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04:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@TomV-trytopanswers.xyz I was wondering about that, too!
We left with 1.5 hours delay. The departure boards were broken and airline employees were running around the place looking for passengers for other delayed flights.
Apparently the storm hit computers and communications first.
Good part, the Germans are better at handling weather, so my connection flight in Frankfurt was on time. Not so good that I had to run through the huge terminal as there was only 25 min between the late arrival and departure of the 2nd flight.
Q: 2017-2019 trends in asking and answering

Normal HumanAfter 2018: a year in closing and 2018: a year in spam it seems natural to look at the questions and answers. What trends do we find there? 2019 vs 2018 2018 vs 2017

3 hours later…
@MasterDatabase does one-boxing update ? I thought one-box expansions left a static snapshot as of the time of the chat message?
added my 2 pennies worth
I saw :) bit long to read on mobile though, but I’ll give it a read over lunch
@PeterVandivier Only when they're edited 😀
Really? 🤷🏻‍♂️ TIL
@Johnakahot2use Worth more than that. +1
@PeterVandivier Because that's only moderators can do.
@PeterVandivier Yeah. And the edit doesn't change anything, just refreshes the title and score.
It might be neat if they did that automatically, but they don't.
@PaulWhite9 What's up with 9 in your name?
@AJ Tribute to Shog
> He lives a life like most of the people on this site [...] (emphasis added)
^^^ Hey John, what are you doing? You are basically telling everyone I have no life! That's almost like doxxing
I was the first asking, and I'm waiting for an answer
@Johnakahot2use I think you took it apart very effectively, although there are a couple of arguments in your post that don't appear very strong to me.
In particular, when you are saying that the OP should take the issue with the person who started the doxxing. I think that's separate to the OP's issue. They have an issue with Paul as a moderator, because they believe that as a moderator Paul shouldn't be helping with what the OP believes to be the doxxing.
And the other time is when you are providing the definition of doxxing where it says that doxxing is typically done with malicious intent and you are pointing out there's no malicious intent. Well, going by that definition, malicious intent is typically there but doesn't have to be in order to consider the act to be doxxing.
Other than that, I completely agree, especially with the conclusion at the end that we are the friendliest place on SE :)
gerund or present participle: doxxing
search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent." -- Sorry, but nothing of the sort has happened
@AndriyM You are doxxing yourself by presenting that information.
I actually agree that there was no doxxing whatsoever in that instance. I'm merely pointing out that absence of malicious intent doesn't automatically stop it from being doxxing.
It's not even doxxing if you take away the malicious intent. All information that is on the site that the user himself appears to have an issue with. All a bit daft really
@AndriyM I could possibly emphasise that. As the OP was seemingly trying to get others to find out what they could about him. But that may just be an opinion.
> What a terrible struggle
@Philᵀᴹ You can dox someone accidentally and I think it's valid to call that doxxing. But I completely agree, the network itself is too public for doxxing to be applicable here.
As it says there in the snapshot in Paul's answer, hiding your communities doesn't mean your activity is private. No privacy means no possibility of violation of privacy, and that means no doxxing.
Maybe it's a bit unfair to discuss while the subject has no chance to defend himself because of a ban
nope, he came back to the well several times and several people (myself included) were very gracious in trying to smooth things over. he's acting like a troll and actively looking to take offense. fair game i say
i can see why he might have an had an unpleasant realisation that his accounts aren't segregated in the way he understood them to be. absent everything else, i think that'd be an interesting conversation to have. but he's highjacked the room for a few days and is being actively toxic. dude needs the timeout he's in
besides, if you have a look a some of his questions, he knows how to properly focus a question and he know what is a too broad question.
a=at & know=knows
You dont' have to now. I am done with you — Tim 1 min ago
Thas was quick
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Time to move on
@McNets I think I remember him justifying his question's being too broad by saying he was curious about the topic and wanted to learn more, or something like that. Would be better if he offered a meta discussion about why his question was too broad.
@AndriyM I cannot believe that a user with 183K on SO doesn't know what a broad question is and how to focus it. And I would bet that all of this has been done intentionally, obviously I don't know why but...it's my impression.
And his weird conversation with Evan....
