Does this site really need a character tag?
Nearly every question is about some character in one way or another. And character wouldn't work as the sole tag on a question, which makes it a meta tag and therefore undesirable, according to SE central policy.
The purpose of tags is supposed to be ...
> Understanding the underlying concepts and themes behind the film/TV-show and its different interpretations. Not to be used for direct plot discussions.
Sorting and filtering my ass. I still want to know if a question concerns the deeper meaning of the work, the story, the characters, its nature as an adaptation or the intricacies of producing it. I don't want 500 Breaking Bad questions that don't tell me anything about their purpose. Those 5 tags slots aren't there for nothing.
Blurgh, that was annoying. Someone edited the OP's title to ask something different from the body of the question, sparking comments from confused users who wanted it to be more clear what the OP was asking.
@AnkitSharma Certainly not now. I don't have any other counter argument than I already stated. "5 tag slots for various granularity to describe what the question is about. And sorting and filtering my ass." I'll try to put that into an answer then.
@Catija But Napoleon and Ankit alone are enough to give it a negative score, even with my upvote, and then other people might just jump on the bandwagon and downvote it because it has a negative score.
@Randal'Thor Well, that's the way it goes. Unfortunately meta polls are exactly that, polls. A few users are enough to express the site's love for ID questions, character tags, or MCU tags.
This is why I usually don't vote immediately on policy discussions on SFF meta. The first few votes sometimes have more weight than they should in deciding which way the discussion goes, and I don't want to dictate anything.
In the same way noone technically stops you from calling a few SciFi pals to help if the decision seems to take an unwanted outcome. (Though, I don't know if they even hate character over there.) ;-)
@NapoleonWilson Indeed, but why would I call a few SciFi pals to participate in a discussion of M&TV policy? Unless they're also active members of M&TV, of course (like @KutuluMike or @DrRDizzle), in which case calling them "SciFi pals" would be a mite disingenuous.
@Randal'Thor I'm a user of the site and I vote according to how I would like the site to go. I'm not neutral in this regard, I'm a user of the community as any other and I have a specific outcome in mind that I want the meta discussion to result in. Why should I wait with my voting, the other users won't either.
@Randal'Thor I don't know. I was just stating the matter of things.
@Napoleon @Ankit Of course nobody would know whose vote that is, but that's not the point. Mod abuse doesn't become less mod abuse if nobody knows it occurs. (Not that I would call that abuse, of course, but the point still holds.) It's a matter of honour.
@Randal'Thor It's very disingenuous to call that a matter of honour (and imply not reserving my vote for later is a lack thereof). You can vote whenever you want, leave me to do so either.
@Randal'Thor So by your definition mod shouldn't vote on meta discussion because ......???? Or wait for the final decison and then say.........oooooo i forgot to vote
@Randal'Thor I am not trying to influence any votes. I see a question on meta and I vote on it, as every other friggin' user does. You are trying to see dishonourable behaviour by any means possible and I call that questionable.
@NapoleonWilson I wasn't addressing you there. Ankit said early voting gives other users "insight where discussion is going", so that they can "also vote in [the] right direction". That's trying to influence the vote.
@Catija Probably, yeah. It's vaguely related to scifi, but not at all to English, so who knows where they'll spam it next. (I did tell them it was unlikely to be well-received on any SE site.)
@AnkitSharma Lots of behaviour should change when one becomes a mod.
@NapoleonWilson And I'm one of the most active users of SFF meta. So if the first few votes tend to sway a discussion, and I usually see the post before anyone else, then if I vote immediately it amounts to me trying to sway the community's decision my own way on all policy discussions.
I am just voting (UV or DV), not a mod power thing and it's a damm decision which my site have to live with. I can't run away from it , i am not going to play safe here. I am not pushing other to vote like me but that doens't mean i should kill my opinion for it
@Randal'Thor ok, we can agree to disagree on that then
Meta voting is a pretty weak signal at the best of times, prone to all sorts of unintended influence and intentional manipulation. Vote or don't, but if you have a strong opinion please at least make sure you voice it.
