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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells is that sarcasm?
1 hour later…
oh this is cool
I got my answers on the resourcedb
A: Where is the Resource Database persisted (located on disk)?

Evan CarrollI've confirmed that this Resource Database is packed in the archive, /opt/mssql/lib/sqlservr.sfp. So the answer to the question is that it resides in the sfp archive. More to the answer, you can extract that sfp with the method here creating a new file with the contents, /opt/mssql/lib/sqlservr/...

I wonder why though they put just that db in the archive file
secret hat
Microsoft compiles internally a utility called palrun into sqlserver on Linux that utility can run any exe in any srf under Drawbridge
I guess the cool part starts when someone figures out how to extract the instructions in palrun.
Quick sanity check. If there are duplicate values in table Source and I run insert Target (col) select col from Source where not exits (select 1 from target where target.col = source.col) how many rows will end up in Target? SQL Server, if it matters.
duplicate values.
Isn't it easier to just tias though?
try it and see..
ctas has corrupted me
@MichaelGreen WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT null) is essentially a noop, so it's just an insert with multiple rows.
@EvanCarroll The subquery is correlated though (where target.col = source.col)
Bum. My intuition said the NOT EXISTS would have prevented duplicates.
Sanity checked and found wanting.
@MichaelGreen You'd need EXCEPT for that
Maybe I'll get a new one for Christmas.
Where there's life there's hope
Ta. EXCEPT worked. So did select distinct.
Which I guess EXCEPT does behind the covers.
EXCEPT ALL not yet implemented.
Maybe U-SQL has it
@PaulWhite exists is never correlated, it's an anti-join.
@PaulWhite if the row exists, 0 get copied.
@EvanCarroll Yes. I did try it. That's when I became surprised by the outcome.
@EvanCarroll It's a correlated anti join.
in the sense that every join is correlated?
(well except cross joins)
No, in the apply/lateral sense.
It's not in that sense though.
@PaulWhite That's so last Tuesday. As of tomorrow I'm rewriting the application in Q#. Then there may or may not be duplicates and we'll never know until a cat looks. Or something like that.
@MichaelGreen thinking about the nature of halloween protection might be helpful
@MichaelGreen Excellent point.
@EvanCarroll All I'm saying is that the written form of the query Michael presented looks like a correlated subquery to me. It can be trivially unnested to an anti join of course.
SELECT Source.col FROM Source ANTI JOIN Target ON Target.col = Source.col;
In appearance, sure. I guess it would depend on how you define a correlated subquery by plan or appearance.
But many/most SQL lacks that syntax. Except U-SQL as noted.
Well, all sql databases have anti joins.
@EvanCarroll Both for this example in SQL Server dbfiddle.uk/…
It's just a left-outer-join on NULL.
@JoeObbish I sorta-kinda agree with you. The original Halloween bug was an update relocating a row such that the data scan re-read and updated the row again. The fix was to list all the rows that will be affected, then apply the change. Its obvious that method is being applied in this circumstance. Here I think I have the complement of the Halloween situation, though, where I want the data re-read as the INSERTs are processed.
@EvanCarroll I only really know SQL Server. The QO/QP/QE have anti joins, but not the T-SQL language.
@EvanCarroll In SQL Server they're deliberately different, though sematically the same.
For historical reasons related to manual performance tuning.
I don't know SQL Server, what do you mean they're deliberately differently, and what is QO/QP/QE?
Query optimizer, query processor, query execution engine.
@EvanCarroll I mean LEFT JOIN select NULLs is not simplified to an anti join.
@PaulWhite That's exactly the plan I got locally.
Though LEFT JOIN reject NULLs may be (with the necessary DISTINCT).
@MichaelGreen It's a very common shape for that type of query. Drives me nuts. I have a 70% complete article on the topic.
I might finish it this week.
What do you mean it's not simplified to an anti-join? in the query you pasted it shows "(Left Anti Semi Join)"
@EvanCarroll Yeah but I didn't use a LEFT JOIN.