I love this chap, he's taken over hero status from @EvanCarroll
i don't think they are a troll because way too much effort has been put into that meta question than what a troll normally does
unless they are the kind of troll who spends ages digging out an entire river system so dangerous that the only to cross safely is their bridge
if doxxing doesn't require malice, trolling doesn't require intent
well the ESA doxxed guests to E3 last year. no malice in that, just stupidity
without stupidity, there would be no StackOverflow :p
I'm half expecting him to drop the "The Earth is flat" bombshell soon
His repetitive rhetoric does make it seem as though he's part of some protest group or something.
Very annoying attitude.
1 hour later…
@Johnakahot2use I've only just noticed that you updated your answer almost 2 hours ago. But are you aware that the question is on the brink of being deleted?
I'm talking about the question on the main
@AndriyM I am aware. You never know.
conspiracy lurking
whisper whisper
No, to be honest: IMO we were VW.
@Johnakahot2use VW?
Thank you to the participants for your tireless efforts in answering the users questions. I should have been more supportive in my free time and should have told my family that I would have to stay at home to answer all these questions on chat.stackexchange.com. Instead I let you alone and opted to eat cake and drink beer on Sunday. That was totally inconsiderate and selfish. I deeply apologise to those involved.
VW = Very Welcoming
@Johnakahot2use 👍
@Johnakahot2use Oh good, because "We were Volkswagen" didn't really make much sense to me.
Well we are trundling along a track together in a vehicle and we do belong to "das Volk", so I guess there is some similarity.
You may be right. I'm still struggling to see where sucking up heavily to the elites would fit in there, though
I like being in this new elite club. Where's my membership card?
I'm not 100% sure but I think it's the kind where you need a card not to be a member. Tim must have been handled one somehow and that apparently annoys him
Is that a threat? — Tim 5 mins ago
@Philᵀᴹ Screw the card, where's the list of privileges?
I guess you have to be a member to know that. I'm clueless.
A: Complain on moderator Paul White's violating privacy and suffocating speech

Evan CarrollAfter thorough reflection and examination, I agree Tim. It's time we unite. If you will accept my apology, I'll run in the next moderator election. If I can count on your vote I'll make one of the first 10 things I do a two-week suspension for the entire mod team here for their past infractions....

EVUN coming in at the buzzer to defend his position as Top Troll
It's probably an @EvanCarroll sock puppet account 🤣
‽ was there actually a chat flag for that?
i know it's been hot in here lately, but gosh if seeing the ol' @TimStone drop in isn't getting a bit ubiquitous
not that we don't love having you
Ah well, simple solution: Ccncel membership, throw away member card, become elite.
clearly that's the sensible solution
Sometimes people outright deny the obvious.
@Johnakahot2use no they don't
Me: You have made 45 edits in 17 hours. Maybe you should take a day or two and think about what it is you're trying to say.
Tim: Is that a threat?
@jcolebrand i lol'd
Normally we would just lock something that had 45 edits
@jcolebrand My privilege to lock stuff doesn't work on meta
So ... I'm off to Apple. Which thanks to the East Texas Court trolls means I have to go an additional 20 minutes down the road cos they closed all the ones in Plano and Frisco. Pretty brilliant to go "we don't do business in the East Texas district so you can't sue us there anymore for patents.

My phone absolutely refuses to turn on properly or restore and I'm afraid I've screwed it partway myself. Stupid firmware error 4103. I'm hoping that means like water damage or improperly repaired screen or something, altho that means I'm probably paying for a replacement phone, if so. Stupid warran
@TomV-trytopanswers.xyz Yeah, meta is a different place everywhere :D
Wish me luck folks
@AndriyM That't going to be very beneficial for his overall standing here.
@PeterVandivier DUN DUNNNNNNN
@TimStone lulz :p
@jcolebrand many luck folks to you
What does a luck folk look like?
Or was that a typo?
presumably a cowboy hat is involved
since it's a Texas thing
I have tasted the forbidden fruit of knowledge, and asked for @Tim's forgiveness. Now Tim and I are going to cross streams and unite. Together we will Make StackExchange Great For The First Time MSEGFTFT! — Evan Carroll 1 min ago
Christmas has come early for Evan
Father Timmass
Ya'll just don't understand him. At the very least, his argument has 10 times the merit of anything Monica had going for her.
