@EvanCarroll They don't have to kill Java. They want the Enterprise space. Having their kit in OSS brings new users and a body of experience,which feeds into that space
What are the steps required to move AAGs (version=SQL 2012 and OS=Windows 2012 R2 O) to new SAN within same data center?
It is a virtualized environment.
Instead of building new servers - can the VM and storage be v-motioned to new storage?
yeah, @jcolebrand ... surprised that .net core wasnt already mentioned. i dont think that powershell will ever gain serious foothold in the linux space but it's there too
i think the difference, @EvanCarroll is that you actively hope and cheer for something to fail. i think that the rest of us, though we joke about oracle and other technologies, understand that you use the tool that fits your needs and environment.
PS is pretty cool, at least Microsoft is trying to do something there. And their new SQL cli while totally jacked from another project is pretty top notch.
@gbn dont get me wrong. i've spend the vast majority of my last 9 months in powershell doing a lot of automation crap. i'm just saying that linux admins aren't going to tear out what's worked for them for so many years.
Azure's primary downfall is the same downfall across most cloud offerings: there's no true transparency as to the cost of what you're actually getting.
@swasheck have I ever attacked any developers here? Or just business decisions and technical decisions by Microsoft?
@swasheck Your identity should not be so intrinsically tied with your tool set that you can't differentiate between those things. You'll find numerous admissions in this conversation that Microsoft did the right thin, or is moving the right direction.
@swasheck Next time I'm using Oracle, I'll rant against them and tag you.
We'll be besties.
@swasheck you should find the many compliments I've been giving MS SQL to be not-an-attack on their technology. In fact, I'm probably this months #1 question guy on the tags. I've been taking apart SQL Server because I want to know more.
And most of things I'm finding out, I'm the first person to discover.
Which is always fun.
And, where would reverse engineering be if not for multi billion dollar IP forts defending Obscurity Hill.
The real problem with SQL Server is that it's not just one proprietary technology -- they ship out these hivs and now I'm trying to dump them too.
TIL that redhat reverse engineered the hive format
Redhat btw is a company that I think does corporate profit seeking close to perfect.
I'm going to move to a Qubes OS in 2018 (which is red-hat based), and leave Debian.
New years resolutions.
Here is something kind of cool too, Red Hat produces a utility that allows you to navigate Hive Files as in a cli-shell. I'm wondering how hard it would be to wrap that in FUSE so you could just double click them in the File Browser and navigate them in Linux.