I'm talking about equivalent syntax.
So you're saying LEFT JOIN ON NULL doesn't get planned the same way?
Yes exactly
Assuming you mean LJ WHERE NULL rather than ON
It could get optimized the same way, but it doesn't because people sometimes write anti joins that way to get a particular plan shape.
No, I mean SELECT * FROM a WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM b WHERE a.id=b.id) should be the same as SELECT * FROM a LEFT OUTER JOIN b WHERE b.id IS NULL
Personally I'd very much like to be able to write A SEMIJOIN B or A ANTIJOIN B
They should both get planed as an antijoin.
@EvanCarroll That's almost right but the join needs to be an outer join and the id column needs to be not nullable.
Erg, yes.
Why does the id column have to be not nullable?
It doesn't if the missing ON clause is an equijoin on id that rejects nulls.
Also the projection needs to be a.*
So something like SELECT DISTINCT a.* FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON a.id = b.id WHERE b.id IS NULL
I'm totally lost, I gotta bow out. I'm thinking it's a miscommunication
a ▷ b is easier
@PaulWhite Typed on mobile?
@MichaelGreen No, on my laptop. Does the relational anti join operator not render for you?
Relational algebra, first created by Edgar F. Codd while at IBM, is a family of algebras with a well-founded semantics used for modelling the data stored in relational databases, and defining queries on it. The main application of relational algebra is providing a theoretical foundation for relational databases, particularly query languages for such databases, chief among which is SQL. == Introduction == Relational algebra received little attention outside of pure mathematics until the publication of E.F. Codd's relational model of data in 1970. Codd proposed such an algebra as a basis for database...
@PaulWhite as an unshaded, right-pointing triangle.
@MichaelGreen Oh that's correct
these get optimized the same way in oracle sometimes
I look forward to hearing about your successes trying to type it while on mobile, while on chat.dba.se
it can be pretty annoying actually
A |> B 😀 @MichaelGreen
@PaulWhite thanks, much better
Any decent chat interface would have full relational operator support of course
I wonder if math sites etc have LaTeX in chat
I need to parse some xml
I wonder if I should just convert it to JSON
It will surely be faster and more modern
@Joe Have you enabled 4138 instance wide?
I thought Dynamics/Sharepoint had a recommendation on that but couldn't find it
@PaulWhite no but every day I drift a little more in that direction
it's so annoying
@JoeObbish Write all your AJs like this: dbfiddle.uk/… :)
Modifying the example from earlier for entertainment value
sorry I got carried away
Hearty congrats
@MikaelEriksson would be so proud
not if he saw the code!
Baby steps
the outer "Source.col is not null" isn't doing anything in that example?
@forrest I used your demo scripts to get my XML query working without having to learn anything, so thanks!
@PaulWhite I might be able to get that on a good day, and today isn't a good day :)
happy to wait for the explanation though
@JoeObbish What makes you say that?
I commented it out and got the same plan
@JoeObbish Ah so you're saying redundant null-rejection is never a good thing?
But sure, I understand what you're saying and why you said it
"never" is a tough word to pull off
I thought you might be reminded of a certain hash-joiny type situation
@JoeObbish be careful, down that path lies shredding. Shredding like you have never seen it before.
So a moderator hat is one of the secret hats this year
Connect replacement is live: feedback.azure.com/forums/908035-sql-server
"212 ideas"? Is that the same as "212 tickets" (or "212 bug reports")?
Good morning
SQL Server has also been the least vulnerable database during the last seven years. SQL
where do they get this ...
@AndriyM Guess so. It's a user voice thing?
Lol these CVE listings are such propaganda
Wishing you all a very good morning, midday, afternoon, evening(,) and night wherever you are
@PaulWhite I didn't immediately took notice of the section on the right, where all ideas are categorised. That seems to clear it up for me.