We should probably create him a GoFundMe so he can sue too.
It's only fair.
Sue The Heap?
We should create?
@Philᵀᴹ nah, StackExchange for arming terrorists with a ban hammer.
Before SE created this horrible oppressive shitshow we were all living happily in the forest, swinging from trees and eating kiwi fruits with nothing more than our loincloths on.
Obviously the solution is some sort of blockchain powered moderation
@EvanCarroll What's his argument again? That there are some privileged heartless people who such up to each other, and that has to be forbidden?
I want my privilege! Give it to me now!
Why do you put a loincloth on a kiwi fruit?
even a blockchain is really too centralized. you need to look at it holistically and really think and embrace decentralization.
and kiwis
@AndriyM i'm not embracing your loincloth though
And loincloths
Well, how about we vote in a diverse set of moderators from around the globe? Oh, hang on...
Loincloth Overflow.
it's coming.
@PeterVandivier Wasn't holding my breath, I'll be honest with you
If blockchain isn't the answer, maybe we can train an AI on Evan's contributions to the internet? I'm sure it'd be perfect*
* actual results may vary
* Past performance is no guarantee of future results
@Philᵀᴹ before me the internet was literally a tool for elitist ivy league neoliberal demagogues to traffic children.
@AndriyM Depending on the loincloth, you might want to
Jeffrey Epstein had one of the first home pages on ARPANET
Too far, that
KiwiChAInᵀᴹ or KiwiChAIᵀᴹn
@mustaccio I was suspecting I was handing someone a phrase along those lines :)
I guess none of this matters because we all live in an elaborate simulation
I'm proof that's not true. I ain't BASIC-able.
As someone said, we live in a bubble, with our elite friends, and we should be enjoying that.
BTW, all of you need to send me your membership fees for 2020. £5000 each please
I can only send you euros, will that be a problem?
£5000 is roughly €20 since Brexit
happy monday, etc.
ya'll get your coffeeeee?
ready to make evil corp co some mad cash in exchange for some crumbs?
@PaulWhite9 It will be interesting to plot how Q&A numbers track from a 2019 epoch event
4 hours later…
Q: How do I construct a clean, nice PostgreSQL query which *human-friendily* searches a table?

AuberyThis is how I have been doing searches for my own use: SELECT * FROM table WHERE lower(textfield) ~ ('***=' || lower($1)) ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 100 That is, it case-insensitively finds any EXACT instance of "test string" inside the textfield column and sorts by the timestamp column. Th...

TL;DR "I can't be assed doing any work myself, just tell me the answer."
@Philᵀᴹ Attack my posts (delete my post, and very likely downvoted my posts), libeled me with lies.
@Tim dude, stop it
don't insult people and then scream that they are attacking you
Your discrmination is very obvious from calling me trolling, mocking me with the youtube catoon character, and putting earth is flat into my mouth
Heyo !
I'm looking for opinions / anecdotes on sybase
Anyone here ever worked with it ?
@Tim I think you should invest in a dictionary; your usage of various terms is unconventional, to say the least. As an example, "discrimination" implies that there exist a characteristic that separates you from other people, and people treat you differently based on that particular characteristic. Since we don't know anything about you, except your handle and your attitude, we can't possibly discriminate against you.
@A_V Sybase is what SQL Server was forked off of.
Yeah, that's the only thing I've read about it on wikipedia. There's a company I'm looking up that still uses it. Wondering how outdated their software stack might be.
Anything is possible, but if I had to guess I’d say “very”
How much did they continue dev on the original fork ?
Is it completely outdated rubbish or it's basically a sqlserver version with a lesser plan optimizer and less pre-built nice-to-haves such as CTEs, JSON, string_agg, that kind of thing
@PeterVandivier I'll double up on that bet.
@Tim Welcome to my Heap.
Actually they also have "For JSON"
@Tim "and putting earth is flat into my mouth" i dont undersstand this idiom. can you please explain it to me?
so Sybase went the materialized view road instead of Sqlserver's indexed views
sybase is what the US financial industry started using back when they started going relational.
so it's still pretty common in the financial sector for many of their legacy things
The company that uses this is also a financial company, they make software for actuaries to manage trust funds.
which version?
I am not here for you to make fun of
dude nooooo
they like it slow it gentile.
that's way to hardcore.
