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> 2017
> not keeping your pages close together
sounds like you need to update your "should I rebuild my index?" flowchart
Are your pages too far apart? Yes -> rebuild
@JoeObbish as soon as I have guidance on the unit of measure and acceptable distances I'll get right on it.
Is that on disk or in memory?
We may never know!
right unit of measurement is furlongs
1 hour later…
A: Raising the 25 chars limit for tags

Shog9Thunderforge makes a compelling argument that the tag length limit should be longer than 25 characters. Tim and animuson are quite right that shorter tags are generally better; regardless, supporting arbitrarily long tag names is out of the question for the foreseeable future - there are too man...

Maximum tag length increased to 35
Should this question really be closed?
Q: Set Default Isolation Level to RSCI

Select 'DBA'Has anyone ever set RCSI as their default isolation level across an organisation without testing every app? I understand the implications, just gauging risk / reward. We’ve had many performance issues that would be solved by using RCSI, and I haven’t heard of or seen any issues with the 10-20 s...

@PaulWhite Not sure
I don't feel too strongly about it
I don't like "has anyone ever done this before?" questions
wow, 4 upvotes and 5 downvotes
controversial question I guess
he also said that he understands the technical implications
and wants to have a "discussion" about it with other people
doesn't fit the format imo
You know that phrase "be careful what you wish for because you just might get it?"
I work for a startup in Electricity retail. A while back we closed a partnership with a large organisation. Today is the "soft" launch. However, the press releases are in the major newspapers, and the client will be interviewed in the evening news. Also, the Prime Minister has chosen today to summons the CEOs of electricity companies for a dressing-down over prices. Our user base is about to go from less than one thousand to two point five million in about three and a half minutes.
Wish me luck.
good luck!
did the power go out yet?
@JoeObbish To be fair, the word "discussion" only appears in a comment on the accepted answer, not in the question itself.
Robert Cartaino on September 29, 2010

Stack Exchange is about questions with objective, factual answers. We’ve been crystal clear about this for as long as I can remember, even back to the earliest, pre-beta days of Stack Overflow. It’s right there in the standard Stack Exchange FAQ:

What kind of questions should I not ask here?

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered!

Thus, questions that are not answerable — discussions, debates, opinions — should be closed as subjective. It seems simple enough: Fact good; opinion and discussion bad. But why? …

I think, on average, we are a little too quick to close questions around here, and a little too slow to reopen them.
@PaulWhite I think that it's not good when we get five close votes and no comments, when a comment would be helpful
But I still think that it's a terrible and lazy question
he just wants someone to agree with him so he doesn't have to do testing
@JoeObbish Ah so you do feel strongly about it after all :)
But sure, that's a fair comment
@PaulWhite No, I've just been grumpy lately
You've done this moderation stuff like 100X more than me
and as I said if it was opened I wouldn't really mind
the community seems split on if it's a good question
Though having said it's a "fair comment" it also seems like a reason not to answer it yourself, rather than a reason to prevent anyone from answering.
If I was clear on it myself, I'd just reopen it and be prepared to justify that on meta.
I might also just be looking for a distraction from Pitch Perfect (film my wife is watching)
@sp_BlitzErik COME AT ME, BRO:
A: Efficiently storing query-affecting settings in a database

Joe Obbish It needs mentioning that the Admin_Configuration table contains only 18 rows, hence it shouldn't affect performance. Why shouldn't an 18 row table affect performance? Take a look at the estimated query plan for the original query that takes 4 seconds. The query optimizer is saying that the...

@PaulWhite I don't view it as a good format for the site and it seems designed to attract low quality answers
With that said, John did a good job with his answer
Yeah I get that. We do have tools at our disposal to handle low quality answers though, once they actually happen.
if anyone votes to reopen it or just reopens it I won't complain
@JoeObbish You say that now, but you're awfully contrary ;)
well I voted to close it, so I will have a justification for doing so
it would be poor form if I had no clue why I voted that way
I'm so funny I make myself laugh sometimes
me too
but I missed the joke this time
Aug 4 at 14:23, by Joe Obbish
so contrary!
Aug 4 at 14:27, by Joe Obbish
so.... contrary...
that's not funny!
see what I did there?
Do you have the peer pressure badge?
@JoeObbish No, I've never been downvoted.
I can fix that
but that's good, maybe I can get a badge that you don't have
Actually I might have had one. I forget.
in that last answer I kind of recommend a scalar udf to be used in a query
@JoeObbish Oh the come at me bro one. Let me see...
I don't know what you're talking about!
I can't believe how excited I am about that
oh yeah, should have made them columns
I don't do this kind of thing often
testing with stats io? really? that's just silly
@JoeObbish If you work that option into your answer I'll likely upvote it.
I could upvote it now, because there's lots of good stuff in there but hey
Related: I would love it if SQL Server had better support for constants/static data
Including enumerations
@PaulWhite Already did, although maybe not enough detail?
bed time for me. feel free to edit as always :)
I'd write the scalar function to fetch values into variables and write the query as dynamic SQL to avoid local variable issues.
I've had decent success with that in the past when there are configurable settings for users attached to a project
1 hour later…
@JoeObbish I made an edit, but you didn't provide a repro for your mock data so I couldn't add plans etc.
This is another interesting option:
A: How to create database level constants (enumerations) without using CLR?

