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@AndriyM yes, CSV string (via stringbuilder but I think that part is not relevant)
Ugh how do you even start with these
Q: The specified table does not exist. [ __MigrationHistory ]

DanMI've been using the following method since Entity Framework Code First became available: public virtual void CreateDatabase() { var dbContext = _dbContextLocator.Current; dbContext.Database.Delete(); dbContext.Database.Create(); dbContext.Database.Initialize(true); } Recently, ...

5 hours later…
@ypercube Are you pleased with Jack's answer?
hei guys aug 16 is the first birthday of se dba is there celeberation check this post
3 hours later…
Best tweet in a while:
Liven things up by substituting "Cloud" with "Clown". "Our infrastructure runs on the clown" "I'm a clown expert" "This is clown based"
@Phil he he
2 hours later…
Afternoon all
@Bijujose I think Aarthi is trying to encourage us to do something :-)
@dezso I'm not 100% sure I am :-)
@JackDouglas only half bounty then :)
seems to be a good one otherwise
but @ypercube has the data
@Phil 'We use clown-based infrastructure' could describe most I.T. departments.
@JackDouglas Can I suggest drinkies at some location to be arranged?
I'm sure @MarkStorey-Smith might be up for that :)
Any heap regulars have thoughts on anniversary stuff?
@JNK See above ;-D
Oh I see biju put a post
If we get somewhere with wifi perhaps we can link up by skype or something.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells It's a good suggestion :-)
@JackDouglas I thought so ...
A: DBA.SE Birthday Celebration?

ConcernedOfTunbridgeWellsFor the London crowd, may I suggest drinkies at some location with wifi and something solid enough to kensington lock a laptop to? For our friends from across the ditch and down under I suspect the geographical distribution might hinder similar efforts elsewhere , but one can try. May I suggest...

I don't think so (with a mild hangover after 3 days drinking)
@dezso You've still got 3 days to recover. May I suggest Berocca and toast with Marmite (or Vegemite if you're of that persuasion).
Berocca is not marketed here (Hungary)
@dezso Any vitamin B supplement should do.
but I happen to have access to a Vegemite can
thanks for relatives from down under
@dezso Awesome. Gets to all corners of the world. Don't forget to hydrate as well. :)
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells think so
fortunately I have a bit of expertise in this field :)
that is how that hangover is only a mild one
@dezso You'll fit in nicely ;-}
the only concern is how to get there in time after work :)
What's the geographical distribution of our Merkin friends? I got the impression that @jcolebrand and @caderoux live not too far apart (at least by american standards).
@JNK - don't you live somewhere around Boston or something like that? Does anyone else live around there?
@dezso I suggest you take the day off. Maybe you can phone in and say you're a bit hung over and slightly the worse for wear ;}
@JNK - Conneticut - perhaps I should have checked your profile :)
Yeah I'm in Conne C ticut
I'm like 2-3 hours from Boston
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells I can usually be persuaded
@COTW @Mark FYI I will be in Cambridge Sept 7-9
@AaronBertrand I was thinking about doing Jen's pre-con but forgot about it! Are you popping through town on way in/out?
Also Mark nice answer today dba.stackexchange.com/questions/22337/…
I fly into Heathrow but I'll be staying in Cambridge
On Sunday I'd like to check out the cathedrals in Ely + Peterborough
@AaronBertrand Cheers
@AaronBertrand It's definitely worth doing a spot of tourist time in Cambridge
@AaronBertrand Going to check the schedule and try do both the pre-con and Saturday. You flying in Friday?
@AaronBertrand I've been there. Ely is amazingly small to have such a big cathedral :-)
Yeah I arrive very early Friday morning.
@AaronBertrand Will see what I can do.
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Have you seen a map of the US?
Let me assist:
tectonic anomalies during the weekend?
The ReCaptcha conversation has come up again. Here are 18 terrible and unsolvable captchas that I triggered in about a five minute fiendish bout of refreshing yesterday:
A: The reCAPTCHA has become too difficult for humans to solve

Aaron BertrandSaw these today at http://meta.stackoverflow.com/captcha/. If you can solve even one of these, maybe there is no issue? Note that for some of these it would be difficult if not impossible to solve even one of the two words - and how many new users (you know, the ones that are more likely to trigg...

