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Yeah, I suppose it's conceivable that there aren't really any measurable differences between "male brains" and "female brains" at all.
@TannerSwett There are definitely tendencies, but you're not going to be able to look at a brain and say "yeah, that's a guy" or "yeah, that's a girl".
Lemme see. I wonder what to think about gender dysphoria.
There's "cis gender dysphoria" too—many if not most cis men are going to be offended if you refer to them as women.
Vice versa doesn't seem to be nearly as common.
Myself, I don't seem to have a strong sense of gender identity. I've actually thought about going by Elizabeth. But in any case, I personally am not going to be offended by any choice of pronouns or whatever for referring to me.
@TannerSwett that's not what dysphoria means. IIRC It's when you look in the mirror and see something other than what you expected.
Say someone shaved your head in your sleep. You wake up, look in the mirror, and it's a shock. Who's that? It's not me, I have hair! Normally you'd get used to it in a couple days and be fine.
Now let's say you decided to call me a woman. I get a couple choices. I can get offended, I can get annoyed, or I can get over it and ignore it. But it's not a dysphoria, unless you somehow hypnotized me to think I was a woman or something.
I dunno what the definition of dysphoria is, I guess.
Wikipedia says it's "a profound state of unease or dissatisfaction."
7 hours later…
@Gryphon You missed your chance. It's at -1531 now. What's the next milestone?
@Secespitus Unfortunately, even mystical creatures part mammal and part bird need to sleep sometimes. If it ever makes it to -2000 I'll use that.
4 hours later…
In the interests of fairness, as well as close acquaintance, I believe in Bilious, the Oh God of Hangovers. — Bob Jarvis Aug 17 '18 at 0:13
@Bellerophon That's what I've read too.
@TannerSwett In other words, SE users are mostly undergoing dysphoria now?
@Hosch250 Something like that. :D
Nice to meet you, BTW. Sometimes the room feels stagnate with the same people in it all the time. Fresh blood is always good.
Today is the day (in Hunagry) My CoC question will become relevant.
2 hours later…
@TannerSwett My definition could be off a bit, but it's very different from being offended.
@Hosch250 Indeed, succulent tasty fresh blood to feed us.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

overlordHow Do You Catch an Alien That Can Compartmentalize? alienstag2tag3 My story has an alien species. These aliens: Look identical to human beings Cannot be discovered by scans of any kind Act like humans However, they have a very special ability: They have the ability to compartmentalize cert...

Q: How to get a question reopened?

CrosbonaughtI have this question here, "Internment Camp for Magical Creatures" which was put on hold - and looking back I can see why. Since it was put on hold I have edited it, added details and made it much more clear - and someone even upvoted it. How do I get "the hold" removed"? And more generally, wh...

@Gryphon Maybe you can snipe a bit on the new CoC? Though that's by far not as impressive so far.
"Q: If I’m uncomfortable with a particular pronoun, can I just avoid using it?

We are asking everyone to use all stated pronouns as you would naturally write. Explicitly avoiding using someone’s pronouns because you are uncomfortable is a way of refusing to recognize their identity and is a violation of the Code of Conduct."