Scott HodginSince you are apparently using Sql 2016, I'd like to throw out another 'possible' option - SESSION_CONTEXT. Sharing State in SQL Server 2016 with SESSION_CONTEXT has some very good information about this new functionality in Sql 2016. I'm summarizing some key points: If you’ve ever wanted t...

@JoeObbish I deleted that answer. I tested locally and my solution was worse, as per my comment. But I got busy and forgot to update...
@MikaelEriksson I'm interested :) Please add an answer. — Paul White ♦ 1 min ago
I kind of remember thinking about it. Will see if I figure it out .... again :) @PaulWhite
Thanks :)
I really like the SESSION_CONTEXT idea though. That had not occurred to me before.
has 27 characters woo hoo
Q: Add new column TotalQty

Princecan someone help to add a calculation at each level to multiple all the quantities and it must assigned to the new column named TotalQty in the below query: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP] ( @PartNumber nvarchar(255) ) AS DECLARE @ibID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TmpResults...

I think there is the same question but from other OP
A: Add New column sRevision

McNetsMaybe this works if I have correctly counted the nested joins. insert into #TmpResults Select IBM.FirtPartentMaterialUsedGUID, IBM.FirstParentPartInstanceID, IBM2.IBParentMaterialUsedGUID, IBM.nQtyPerUnit, IBM.sRevision, TopMUGUID = case when IBM.TopMUGUID IS Not NULL th...

Not exactly the same.
@PaulWhite Answer is in. More focus on the enumeration than where to put constants.
@MikaelEriksson creative :)
@TomV Well ... If your only tool is XML then every problem looks like a ... hmmm, then you need to be creative.
@MikaelEriksson Thanks that's quite amazing
A: Create database level constants (enumerations) without using CLR?

Mikael ErikssonYou can create an enumeration type in SQL Server using a XML Schema. For example Colors. create xml schema collection ColorsEnum as ' <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:element name="Color"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> ...

No worries.
Today's DB usage stats:
A special prize if you can guess when our partner sent the marketing email.
Don't know, but it looks like the db is giving you the finger anyway
3 hours later…
@MikaelEriksson that is really cool. Never would have occurred to me.
1 hour later…
I have a weird problem, but don't think I've got enough information to ask a question about it.
I have a decimal value : 45.123333333333... (calculated from 135.37 / 3). It's stored in the database in a MONEY column. In one database it's stored as 45.1233 (the correct rounding), but in another it's stored as 45.1234 (the incorrect rounding). What do I need to be looking for in differences between the database that might explain this?
The column is mapped to the C# field by some autogenerated code - which could be the cause of the difference, but as far as I can tell it doesn't do any processing on the numbers.
The collations of both databases are SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
Is this something that could be caused by the database or is it going to be in the code somewhere?
Hi @ChrisF :)
@ChrisF Is it the same code that does the inserts? I.e. you have 2 instances of your app connecting to different databases or could it be a different line of code that does the insert?
@ChrisF 135.37 / 3
are those values from columns?, if so, what datatype?
can client locale settings also affect that?
@TomV It's theoretically the same code ;) The are two different builds of the app connecting to two different databases, but all the relevant code appears to be identical between the two builds. The table definitions also appear to be the same.
I'm saying "appear" a lot because they should be the same, but I haven't checked everything.
@sp_BlitzErik I had that thought, but the calculated value is independent of locale.
@Lamak The code is C# and the value is decimal, the database is MSSQL and the column is money
@ChrisF decimal with what precision?
@Lamak It's a C# decimal. I'm thinking that the problem is in the conversion but I can't see anything obvious.
Crikey I thought I was in the wrong room for a moment
who's this bruce saying crikey?
are we in straya now?
g'day mate slip another shrimp on the barbie
So much blue I thought this was the Teachers' Lounge
we're trying to mess with you
@ChrisF If the calculation is being performed in .NET I would check the exact builds of SQL Server. There have been some oddities translating the Framework's idea of a decimal to SQL Server's.
@bluefeet It's working
@PaulWhite Ah.
those are pretty old though, no?
i remember a very old one in like sql server 2005 (maybe floats/decimals?)
Well the database that's correct is on SQL Server 11.0.6248
@sp_BlitzErik No much more recent. But yes, it is speculation.
well it's settled then
we should all just use excel
formats column
But the database that's incorrect is also on SQL Server 11.0.6248
Is it worth asking this as a question? Or am I missing something obvious?
@sp_BlitzErik it really is the best
Question would be a bit vague "guess the colour I'm thinking of"
on which site? this sounds like it'd be a punting match between dba and so
@ChrisF Latest is 11.00.6607
@PaulWhite That's what I was afraid of.
@ChrisF maybe the issue is with the calculation in C#. Is it consistent?
@ChrisF OTOH if you can provide lots of detail, and perhaps a minimal repro? it could be quite good
@bluefeet vlookups are the new joins
I mean, does it keep inserting the same value in both databases?
@Lamak Yes. That's consistent.
@Lamak Ha ha the reverse of "always blame the database"!
@PaulWhite for once at least
@Lamak It appears to be repeatable.
@PaulWhite The problem is that the SQL<>C# conversion is done in generated code and I it's rather a large file to search and examine. I think that that's my next step - find the actual code that does the conversion and see if there's a difference there.
ah, it's like consulting. "no it's the code!" "no it's the database!" "no it's the hardware!"
With a mcve it might be interesting for SO or DBA.se
@ChrisF interesting. I think I would look into any difference in the code, or the server
Of course you'll get abuse from some for using money at all :)
@sp_BlitzErik I mean, if it's consulting, then it clearly is "It Depends ©®"
@sp_BlitzErik Yep exactly
@PaulWhite Probably. At least we're not using a float :)
Ooo I love a good float
i use money because it's the easiest way to produce large, readable numbers
@ChrisF I think I prefer them over money
such commas~
@sp_BlitzErik You use money because smallmoney cannot hold your paychecks.
@PaulWhite one of us, one of us
I would genuinely like to understand more modern references without them being explained at great length.
Sadly I do not seem to be progressing much.
@PaulWhite didn't know it either
Q: Where does the "One of us! One of us!" chant originate?

