i've read it before ... tldr; ... my proposal would be a table of people and a table of relationships (3 cols ... [person1] FK->person, [person 2] FK->person, [relationship type] FK->reltypes) in a nerdy star. feel free to blast away at my poor modeling skills
I've got a ~1500 line set of scripts I'm working on rewriting that I wrote recently that handle all of our deployments (they aren't all MSDeploy capable)
@jcolebrand ok, I have my script: "C:\Program Files\Ninite\Ninite.ps1" that runs fine from powershell as the system account, but hangs when run as a shutdown script - only on W7 64 bit
I have a database with a date field in text format.
I want to update some of dates in my table. So, basically, the current date should change to new date, the thing is that I have at least 1000 records that need to be updated. The only advantage is that time in my date field is sequential.
I ...
@AaronBertrand i'm still in awe. it takes a blatant, and special, disregard of data types to pull off something like WHERE DATE LIKE '%STRING%' with a straight face
@swasheck I don't think this is ASP.NET. It's written in Python, but I assume any web framework would use a similar technique. Trying to use curl to get to some RSS feeds which are behind authentication.
I have a table called STUDENT
| StudentID | FirstName | LastName | EnrollmenDate |
| 1 | x | x | x |
| 2 | x | x | x ...
@JackDouglas I haven't touched and felt one yet, but I'm quite tempted to. Aside from the upgradeability aspect, BrentO gives it 5 stars. He says the screen is phenomenal and the build quality is, well, what you'd expect from a Mac. Only better.
I'm contemplating "accidentally" dropping my current model down the stairs.
Then work can replace it with the new model, or if they refuse, I can replace it out of pocket without pissing off the wife.
And if any of you sassy gents tells her about this conversation, I'll have some "friends" pay you a "visit"
hi i would like to create a stored procedure that i will be able to call from asp.net C# code behind
my question is
i need
UPDATE tblProblems SET problemCode = 1 where problemCode is null
SELECT problemID, StationName, problemCode, ProblemCreateDate, probCount,
@swasheck from what I hear the ram is soldered on but the hdd can actually be replaced - don't quote me on that though. I hate upgrading anyway (at least the DIY sort I'm used to)
@JackDouglas I would endorse either the new retina or the latest normal MBP. Based on the speed tests and battery tests reported in both MacWorld and MacLife, I would say the retina is worth it. And that's without even seeing that screen.
@AaronBertrand that's useful to know, thanks. I do a lot of remote support so resolution is quite important (the users often have big screens). I think I'm going to take the plunge... now I need to decide whether I remove OSX entirely (which I'd always planned to do) or stick with it and run W7 in Virtualbox :-)
@AaronBertrand Books are going away. I have no idea how society is going to survive this dependency on Google and Wikipedia. Just the other day I was thinking about some great books I had read in the late 80s and how I knew to buy them. There was no web to recommend them, no Amazon - all word of mouth and book store browsing.
@CadeRoux My household combined has bought literally hundreds of book in the past two years - I'll be sad if they go extinct. Mind you most technical books deserve that fate imo
@AaronBertrand We do all our work in Windows VMs (on ESX) anyway. What's cool is you can patch a VM and reboot it and still work on email, or you can reboot your physical workstation and resume your VM without skipping a beat.
@JackDouglas well, if you want my honest opinion, I bought Parallels the other day because I was starting to find VMWare Fusion less stable.
I have only created one VM in Parallels, so far so good, but not enough playing time to do a fair comparison.
Fusion was easily 100X better than VirtualBox on the Mac.
But I do understand it works really well on Windows. Jonathan Kehayias loves it there and was really surprised when I told him about all the horrible issues I've had with it.
But Fusion wasn't perfect. There is some bug even with the most recent build where if you try to copy a file within the VM the whole program crashes.
Now, you don't lose anything, because it somehow miraculously saves the VM state (e.g. start up Fusion again, and the VM pops up, resumed and ready to go). But it's still quite annoying nonetheless.
$script.* is a global variable, I'm thinking I need to reduce leaky abstractions and have everything that writes to $script.* or reads from $script.* be hidden behind proper class-y functions, so that I only work with well defined methods, etc.
main table products has over 10 columns , values in all columns should reference to Lookup table.
I added relation like below , but I think it's kind of weird! isn't it ?
I have the following table:
ID ActualDt DueDt Flag
-- ------- ------- ----
1 01/03/12 09/13/12 Y
2 NULL 07/12/12 Y
3 NULL 09/12/12 N
4 02/03/12 01/13/12 N
I need to mark Flag as Y for the following conditions:
1) If ActualDt is not null ...
I am looking for resources to go from beginner to using postgres. For example:
I would like to be able secure my database as well as encrypt data leaving it.
That being said I only don't know what I know. How can I go about getting more information on how to get really proficient in administer...