Would like to nest a @Local Table Variable
DECLARE @local_variable
QueryWa is a User-defined table
This throws a compiler error
insert into @Wa ([sID],[wordPos])
select top 10 [sID],[wordPos] from [FTSindex] where [sID] = '2'
select * from @Wa
delete ...
Hello folks. Is this question too open-ended for dba.se? Just wondered if you'd want to pull it pver here, and don't want to suggest the OP re-ask it if'll just be closed here too...
@JNK - nope, but wasn't sure if the discussion aspect would be more welcome here. The description on the VTC off-topic options is a bit softer than the FAQ; site for DB enthusiasts, or something like that. 'No' is fine, just wasn't sure *8-)
@ypercube - no, but the VM was my comment *8-) Not pushing for it, was just curious, and the OP's idea is somewhat interesting. Though breaking things is generally not the hard part of course....
@JNK You mean in the DW? Sometimes you do have to be normalized in the DW. We ended up having to do that for the customer profitability system at the bank where there were a tone of different buckets for measures on an account and some were dynamic and they were always changing.
@JNK Does make things a LOT slower when you can't just say PROFIT = SUM INCOME BUCKETS - SUM EXPENSES BUCKETS when you have to do a whole bunch of pivoting before you can add and subtract things.
God this place is maddening. They want me to be their full time DBA their full time BI developer and run fix all of their problems with their new transactional database.
They want the Datawarehouse to somehow be 100% real time but they want to use cheap hardware to do it
You appear to need linked servers;
[Microsoft SQL Server Linked Servers]
You can attach the 2000 instance from the 2008 server to use in your queries, depending on the amount of data and connection speed the performance may not ...
Should you really be establishing linked servers across the open internet?