billpgI've seen the chant "One of us! One of us!" parodied in both South Park and Big Bang Theory. Where does it come from? Is "Gibble Gobble Gibble Gobble" (added by South Park) part of the original chant?

i'll have all of you up to date soon enough
Oh that 1932 film! Of course!
totally OT, but i found a couple cool docs on youtube about the origins of english synthy music.
@Lamak Nice find.
i always liked fad gadget, didn't realize frank was as much of a pioneer as others give him credit for
@ChrisF Would you be so kind as to let me know if you do post a question on SO or here? I'm kinda intrigued by the details. I read a bit of C# even if I don't write it very well. Also if you get an answer! Only if you remember.
Since when does the Achievements drop down show current UTC time?
That's cool.
it's been there for as long as i've been point-whoring to make epic
@PaulWhite I think always
Well there's a thing. How have I never noticed that before.
@sp_BlitzErik I don't think SO is that old
That's the clock we base everything off so we show it
Must add "attention to detail" to my CV.
@PaulWhite too many white zin spritzers
@PaulWhite or Dev Story
@PaulWhite Will do. I've got half a dozen other things on the go at the moment so it might be a couple of days before I get round to it.
@bluefeet hahahahahahahahahaha
@ChrisF Sweet as thanks no worries if you forget
@PaulWhite we do have a timeline
@Philᵀᴹ you there?
@PaulWhite I like the dev story
@Lamak Suck up
@Lamak so you're saying i've been trying to get a badge on SO before SO was a website? shouldn't that get me the hipster badge?
@bluefeet On the dev story?
Also why isn't it DBA story?
Not that I'm one of those either. Hm.
@sp_BlitzErik well, looking at that selfie, you must have a lot of hipster badges
Epic hipster badges
@PaulWhite yeah there are two views dev story and traditional.
@sp_BlitzErik you should also have a "plant sitting in a chair" badge
@Lamak that plant is comfy af
@McNets yes
@sp_BlitzErik you are very considerate with that plant
are you vegan?
@Lamak no, i'm human
are you sure?
IIRC PETER should appear on January and February because DAVE has been assigned on March?
@Lamak given the amount of times i've eaten steaks that could still remember their name when they hit the plate, yes. i can safely say i'm not vegan.
@sp_BlitzErik I meant human
@McNets yes
@Philᵀᴹ IIRC PETER should appear on January and February because DAVE has been assigned on March?
@Lamak shhhh
the less you know about that, the better
@sp_BlitzErik I eat so much of it, I may as well just mooooooooo 🐄 🐮
@Philᵀᴹ have you ever eaten so much steak you got the urge to invade a country?
@sp_BlitzErik Yeah, but I was in Jackson Hole (Wyoming), at the time. Was easier to just drink & snowboard it off :)
From a certain perspective, you had already invaded a country at that point
English people certainly were a novelty there
Hm well this is freaky weird.
Latest SSMS shows SQL queries run by the Object Explorer in the Output window.
You'd think they'd want to keep that code quiet
i'm still not sure what you mean
@PaulWhite do you have a very small screenshot of it?
or very long
i still don't know where that is
@sp_BlitzErik Joe is that you?
@sp_BlitzErik View menu -> Output (Ctrl+Alt+O)
You can choose between Object Explorer output and "Telemetry"
Easier than running Profiler I guess, but I wonder why they did this.
@PaulWhite curious...but not really unhelpful
i have never seen this before
@Lamak Sure, but given dev resources and so many other things to do with SSMS...?
yeah, true
Anyway it is a thing now
anyone else ever accidentally paste address to a haggis into powerpoint?
mmmm, haggis
i went to a robert burns night hosted by laphroaig a couple years ago
it turned out most of the people at our table had never had haggis before
i ended up eating a lot of other people's haggis that night
Were they too sheepish to try it, or could they just not stomach it?
good grief
i see what you did there
Even though a lot of people agree it's not bad if they can bring themselves to trying
Any of you traveling DBAs have a recommendation on a 2-laptop (primary + backup) carry-on bag that's security friendly?
