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@dot_Sp0T Somehow I missed that you'd posted. I'll have a look and send an answer your way.
Q: How to criticize (on) WB: SE?

MephistophelesOr critique I dunno, anyways no one is perfect and this includes this site, it's moderators and me. Let's assume that I disagree with some of the aspects/practices of the site and to an extent, the community. I want to tell this in a more sophisticated format than "Worldbuilding sucks, I go to b...

@dot_Sp0T My answer is up!
@Green Yo
@James Yo so Verde! Como est-as?
Hey factory floor, am I out of my mind or does this seem on-topic?
Q: Can a medieval castle be made today?

Holy ChickenNot sure if it fit well this website, history.SE, or if it's off-topic, but I have a simple question: Can we build a medieval castle, with the same methods as they used at that time, in 21 century? Do we have enough knowledge, or are some knowledge lost? is it even legal?

@Green Eh...evening migration going on so I am sitting at work.
@James On an F-ing weekend too. Why are you at work though? Shouldn't the nerds be handling that migration? What do they need you for?
Which bites because maha is in town and Weezer is playing...right now actually.
@Green I know right.
@James This feels like a "I've failed to do enough research" question.
The nerds don't like talking to all the business people that have to do validation...so I'm basically the face man.
@James Well, that's annoying. And...why haven't the nerds developed a super air-tight test suite to make sure that the new thing is working?
(Also, air tight is a relative term in real life. Seems that even something as insignificant as finger print can ruin a high vacuum application).
@Green We are replacing our load balancers, like the actual hardware...
@James Which means that it should be extra easy to test.
Isn't this a project you've been working on for a year or so?
@Green Let me rephrase, we have the old ones and the new ones running in parallel and we are moving some of the contexts over tonight.
@Green Yeah this was basically the first thing I took over when I got here.
If it weren't for legal we'd be done with this stupid thing already, contract negotiations suuuuuck
@James Why is Legal slowing things down?
Not that they ever don't slow things down.
@Green They aren't anymore, but the process took...6+ months, I forget exactly. Now people are freaking out that things need to be all done before September. Queue eyeroll.
@James I really wish that management would remember that they are in the business of opinions, not much else. Deadlines are opinions. There's nothing real about them.
@Green only the asspain they cause is real.
Its amazing how much damage imaginary things can cause
@James No kidding.
I mean, imaginary numbers in middle school. So much drama over a little i and a little j.
@James Also, thank you for acknowledging the eldritch abominations in your message about the new help page. As an eldritch abomination, I feel more included here.
@Green Those letters had it out for me, they deserved what they got.
@James It seems to be really hard to keep management in the loop about what goes on at the lower levels of the organization. I think it's just a computationally hard thing to do.
And because it's easy to skip, many managers don't bother to ask nor cultivate the trust required for a lower employee to pipe up with critical info.
@Green brains only have so much bandwidth...and a lot of the time you dont know what a manager should/needs to know until something explodes...
...although a literal explosion should probably be brought to a managers attention too.
@James I learned about this thing called a safety envelope in a book I read. Every organization has one though the idea is most commonly used in safety critical industries such as airlines, trains, manufacturing plants, etc.
I kind of feel for managers because they have to keep costs down and increase productivity while at the same time preventing blowups/accidents/departures from the safety envelope.
It's a hard thing to do. However, I don't feel sorry for their capitalistic leeching of value from the workers into their own bank accounts.
Often the price of increased efficiency is edging closer to the cliff on the outside of the safety envelope.
@Green I don't think capitalism requires leeching, but the irony of democracy and capitalism is that the system requires the majority to be involved and generally generous.
@Green Makes sense.
@James ...and there not be a huge disparity in power (economic/political/etc) between the wealthiest and the poorest. Concentrating too much power in the hands of a few is not sustainable. It's why there are three branches of government, not one.
@Green yeah...that hasn't been working out great lately.
@James If you believe Thomas Picketty (which I do) the growth in the disparity of power and wealth is inevitable.
@Green I agree, I think it can be reset without catastrophe...maybe.
You make your move yet?
@James Nah, still working on paperwork. Our lawyer who has been excellent in most regards is absolute garbage in editing text documents. There's not much excuse for multiple spelling errors in the modern world. You have to work against it to make Word not correct those kinds of errors.
