
@steelersquirrel lol
@AnkitSharma well ive got 4 tests, 3 projects, all due tomorrow and They were given to me on Wednesday
@steelersquirrel lol
@MannlyMann still school is still better then rest of the stuff
@AnkitSharma ?
@DForck42 As for the other "comment" controversy...here are some examples of users posting answers in comments that I guess is now frowned upon. This was brought up a few weeks ago in regards to a comment from PaulieD...who ironically seems to do this as well, but here are some:
Are you sure this isn't The Age of Adeline? — Paulie_D Feb 17 at 11:39
@BlueMoon93 O.o
Second scene sounds very similar to the bike death in the 5th Elm St. film (WARNING: GORY), but it's not a nerd nor a video game. — Walt Feb 2 at 13:57
@MannlyMann I mean school troubles are really nothing and school is when you get real friends
And you're sure you're not looking for a movie? Cause I think this might be Die from 2010. — Walt Jan 23 at 10:33
Longshot, because the last death doesn't match, but it wasn't Last Man Standing by any chance? — Johnny Bones Feb 7 at 18:27
@AnkitSharma yeah, but it doesnt make them any less annoying to deal with
@Catija you can check on SO anytime
Odd couple comes to mind — cde Mar 2 '16 at 2:59
@steelersquirrel or maybe both of you are liar
According to IMDB, Edward Norton made his Hollywood debut in 1996 and did about 6 movies before 2000. Should be easy enough to figure out if it was any of those, otherwise, I guess you're thinking of a different actor? — Steve-O Apr 15 at 13:45
@steelersquirrel Well, you shouldn't listen to that guy.
@MannlyMann it di
@AnkitSharma Well, I had Napoleon check under my tail to see if I was a girl ;)
@AJ Well...that's why I came in here yesterday to ask and according to Ankit and DForck42, we are apparently not supposed to do that...which was news to me. So, DForck42 said that he was going to post a meta about it, but he wanted a few examples from other posts before he did it. I was really confused and frustrated about it yesterday.
@steelersquirrel I can contribute one more which resulted in a year ban for that person. Though you could have googled it.
@AJ A year ban for suggesting googling something?
@AnkitSharma What was the problem?
@BlueMoon93 yup Ankit Sharma is my real name
@SreeCharan it was broke after http-> https
@steelersquirrel holy moly
@steelersquirrel I think there is main meta post about google it stuff @DForck42
@steelersquirrel Actually it was that 009 guy.
@DForck42 So, there are a few examples of both of the comment issues that I was certainly not aware of. I didn't know if you wanted to do a meta post for both issues or just the google/imdb/wikia one. But, I for one am confused about both of them.
BTW How to pronounce Catija's name? Is it catija or Katija?
@Catija sound sexy
@AnkitSharma Well, if there is...maybe a "refresher" then. I pulled all of my examples from high rep users.
@AnkitSharma Both are one and the same. /cc @NapoleonWilson @iandotkelly
@steelersquirrel k
@AJ Well, I doubt that was the reason that user was banned :P
Finally pingbfeat ended
@SreeCharan k
@steelersquirrel it's unrelated
@AnkitSharma Sorry. I was trying to get it done before all of you guys came on ;)
@AnkitSharma Yeah...I figured ;)
@AJ Well, as you can see, it's done often. Apparently, he just chose me to call out and make an example of in the comments. Meh. Whatever. I just want to know what the policy is/should be.
Why people on instagram are extra extra white
Common it look fake
@AnkitSharma of course, filters and effects.
@AnkitSharma There are many photo editing apps.
I know but don't make it too obvious
@DForck42 Also...the link that cde provided from main meta only addresses ANSWERING questions with telling users to google, not commenting on it.
@AnkitSharma Makeup.
@Mango sorry your clearly on topic question got bullied and closed. — cde yesterday
Wait. Was this question on-topic?
I thought that it was about pronunciation?
"The Great Riviera Bank Robbery"(1979)? — the guest 7 hours ago
Welp! Here's another one ^^
@steelersquirrel Answering in comments?
And on a question with 4 close votes on it already...
@SreeCharan Yep.
What? So there is no chance for writing an answer?
Well...that's where the confusion lies. If it's considered an off-topic question, then it's frowned upon to answer it, because then it encourages bad behavior/questions.