Oh yeah there's that
That feedback system doesn't appear to "recognise" my Microsoft account, in the sense that it looks as though I need to register first. I think I didn't have to do that with Connect. Is it so completely different?
Anyway, I guess I don't have a choice if I still wish to participate
Why answer with a SQL Server query when the question is tagged with Oracle? There are sites (sqlfiddle.com , dbfiddle.uk ) where you can test your queries and modify them for the DBMS in question. — yper-trollᵀᴹ 1 min ago
I'm a bit irritated by the anwers that say "this is for another DBMS but yeah, I'm lazy to test for yours"
@AndriyM Yep. It's all pretty new so who knows.
@AndriyM I had problems with Connect lately. I just couldn't connect ...
@yper-trollᵀᴹ Speaking of puns... I patrol too, you know. Maybe not as frequently as you do, but I wouldn't have bragged about it anyway!
@AndriyM I'll pretend I've understood the pun ;)
morning and evening
BJEAGL: I actually have no idea how the "yper" part of the "yper-troll" nickname is supposed to be pronounced in English but one possibility for me is /aıpə/. Combined with the pronounciation of "troll", it sounds to me the same as "I patrol".
@AndriyM nice, thnx!
@PaulWhite They had 4136 for a while but retracted that recommendation
The recommendation remains all over the internet now but support doesn't suggest it any more
@yper-trollᵀᴹ Closer to irony, I think.
> We reached out to Amjith Ramanujam, the founder of the dbcli organization, did an in-depth demo, explained what we were trying to do, and explored if mssql-cli could be included in the dbcli family. Simply put, Amjith and the other maintainers of the project were delighted and welcomed us with open arms!
Jolly good. Microsoft the good corporate citizen. Who would have thought?
Having said that, some of their other open-source efforts have been pretty good. IronPython was a good system, although since Jim Hugunin left it seems to be in the doldrums a bit.
They do a way better job of supporting free software than Oracle.
Tough one
I'm having issues understanding the following sentence in your question: want to insert date in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format so using below query but selecting result set is showing correct but while inserting it is going as '000000' How can the it be possible that "...it is correct but showing '000000'..."? Please edit your question and try to rephrase it. We understand that English might not be your native language and that it might be difficult to express you issue. We do try to accommodate for that, but sometimes it is difficult for us. — hot2use 54 secs ago
@hot2use yeah. I edited but didn't want to change the original wording, fearing it might change the meaning - which is not very clear.
I think I understand what the issue is - and why it happens. But the question needs more clarity
@yper-trollᵀᴹ Could you possibly comment on what you think it might be and if correct ask OP to incorporate that into his question?
PLus, it got me a hat. Or rather glasses!
@hot2use I'll just edit. Last 2 times I asked him to edit, he didn't and only added comments.
Not a very clear question either.
"Also, the query is grouping on UserName, Type, Location." No, it isn't. Not the one you showed at least. Please edit the question and show us your query. — yper-trollᵀᴹ 3 mins ago
Well, it's clear but then they add that "the query is grouping on UserName, Type, Location." which confuses.
@yper-trollᵀᴹ Yes, very confusing.
We get to see the results of a group by in his question and multiple items which have been grouped contain NULL which should be replaced. With what?
@TomV Ah, thanks
@hot2use with the value from another row (with same username, different type and +-15 min in datetime)
ahhh. Now I understand.
Anyone got that link about how to break into SQL Server when not sysadmin please?
@gbn are you admin on the windows level?
you mean starting as single user, adding yourself and restarting again?
1 hour later…
@yper-trollᵀᴹ I think they added that detail about their query because they thought it might be relevant. It's quite possible that it doesn't matter.
They never showed the real query. The bit of code is just a set of conditions they want to apply when choosing a row to populate the current row's location from.
@AndriyM Yes. It may not matter but if we had their query, the (answer) query might be possibly simplified.