@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells did that help you figure out how close we are? Notice that I'm the dot over Londontown, and the dot due west of me past Bristol is JackD
I recall reading that captchas mostly use one legible word and one that is largely illegible - the point of it being there is that users will crowdsource OCR it. Only the readable one is actually verified
I may, however, be talking complete and utter shit
@Phil that is accurate.
It's "one word that cannot be properly OCRd, and one word that is known"
The known word could be one that was previously recaptchad, for instance.
There's a precedence threshold. Machine scanning is given 0.5 points, and human entering is given 2.5 points. So if 3 users scan a word in the same, or a machine and two humans, all the same, it's the same word.
But I've shown examples where both words are unsolvable. And the text under the captcha says to type both words. How many new users know that you only have to solve one?
Hell, remove "new" from that question...
True, but I don't mind being a mechanical turk
It would be different if they were hard for the sake of being hard
in this case you're actually digitizing books, so that in the future all of these things will be available electronically
Just wait till they go backwards in time, to the 1850's or before
when fenfe was either hearing or touching or tasting or smelling
or was that senfe
or fense
Google have probably just scanned the Scientology back catalogue, hence causing the recent batch of unreadable ones
@Phil I'm sure it was an alignment issue by the automated scanners.
@jcolebrand in all reality though, i dont have the time to be bothered by screen-capping my CAPTCHA and then hoping for a speedy response ... and then my session expires.
@swasheck then you're doing something wrong
Do we pay for this service from Google? Or is it freely available for public consumption? Are there alternatives?
@jcolebrand probably ... as that is my bent. but i cant really even think of how else to "crowdsource" reCAPTCHA. of course, again, i'm an idiot.
@AaronBertrand it's free, and it's the best captcha service on the market, all others that I know of being broken many times over
@AaronBertrand google.com/recaptcha
If you can't use the Windows Snip Tool and Paint.NET to repeatedly capture captchas then you're doing something wrong, like probably not using Windows 7+
@swasheck well for starters it is crowdsourced already :p
Or not using a Mac
@jcolebrand onenote win+s -> imgur extension -> ... ... ... ... ... wait ... ... ...
All the cool kids use Command-Shift-4
@AaronBertrand what is this nonsense :p
@swasheck win+s? Screenshot?
i probably just dont understand.
win+s (with onenote) allows you to clip a specific section of the screen
Besides, doesn't imgur allow pasting from the clipboard now?
but what is this crowdsource thing? i seem to be ignorant as to what that is all about
@swasheck This explains all google.com/recaptcha/learnmore
@Phil cool. i get it. but how does this help with the presenting problem as described by Aaron?
@swasheck because it doesn't have anything to do with that.
The presentation problem is not something SE has any control over, nor can they give feedback
People need to literally dump the presented words (as he's done) so that the system learns they are gibberish.
@jcolebrand right ... so in the case of using SE you just refresh the words until you get something you recognize? (sorry if i'm dense --- i'm currently battling replication ... again ... and again ...)
Furthermore, I claim that anybody that hasn’t noticed by now that I’m an opinionated bastard, and that “impolite” is my middle name, is lacking a few clues.

Finally, it’s clear that I’m not only the smartest person around, I’m also incredibly good-looking, and that my infallible charm is also second only to my becoming modesty.

So there. Just to clarify.

Linus “bow down before me, you scum” Torvalds
I think I'm going to steal part of that from him, it does seem to fit me, doesn't it?
When I have I been anything BUT an opinionated bastard?
@swasheck Yes, that is the correct modus operandi
"I think the OpenBSD crowd is a bunch of masturbating monkeys"
Rotfl, I've found a question on the billing system I know everything about. The 1st answer will completely break the app. stackoverflow.com/questions/1259479/… Sadly, it's a bit to late to intervine
@Phil but it would set you up for a nice post hoc "told you so"
If anybody is particularly bored, here's a fun question for you: stackoverflow.com/questions/11919597/…
i was just going to drop this one on the board
Q: SQL Injection ethical hacking

sofloverThis is not a programming question but I have no idea why I did it. Yesterday, I was going through a tutorial about ethical hacking and found a tutorial about SQL injection. It says, find an admin login.asp site and enter as follows: Admin: Admin Password: ' or '1'='1 I really don't know what is...