@James I'm not sure. How do you convince the richest and most powerful people in the country/world that they should really loosen up their grip and not be as rich as they are. Historically, this kind of wealth and power are taken from them, not surrendered.
@Green You're not wrong...
@Green People that misspell things via digital medium infuriate me.
@James In the US we've been lucky a few times where the Government acted in everyone's interests to break up monopolies. That hasn't happened in a few decades and that's a shame.
@James Samesy.
Breaking up Standard Oil, AT&T and others was wonderful.
There's any number of cartels that I'd love to see broken up. Like, require the big incumbant ISPs to sell access to their last-mile lines to anyone competent enough to run a service.
The big ISPs won't ever directly compete with each other so the competition will have to come from below. The capital costs to build out infrastructure slow down giants like Google. The cables are already in the ground; they're just monoplized by the big ISPs.
Break that access monopoly and magically speeds go up and so does customer satisfaction.
It'll be like the explosion of dial-up ISPs in the early 90's. Someone said Ma Bell had to sell access to the copper phone lines. And lo, there was cheap internet for all.
I hope someone says something soon. Seeing a huge block of only my text is Awe-kward.
@Green It was easy when you were dealing with physical infrastructure...or it was easier at least. For example the Bell break-up. I think we are going to be due for a digital version of that in the next...5 - 10?
@James I think there are good arguments that the breakup should start now. Building the court cases to do that should start now. Amazon should be first on the chopping block. Maybe Walmart too.
Google, FB and Apple too.
Basically, I'm of the opinion that any company that delivers services that everyone needs could be nationalized and run for the public good. Investors get their payout when the government buys all their shares.
And since the government can print money to their hearts content, not having enough money to make the stock purchase(s) isn't possible.
@Green I disagree with you there...break-up yes, government ownership no.
@James can you elaborate?
@Green I agree that capitalism can get out of hand, in fact it is often likely to happen. And I generally approve of the idea of a government intervening, though execution is important and its pretty situational. I don't think the outcome of government action should be government owned businesses though.
@James I see a long history of private enterprise being turned into a government run service, and the government does an acceptable job at it.
@Green You talking about utilities?
I agree with you that execution is important. And some businesses shouldn't ever be nationalized.
@James yes, utilities are a great example.
I'm headed out. I'd really like to continue this topic when I'm not about to fall asleep.
@Green Later man.
@Green thanks for typing it out! Do you think a small bounty will increase attention and get, overall, more judging on answers?
5 hours later…
in The h Bar, 19 mins ago, by Loong
@Secret https://www.nature.com/articles/436150a
predictor machines
Q: What's off-limits?

MephistophelesAt my own expense, I learned not to make any questions involving Viktor Orbán, George Soros or the immigration crisis. Some topics are very dangerous to ask here, and I would like to play safely in the foreseeable future. So, what are those circumstances when we consider a topic gratuitous/ just...

1 hour later…
@dot_Sp0T I think it would.
@James what time did the migration finish?
hello :D
@Green doobedy-done. I need to start answering Qs again
Hello @Bellerophon how's things?
@dot_Sp0T Pretty well.
@Bellerophon still on hiatus or coming back for some time again?
@dot_Sp0T I should be around for a while.
nice having you back :D
@dot Yes, some short vocab using the already existing letters.
Current alphabet length: 26 letters. Current alphabet length including diacritics/accent marks: 71 letters
@FoxElemental I was mostly wondering if you've created the vocab, then designed the alphabet around things you couldn't easily represent in the latin alphabet; or if you've gone the other route of designing cool letters and are now trying to create matching words
1 hour later…
Hey, let's get REALLY serious about this, and make it a real microwave-time machine. Put a cake in raw, and have it come out 'baked' in the past. THAT would be a real challenge. — Justin Thyme 12 hours ago
@dot I've created some vocab (randomly picking words) to keep myself occupied, and as I expand the alphabet I add new words with those letters. But my vocab lists are still super short.
I have 4 letters left to define for pronunciation and I'm done!