Your padawan has made an error
@Tim stop it, what is wrong with you that you just insult people?
@Tim What are you here for, again?
I don't see any humanity
A room of deemons
@Tim says the person insulting everyone
you need to start with some foreplay and work up to the asshole. you can't just go all asshole right away.
there we go
that's better.
demons is ok.
probably true too.
@Tim what are you, 12? c'mon man. you're lighting up this place with your temper tantrums and now you've told someone to back off. i'm just asking what that idiom means. i dont assume that everyone's a native english speaker. i'm just here to learn
stop pissing of muh boyyyy
Any of you have a little sense of humanity?
Are you here to make fun of others?
he needs to take his apprenticeship seriously though, he can't walk up in this mug with a dull axe. They've been sharpening it for years in battle with me.
well ... why dont you demonstrate a more excellent way, @Tim. maybe try to be human
@Tim If I see the comments made by everyone, I would say that a lot more than you do
That's "daemōns" for you
cool man.
you need to channel that anger.
@EvanCarroll you need to train him better, dude
how do you expect to be treated with integrity and respect?
your inner sith needs to behave.
I would like to apologize for my tamagotchi. he's malfunctioning, and i'll work on it.
Looks like this here is the only chat room he hasn't been banned yet, so be patient
@Tim ... i mean, if you want someone to make fun of you, we can definitely have a go.
please. let's not ban him
this is about to get interesting.
i agree, banning him would be a total mistake.
but for right now, @Tim, just trying to figure out what's got you so bent out of shape. someone didnt like your question and you lost your common sense over it?
we are oh so privileged
@EvanCarroll don't make me doubt @swasheck's judgement
to have him here
though a bit empty-hearted
@swasheck I have no idea, going to ask when I meet the company tech people
@A_V good luck. it's generally pretty easy to bounce back-and-forth between sql server and sybase. some of the deeper things are different, but attainable with a bit of reading
I for one like @Tim. He's less drama than all of the defrocked mods on MSE.
And, he's proven that he can be super useful.
probably the most useful. At least the top 90%
you're using him
TRAINING. Rule of two still means I either have one more opening or my other padawan is installed amongst you.
One that never speaks up; one that never shuts up. We will win.
@Tim heading out for the day, don't let these weak users of proprietary trash databases get to your head. May the Postgres be with you.
and also with you
Master is sleeping
Like... I know the internet rage is real, but tbh I’m really kind of starting to hope that guy has someone to check up on him
Am I on twitter?
@PeterVandivier usually Twitter = Rage, isn't it?
Sorry, for a second there I missed the irony and thought you were literally asking if you had a Twitter account
I think there is some meme about it
I was v. confused
Is there a discussion about 'nothing' again?
How did this start ? I'm imagining Paul wronged him pretty bad to get him that upset
I think it’s been revealed to be the Dark Side teachings of a Sith Master at this time
But it’ll probably get retconned in the sequels
His question got downvoted ? It's deleted now so I can't see. I won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't have the full story, quite the intrigue
i'm pretty sure "he"'s a sock-puppet
@A_V start here for the beginning of the chat drama. It’s much less exciting than you expect
@swasheck conspiracy!
not really. just a means to an end
despite all my rage ...
Hi, I'm wanna be part of the Republican party to get the presidency to change the rules of Republican party.
Disclaimer: I'm drunk.
Always 2 sith there are, a master and a sock puppet
@swasheck It says on his chat profile he's got 183k rep across the network. Some sock-puppet!
@AndriyM Deep cover sleeper agent
@AndriyM ah. good point
how old is the account, though
Oh, it's 196k now. I guess his ban on one of the sites has ended
disclaimer: i stopped enjoying SE well before the mod-drama went down. seems it is legitimately mos eisley now. i'd say migrate away and let the underbelly take over and let it follow the natural life-cycle of things like this
I think SE still has some entertainment value left at least
Although I understand that's subjective
@swasheck listening to this now ☝🏻 Thx
entertainment that comes at the expense of other peoples' actual reputations is what got the US its president
I mean, his questions are really basic but he didn't get a straight answer. I've had interns that asked me much more vague questions.