@Shog9 Btw, since you're here ... there was a really good answer from you on main meta about that, how some people vote for a bad thing because it's well-argued and some people downvote a good thing because it's badly laid out and so on, which I tried to find the other day without success. Any idea which post I'm thinking of?
@Shog9 Ah well, never mind then. Can't even remember now what I wanted to quote that link for.
@Catija We agree on the character tag, so that puts us on the same side in the meta debate. And I hope there isn't going to be any real fighting with chainsaws :-P
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales (also known as The Animated Shakespeare) is a series of twelve half-hour animated television adaptations of the plays of William Shakespeare, originally broadcast on BBC 2 between 1992 and 1994.
The series was commissioned by the Welsh language channel S4C. Production was co-ordinated by the Dave Edwards Studio in Cardiff, although the shows were animated in Moscow by Soyuzmultfilm, using a variety of animation techniques. The scripts for each episode were written by Leon Garfield, who produced heavily truncated versions of each play. The academic consultant for...
@Randal'Thor Well, all those English guys are hardly to distinguish anyway. At the end of the day they're all immigrants from the Isles. So I wouldn't wonder to find a Duncan in Melbourne.
@AnkitSharma But anyway, I can still highly recommend the '71 Polanski film (for the 50th time) for something quite accurate and very entertaining and atmosphereic. Or the new Fassbender one, even if that left a few parts of the dialogue away and made some minor adaptation changes.
There is a movie about a guy that comes from a rich family, he leaves his father to work in asylum, a girl falls in love with him, then he decided to take her with him to his brother's wedding, and he finds out she is not crazy, and she didn't kill her mother, her mother has schizophrenia
I watched the movie as a teen.
In the future some soldiers were losing a war. So they get on some spaceship traveled in time back in the past to find some person that wrote a book to prevent him from writing the book which will became like religious book. And they had explosives around their nec...
@NapoleonWilson Northern Ireland doesn't have much of a history as a nation. England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland all had national identities long before Britain was a thing, but Northern Ireland was a more or less arbitrary split made to ensure Britain kept the factories in the north and didn't let them fall into republican hands.
Introduction: the curse of free will
This is a good idea... For those rare discussions that actually lend themselves to it. In my experience, many - if not most - do not. To pull this off, you have to be able to present a topic for discussion in a way that doesn't immediately come off as leading...
Also relevant to some of the other discussion here
I'm trying to remember a movie. It was black and white, the language being english.
The protagonist stumbles upon a movie in a theatre that somehow disturbs all those who see it. I forget the middle but towards the end our anti-hero finds out that Gnostics in some remote sect concocted the schem...
When I was a kid I watched a movie or maybe it was a TV show that I am now trying to identify. Here's what I remember: steel balls (spheres) slightly larger than marble start to fall from the sky. They can move on their own. Two guys enter the supermarket and there was a scene where a steel ball ...
Over the past few days a user has been mass-editing this tag (nolan-batman-trilogy) onto the Nolan trilogy films. 33+ edits have been made in the past 48 hours with no sign of abating. Thus far the volume of changes made has provoked at least two users (that I've seen) into refusing ...
@KutuluMike When was that consensus established? I'm hunting for a useful link to post on meta, but the best I've found so far is a quote from Kevin in chat.
Meh, anyway, I'm ready to abide by whatever new rules they want to come up with and content with being happy we don't have that rule. I'm starting to understand how kalina felt, though, and that was here. Not to imagine how she must have felt there. ;-)
I don't know why I did it. I just got dragged into it somehow by finally deciding to check out some of their questions about all of Christopher Nolan's films.
Towards the end of Argo, the flight tickets that Tony tried to use at the airport were cancelled.
Back in U.S., Jack is trying to reverse this situation.
When the flight attendant behind the counter checks them again through the computer they were avalilable.
All of this happens in no more tha...
@KutuluMike The trouble then is to decide on what "at a time" means. The comment from Kevin, plus the 'rule of thumb' that both you and I have picked up, say it should be "per 15", but the old meta post from Gilles and the new one from Richard say it should be "per day".
