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@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells Any chance relative newbies (like me) would be welcome to crash in on any potential Richmond meetup?
2 hours later…
@PeterVandivier Absolutely. If you can get to Richmond on the day then you're welcome to come.
I live in KT6 so I figured it'd be silly not to ask XP
@PeterVandivier It's not going to be far then.
Feel free to come. I'll ask for some RSVPs closer to the day so I know how many seats to book.
looking forward to it :D
Well this is turning into a fun morning. Trying out a seamless migration from 2014 to 2016 utilising AG failovers. I'm running a test on our preproduction systems and every single secondary database across every replica has just corrupted.
@George.Palacios At least it didn't happen on a Friday
@gbn VERY true
And at least it's pre-prod.
Not like that will stop the people using it shouting at us but hey-ho.
@George.Palacios repro or it didn't happen
(but seriously that sounds awesome. like... in the biblical sense)
Trying to figure out what caused it now. Getting all sorts of weird and wonderful errors
@hot2use Yeah I've been following that one - I think there were some initial config issues with the WSFC that have hit me.
2 hours later…
Hey @dezso, do you now where can I find information about pg_get_partkeydef Postgres function?
It's about this question
2 hours later…
^^^^ Some kind of magic
3 hours later…
I was looking for generic logging capability in SQL Server for logging my ETL and other activity. xp_logevent is not supported on Azure. So basically, we are still at rolling our own logging infrastructure?
@McNets you're a wizard clearly
@CadeRoux how are you doing etl? Stored procedures?
@TomV Right now, yes. This data mart is basically part of a product. So it's a transformation and updating of the data from two other databases into a better model for analytics.
I need general logging (installation, creation of tables, procedures, updating tables, procedures) as well as the ETL (initial load, triggered event updates/loads, etc)
I was thinking maybe something general had come along during my time in the wilderness with Oracle (2010-2017)
It's on-premises initially, but eventually in cloud.
@CadeRoux you could add your own logging tables, I did it in an small ETL project and it works fine, by now.
Yeah, I'm rolling tables and procs right now.
How can I logging on this chat on mobile? When I click logging button it redirects me to SE app, where I'm already logged.
Live from a new gig!
I'm even going to get to solve an AG problem on day 1
Also how do ya'll feel about this one. Seems he's misreading that documentation.
Q: SQL Server 2016 Legacy Cardinality Estimator

Will SchultzI'm trying to determine the version of Legacy Cardinality Estimator we are using on our SQL Server databases. They are at compatibility level 130, so according to a Microsoft document, that would be Legacy Cardinality Estimator version 70. Is there a way to force say SQL Server 2012 Cardinality E...

@Zane aren't you super fancy
I can like see pictures and stuff now on this site. Like I can participate again.
1 hour later…
Got it!
Not sure what VTC reason for that. He seemed to just misread the documentation and just genuinely seemed surprised that the next CE down is 7.0 lol
@Zane I'm thinking "too localized"
Done. Thanks @MaxVernon
2 hours later…
Lol. I just got banned for asking "poorly received questions"
the question was +5 / - 5
And two of the people that downvoted were almost surely the same ops that closed and deleted the question without conversation
StackExchange is such a shitshow.

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