So you're saying my pronoun CAN be "Stack Exchange Admin?"
@NexTerren Nah, it's only about this little list that was linked here - and the comment is absolutely right, obviously I will always make a grammar mistake exactly once, never twice or something like that. Foreign languages are sooooooo easy to master.
If you could get "Stack Exchange Admin" accepted by that site though...
Monica's post has been deleted on that thread, but I lack the reputation to see if she deleted it or a mod/admin did...
How the heck is someone supposed to know if I'm intentionally avoiding using pronouns, or just not using them cause I normally wouldn't in that situation?
@Gryphon I guess if your writing is really convoluted or weird sounding.
@Bellerophon I... guess.
But I expect most people can write gender neutrally relatively well.
Scrolling back up through my last few dozen comments, I haven't used a third-person pronoun once. Which means if I try not to, it'll make very little difference in my writing.
@Secespitus Oh yes, let the bloat flow through you.
SE is bloated
Steve Jobs is bloated
I'm bloated
@Bellerophon That's pretty hard to know sometimes when people are from countries that don't have English as the first language.
This is quite possibly the least enforceable rule I've ever seen.
I do feel a bit sorry for Cesar M. He may lose quite a bit of rep for that post. It's still in rep-positive territory, but give it some time.
Also apparently "fae" is a pronoun. Since I am clearly a magical creature, and thus a variety of fairy, I suppose I should go by that now.
And it only took 2 hours for us to get to two pages of answers.
@Gryphon Your next avatar could be the pages counter. "11" sounds like a good start, don't you think?
@Secespitus Or just grab the score when it hits -1000.
@Gryphon Oh, we are already close to 3 digits. Seems like you won't have to wait long for your new avatar
I think I'll just move a bunch of messages to the Trashcan, if that's okay - clean everything up a bit more.
But I will add two things first:
I've been around long enough that you should know that I don't hold any malice toward anyone, especially those that I don't agree with.
1) The last week or two has been extraordinarily unpleasant for all of us. I know that most of us in this room are annoyed at the way Monica was treated, and I know that most of us are pissed off at SE for a lot of their actions. I'm in both of those groups. I would like to ask that we try to keep things toned down here and be mindful of how messages appear to folks coming in from off-site.
I love burning people alive!
@MadaraUchiha Then stick around, get to know the people. It's a lot of fun.
Stop ignoring me! :'-(
@MadaraUchiha Is that why the Java room is on fire? >:(
@Zoethetransgirl It is?
@wizzwizz4 We've had plenty of 3rd gender questions discussed in here
@MadaraUchiha There's a sign saying "Madara's Fire" on the wall :P
Sorry about this. . . I'm not great at moving messages in chat. . .
@wizzwizz4 I think I may have. At least nobody's taken offense yet with my comment about fae as a pronoun.
@Gryphon Nobody's complained. It's made at least two people feel uncomfortable – just be more careful in future, okay? We're all in this together. ☺ (Edit: In the context of the other messages being removed, I think it's fine now.)
18 messages moved to Trashcan
Okay. Done. Sorry 'bout that, everyone.
@NexTerren Monica deleted it her herself; I can confirm.
@HDE226868 Thanks for the clarification. That's (to me) good to hear.
@HDE226868 How was that last comment bad?
@NexTerren It is, indeed. I'm glad, too.
@AndyD273 Which one?
Something like "stick around long enough, I'm sure there will be another one."... Unless I forgot to hit send on it
@AndyD273 Nope, I saw it and now it's gone.
@AndyD273 I think it was just part of the thread.
The interface for trashing messages is hard to use.
@wizzwizz4 No, I was replying to you specifically, and the first part about having plenty of 3rd gender discussions is still up there
@wizzwizz4 Agreed. It's 💩.
@AndyD273 Okay. ^, then.
@AndyD273 Oh, I think I remember moving that. My bad. I may have picked up a couple innocent messages by mistake - the commands for selecting messages individually and in groups involve holding shift or control or going one-by-one, and I likely butterfingered a message or two. I'm out of practice.
Let's not bring that up again, please.
@HDE226868 Hey, at least you didn't hit CTRL + A
@HDE226868 Why?
@wizzwizz4 Yeah, I apologize for that other message. I misinterpreted a statement by Secespitus and didn't think before posting something.
It was a repost of something, not something I believe.
@NexTerren Or rm -rf. . .