(Which will put my final alphabet at 26 base letters with an additional 50 variations using diacritics/accent marks, forming a total alphabet of 76 letters)
3 letters
2 letters left
@Green don't get it
That's the 10 hundred most common words. If you start a vocab list in your language based on that list you'll be about as fluent as a 2 year old.
You said your vocab lists were really short. I shared that list as a nice headstart for you to start translating things. Perhaps I misunderstood what you were aiming for.
@Green actually useful, thanks. Similar to a Swadesh list, no?
@FoxElemental Never heard of the Swadesh list so I can't say.
(1 letter!)
The Swadesh list is a classic compilation of basic concepts for the purposes of historical-comparative linguistics. Translations of the Swadesh list into a set of languages allow researchers to quantify the interrelatedness of those languages. The Swadesh list is named after linguist Morris Swadesh. It is used in lexicostatistics (the quantitative assessment of the genealogical relatedness of languages) and glottochronology (the dating of language divergence). Because there are several different lists, some authors also refer to "Swadesh lists". == Versions and authors == Swadesh himself created...
My finished alphabet for Vanfoulinic (AKA can I buy a vowel pls?):
A a À à Á á Â â Ã ã Ä ä Å å Ą ą Ⱥ ⱥ B b ß C c Ç ç Č č D d Ð ð E e È è É é Ê ê Ë ë Ȩ ȩ E̊ e̊ F f G g H h Ħ ħ I i Ì ì Í í Î î Ï ï J j K k L l Ł ł M m N n Ñ ñ O o Ò ò Ó ó Ô ô Õ õ Ö ö O̧ o̧ O̊ o̊ P p Ᵽ ᵽ Q q R r Ř ř R̥ r̥ S s Š š Ş ş S̥ s̥ T t U u Ù ù Ú ú Û û Ü ü U̧ u̧ Ů ů V v W w W̊ ẘ X x X̊ x̊ Y y Ý ý Ÿ ÿ Y̊ ẙ Z z Ž ž
Huh. Some of the rings on the letters didn't format so well
Same for cedillas
Oh well
Looks better on Word
@Green opinions?
@FoxElemental I'm reading up on the Swadesh list now and plan to compare it to the two other lists pointed out in the wikipedia article.
@Green I meant on the alphabet
@FoxElemental I think it's overly verbose. I could see it being used in an geographically isolated region without much interaction with larger language populations.
@Green Exactly.
Fits perfectly for Exopeildelivur.
@FoxElemental It strikes me as a much more complex version of Icelandic.
Much much more so.
But also influenced by Spanish/Portuguese.
hey @HDE226868
@Green Hey!
@HDE226868 Anything new and exciting?
@Green Exciting? Eh. I'm currently working on an answer to worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/q/122190/627. I'm also finishing up a draft of a symposium paper at some point today. We'll see how that goes.
What about you?
@HDE226868 Still working my way through that plasma physics textbook. It's a fascinating read.
Nice! :D
And making slow progress on the "Last Man on Earth" idea I had. Oddly, I'm writing the epilogue before I write anything after chapter 1.
This paragraph in particular was especially helpful: "Given the
control parameters for the power source (frequency $v$, driving voltage $V_rf$ , or absorbed power $P_abs$ ),
the feedstock gas (pressure $p$, flow rate $r$, and chemical composition),
and the geometry (simplified here to the discharge length $l$),
then find the plasma parameters, including the plasma density $n_i$ , the etchant density $n_F$ , the ion and etchant fluxes $G_i$ and $G_F$ hitting the substrate, the electron and ion temperatures $T_e$ and $T_i$ , the ion bombarding energy $E_i$ , and the sheath thickness $s$. Th
Knowing what the parameters are and the results coming out, helps a lot with building up a simulation of what's going on.
What does "etchant" mean here? I recognize all of the other terms, I think.
@HDE226868 the textbook focuses on semiconductor manufacturer so many of the interesting processes involve etching away layers that aren't needed or wanted anymore. The textbook also covers deposition of various materials.
AFK for a bit.
Are you there @Green it's me dot
@dot_Sp0T Hi 2D structure, it's me 530 nanometers.
I don't get the reference but it sounds slick
@dot_Sp0T 530nm is the wavelength of green light.
As always I am very self-centered and the inte..... ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh that is very very coool!!!!!