Sometimes it is better to ask in comments coz when we write an answer after some research, OP simply says no. It's not. Whole time wasted. But I don't support answering in comments completely.
Exactly! That's what I have always thought, too. But, I was told that that is frowned upon.
It has created confusion and frustration with other users as well, but that's why we were talking about doing a meta post.
Again, answerable != quality. That's why we have a a specific section regarding ID questions and how they should be asked. movies.stackexchange.com/help/on-topicPaulie_D Mar 19 at 20:24
@Paulie_D Seriously? Cockroach films aren't exactly common. I'm sure someone would recognise it if they have seen it. It's sad that because you can't help, you think no-one else can. Anyway, I give up. This site is pointless with moderators like you. — adelphus Mar 19 at 20:23
Perfect example ^^
Oh! I didn't see you too permalinked that comment. @steelersquirrel
Yeah...that's part of the issue. The inconsistencies in the close votes. Sometimes there are questions that don't have enough detail, but if certain people know the answer, they don't leave comments or close vote them so that they can answer them. Then, other questions that look completely fine and have sufficient information get slapped with close votes and the usual "request for more information" comment. So, it's frustrating to a lot of people...understandably so.
And the problem is that there are some bandwagon close voters who will just automatically slap a close vote on something because it already has one.
And then we have the obligatory reopen voters who want to reopen something that is clearly off-topic and make comments about it that just confuses the hell out of other users...
@Mango sorry your clearly on topic question got bullied and closed. — cde yesterday
Case in point ^^
So, all of these is where I am a:
<confused squirrel>
OP modified the question with adequate info after paulie_D's comments which make those comments obsolete. There was no sufficient information from the OP before those comments. alphedus's comment is not right blaming mods.
@SreeCharan True. PaulieD is not a mod. I'm not sure why he referred to him as such.
That user didn't know the difference between a mod and an avid user. <newbie>
@SreeCharan Yeah, but he was a newbie. It's the exact reason why we all should have been nice to him :) There is a way of explaining site policies to another person without barking at them :)
Catija is not talking but reading every message.
I doubt it. She has a new baby at home ;)
That question we are talking about has been edited a while ago by catija.
Sure. Nobody is questioning the need for it to be edited. It's the way that we all jump on ID questions right out of the gate and expect them to be 100% perfect.
That spoiler was idiotic.
user image
I'm really worried that Bennett's already a bit too obsessed with his weight.
I still don't understand why a spoiler is used in answers. 🤷‍
@Catija Hahahaha! AWWWWWWWW!!
There are times that it makes sense... If you're explaining something based on other films or later parts of the story that it's unclear the OP has seen, the spoiler makes sense...
@Catija Awww so cute....
@AnkitSharma You're missing pictures!!!
:D Now I do have to go to sleep... otherwise I'll be up all night nursing and it will be awful. Oh, and Ben has a tooth. it's really cute.
YAY!! First tooth!! Too cute!! Well...not for nursing, though ;)
@steelersquirrel Well... I also am a newbie here. So no right to talk about other new user🤐🤐.
@SreeCharan Awwww. Well, I hope that you have had a good experience here so far :))
@Catija Perhaps, he inherited one of his mother's obsessions. :P
@AJ That's more my obsession ;)
Catija looks frigging awesome for just having a baby!
@steelersquirrel I always voted to close low-quality questions, even though I know the answer.
@AJ Right. That's how it's supposed to be. There are just inconsistencies in others picking and choosing what they decide to vtc on if they know the answer or not. The one that confuses me the most is when a user vtc a question and then answers it...that simply baffles me.
@steelersquirrel I love this one too
Hmm, there were too many ID questions regarding Vantage Point.
@steelersquirrel Hmm
Q: In FRIENDS S07E19 why wasn't Monica's cousin invited to her bridal shower?