he seems scared
I'd have trolled him :D
@swasheck "I search "Admin login.asp" on google and found a random site and tried the tutorial" just..wow
@Lamak on one hand i feel badly for him. on the other i believe this to be somewhat of a duuuhhhhrrrrrrr situation
@Phil burn your computer and your router. change your name. flee the country. w/d all funds IMMEDIATELy
yeap. Well, he was following a tutorial about "ethical hacking"
I just found his home address. That didn't take long
Could've been an epic troll
Probably get a bollocking on SO for it though :P No point getting in trouble
@Phil from his website?
That was the first point of call
"Virgina, huh? Y'know ... the CIA isn't far from there so you have less time than you'd have if you were in say, North Dakota."
Oh god, now I'll have to go and hide in the wardrobe in case they come and get me for being part of this epic hacking attempt!
his website has his email address. A ominous email would scare the crap outta the guy.
ok, that's enough of that. i'd like to think i'm above such reddit-esque things
sets 4chan on you
This did make me laugh out loud earlier (from reddit) imgur.com/nYm0h
I know this may not be the best place to ask this, but...
I want to get the list of points from a polygon in PostgreSQL. How could I do that?
@YuriAlbuquerque hmm
@YuriAlbuquerque pastebin.com/5EaTjdvV
(not mine, just googled)
@rfusca Thank you, but I can't use postgis :-(
oh geez
messing with polygon data without postgis isn't real fun
no, it's not... There are some dirty, dirty things I'm doing
is there a way for, at least, convert to varchar or text? I could parse it with some regex
ya, I was gonna say, you should always just convert to text and parse
just ::text should convert
no, it does not work :-/
odd, it does for me
what version?
I really should do a brain-dead simple post on normalization. How do people think this is good design?
Q: Split SQL Query by Year/Month

alexgerstI have written a SQL query that fills the following columns in a temporary table: CODE | MODULE | MONTH | YEAR | SO_NUM | LABOR_HRS | LABOR_COST From this table, I need to create a select statement that returns the same data, split up by month, like so: CODE | MODULE | SO_NUM_MONTH1 | LABOR_H...

@YuriAlbuquerque hmm
this doesn't work for you:
apparently, I'm the only person on the internet with the same problem
select (polygon(box '((0,0),(1,1))'))::text;
oh. It's 8.2
lol you went from 9.1 to 8.2
Does this answer make any sense to SQL Server people?
A: How to change the instance name of SQL Server Express 2008?

Ravindra GullapalliI followed the procedure mentioned in http://sqldbpool.com/2008/09/03/how-to-change-sql-server-instance-name/like this For default instance sp_dropserver 'old_name' go sp_addserver 'new_name','local' go For named instance sp_dropserver 'Server Name\old_Instance_name' go sp_addserver 'ServerN...

@rfusca I thought it was 9.1, but my boss just told me the server was using 8.2
i have no idea bout 8.2 in general
if cast(<your polygon> as text) doesn't do it...i don't know
yeah, nothing works
I'll have to work with a separated table :-/
@AaronBertrand Not really
well 8.2 is eons old and unsupported - at least nudge them to upgrade ;)
@AaronBertrand it makes perfect sense
@rfusca we can't. We're working on a database from another project, which uses 8.2. It would give too damn work to use 9.1 on that project. Legacy software sucks :(
on separated projects we use 9.1, though
@YuriAlbuquerque ya, we all know the tales of legacy support
Also weird that he and Denny answered this question in the past week, when the original was asked, answered and accepted in July 2010.
Oh I see now, it was just migrated. Got it.
rfusca: thanks for the help, anyway. Good bye for everybody
@YuriAlbuquerque btw, in general you could post it as a question here...but with that old of a version, I'd be surprised. I'd recommend braving the postgres mailing list - its helpful and somebody will give you a definitive answer for sure.
gentlemen, start your sacred cows
Q: GUID as primary key best practices

VAAAI have an application that uses GUID as PK in almost all tables and I have read that there are issues about performance when using GUID as PK. Honestly I haven't seen any problem, but Im about to start a new application and I still want to use GUID as PK but I was thinking of using a Composite PK...

Utterly baffled
Q: SQL Delete query not working properly

Musai'm developing a program which uses SQL server 2008 database and program is written in C# Everything is OK but i had a logic error in Sql delete query which will not give any error in visual studio but problem is that it will not delete record in Database here is few lines of my code SqlComman...