The joke is somewhat lost since your avatar is blue instead of red now, but I still love it!
Back to my egoism; have you seen the latest big answer on the map? there's some overlap with what you explained, but also some differences; A) I thought you might be interested in reading it, it's very good in my opinion; and B) I was hoping for a short discourse later with you about some changes I was planning to make on the map
@dot_Sp0T I'll have a look. Give me a few minutes.
Also been wondering if we might soon get some map from yours with similar questions :D
Same goes for you @HDE226868 are you still working on mapping space for that empire of yours? (or did I mess up questions)
@dot_Sp0T No, you're right, that was me. I had put that particular project on hold for a bit, but I did get excited after seeing some maps of the Star Wars galaxy and had considered designing a galaxy for the fun of it.
@dot_Sp0T My map is on my work computer. I didn't bring it home. My plasma project dominates my home time.
@dot_Sp0T I think that longer answer is a very good one. I agree with your assessment.
I'll be here for the next couple of hours.
@HDE226868 I would love to see some mapping related subjects from you :D
@Green Oh, I forgot! I spent this past Monday afternoon looking through the original Sherlock Holmes canon to determine the dates of some of the stories, to create a chronology. Someone asked on Literature. So that was maybe the exciting thing of my week.
@dot_Sp0T I'll think about it. :D I've enjoyed asking them in the past.
@HDE226868 Anything that caught your attention in the timeline? (I've read all the Sherlock Holmes stories).
@Green I noticed that Watson claimed that "The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge" took place in 1892, when Holmes had supposedly died with Moriarty the previous year and was in actuality moving across Europe, far from Baker Street. That was the only major error by Doyle I could find.
or was it?
@HDE226868 did you actually read them, or did you use digitized versions and did some regex or even machine learning magic?
Oh, and "The Adventure of the Second Stain" was also interesting. Watson mentioned that in "The Adventure of the Naval Treaty" as having happened in 1888 - but as one of those cases Watson alludes to but which we never find out about. The thing is . . . Doyle later repurposed the title for an actual story which Watson explicitly refuses to date, out of concern for secrecy. So Watson defeated himself there. :P
@dot_Sp0T I did it entirely by hand.
But Watson usually mentions the dates in the first page - if he doesn't, then the date is almost never given. But there are some exceptions, and plenty of stories where you can calculate the date by looking at little details.
A lot of dates depended on the year of Watson's marriage, which I established to be 1888 from . . . three separate adventures?
Even though it's never explicitly given, AFAICT.
(full answer, by the way)
@Green I hadn't read The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes before, or the collection called His Last Bow. Those were interesting - what did you think of them?
@HDE226868 madness
@HDE226868 Huh. I don't remember reading those. It's been a few years. I just remember finding a book that claimed to be all the Sherlock Holmes stories and read the whole book.
My strongest memory is that you couldn't solve the case because Conan-Doyle always withheld some critical piece of information till Sherlock solves it all at the end of the story.
@Green that might be the one that's also freely available with Project Gutenberg
@FoxElemental it was you with the 'Trust the swiss to...something something...protests' right?
In any case, there's an advert on Swiss TV right now about a shunting loco breaking out of a shunting yard, travelling Switzerland, and then returning because Swiss public transport is all the freedom it actually needs - and it realized that
@dot_Sp0T Probably. it's old enough but I've got a head full of enough other stuff to try to fit in some good fiction, right now.
@Green then I will try to use that time and fill your head with secondary knowledge about fictional topographies :D
@dot_Sp0T I have space for that, for sure!
sooo, I've been thinking about making the streams in the north go further up, and maybe have more in-branches there; as well as applying your meandering comment on streams such as F0 and the plains
same for the hint about changing directions for theK4 stream
@dot_Sp0T Sounds good to me.
I wanted to expand the reed-marshes along the plains-streams; but also been thinking about the answer talking about getting a stream moving along the cliff collecting the mountain-waters before they hit the plain - which I cannot have both
And the more important thing, I was planning about adding some simple features to the F8 to K10 area; that would either result in hinted-at ditches for the drainage, or some wide but shallow hills (obv with streams as well, but yeah)
just a second....
