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solved a 2+ year old tumbleweed.
A: In PostgreSQL, is there a type-safe first() aggregate function?

Evan CarrollJust as a side note, this is precisely what DISTINCT ON() does (not to be confused with DISTINCT) SELECT DISTINCT ON ( expression [, ...] ) keeps only the first row of each set of rows where the given expressions evaluate to equal. The DISTINCT ON expressions are interpreted using the same ru...

Ruh oh.
3 hours later…
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ You mean the 20th?
6 hours later…
There's old school and then there's Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad thesis.
"I am indebted to Professors Claude E. Shannon and Marvin Minsky for their
help and advice throughout the course of this research."
G'day to you all
Good day to you too
@ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells yeah, was trying to be funny
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ you see, this happens when the explanation is missing
please nuke:
Q: Postgres query in php with a date variable

Sampad DasCan you please help me on below query? php code:// $countdate='2017-01-03'; $countsql='SELECT rucid,"databaseType","countLoggedOn","prodCount","nprodCount","countType" FROM "ru_countLog" WHERE "countLoggedOn"=$countdate'; --> It's giving syntax error syntax error at or near "$" LINE 1: .....

3 hours later…
quiet today
Np doubt!
@MaxVernon are you gonna change your username to TypoVernon?
Eerily quiet.
@Lamak lol, I shuld.
rickrollling attempt:
Q: Cloned form cannot be submitted

dezsoI have a table, where each row corresponds to a form. While the markup is invalid (<form> tags come after <tr> immediately), submit buttons work as expected (ie. they submit their containing form). So far, so good. Now I prepare a new row to be appended to the table mentioned above. It reside...

the fun fact is that @AaronBertrand left comments on this question
I have rolled back your edit because it was destructive. Please do not post the same question again, it will simply be closed as a duplicate (again), and this may have consequences for your ability to ask more questions. Instead, improve this question until the community votes to reopen it to answers. If you unsure what needs to be improved, you could ask the community for feedback on Database Administrators Meta. — Paul White ♦ Dec 19 '16 at 16:45
Paul rolled back in Dec-19. They destroyed the post again 25 mins ago, I rolled it back again.
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ a stubborn person
@Lamak I remember he had reposted or cross-posted (or both)
and he came and posted here in the first place, because he couldn't at SO.
Some bad-questions raised ban, if I remember right - and not confusing with someone else
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ you are very committed to the while typocube thing :)
what typo thing?
@Lamak they might be conducting a scientific experiment (in the Heap sense of science)
@Lamak and realized yesterday that I'll have to go and update/flag any posts/comments that refer to me as Typocube.
I don't mind last year's yper-sillycube but typo-cube doesn't feel so good
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ too late
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ the whole....damn
2 hours later…
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ should I go ahead and continue doing the refinement like I was?
I feel like I should leave it for a more Oracle person
But I also think that I can just re-write what he has like I'm doing and get him where he needs to be
A: query optimization help

jcolebrandWith your original code as such: SELECT COUNTY COUNTY, DECODE(RATE,'115A','R','C') R_C, SUM(MTH_CHG) MO_CHG, SUM(YTD_CHG) YR_CHG, COUNT(CUST) ...

for those wanting to follow along on the home version
@jcolebrand yes, why not?
I'm on wifi now but when I get home I'll check the (+) to LEFT JOIN conversion - or edit if you haven't done it.
According to this, FROM a, b WHERE a.col = b.col (+) translates to FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON a.col = b.col.
@jcolebrand I sometimes get this dilemma too when I feel I've got into deep water. Noticing mistakes and thinking, "Should I go on or should I just scrap the whole thing and leave it to proper experts?". I think your answer is fine once the erroneous syntax is fixed.
Would have done that myself, just not sure how a left join should be formatted with your indentation style.
I'm not sure how to close this, too broad, tip of the iceberg or off-topic as it's not a dba question — Tom V 10 secs ago
@AndriyM Thanks
@TomV you have mu vote
Went for too broad
there may be solutions in the database, but that would require consulting :)
@AndriyM heh, I mean, I just kind of do it where keywords align, usually...
And thanks for the words of encouragement. I'll follow up on my example in a bit, trying to do some stuff now
If anyone else can get in before me they are welcome to, or even just post a new answer and I can delete mine
@swasheck I'll send him my rates
@swasheck Hi! :) -- BTW, Do you have some sql file with the Scrivener 1894 TR accented?
@jcolebrand I mean I've seen these two variations:
-- #1
FROM    a
        b ON ...

-- #2
FROM    a
JOIN    b ON ...
And I'm not sure which is better. Although if I were using that style, I'd probably go with the second one.
@AndriyM I prefer to mix the two, keeping the ON on the same line as the JOIN, but I know not everyone feels my passion about that
I'm also not normally an alignment nazi on the right hand margin
Some people are
@AndriyM the....second one?
@Lamak Um... yes. Something wrong?
depends on how many columns you join on I suppose
@AndriyM just that I would've never guessed someone would prefer that style
I would go for 1 too, but put the b on the same line as the LEFT JOIN, again depending on how many columns you join on
if there is only one column to join ot it could be #2
@TomV I go with a style that no one else uses anyway
#YOLO (right @TimStone)
@Lamak Might become fashionable one day
I prefer the slalom style
I prefer putting one word on each line, and indenting by one space as you go. Creates a pyramid of whitespace.
@Lamak @TomV The thing is, names are aligned in a specific way in @jcolebrand's answer. The two variations for LEFT JOIN above are meant to keep that style.
@TomV I'm unsure about googling that
@AndriyM Yeah, that's not a thing I ever really care about haha
I mean, that was how I thought you could follow it.
@PaulVargas no
If I hadn't been copy-pasting that guys lines I would just remove almost all spaces except on the left
@TomV a wise choice
Oct 13 '15 at 19:23, by Tom V
@TomV alright. Kinda hate it
@TomV you have "mu" vote too.
Fun with Oracle's old syntax for outer joins: stackoverflow.com/q/17117096/344949
@MaxVernon nano
1 hour later…
Connecting via the DAC doesn't allow me any special powers beyond being able to connect even if the instance is basically locked up, yeah?
In the "asking questions I'm 99% sure I already know the answer to", anybody here familiar with Event Store?
Yeah, that one. Also seen at geteventstore.com
I'd go for the full 100%
But I'm optimistic like this
lol yeah NoSQL-esque things aren't really popular in this neck of the woods.
Last week I found myself setting up Ubuntu VMs to host Event Store and Cassandra instances for a Node service and had to stop and ask myself Dear God, what have I become?
This time last year my biggest complaints were SS(I|R)S. Ah, the halcyon days, how I long for that childish wonder again.
functional database. meaning it functions (implication: barely)? or meaning programming style?
Your guess is as good as mine. My team lead has taken to carrying around a punch bowl of Kool Aid. Before he answers any questions you need to take a drink.
peter principle
I used to be a respectable .NET developer, dammit! (for varying definitions of "respectable")
@mikeTheLiar You're a liar
i always lie
@billinkc and you're an SSIS expert.
Which is worse is really a question for the ages.
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ @PaulWhite You are the hat fanatics here, feel free to propose things for next year - meta.stackexchange.com/q/289302/164200
fanhatics ;)
@billinkc plus you can see some things you wouldn't normally be able to, like certain system tables, etc.
Gotcha. Nothing like starting the service in single user mode though - assuming I'm in the windows admin role
Not that I'd ever need to escalate my permissions. What I am given by my noble lords and masters is sufficient
Single user mode is really special. Should be right up your alley 😁

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