Everyone with a dartboard, post an answer! Stat!
@AaronBertrand If you are into gardening: nationaltrust.org.uk/anglesey-abbey - they have a very interesting garden - have not been there in September (it has highlights for each season)
@AaronBertrand I'm just commenting
@CadeRoux thanks, I think my wife would appreciate that a lot more than me (and she is unable to fly). I am into old architecture and bigass churches.
@AaronBertrand it's monday. the brains are rusty.
the community is clearing out the bong resin and such
No shit. I'm appalled.
@AaronBertrand Cambridge has plenty of that for sure - you have King's and Great St. Mary's. Follow @camdiary on twitter.
@CadeRoux cool, thanks
@AaronBertrand should i delete that comment? i may not fit in with the SoL with that one
Nah, I think it's fine. The question is a multi-point demonstration of fail. The answers aren't much better.
@AaronBertrand love the adding single quotes to the query string
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells "Close" for me is between my house and work or one of the kids schools - about 5 mile diameter.
@swasheck <facepalm>
Based on the comments this guy is beyond help
Sometimes you just have to walk away and let the blind lead the blind
Christ on a bike. What a bunch of muppets
@AaronBertrand adonde?
Q: SQL Delete query not working properly

Musai'm developing a program which uses SQL server 2008 database and program is written in C# Everything is OK but i had a logic error in Sql delete query which will not give any error in visual studio but problem is that it will not delete record in Database here is few lines of my code SqlComman...

The table_name thing brightened an otherwise dull day
so... painful...
all variables are number — Musa 3 mins ago
Want to delete the question but need to find the right close reason first.
It's like a bunch of clowns trying to teach each other how to screw in a lightbulb with a fork
@AaronBertrand You need to do it with your feet in the water --- that way you can test to ensure that you actually have electricity in the first place.
And I can almost guarantee you the poor guy is using the stupid AttachDbFileName nonsense, so his query is working fine, he's just checking the wrong copy of the database.
I swear they introduced that feature to perplex newbies
@AaronBertrand it's like organic chemistry. it's a built-in filter/block for pre-med students. if they can't get past that then they have to change careers.
Seems like a useful filter/block for just about any profession
@AaronBertrand check my edit? I agree with your solution.
Also, you gaiz, this is what downvotes are for. Downvote brigade, GO!
@jcolebrand edit looks good, thank you. Horizontal scrollbars are teh suck
I just removed the cruft and got to the point of the issue. Also, you should submit yours as an answer because that looks to be the true issue.
It's about time I downvoted lots on SO to get my rep back down to 0 :)
@CadeRoux There's an old saying that goes 'The Americans think 100 years is a long time and the English think 100 miles is a long way.'
@Phil my rep is at 831 ... a DV should round that out nicely
@jcolebrand I thought so too, but based on the comment he added, doesn't look like it. Unless that is only one of the connection strings and the other is using the attach crap.
@jcolebrand Just outside staggering distance then.
Dunno why he doesn't just print the SQL command out for all to see, then convert it to a select & see if it returns rows
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells just a wee bit
I bet he's executed it more than once and deleted all the rows already :D
@Phil i'm angling for "run this query TRUNCATE TABLE table_name"
@AaronBertrand Why was a 2 1/2 year old question migrated?
@AaronBertrand I actually thought about that a moment more. We don't know that all those terms are completely numeric... ' anyone?
a 2 1/2 year old answered question
@Phil I have absolutely no idea
@AaronBertrand didn't I ask a similar question before that migration?
@AaronBertrand The noredirect=1 link isn't working...
Q: How do I rename my local SQL development server?

jcolebrandI'm a dev who inherited a mostly functioning box doing most of what I need. Except for the machine name is still that of the old dev (we name it "{username}-dt" or "{username}-lt" for ease of id on the network) and I want to rename it from old-username to my-username. Naturally this will affect ...

Q: How to change the instance name of SQL Server Express 2008?

Vilx-On my development machine I've installed SQL Server Express 2008, but it has the instance name .\SQLEXPRESS. I want it to be the default instance. I'm pretty sure that I selected the "Default Instance" option in the setup, but apparently it didn't work. Is there any way I can change the instance ...