@dot_Sp0T Do you plan on keeping the same cliff feature (A0 to K5) around your lower hills in F8 to K10?
@Green that's a good point, I was considering making a shallow flat hill, 10m, with the base being most of that area, and one long-ish or two round-ish, flat, 'peaks' at 20m
but I could indeed also do a cliff feature there
forming sort of a funnel for the valley opening up to the lake
@dot_Sp0T It's just so much fun to work out the geological history of an area based on it's features.
- which would then naturally get a a wide, big river going from right to left
@dot_Sp0T It would and you can make a lot of inferences about the age of the geology based on how deep the silt on the plain is.
Sadly I have no idea about silt
but from the answers I understand that huge open plains are sort of rather seldom?
@dot_Sp0T I don't know about rarity but they can be HUGE. Check out the Nile River Delta: google.com/maps/search/nile+river+delta/…
yeah, but that's a delta forme by rivers
A fast flowing river carries lots of mud and dirt particulates. When it slows down, all that silt drops out of suspension. In context, all the dirt that makes up the plains on your map could be silt deposits from a huge river that disappeared a long time ago.
so, the question is: another cliff to the south, or flat hills?
You're looking at an area that could have literally 100s of millions of years of history. All kinds of stuff could have happened.
either feature will naturally need a name from someone on the chat
@dot_Sp0T I think the cliff idea is cooler.
Call them the Green Cliffs ;)
Make them copper rich and you'll have a nice way to get some resources.
So I guess, whoever that is right now on the chat, that hasn't yet a feature named after them, such as The Greene Saddle, that speaks up now, will get it named after them
If I had to trade, I'd prefer the cliffs be named after me than that saddle.
But who gets the saddle?
@Dubukay you in here, or just lurking? :D
Would you like to get the Dubukay Expanse named after you?
@dot_Sp0T That sounds cooL!
@dot_Sp0T Hey! I was catching up on the chat when I saw HDE's comment about the AutoReviewComments tool and was derailed into establishing that and adding to the meta discussion about common comment scripts
@dot_Sp0T ahaha while I appreciate the sentiment I'm not convinced it'd make a whole lot of sense given the username's just an expanded set of my initials (WK)
I can't name it after HDE or me; that would be utterly more weird :)
@dot_Sp0T Touche! Well, I won't complain about being immortalized :p
tbh you won't recognize your username anymore anyway when it's done
@Green also, I like your new avatar! It looks nice.
@dot_Sp0T why's that??
@Dubukay Thanks! It hasn't refreshed for me on my screen yet.
Because I'll have to run it through a con-lang alphabet eventually. So some phonetic stuff might get lost or be added
@Green It updated for me when I closed Chrome to install the browser extension properly
@dot_Sp0T Ahhhh I see. What a cool idea!
@Dubukay thank you
so, the Dubukay expanse - anything peculiar you'd like there?
Or actually, if nobody can come up with a reason to not have thermal springs in the Expanse, it'll get some
@Secespitus dot_Spot is naming map features after people in chat. Lucky you!
@dot_Sp0T hmmm. I haven't been following along incredibly closely so I'll admit I don't know that much about your storyline so far. The more fantasy-style things that come to mind are fungal fields or living boulders
@Green Woohooo!
@dot_Sp0T What's the level of vulcanism on your map?
@dot_Sp0T Thermal springs sound cool! Idk what the hydrology/energy required for those are though and whether that matches what you've already got in place
@Green no active vulcanism if I don't have to
@dot_Sp0T your thermal springs will require some degree of vulcanism.
Volcano-belts will be farther to the east, in huge sulphur plains if I can get them
@dot_Sp0T Ah, okay. Then you could have some smaller sets of thermal springs nearby. That makes sense.
probably some scaled down version of this: baden.ch/en/wellness-in-baden/history-of-the-baths/…
Okay, random question - is vulcanism British English? I'm on the west coast of the US and have only seen it as volcanism. The Wikipedia page for vulcanism is a redirect to volcanism, but Britannica names them as synonyms without giving any distribution/etymology
@Dubukay that might just be carelessness on my part. I've heard both words and didn't consider that they might be different.