get tsa precheck or goes
already have pre-check thankfully
worth every penny i spent on it
then what do you need? they stopped asking me to take laptops out with that.
even international
a good bag that can carry 2 laptops. Personal preference?
large laptops?
both are 15"
I know with the 2 laptops it doesn't leave room for much else in a normal carry on roll bag
you know what, lemme ask richie
he never goes anywhere without three laptops
he has some crazy backpack
That would be awesome. i can't go anywhere without 2. Had a failure on my primary last trip and having that backup saved my bacon.
he's traveling for the company retreat today so i probably won't have an answer super fast
but i'll let you know
Sounds good to me, thanks again Erik!
Training question that I was legitimately asked "Why are databases targets of attacks?" Correct answer "They Contain data".....
@Zane What was the wrong answer? Because it's fun?
@sp_BlitzErik those are supposed to really nice
yeah, now that i'm looking at it i'm thinking about buying one, hahaha
It's not that the answer is incorrect. It's that it's hilarious. This is a training for Database Security for DBA's
oof, security training
@sp_BlitzErik I've actually been thinking about getting their backpack which is a suitcase
@sp_BlitzErik I like that one. Is that what Richie uses?
or the one he recommended?
yep! he just responded.
Very nice. Just bought that doggie
Tell him thanks from me
will do!
@bluefeet which one were you looking at?
subquestion: is it blue?
@sp_BlitzErik this one ebags.com/product/ebags/…
maybe blue or graphite
ooh that's nifty with the compartments
yeah, and it has amazing reviews
@Forrest I did a SQL injection attack for fun yesterday
A developer gave a presentation to a room full of developers and said that "I'm pretty sure that I designed it so SQL injection can't happen"
I mean, I really had no choice
@JoeObbish Challenge accepted....
hot sql injection
So contrary
@JoeObbish Nice! It's one of the first things I figured out how to do on our company websites.
@PaulWhite Why's that?
Sometimes SSMS had performance problems and seeing those queries really helps
there's some other way to do it but I don't remember now
i wish i had that when i was starting out just to know which views to get which information from
also handy for new features, i suppose
@JoeObbish Not always their finest work
if you're still expecting good queries from microsoft...
that makes it more important to show it!
@sp_BlitzErik Have you used WWI much?
i have used it 0 times
@PaulWhite i'd rather use bars
@PaulWhite Pink?
@sp_BlitzErik Northgale :)
@JoeObbish Nope
@sp_BlitzErik ha!
brb wearing shoes and tipping a waiter
when it's so hard to find a good stock picture of a video game power up that you settle for a picture of a guy eating a mushroom off a tree stump
just generate a query plan that when zoomed out is in the shape that you want
the coloring might be tough
you could use the query plan diff tool for that
i'm just gonna stick with my happy camper
@sp_BlitzErik that's not a power up
you're right, but it's the shape i'd want
@sp_BlitzErik conformist
i know, what with my white picket fences and khakis and college degree
don't forget a green mushroom "power up"
i don't know, most people would consider getting an extra life quite powerful
I didn't think of you as "most people" though
you're clearly unaware of my transhumanist interests
(this is why you keep getting fired)
@sp_BlitzErik I mean, I can think of you as "most people" if you want
the terms of our friendship require that you put me on a pedestal above all others, so that would clearly not work
you should have really just find a proper red mushroom power up
why did that guy had to ruin that pretty mushroom?
to hallucinate, probably
@PaulWhite Interestingly all that data is sent to Microsoft
@MaxVernon Maybe, yes. Not sure of the details. Might depend on some setting.
(assuming you were talking about telemetry)
@PaulWhite are there blog posts that you get comment notifications for that give you anxiety?
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