Just as a side note, this is precisely what DISTINCT ON() does (not to be confused with DISTINCT)
SELECT DISTINCT ON ( expression [, ...] ) keeps only the first row of each set of rows where the given expressions evaluate to equal. The DISTINCT ON expressions are interpreted using the same ru...
Can you please help me on below query?
php code://
$countsql='SELECT rucid,"databaseType","countLoggedOn","prodCount","nprodCount","countType" FROM "ru_countLog" WHERE "countLoggedOn"=$countdate';
--> It's giving syntax error
syntax error at or near "$" LINE 1: .....
I have a table, where each row corresponds to a form. While the markup is invalid (<form> tags come after <tr> immediately), submit buttons work as expected (ie. they submit their containing form). So far, so good.
Now I prepare a new row to be appended to the table mentioned above. It reside...
I have rolled back your edit because it was destructive. Please do not post the same question again, it will simply be closed as a duplicate (again), and this may have consequences for your ability to ask more questions. Instead, improve this question until the community votes to reopen it to answers. If you unsure what needs to be improved, you could ask the community for feedback on Database Administrators Meta. — Paul White ♦Dec 19 '16 at 16:45
Paul rolled back in Dec-19. They destroyed the post again 25 mins ago, I rolled it back again.
@jcolebrand I sometimes get this dilemma too when I feel I've got into deep water. Noticing mistakes and thinking, "Should I go on or should I just scrap the whole thing and leave it to proper experts?". I think your answer is fine once the erroneous syntax is fixed.
Would have done that myself, just not sure how a left join should be formatted with your indentation style.
@Lamak @TomV The thing is, names are aligned in a specific way in @jcolebrand's answer. The two variations for LEFT JOIN above are meant to keep that style.
lol yeah NoSQL-esque things aren't really popular in this neck of the woods.
Last week I found myself setting up Ubuntu VMs to host Event Store and Cassandra instances for a Node service and had to stop and ask myself Dear God, what have I become?
This time last year my biggest complaints were SS(I|R)S. Ah, the halcyon days, how I long for that childish wonder again.
Your guess is as good as mine. My team lead has taken to carrying around a punch bowl of Kool Aid. Before he answers any questions you need to take a drink.