akdsouzaFrom the episode, it seemed that Monica got along with her cousin Cassie and I'm sure Rachel & Phoebe would know of her staying with Monica with the main characters being such close friends. Why then wasn't she invited to the bridal shower? Would this be a plot hole because it's only until the en...

@MovieReel @AJ Come on spare the mistakes of OP for 5 minutes.
@AJ I saw someone else make a comment about that earlier. I guess I don't know what it means ;)
@steelersquirrel I think DForck42 posted a message here yesterday
@steelersquirrel Actually I searched for Vantage Point yesterday and found there were many ID questions regarding this.
Therefore, I VTCed all of them. That's why I didn't answer that question which eventually hit HNQ.
@AJ Oh, there was one that hit HNQ?
Q: Action movie which shows the story of a terrorist attack on the US president from different characters' perspectives

Veera KannadigaTime frame (approx) I have watched this movie around 2008-2009, not sure of actual release date though (maybe 2006-2007 rough guess), watched in DVD Genre Action, Color Movie Plot This movie basically revolves around a terrorist trying to attack US president and kill when he comes for speech...

Fourth from the left of suggestions when you Google movie president terrorist. Did you try Google? — BoundaryImposition 13 hours ago
Another google request ^^
If everyone 'tried Google' then this site wouldn't exist. — Coz 7 hours ago
And reply to that. ^^
Well...the fact is that everyone has to pretty much use google to show proper research effort.
I guess we are just not supposed to talk about it ;)
Q: Why is this question marked as duplicate?

NitishThis question was asked and answered on Jan 17th 2017. However it was marked as a duplicate of a question which was asked on Apr 20th 2017. How is this possible when the description of marked as duplicate is This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fu...

It's not a bug. It is an automated statement. One with better answer remains original and all other questions irrelevant of date and time becomes duplicate. It depends on quality of questions and answers. Moreover the question which is marked as a duplicate in present case has an accepted answer. Automatic check is not required. It depends on quality of questions asked. The later question has better description than the earlier one. — SS. 4 mins ago
@steelersquirrel ^^
> Fourth from the left of suggestions when you Google movie president terrorist. Did you try Google? – BoundaryImposition
Another problem with ID questions is we don't know the POV's of two different users. One user remembers something and other something else. We can't VTC unless there is a confirmation from the OP. So care should be taken while closing ID questions as duplicate.
@AnkitSharma It is 3rd from left now. Google results change always. Think twice before commenting Boundary imposition.
@SreeCharan You can VTC a duplicate without confirmation from OP.
I'm pretty sure that you can...
@SreeCharan Yes. Steeler is right.
@steelersquirrel VTCing without knowing whether OP meant the same or he had other question in mind (incase of ID questions).
@AJ Starred for a rare comment that is usually never made by other people :P
Argh! Gotta go!
@steelersquirrel Yeah, it's 11:00 PM already.
@steelersquirrel +star from me too, do you want me to pin it
Q: What is the significance of showing Brad & Ronnie admitted in hospital at same time?

UC235Movie Name: Little Children. Brad & Ronnie has no relation each other, but movie showed both in parallel editing effect while admitting in hospital. What is the significance of showing Brad & Ronnie admitted in hospital at same time?

'Fternoon @DrRDizzle
@AJ Mornin'
@SreeCharan I casted pending spam flag.
So, it's deleted automatically.
@SreeCharan ??
@SreeCharan Actually, 6 spam flags automatically deletes the post. So when I flagged, it got deleted.
@AJ Yes with -100 rep for that user.
@SreeCharan Well, that user has 1 rep only.
So, it doesn't apply.
> Smells great.
When he creates an account from the same browser and same ip, it might apply.
@AnkitSharma Kattappa Satyaraj apologises to Kannada people in Kaveri issue.
@AnkitSharma also anime, skeptics and RPG
@BlueMoon93 Do you know who was removed?
@AJ Nope
@SreeCharan Did seen that coming
@BlueMoon93 I did lost 10 rep on anime but on other mentioend site I am not active
> I just fuckin shit my pants. Not complaining, tho. Feels warm, smells great. I could get used to this. - movies.stackexchange.com/a/72030/1190
Q: Hollywood adult comedy movie between the year 2000 to 2011

animesh sharmaI watched this movie 4,5 year before on tv...it was adult Hollywood comedy movie...there were 3,4 main guys in the movie...this movie has lot beach scenes...the guys find girls each for one of them. One guy wears glass and he likes the girl who wears bikini ...but his friend make out with that gi...