@Phil Perhaps so someone here could clean it up or provide better answers?
@jcolebrand i believe depends on the SQL definition. if they're defined as n|varchar(n) then the engine will attempt to implicitly convert and you'd get no match ... if they're defined as int then the server would throw an error
@swasheck I meant rather that we don't know what the values are in the fields
shouldn't it be this code instead:
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
   @"DELETE FROM table_name
     WHERE item_id='" + itmIDs +
         "' AND vendor_id='" + vendIDs +
         "' AND dozen='" + selectedItmDzn +
         "' AND quantity='" + selectedItmQty +
         "' AND total_price='" + selectedItmTotPrc + "'",
Since SS will silently compare true for 1='1' in a where clause, right?
Notice I'm asking, not telling
@CadeRoux the link in the instance name answer? I just corrected it.
@jcolebrand that one's about renaming the server, not an instance name, if I read correctly
@AaronBertrand to me those are the same, hence my asking
Mutters something about prepared statements
@AaronBertrand No, the one where it links back to original closed/migrated question on serverfault - sometimes there are comments there which aren't carried through: serverfault.com/questions/110414/…
@jcolebrand they're not the same. The server name can be changed in Windows and using sp_drop/add server. A server can have multiple instances (at most one default, and multiple named). The instance name cannot be changed without reinstalling.
I was not aware
@CadeRoux seems like a messy migration
So technically mine is not about instances at all
Serves her right for having a silly hole in her ear
@AaronBertrand and yet a locksmith can help here
bolt cutters...
@jcolebrand yeah I'm not sure what dumbass would call fire & police first. Maybe if it's an emergency she wouldn't have to pay?
@AaronBertrand Good to see Police and Fire VtC on that question.
@jcolebrand it never ends "what two what do you mean"? I give, I can't offer any more help to this guy.
@AaronBertrand I can ;-) I'll let you know when the fuse burns out.
That would be a good time to duck.
I'll check back tomorrow. <annoyed>
It also just dawned on me, what if his user doesn't have permission to delete? Will it fail silently like this or emit an Error?
we also don't know if he's doing try/catch and not telling us
@Aaron: in the "Speeding up COUNT(*) - WHERE clause slowing query" question, would two indices be used, one on (message_type_id, hidden) and one on (message_type_id) (assuming that the message_id is the clustered PK)?
Please vote this comment rude-offensive: stackoverflow.com/questions/11937983/…
@jcolebrand: removed already? I can't find it.
@ypercube yes, removed
I make quick work you know
There's no mincing rudeness during the summer of love, of course
@jcolebrand at this point it might be better to move to chat with Musa
@swasheck he has to be responsive, fwiw
@ypercube I don't see why, no. The filtered index I proposed should satisfy the entire query on its own. Arguably, message_id doesn't necessarily need to be included in the key (because it will be part of the index if it's not), but I think an index with a BIT column as the leading column in the key is not going to be very useful (in terms of stats/cardinality).
@jcolebrand true
@swasheck just realized, he doesn't have nearly enough rep. We would all have to go upvote his Q
Q: How to change SQL connection strings data source?

MusaI'm beginner in C# and SQL Server. Currently I’m developing a program, the problem is my database file is in DB folder inside project folder. When I try to detach the database file in SQL Server Management Studio it gives an error: "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=test;Integrated Securit...

@Aaron: OK. It was just an idea (if the two indexes could besort- merged)
@ypercube it would be wasteful. Whether the filtered index has message_id explicitly defined or not, it is already probably both skinnier and shorter than the clustered index.
Actually it is guaranteed to be shorter (or the same number of rows) as the primary key, and the same width or less. The only time it would hit the same size is if (a) there are no other columns in the table and (b) message_type_id is always 1.
Q: Automatically Generating Release Notes from Trac

Cade RouxOne of our web apps is deployed to a number of different servers for access by users at that site. We use Trac to manage the bugs/work items, but we're looking for a way to automate the release notes so that users whose server is upgraded will see a little notification about when they received t...