Also that datetime is likely an aggregate of some kind, so answers should consider it (writing the answer with a CTE or a derived table that the OP can easily substitute with the original query)
@AndriyM It is relevant in a way. The result set has a unique constraint on (UserName, Type, Location)
@yper-trollᵀᴹ Absolutely. I only meant to clarify that bit because your comment seemed to imply that the OP had any query in the question when in fact they didn't.
Your main point (show your query) still stands
Yeah. I realized my "Not the one you showed at least." wasn't very accurately phrased but I couldn't come up with a different phrase. At least not anything that didn't look like trolling.
I have to be careful with this Oh' Shiny new name
@TomV yes. It's a dodgy install I have to recover
@yper-trollᵀᴹ The OP hasn't seen your comment, there's still time to repost it.
@AndriyM I added one more.
@Andriy, how do you know he hans't seen it?
@yper-trollᵀᴹ It's a bit presumptuous, of course, I'm judging by their last visit time.
Ah. OK. Last seen at SO: 50 min ago
Or "last seen" time
@yper-trollᵀᴹ That's what it didn't occur to me to check.
but that could be only a browser tab open. Probably they haven't seen the comments
Might not have seen the notification. In my experience, they are not as noticeable on white as they are on black.
A lot of suggested edits today, many by the same user
What the Hats Season can't do to people.
Rejected a few, even rolled back one that was accepted.
Is the Winter Bas page broken for you?
They seem to be going through old posts, and it doesn't look like those have been bumped by Community recently. More like the user is deliberately looking through them for issues to fix.
There is a hat for editing old posts
Ah, I haven't looked at all of the hats yet. That explains it.
I mean I did expect a hat for editing something, but the one specifically about editing old posts explains why it's mostly old posts for that user.
yeah, she got two hats for the edits
@yper-trollᵀᴹ I have won zero hats yet....but that was expected since I just got here
Yper-Cube became Yper-Troll ... wow
@AndyK it's only temporary. Last year I was typo-cube
@TomV Thanks, that worked
I got a secret hat (y)
A moderator hat at that
A lakh question
Q: how to optimize query with left join and multiples tables

sasukeI'm trying to run a query on MySQL database, but query takes too much time even database size is not too large around 1lakh data in each table. This is my query : SELECT post_feeds.post_id ,post_feeds.post_title ,post_feeds.post_date ,post_feeds.post_featured_img AS post_fe...

@hot2use lakhs details?
I'm going to develop a lakh-tose intollerance
I'm tempted to reject and edit all edits from this op: dba.stackexchange.com/users/140482/kindle-q
@McNets +1
We had somebody do that just recently and @PaulWhite had a peek. Can't remember what he did though.
I approve your rejections
> User suspended due to hat fever
@yper-trollᵀᴹ That was proper trolling. I bought it.
A: How do suggested edits work?

wafflesSee the related blog post for an overview with screenshots: Suggested Edits and Edit Review. Who can suggest an edit? Registered users without the edit privilege (2000 rep) can suggest edits to any post or tag wiki. Registered users who have the edit privilege but are not trusted users (<20000...

Details of automatic edit suggestion bans can be found there.
(not specific to hat season of course!)
So many mod hats in here
@PaulWhite so they probably got the ban. right.
> Editor Stats

Kindle Q had 9 edit suggestions approved, and 11 edit suggestions rejected
@bluefeet A moderate number :)
@yper-trollᵀᴹ The system works pretty well to prevent a rush of poor edits without overreacting. It does rely on careful reviewers, which luckily we have.
Why is @EvanCarroll asking sooo many SQL Server questions? Why am I getting a bad feeling?
@JohnEisbrener :-)
@gbn you around?
@JohnEisbrener What did you have for lunch? Sometimes that can cause a bad feeling.
@sp_BlitzErik yeah
If you've ever given Evan's profile page a read, you'll understand what I mean.
@gbn i have a pr with some tinkering in databaserestore, would you mind kicking it around when you have a chance?
