@MDCCL sure, but still everywhere over the rainbow or mostly in OP's database there is a table that holds information about races or tours (user_id, car_id, tour_id), there is where a surrogate key should be stored instead of using this crazy hash value.
Obviously with the information he has supplied, @ypercubeᵀᴹ and @EvanCarroll solutions both are good.
I can not find any clear definitions or explanations of any of these. Both seem decentralized. It appears that in Federated DWH, the data is distributed and not integrated into a single repository and accessed from distributed sources.
While in Decentralized DWH implementation the data is integ...
I'm no expert but the key in my opinion is that a federated data warehouse is usually more or less similar in structure but just stored at different locations or in different business units while a decentralized datawarehouse is basically everybody doing their own thing with some master data tool in the middle tying things together for global reporting
I'm sure COTW understands the differences better than me and there is a good chance I'm wrong
@TomV I did see this and it only explains where to use which one.
My current understanding is that in Federated, multiple indepenedent datawarehouses are accessed through a central point. While in Decentralized, they are integrated into a single warehouse.
@LifeH2O My understanding is that the federated dwh look alike so you can use shared reporting at the corp level and decentralized dwh need some sort of integration in a centralized dwh to do global reporting
Every time there is an insert the CPU goes 100% on the execution plan it shows Clustered Index Insert. I have created a covered index but it is not hitting that as well. It is a 2008 sql server with 32 gb of ram. Please advice where to look
> It has a clustered index and 2 non clustered index and one covered index that contains all the fields. The covering index is there to speed up the reads
Sounds like they don't understand what a clustered index is.
If they've added a "covering index" with all the fields.
Little toddlers recognized me as the poop emoji, poopoo-head.
I remember when Evan (on the right) was 2-3 and I made a Lego Saints player costume and people did not recognize Lego. "Is he a robot?" This was before Lego movie and stuff. This year his friend said she was going as a wolf so he immediately decided to go as Red Riding Hood.
Cross-dressing starts early here in New Orleans...
My assumption upon learning that he's using GUID's is that he has a clustered and nonclusterd(which has all columns for some reason) is not sequential and his index is fragmented into oblivion.
However since getting a complete picture on this from this fella is like pulling teeth I could be waaaaay off.
Database X - tableCust - Column-CustNumber
Database Y - tableCust - Column-Custnumber
Datbase Z - tableCust - Column-Custnumber
I'm trying to create a view in database H from those three databases like below.
Select Custnumber,Orginal_DB_Name() as DatabaseName
from X.dbo.tablecust
I have two item info tables(one is a backup), and a set of rows got deleted from one (about 10), how can I reinsert those 10 rows in the other table in the proper numerical order that it had before?