@AnkitSharma I also lost rep on hinduism.
@SreeCharan ohhh
portuguese social media is exploding
some girl died with some disease that she wasn't vaccinated against
mainstream media pointed out that parents are anti-vaccs, social-media explodes flaming the parents
we are now entering the 2nd phase of this event
where SJWs are now flaming the haters, commenting they are all retarded and shouldn't flame the parents of the girl
I'm going around, calling SJWs hypocrites for doing the same thing they are crying about, and meanwhile went to the doctor to keep my vaccines up-to-date
That's odd. When most people talk about "SJW"s, they're referring to the left, yet anti-vaccers are typically on the right.
rlly? i didn't know they even fitted in the left-right spectrum
I though only we had drama on news
nah, we do too
except we mix it with retarded news
like the new Saint sculpture being sold across the country
Which is not being that well-received
I wonder why...
Here one singer said that morning azaan disturb his sleep and loudspeaker shouldn't be allowed and everyone go gaga over it and lots of drama still going on
@BlueMoon93 lol
@AnkitSharma morning azan is like, your morning prayer?
@BlueMoon93 yeah morning prayers in Mosque
@AnkitSharma The most bad thing was that they related it to religion which wasn't his intention at all.
I remember an old man lived in my neighborhood. He do prayers for like 30 minutes at 5 am in the morning.
@AJ Sonu Nigam was saying that for all religious places not just Mosque but few peopel are ready to get offended anyhow
His voice was quite loud and weather never mattered for him.
@AnkitSharma Only Maulvis and those who support them.
There are Mohammedans in my office and none of them got offended.
@BlueMoon93 I am deleting your image, as I am sitting in office and it might not look good . I hope you understand
@AJ hmmm
Today, my post got downvoted hugely....
having a cold coffee
@SreeCharan here?
@AnkitSharma possibly not
Ugh, today sucks
My today seems more boring but better
Q: Identify this movie which drawing of woman who lives next door

Roshan TharunIn Building, There are group of people staying in the building. Next building, there is girl living, one of the guy draws nude picture of that girl on their wall. Some days later, Girl came & see this picture of her on the wall. that's all I can remember very well.

Q: Horror movie made late 90s

Doyle Millsaround 2000 but one part a woman in white comes behind the man and rips his face open and another part where this couple is kissing and the boy chokes the girl with his tongue down her throat.

@DrRDizzle Did you watch any movie that you didn't like couldn't pass your tough criteria for being a good one?
Or is it something else?
@AnkitSharma Though I had long task till tea break and now there is a farewell party.
Bad IDs on first page.
That's the sad effect of being IDs in HNQ.
There are two IDs in HNQ.
@AnkitSharma :( it is the sculpture of a saint!
@AJ Work stuff
@DrRDizzle hmm. Happens
What the f...? ^^
The top message in the inbox
@BlueMoon93 Hmm. It looks like you succeeded scaring someone. :P
@AJ True.
@DrRDizzle I am bored with work, so, now I am looking at some random posts of M&TV.
Q: What's the deal with Dutch (one of Johnny's Friends) from the Original KARATE KID?

Luka KeatsI just wonder what's the matter with the Character "Dutch" from the Original Karate Kid. He enjoyed picking on Daniel and it seemed like he had Mental Disorder. Why did he become very angry and try to attack Daniel in the Locker Room before the Tournament and why was he silent when Kreese placed ...

@BlueMoon93 sorry but it look like *****
pervert :P
also, good morning
@BlueMoon93 how goes it?
@AnkitSharma Which word stars denote here?
finished fixing bugs in my neural networks
now tracking machine learning process
@AJ penis
@DForck42 great , anyway I did noticed that, he left comment under movies as too
@BlueMoon93 lol
@AJ dildo
@BlueMoon93 no this ^^
@AnkitSharma yup, he commented in all three places. I was impressed
@AnkitSharma same shape! only size differs... and possibly vibration mode
@BlueMoon93 lol
@steelersquirrel I created a room for us to coordinate this more effectively chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/57469/chat-with-squirrel
@DForck42 hmmm
@BlueMoon93 lol
@AnkitSharma lol
@DrRDizzle grrrrrrr....
I know you wrote that
god what a mess the HNQ made of this question... movies.stackexchange.com/questions/71986/…
@AnkitSharma What did I write?
@DrRDizzle nonsense
mods are slacking, most of my flags are still pending :-D
I'm serious, I have no idea what I've been accused of.
@DrRDizzle it's ankit, so who knows what silliness he's up to
Oh, hahahahaha I remember now.
@DrRDizzle you know what I am talking about sayat.me
@DForck42 O.o
@DrRDizzle hmmm
Q: Is there any rationale for the different colours of uniforms on the different series of Star Trek?

matt_blackWhen looking at the evidence for this question (Do Star Trek characters wearing red shirts have the highest death rate on the original show?) it became apparent that the key colours of the uniforms are not the same in different series. I'm not sure whether there is a definitive guide to what the...

Q: Family moved into house where a previous murder took place, man goes crazy after his pregnant wife cheats on him

dude manI saw this movie awhile ago on Netflix and I think they took it off, can't remember the name. A man and his wife and son move into a house where a murder took place, turns out the man who used to live there with his family murdered his wife and children. The man in this movie works with film ...