@JohnEisbrener I sent Evan a SQL Server <3 Linux t-shirt for Christmas.
@JohnEisbrener SQL Server on Linux has apparently gained enough visibility for Evan to notice it, so I imagine he's enjoying playing with it, taking it apart.
@PaulWhite i got a rock.
@sp_BlitzErik Engraved?
@PaulWhite do you have a blog post re: heaps/deletes/rcsi?
i suppose that'll do.
@sp_BlitzErik Were you trying to remember one of mine, or just asking generally?
I'm sure I've written about heaps/deletes/rcsi more than once.
Pretty wide net.
well, specifically about the pages not being deallocated drama
Oh that. Don't think so, only in passing.
i.e. as an aside
would you mind if i ran with it a bit? i need some source material to point people to
@sp_BlitzErik Go nuts!
Worst case, people throw rocks.
@PaulWhite are you sure you should say that to @sp_BlitzErik?
has anyone else noticed that @Lamak doesn't have a hat but thinks he can talk to people with hats?
@sp_BlitzErik I have a patent on that topic
you have a patent on most things to do with heaps
kindly pay your royalty fee of 1 lakh cents
@sp_BlitzErik I have
@sp_BlitzErik Having no hat relieves you of having to bare you head before speaking.
@JoeObbish i lakh all common cents
@Lamak I'm in a reckless mood :)
@PaulWhite winterbash really is your favorite time
@sp_BlitzErik Or this Q & A dba.stackexchange.com/a/52647 in case that's useful.
@PaulWhite DDIPS
mon dieu
Oh, the table alias.
blame the tool
By default.
@AndriyM and @yper-trollᵀᴹ Do one of you want to work the comments about unrestricted updates into this accepted answer dba.stackexchange.com/a/192691 or a separate one?
It just seems odd that there isn't an answer containing the actual answer at the moment, as far as I can tell anyway.
@sp_BlitzErik What is needed sorry? Being a bit thick right now
@PaulWhite @Andriy should add it in his answer.
@sp_BlitzErik were you talking with evan yesterday about sqlcmd?
Hasn't that been rewritten in Python, json, and Q#?
@gbn just regular use i suppose, i mostly made changes around logging and added checks for database existence and accessibility before running secondary commands.
@Lamak vaguely, why?
@sp_BlitzErik nothing important, just wanted to ask you if you had tried the preview of mssql-cli
not yet, no
I did, briefly. Seems better than sqlcmd in several ways, but not my cup of tea.
@sp_BlitzErik ah, ok, thanks
On the upside, I now have Python for Windows installed.
@PaulWhite not mine either, but a colleague needs to use a command line client, and wanted to know if this would be better
I will admit to becoming slightly bored with preview/alpha releases
Like delivering Notepad and asking if it would make a good Word replacement some day
@PaulWhite do you think that notepad would make a good Word replacement in the future?
That's a poor comparison, but then my country is bad at similes.
We're slack as.
@Lamak Needs more quantum.
it does
and AI
of course
@PaulWhite where are you going with python?
or was it a byproduct of installing something else?
@sp_BlitzErik I now have a hat
fake hat
@PaulWhite and @yper-trollᵀᴹ Entering waters slightly out of my depths there. Hopefully my attempt doesn't sound too amateurish.
@JoeObbish Cool!
@sp_BlitzErik required for mssql-cli
2 hours later…
I'm on mssql-cli
@EvanCarroll how is it working?
better than your fake hat
@sp_BlitzErik why are you insulting my great hat?
I just didn't want to use the same you are using ;)
you don't even have a robot
@sp_BlitzErik but if I had, I would give it a hat that fits...
it doesn't have to fit in zero gravity, earthling
doesn't sound like a very useful hat to use in zero gravity either
what do you know about zero gravity
you don't even have a front balcony
even worse, you don't even have an apartment in chile, dude
how lame is that?
only because my checks keep getting cashed by an evil chicken down there
you lost me with that one....but our chickens are kind of evil sometimes
you'd get it if you understood zero gravity
you may have a point...
