@Colin'tHart TYL. One of the primary motivations for moving to containerized applications is that containers need to be as ephemeral as possible and ready to be replaced by another container instance at any point in time.
I call bollocks. Containers are just a way of partitioning your host hardware. Whether you want to have short-lived or long-lived partitions is completely up to the user.
I do agree that making containers/partitions/virtual-machines/whatever quick and easy to setup and destroy that you make life easier for yourself.
> Whether you want to have short-lived or long-lived partitions is completely up to the user.
Not always. If your containers are managed by an orchestration platform, like Kubernetes, it controls their lifecycle. (And if not, you're doing it all wrong anyway.)
I always have to think hard about "lucked out" and often guess what it means from context. One of those phrases for me. Maybe I confuse it with "out of luck".
@PaulWhite I'm not sure the origins of it - but "made out" (success or uh... above the waist stuff) is the only other phrase I can think of similar to it.
In American English, to table something means to postpone discussion on something. It might mean to postpone it indefinitely, but usually it just means that the discussion should be resumed at a later date. (As others have pointed out, in British English it means the exact opposite. Two countries...
> table something (British English) to present something formally for discussion > - to table a question in Parliament > - They have tabled a motion for debate at the next Party Conference. > - He has tabled a question on this issue for tomorrow’s council meeting.
> table something (North American English) to leave an idea, a proposal, etc. to be discussed at a later date > - They voted to table the proposal until the following meeting.
it's similar to performant in my mind. I mean it's a word, but it shouldn't ever be used to describe performance being better. Least not because you end up with monstrosities such as unperformant