Which would then be sort of an issue, because I wanted to have the abbey in I5, but thermal springs might be just as a convincing argument for an abbey
@dot_Sp0T Just say that the guy who founded the abbey really like hot baths. Done.
@Green I know that to "vulcanize" rubber is a thing, originating from Vulcan (Hephaestus). Wasn't sure if "volcano" should be mutated in a similar way to make "vulcanize" the proper term.
@Dubukay I don't know either :)
@Green Darn. Guess I'll have to pester a linguist sometime haha
@Dubukay As a fluent British English speaker I would tend to use vulcanism but I think either would be correct in Britain.
@Green yeah but I rather want it in I5, and the springs will be somewhere in J10
@Bellerophon Helpful! Even here, I see "vulcanism" a lot so I wasn't sure if it was a regional thing or if they were just interchangeable.
alright @Dubukay where do you want the Secespits? On the flats, or springing from a mountain-side or the likes?
@dot_Sp0T I love it!!
@dot_Sp0T Let me think lol this is an important decision
(I also need to start writing down these features asap
(glad I got the right bit)
@dot_Sp0T I think the mountainside would be cooler, but more difficult to justify. Crevasses?
@Dubukay worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/121834/… here's the current map; your expanse will be in the G10 to K10 area, with possible flats or more mountains on top from I10 to K10
@dot_Sp0T That's a long walk for a hot bath.
@Dubukay true :/, we could either have some sort of crevasse or canyon where the water is pushed through; or we do flats with something like this: tripadvisor.com/…
@HDE226868 were you here for the netsplit discussion? Where a networked simulation netsplits and my character remains as the only person left in the world?
@Green No, I missed that.
I just wrote the epilogue and my character lives because some lazy sys-admins somewhere couldn't be bothered to clean up my simulation process.
Aug 13 at 19:24, by Green
@AndyD273 additional idea. If it's a netsplit, it leaves open the possibility that there are other people still connected to to this isolated guy. He just doesn't know that they are still in the same world. He can't do the world equivalent of 'arp -a'
Ack, gotta go run errands. Will be back in a bit. @dot_Sp0T I entirely trust your creative powers!
. . . Huh. Interesting.
Oh dear
More detail:
Aug 13 at 18:13, by Green
That human/node suddenly has no input from the other human/nodes and so they just disappear. If anyone remembers the IRC nodes of old, if there was a netsplit and you were the last person in the room, you would become room admin.
The video sort of scares me, but i think the springs would most likely be sth along like this? youtu.be/9Lt1YZLP8no
@Green well, abbey-ists are about hardship, not pleasure
@dot_Sp0T Um, I'm not sure I believe you. (Some) abbeys were well know for making lots and lots and lots of beer.
I seriously forget the word 'monk' while simultaneously reading up about how hot springs work, and planning out topographical features
Fun fact: In the medieval, everyone made beer and spirits
There weren't really any other well-known ways of preserving drink
So, I got another hour left; will start working on the map now - chat open in BG and on sound, so ping me if anything happens
Now I need a name for the Lake up north
@dot_Sp0T Verde Lake?
@HDE226868 is ther any common pronunciation of the first three letters of your nickname that you like?
@Green tough luck there, I think I speak more languages than you do :D
@dot_Sp0T I had to try :)!
hmmm.... Ache-Dee-Eee... I could make this into something like (H)ayde(n)?
@dot_Sp0T I just say it one letter at a time.
@HDE226868 anything you want the lake named after? otherwise it'll be lake hayden
Sounds fine to me.
I'm honored.
it's the least
Map update coming tomorrow morning europe time presumably
. . . I've been making way too many typos and misreading way too many things today.
2 hours later…
@dot_Sp0T No. Maybe @Gryphon?
@Green sorry about that. A brb changed into a ttyl
@dot It was @Gryphon. See:
Aug 15 at 16:52, by Gryphon
Trust the Swiss to regulate and organize protests.
Some of my words are easy to pronounce (voth, pronounced "voth"), some are harder (Ášinfoł, pronounced "ashinfow") and some are really difficult (Gląs̥š, pronounced "glomsosh")
@Green Need to check my vocab lists. Could you give me a short sentence to translate, please?
Or @dot_Sp0T, either one of you
anybody passing through here
TTYL, I guess

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