@Lamak way better than the sqlcmd
@Lamak a really solid improvement.
@Lamak the days of GO are over.
@EvanCarroll I was actually gonna tell you about it if I saw you here
daaaaaww, thanks for thinking of me!
@sp_BlitzErik see, @Lamak loves me.
i don't recall that ever being a point of contention
is this a feeble attempt to arouse my jealousy?
You don't have to be jealous, you're still on the totem pole on a rung between pineapple Lamak and Pineapple Pizza.
You don't have to be jealous, you're still on the totem pole on a rung between Lamak and Pineapple Pizza.
@AndriyM I enjoy taking things apart, software is something I can break that doesn't cost me anything. =) I also run my own mssql/mysql/postgresql environment on my laptop for answering questions
@AndriyM actually, at this point I'm more interested in Drawbridge than the database.
check out this bourgeois scum with his PRIVATE PROPERTY
personal property*
This prole scum gotta get some coffee. I just owned some SQL Server users in Overwatch, and now I'm going to take apart their Frankenstein.
Don't actually know if they were SQL Server users. Didn't ask. Seems likely though.
were they pessimistic by default or something?
@sp_BlitzErik Would you like some PEPPER to go along with your SALT?
i'm a hash man
but i appreciate your concern for my seasoning
one day that'll be a salt shaker emoji
you'll need to use your imagination for now
one day that'll be crushing loneliness when you've let me down too many times
for now you'll have to use what's left of your cold, cold heart
good thing I haven't let you down yet
@sp_BlitzErik No, their nicknames had [] surrounding them, and I told them that wasn't an ansi-compliant quote character, and that visually it was supremely awkward. They didn't care.
@sp_BlitzErik I figured [OrionZ] was certainly a SQL Server DBA
@EvanCarroll without a schema prefix? maybe a jr. dba.
I wonder why Microsoft kept PAL closed source
@EvanCarroll probably just their team tag. Most games use [] to denote the team tag.
@EvanCarroll wal or pal?
their DrawBridge abstraction to run Windows applications on Linux
The log analysis thing?
(how SQL Server runs on Linux)
Library OS/DrawBridge/Platform Abstractoin Layer
I was thinking of pal.codeplex.com
The point is nonsensical either way
What point?
They decide what they open source
so questioning their decision is nonsensical?
Their customers vote with their wallets. Why would someone whining in a chat room effect them in any way
How can customers vote on a decision that they haven't went to the market with?
They don't vote on each issue separately but the company as a whole
And, moreover why are you being so adversarial with me? All that I'm saying, is that if I was Microsoft I would want people to develop native applications that ran on Windows and to endure a performance hit when they ran those applications elsewhere. That's what DrawBridge does.
As compared to the hardware virtualization which results in everyone taking the same hit, or even worse cross-platform libraries that result in a worse experience for the customers of the products and the developers.
I'm not adversial but OK have it your way
Hats fine by me
And pretending like Microsoft is subject to any form of democracy is a farcical act.
(aside from all technical merits)
You are missing the point
Deliberately, if you ask me
I'm not sure what your point is -- my point was that it was a bad business decision.
Exactly my point
Ah, then good point.
You don't get to decide or judge their business decisions
Customers and shareholders do
That is absolutely not true in any sense.
^^^ corporations hold a fiduciary duty to do what will benefit the shareholders most. It's a legal obligation.
oh hey. hats
@EvanCarroll It wants people using their code and tools. If the price is to contribute to OSS then so be it.
That is, have you ever tried to get IBM WebSphere Kerberos SSO working against Windows AD? Or, in another world, I compile something OSS from MS to run on Linux and it just works
No, I have gotten Samba with Kerebos to work against Windows AD in the distant past.
Better they kill Java and become the platform independent language of choice. We've had mono.net for years: Unity tools used to run
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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