@KutuluMike Because SO is the flagship site and nobody cares about SO's front page.
Per day is absurd. Particularly with a high-volume site like SFF... I think five on the front page at a time makes more sense and would be a middle ground... so on quiet days, you might only do one or two but on busy days, you could do 4-5 groupings.
oddly enough.. the same user that throws a tantrum whenever the front page gets flooded, also reacts negatively whenever we propose something to 'fix' the front-page-floor problem
I know that requests for a "minor edit" option come up all the time and are routinely rejected, and for good reasons. (Details can be seen, among other places, at Could we have the ability to mark a change as minor in questions or answers?)
On the other hand, we already have a concept of a "non-...
I don't like it (personally) because I only ever look at the recent activity page and there's no "next" button... so if the entire page is full of tag edits, I have no clue what the recent activity is.
@KutuluMike I only hear one person (ok, two maybe) saying it does. ;-) (But maybe I don't have a sufficient overview. Or they're simply particularly loud persons.)
@Catija Indeed. That's why I'm also generally an advocate of a clean frontpage. But there have to be made some compromises.
@Catija Well for that you can as well click the full list and sort by "active" ('s what I do when I come from a short vacation and have to catch up everything that happened).
There is this animated show that use to play on Saturday mornings, it was definitely not American, but I suspect it was French animation,
It was really bizarre, the hero was this boy with blonde or white hair and I think he had some type of gold band on his head.I think he was bare chested and ...
Private beta has started. The initial invites were sent to some of the users who opted in. As mentioned below, we'll be inviting users in batches to monitor load and allow us to watch for bugs and fix issues.
It's been 6-8 weeks since we last posted about the Developer Story but ou...
I saw in 2006, i think ,a horror movie with a blonde actress who was trying to beat a record at sailing alone a yacht,and she was hunted by her dead mother,who had short hair and it was dressed in a long white shirt. Do you have any idea?
But anyway, I already have enough reputation to downvote without worrying and to candidate as moderator. Maybe the vote balance at 1,000 for meta and I'm fine.
@AnkitSharma Meh, can't beat all the book people anyway.
I hardly find time to answer stuff here. I'm by far not engaged enough into any of those universes to compete with all the "canon" people. It's just not worth the effort.
I'm looking for this movie for a long time.
I watched Turkish dubbing in 2005-2007. This must be a tv movie. Might be american or british film, I don't know.
Film takes place in one room.
Married couples arguing at home. Woman wants to divorce her husband.
But her husband doesn't agree to a ...
@Randal'Thor Technically, that chat message wasn't really me accepting that I "had done too much", that was me being sarcastic about the outrage my few (5 per 15) edits still caused. ;-)
@Randal'Thor That might have been the one you're looking for (it's still not entirely without sarcasm, but it's me genuinely learning the 5 per 15 lesson):
The real aim here is not to cause strife or upset in the community. Which is why I'm kinda against any really hard-and-fast restrictive rule, and made that comment about expecting a certain amount of reasonability.
If it had been 7 edits spread out evenly among the top 15 posts on the front page, it probably wouldn't even have been noticed, let alone flagged or taken to meta. 5 in a row (especially with that long username!) is much more jarring on the eye.
Also, if you'd kept it to your original small batch of edits, it wouldn't have been such a big deal. But when you're on a mission to edit 30 or 50 questions, that's the kind of thing that's going to be noticed and make people say "hey, shouldn't we have agreed this on meta first?"
@Catija The only real problem arises when you used all your daily contingent on maintenance and cleanup but then find a genuinely problematic question and have to flag it for moderator attention for someone else to do it because your contingent is up.
@Catija Vue is Sony's light weight service. No contracts so you can cancel at any time, and unlimited cloud DVR service that'll store shows you mark as your favorites for up to 28 days.
@Randal'Thor Indeed (the notice thing, the rest not). Meta has nothing to do with it. Either that tag has been used correctly or not. And if not, I should have been instructed about it. The 5 per 15 rule (which, to my defense, I seriously thought was an accepted guideline) is there so that you don't have to say "ok, I'm killing all the frontpage now".