@Mephistopheles I think it's a conversation that's best put to bed.
@HDE226868 Yeah, but in my experience when I've done that I get an awesome little slip of pink paper!
@HDE226868 Or shred -f **.
@HDE226868 That isn't an answer
@Mephistopheles While it is not at all disallowed to discuss sensitive topics (and please don't tell me that you are not aware that it is a sensitive topic), it is expected to be professional and, in general "nice".
Your message was neither.
@Mephistopheles Please see the messages I wrote a few minutes back about humor, however well-intentioned.
@Gryphon Discuss in a private room with HDE?
@HDE226868 Erm, I made a joke about removing files from computers getting deleted getting me, specifically, fired. That wasn't nice? To whom wasn't it nice to? Myself?
:52070942 I just want to shove the whole discussion in a tiny box and dump it in a black hole.
@NexTerren No, that was my bad - I replied to the wrong message. I've edited it now. :P
Oh, you meant that for Mephistopheles, okay, that makes more sense.
@HDE226868 Sorry, I thought you were referring to Nex's joke.
I was so confused.
Can you.. run this through me again?
Yeah, file jokes are fine. Although I deleted a rather large log file in lab today, so sore subject. . . I really wish that particular command would append log files, rather than . . . write over them. facepalm
I think what I said was fairly harmless
@Mephistopheles ...Said the man, shortly thereafter stabbed twice.
(get it? :D)
@HDE226868 I have had a real case of someone deleting their .git folder, because they had thought that would fix them not being able to push/pull from GitHub (GitHub was down at the time)
@NexTerren No, I don't
@MadaraUchiha . . . Ohhhhh my. That's . . . very brave of them.
"Run this through me again."
You know how you can refer to someone being stabbed as "being run through [with a blade]?"
@MadaraUchiha Sad days.
@MadaraUchiha That's... not one of the brightest ideas I've heard today.
Okay, I have to run (quite literally). Feel free to ping me if anything comes up; I'll be online in a few hours. See y'all around. Don't blow up too many planets have too much fun in the meantime.
@HDE226868 But that's all we do here.
See ya!
@HDE226868 Thanks for (hopefully) calming everything down.
@NexTerren So you want to violently stab me, I make a joke about summercamps and hmphobia and I GET BANNED?!
@Mephistopheles I don't want to stab you. I was making word play. :(
I don't like summer camps
@NexTerren I thought it was funny.
@Gryphon Cheers to y'all, too.
@Gryphon Thank you. :P
@Mephistopheles But seriously, 100% not intended as an insult to you. Just found the wording humorous, like the "Two sentence stories" you see on Reddit.
I'm not sure if English is Mephistophele's first language, though, so wordplay may get lost/misunderstood.
That could be the source of misunderstanding.
@NexTerren You made a joke and I doubled down
@Mephistopheles So wait... are you actually upset at me, or using my comment to illustrate a point?
I'm just enjoying the chaos
@Mephistopheles Good, neutral, or evil chaotic?
@NexTerren The purple one.
@Mephistopheles Thanos, we meet again.
@wizzwizz4 At least it was original?
@Gryphon … You win this round. :-p
(And, outside of the context of the surrounding, rather hurtful discussion, it is pretty funny.)
@wizzwizz4 That's probably why it's starred.
@NexTerren I was thinking Twilight Sparkle, but whatever
@Mephistopheles That's a pony, right?
@NexTerren Congrats, next time shoot at a barrel of fish with a SAW.
@Mephistopheles If only! That sounds like fun.
@Mephistopheles Now you're just stealing my suggestions.
@Gryphon Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
So best news of today that came out of this whole SE thing
I was able to find the name of this one emoji I used to use all the time in high school (semi-ironically, because that was the kind of guy I was back then).
@NexTerren Is that we haven't murdered a single person yet
Never knew the name, so I could never find it again
@Mephistopheles ...I mean, okay, you've one-upped my finding of "Awesome Smiley," but still...
Better than the Őszirózsás Forradalom
is what I was saying
@Mephistopheles Yeah... haha... not a single person...
Those ears
Wait, why did I post this?
Oh yes, that
I have a strange handicap.
I can't tell any but the most stark contrast in skintones apart.
What is this guy's race?
@Mephistopheles Floridian.
@AndyD273 Nice try, but I'm not that blind
I know what they look like
@Mephistopheles No, those are the original natives. You can tell them apart by counting the teeth. If you get past 3 it's an alligator.
@AndyD273 If you can't it's a Habsburg
or a Targeryen

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