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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@CadeRoux finally got my Ingress Invite.
@JackDouglas order by 3?
or, quite possibly, I have done something wrong and I don't understand the Q :)
@AaronBertrand Cumulative Cost makes me happy
@JackDouglas of course, but why? :)
I mean I never use ordinals but names
@Zane Resistance or you're dead to me.
@Zane Where are you?
@dezso I'd have to nest again or repeat the expression though :)
I agree it usually gets me into trouble :)
@Zane Looks like MSP is dominated by resistance. Still, you should be able to level up pretty quickly - looks like a ton of portals.
@dezso doh. edited and thanks!
@CadeRoux That's something I wanted to ask you. How do you see that. Like the expanded overall maps
@Zane Plus get this extension which is like completely awesome: github.com/breunigs/ingress-intel-total-conversion#readme
Kim Hathaway: "You have to be careful with query hints."
@swasheck incredibly careful.
is @bluefeet around?
@JNK yup
let me see if I can figure this out
if not I will bug you
@JNK seems you've already accomplished this part
@CadeRoux my neighborhood seems pretty active. I have much to get used to atm.
@swasheck what
@swasheck do
@swasheck you
@swasheck mean?
this is kind of a mess b/c I need dynamic columns
I may be hitting this the wrong way actually
@JNK Dynamic SQL to build the column list, then make the pivot dynamically.
@CadeRoux I was gonna do that but too many columns I think
I have rows of SQL Server permissions
It has like permissionName (i.e. execute, select, etc), state (grant/deny), object (stored proc, db, etc)
And I need to put this into a DW
can I respond with a snarky comment?
@bluefeet i guess if this were a pivot question, u would respond ;) — Артём Царионов 47 secs ago
@JNK What would too many columns be? Too many columns as a SQL Server limit?
@JNK It's all going to be code-generated, so a hundred columns is as difficult as one.
@CadeRoux Too many to be usable/readable
I don't know what else to do though, I guess I'll just leave it somewhat normalized
Hi guys
I wonder if any of you has got a suggestion on the best course of action in this case:
@AndriyM I would delete the question but since it has an answer I cannot. — Blam 19 mins ago
The question was confusing from the beginning, despite the asker's several attempts at elaboration.
And it now appears to have been based on the wrong premise
So I can understand why one could be willing to delete it
It does have an answer, which is likely irrelevant: the answerer misunderstood the question (not his fault)
What question, anyway?
Q: Using @Local Table Variable With ()

BlamWould like to nest a @Local Table Variable DECLARE @local_variable QueryWa is a User-defined table This throws a compiler error DECLARE @Wa AS QueryWa; ( insert into @Wa ([sID],[wordPos]) select top 10 [sID],[wordPos] from [FTSindex] where [sID] = '2' select * from @Wa delete ...

@swasheck the room reference?
@Roy Clicking the timestamp (19 mins ago) will take you to the comment..
@MichaelFredrickson Ahh, right. I'm all used to those big nice question summaries :)
Hello folks. Is this question too open-ended for dba.se? Just wondered if you'd want to pull it pver here, and don't want to suggest the OP re-ask it if'll just be closed here too...
@AlexPoole NARQ/Unanswerable
is there a "right" answer to that question?
@AndriyM You can comment on the answer (and suggest deletion or altering the answer).
You could also just summon @AarolamaBluenk here. He is usually around.
@ypercube That's a good idea. I wasn't sure if I should leave a comment, but asking him in chat would be fine.
@ypercube Would the OP be able to delete the question if the answer was deleted?
I think so. But I don't care much. That user in my favourites list.
@AlexPoole Really it's a brainstorming question, which is inherently not a good Q.
@JNK - nope, but wasn't sure if the discussion aspect would be more welcome here. The description on the VTC off-topic options is a bit softer than the FAQ; site for DB enthusiasts, or something like that. 'No' is fine, just wasn't sure *8-)
@AlexPoole You have some good ideas on the comments there, like the VM machine.
Oh, you are not the OP. Sorry.
@ypercube - no, but the VM was my comment *8-) Not pushing for it, was just curious, and the OP's idea is somewhat interesting. Though breaking things is generally not the hard part of course....
@JNK You mean in the DW? Sometimes you do have to be normalized in the DW. We ended up having to do that for the customer profitability system at the bank where there were a tone of different buckets for measures on an account and some were dynamic and they were always changing.
@JNK Does make things a LOT slower when you can't just say PROFIT = SUM INCOME BUCKETS - SUM EXPENSES BUCKETS when you have to do a whole bunch of pivoting before you can add and subtract things.
@ypercube Just saw the notification; what's up?
@AarolamaBluenk It's about one of your answers
@AndriyM Just read through. It's deleted.
@AarolamaBluenk Ah, that's why it doesn't show the summary! :) Thanks
@AndriyM No worries :)
God this place is maddening. They want me to be their full time DBA their full time BI developer and run fix all of their problems with their new transactional database.
They want the Datawarehouse to somehow be 100% real time but they want to use cheap hardware to do it
@Zane Ask them to double your salary
@Zane Document your time. So you can prove that you can only do so much.
Hrmmm....this guy looks like a winner. He is, after all, an Ace CTO:
@MikeFal One of his answers is a little concerning to me...
A: How to organize a single query to several sql servers?

AceCTOYou appear to need linked servers; [Microsoft SQL Server Linked Servers] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188279(v=sql.105).aspx You can attach the 2000 instance from the 2008 server to use in your queries, depending on the amount of data and connection speed the performance may not ...

Should you really be establishing linked servers across the open internet?
@MichaelFredrickson I certainly wouldn't.
Doesn't sound like an ace answer to me...
@MikeFal I do that already.
@Zane linked servers across the wild west?
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