No action, started a bounty. Problem probably not solvable, but whatever:
@CadeRoux why not just use the username-password of someone who has access? Or get some sort of read-only token?
@jcolebrand Apparently you can't pull the RSS that way from Trac. Like you can do with FTP: username:password@hostname Not a Trac expert, but figured someone would know. Maybe not a lot of Trac users.
@CadeRoux there aren't, true, but there are still a fair number out there. I asked one of my trac user buddies to look at it. If it's RSS, that means it's HTTP. How's it do auth?
You might have to hit it with CURL and stub in a cookie for auth or something, maybe do an auth process.
@jcolebrand Not sure - looks like a typical form-based thing.
@CadeRoux Aye, sets a cookie.
1) auth to form with curl with cookie
2) use curl to keep cookie and auth to RSS feed
3) ...
4) profit
5) cookies
Q: Conversion Failing

user1512593I currently have an update statement running in c# and the front end to edit some values in my sql server database. But I am getting a Conversion Failed error. I can not seem to find the source. ERROR message Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'UPDATE T_ROLLUP_SYSTEM_EXCEPT ...

And honestly, any process that doesn't end with a cookie is just ...
Oreos are the best
@AaronBertrand please step away from the SQL
OP used parameters, though
this is headline news in the late summer of colorado
css is proof that i am not a designer
Existing comment in PL/SQL code I'm debugging: "rewrote completely to be sane"
@CadeRoux did they succeed?
@jcolebrand comment follow-up. i wasnt intending to insult ... just hoping to maybe open a new debug path for said user
@swasheck you have now suggested it twice tho ;-)
@jcolebrand ? where?
flagrant attempt to get upvotes to make me feel good about myself:
A: What formatting example should replace "his suicide note" in the Markdown help?

Jack DouglasThere is only 1 kind of person in this world: 1. Those who can write markdown 1. Those who can't

some of the others are genuinely funny ;-)
are you lot all still trolling SO users?
@jcolebrand my first suggestion was to change the delete to select to see if the filter worked. i made no suggestion as to how he implemented that.
@JackDouglas i have a feeling i'm being trolled by @jcolebrand
Sorry, that was AB the first time:
Can you store the SQL in a variable and show the result of Console.WriteLine(sql)? Also can you check your connection string and verify that you aren't using silly and misleading features like User Instance and AttachDbFileName? — Aaron Bertrand 3 hours ago
@swasheck trolled on what?
@swasheck don't feel that - it's not personal ;-)
@jcolebrand :p
@jcolebrand nothing ... AHA!! you WERE trolling me
there's a word for that.
@jcolebrand though i must say that i'm quite honored that you confused me for AB :)
afk, bbiab
@swasheck Yes, the only problem is there are two versions of the code in two separate packages. Prime example of refuctoring.
@CadeRoux awesome.
@AaronBertrand you have a new stalker
Aaron YOU ARE THE NEW Special Agent SQL 008 in my scope of reality ! — Jbob Johan 4 mins ago
I think it's aPtem in disguise
Troubleshooting skill is about the same level
it might be, but it could just be another user on the same level of stupid
@bluefeet they're everywhere.
@swasheck I know
@AaronBertrand this one sounds like a live one. perhaps more creepy than "can we set up a GoToMeeting?"
@AaronBertrand - You should add that to your job description
I need to stop helping people.
Aaron - Special Agent SQL 008
@Lamak but that's only in JBob's scope of reality
you are right. Too bad
he declared his scope. i get undeclared errors when i try to access swasheck.SpecialAgentSQL008
I can't add things to my scope of reality, don't know how it works
i have a feeling this is going to get all philosophical
IE is a pathetic excuse for a browser
Well yeah but geez, spell my name right and use the @ notifier correctly — Aaron Bertrand 11 mins ago
So where do you go to learn about how to handle things like this: <input type="hidden" name="__FORM_TOKEN" value="61867ddb2aab827a5fe214dc"> I got curl but in the response it says <h1>Error: Bad Request</h1>
<p class="message">Missing or invalid form token. Do you have cookie
s enabled?</p>
@CadeRoux in the ASP(.NET?) school of hard knocks?
You come across it once or twice?
my understanding is that it's how asp.net handles self-posting. last i saw it was back in the 2.0 days
It is, but they aren't the only ones.
"they" being Microsoft?
@swasheck yes
Meaning PHP people do it too
it's just a style of auth
Using cookies may not work everywhere, but injected hidden form vars do
If the browser supports forms and inputs, then it supports hidden fields
@jcolebrand yeah - i get that. i've just never seen the php folk go through the trouble of naming it something like that, but then ... i'm not exactly a paragon of programming
@swasheck naming is one thing
Concept is another
Curious how many people here disagree with the fundamental programming aspect of this problem: qntm.org/gay
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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