I don't have enough time to read into how long it took him to get angry but he seemed reasonable up front ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@A_V So did Senator Palpatine 😳
Well, the question in question was unreasonably broad
seems like a request for consulting
He says he's just curious about things
i'm curious too. i didnt ask biology.se if penguins had knees
i didnt ask history.se how the gram was agreed-upon
It does require a lot of patience when explaining stuff from the very beginning when you're fairly well versed into a subject. I guess I'm too nice to get angry when I don't get answers though, I would have just given up asking and started reading a book.
i'm not angry at all. let the kid ask questions. i'm disappointed in "their" unwillingness to accept feedback
Nah I ment Tim got angry, not you
gotcha. i just arrived back. i pop in every 4-or-5 months ... like a fly to poop ... or a dog to vomit
We tried to tell him, in chat, the question was too broad. He kept prodding.
@swasheck wait... do penguins have knees? 🤯
@PeterVandivier they do
I mean, it's all in the transcript. Yes, it's a bit of a long read, but it gets entertaining at times
@PeterVandivier bloody sycophant
What does sycophant even mean
Idk but at least I’ve got knees
Sycophants usually have knees
"a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage."
In this context what advantage is there to gain
it's like an elephant with diarrhea
@AndriyM [Citation Needed]
Yeah, you got me there
That was just my assumption
Is google the name of your sick elephant?
Cats can have total knee replacements
usually. yes
we need a drunk @McNets to weigh in on this
@swasheck I'll make a fuss!!
what've you been drinking? THAT's the question about which i'm curious
Wtf, how did Tim get 10k reputation in one day
is that even possible..
My padawan is very impressive.
@EvanCarroll Ask a mod
If you don't know
if your spelling isnt
I think his cooldown period on one of the sites ended
I'm not sure but I think it was SU
ya'll need to chill out. Firstly all of his points are right, and secondly he's pretty awesome.
And then you can complain about his answer
@EvanCarroll Now you are just sucking up to him heavily
Not sucking up. I just see talent in him.
wait. which points? the name-calling?
Probably the force choking
Good, Master is awake
@MasterDatabase as long as they dont respond to legitimate question with "GFY"
@AndriyM had to start it in safe mode
Much as you might like Tim, Evan, he seems to have gone on to start the revolution without you.
I want to say sock puppet too
@EvanCarroll Shut up
@swasheck shut up
@AndriyM shut up
Don't be like Jesus. Be like Lenin. He was legit.
@Tim why?
@McNets shut up
@Tim Why? You can throw insults around but no-one can have a go at you?
Why did you come here if you don't like this? What's the point?
You are yourself an insult
Are you going to follow everyone around to see to it that they don't speak about you? don't joke about your tantrums?
Are you going to endless to attack me here?
@Tim how can a person be an insult...
When is it enough?
@EvanCarroll you are blocked from now on
oh wow. i was told to shut up. that hurt my feeling
@Tim Well, why don't you just block everyone who you think is speaking ill of you? That way you won't see any insults, problem solved!
@swasheck oof, your whole feeling? I know you’ve just got the one 😕
@Tim legitimately curious about what's got you so angry. you're verbally abusive and calling folks names. i've not actually seen anyone initiate that with you. you've done this to yourself. if you call names and verbally abuse other, there're sure to be follow-up questions
@PeterVandivier you caught that eh?
@PeterVandivier not enough
@EvanCarroll comin' in hot
oh wow. my avatar is way out of date
@PeterVandivier hahaha ok, meet you at Admiralty in 15 min
i've really begun to enjoy a good rum, recently.
Venezuelan diplomatico is the best stuff I've bought so far, what're you having ?
ron zacapa 23.
I think it's someone on here that got me to buy laphroaig quarter cask, man that was good
Ah they do sell that here, I'll look it up
it's my favorite rum.

@Tim still around?
What do you think about rum? broadly speaking I mean
@Tim only drinks kick ass. Rum is for kids.
I drink Tequila
From Mexico !!!!
Do you know, Mexico is not Spain
Sometime ppl get confused about it
I'm in Texas. Mexico not being Spain is taught pretty early on. ;)
@McNets ever been to Mexico or talk with a Mexican?
@EvanCarroll yep
In schools here we learn Mexican spanish.
There is no vosotros taught in school.
What is @Tim up too? Been a while.
04:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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