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Wordle 1,034 3/6*

Wordle 1,034 4/6*

Wordle 1,034 5/6*

Good morning
A chairde - Morning all!
2 hours later…
@HannahVernon The most recent several Wordles have been time-consuming for me
1 hour later…
It seems you were wordless
He's retired, I thought time consuming when retired was a good thing so you didn't get bored
Wait until he discovers golf
That's huge down here, I know people who are retired and play 5 days a week
@Vérace we go to that exhibit this afternoon! I don’t know if photography is allowed, but I’ll see what I can do.
Enjoy - you'll be glad to know that photography [is allowed](https://www.musee-orsay.fr/en/node/197499) - Dans les salles d'exposition permanente, pendant les heures d'ouverture du musée, les œuvres peuvent être photographiées ou filmées pour l'usage privé de l'opérateur, à l'exclusion de toute utilisation collective ou commerciale.
L'usage de flashes, lampes à incandescence, pied ou support est interdit, sauf sur autorisation individuelle du président de l'établissement. So, no flash or stands/tripods &c. Nothing commerical either!
Ooops - missed the bit about "salles d'exposition permanente" - that's permanent displays - trying to check for the Impressionists...
Chat markdown is having quite a day
@SeanGallardy I didn't say it wasn't a good thing
Normally, Wordles take no more than a minute or two. The past several have required more like half an hour
wow, half an hour! If I get bored while I'm on the toilet I'll bring it up but rarely do I even try it.
Wordle or the toilet?
@SeanGallardy Should get you half-way through so! :-)
lol it doesn't take me that long, if I even try it I might spend 2 minutes
It very much depends on the words you guess. With an unfortunate sequence, you can end up with quite a tricky puzzle to solve
An unolved ystery, if you will
1 hour later…
@ErikDarling Got a reply to my email re photography at the expo "Paris 1874 - Inventer l'impressionnisme" - good news - it's allowed "Les photographies et les enregistrements vidéo à des fins strictement privées sont autorisés dans le musée, à condition qu'ils ne compromettent pas l'intégrité des œuvres, qu'ils ne gênent pas la circulation des visiteurs et qu'ils ne nuisent pas au confort des autres visiteurs."
"sont autorisés" = are allowed, so long as they're not potentially damaging (i.e. no flash) and your taking them doesn't interfere with other visitors' movements &c.
Deffo expect full report now! :-)
We just finished walking through. My wife took some photos. It was quite nice but rather brief.
Title of my memoir
I feel bad for your wife then :P
She's also quite nice, but not brief at all
In other news, I learned today the current UK finance minister was originally from Czechia
Yes, the Chancellor is an Exchequer
My exhibit joke about no one doing any voices did not go over so well (impressionists, etc)
Did you dress as a mime
Did anyone ask you if you even lifted?
I think Redgate's CEO is also Czech. At least he has Czech name
Why is @J.D. looking me up on LinkedIn?
Czeching you out etc.
Constantly replicating
> It was quite nice but rather brief.
Sounds like the last time I had sex! :-)
Seriously though - can you put any of those photos up online somewhere?
Not until we get home probably
Public WiFi being what it is
Not nice or brief
@Zikato Suddenly the name RedGate makes more sense
I guess Sean considers anything east of Berlin, 'red'
Yeah, it was a joke about the soviets and china using Red and being referred to as Red (aka the Reds)
> a 40-core variant with 8P and 32 E cores is planned for the second or third quarter of 2025.
Feel free to welcome your new E core overlords
No more P cores for you, going the way of the dodo
I don't want to think about how bad compilers might have it, given the differences between what instructions can and can't run
> first-gen E-Core products codenamed Sierra Forest which have already achieved excellent silicon health and are on schedule for delivery in the first half of 2024. The CPU will house up to 144 cores based on the Intel 3 process node and deliver a new class of Xeon chips built for cloud-optimized workloads.
@Zikato heh
The cloud runs on e cores, confirmed
> cloud-optimized workloads.
Let's translate that statement into something that is the truth.
@PaulWhite yeah I feel like the that Tracey Bennet (the editor of Wordle) is picking words that are progressively more brutal. But I suppose that's to be expected considering the pool of words is getting (smaller and smaller)|(less and less).
fewer and fewer
@Zikato that was unexpected, I must say. Nice work.
@JoshDarnell yes, that too
@PaulWhite nice
@JoshDarnell ... deliver a new class of Xeon chips built for optimizing the profitability of the cloud host.
it's the equivalent of shrinkflation
@SeanGallardy got that first time round
@HannahVernon Nicely done.
@JohnK.N. I'm slow, what can I say 😂
4 hours later…
@JohnK.N. I saw in our guidelines today, if you are employed for 3 years in Switzerland it is required to give a 3 month notice that you're going to leave. Wow.

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