@AnkitSharma Meta SE.
@AnkitSharma Was it boring?
@AnkitSharma :-D
Q: Answer comments are getting a bit out of hand

DForck42I'm not sure if I've just become more sensitive to it, but I've noticed an increase in answer comments. These are comments that are typically a half-hearted attempt to answer a question without putting in any real effort to write out an answer. These sorts of comments can be seen as an abuse to...

well, i've posted my defense there
time to learn now
@BlueMoon93 forgot I hadn't actually responded, lol
our avg number of answers per question si steadily going down...
@DForck42 What is the fate of answers to ID questions which are not accepted by OP. I mean with a comment "Sorry, not this one."
@SreeCharan as long as it's a quality answer, I'd leave it
answers can be voted on even if the question is closed. if someone comes by and finds that as the correct answer they can still upvote it
if a closed question has an answer with a positive score, it'll stick around on the site
it's only questions that have a <=0 question score with no answers or no answers that are positive that are deleted
you might attract a downvote or two from the id haters, but that's life
@SreeCharan :P
@DForck42 Cool! Thanks for doing that :)
@steelersquirrel :-D
Q: Logan's Run (1979) - Why is Jessica 6 years old but the feral youth boy is 15?

ThinkingMediaIn the 70's movie Logan's Run, I'm confused about how people age. The opening scene to the movie shows Logan 5 at a nursery where he is curious about his first born son named Logan 6. So this indicates that people are born naturally from woman, and start life as babies. At the time of their birt...

Q: Identify a movie about boys imprisoned after injured/killed a men with an hot dog stand

ArterySeveral years ago (10+- years) I watched a movie about a group of boys which were imprisoned after they pushed an hot dog stand downstairs, which injured or killed a men. In this prison/institution they encountered highly abusive prison guards. Once the inmates played an important football gam...

Q: A Spanish film about a mother and daughter

AnnaA Spanish film which starts with a woman selling her wares in a market stall - she is poor with a daughter, no husband. The film follows her struggles and success - she opens a shop and becomes well off. Can't remember the title

Why is this too broad?
Q: What's this episode in the Pokémon anime and why wasn't pikachu with ash

GuestI was watching Pokémon battles and I watched this What episode was it? And why didn't ash use pikachu?

@SreeCharan typically id'ing based on a video is off-topic
there's also A LOT of missing information for the follow up question, which should have been its own question
@DForck42 I think I can answer it. Identification is also easy.
@DForck42 Yeah. The follow up question was good. But one might chose anime.SE for that type of questions.
@SreeCharan that part's on-topic for both sites. but yeah, it just isn't a well-formed question
Can't we edit?
@SreeCharan we could, but again is the issue that the id part is explicitly off-topic for the site, and the other part lacks enough information to really make it a question that can stand on it's own
if you can edit it to make it a more reasonable question and not completely invalidate cde's answer, go for it
then vote to reopen it
No privilege to cast a reopen vote yet. What I could do is to flag it. And mods can reject it.
Also OP left the site.
@SreeCharan yup, that's an option
Q: Homer's deeper voice

This GuyI recently watched the Simpsons episode "Homer's Night Out" (S1E10) and noticed that Homer's voice was much lower than the latest episodes in Season 26. I saw that the same voice actor was in both, presumably voicing Homer. So why is his voice so different? The earliest episode I can find where ...

Q: Should a question be corrected if OP misremembered something then found it out from the answer, or should it be left as it is?

madmadaI was reading this question and its answer, where OP misremembered something and when he found out the correct "thing" from the answer, corrected it. So I'm wondering, is it better to correct it or leave it as it is? For me, I think the question shouldn't be changed to match the answer, but is t...

Q: Is it the answer or the question that makes a question duplicate?

madmadaMeaning, even if both questions have the same answer, but the 2 questions are not similar, (For example, each question describe a different part of the story) Should they be considered duplicates? I always assumed it's the question, but does anyone know for sure?

Q: Scifi movie about a robot who is kidnapped

MovieQueryerI saw this movie on tv during the early 2000s. It was emotional and, to my young self, a little freaky. The scene I remember most clearly is the robot being taken away in the back of a pickup truck and falling out. The movie was American and played on a standard cable channel, but it was not a ...

3 hours later…
Q: Why is Universal allowed to open a theater?

FrezzleyAs I understood were Movie Production Companies prohibited by law to own any theaters. When the studios were forced to sell their theaters, the result was higher rental rates charged to exhibitors (rising from an average of approximately 35% to its current level of approximately 50%), so the ...

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