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Have at it!
hey again @HDE226868
@Shalvenay Hey there.
how're things going?
Pretty good here. I'm on break for a week. How about you?
@HDE226868 alright here, sort of circling back to "how to worldbuild a legal system from constitution on up"
Oh, that's interesting.
yeah -- it's a big job, and I'm not 100% sure how to break it down into its component parts, or ask about it on WB.SE even
What do you have so far?
really, I have the notion that a written constitution exists, and that it was developed as some sort of constitutional monarchy with a power-holding (vs figurehead) monarch and a degree of judicial independence/review
history wise, there is the fact it was developed in the wake of the overthrow of a tyrannical, expansionist/imperialist government
that, and the fact that taxes are based on land, not income or sales/excise
Was the previous government a monarchy (out of curiosity)?
@HDE226868 yes it was -- it was a basically-absolute monarchy
@Shalvenay ① kill all the lawyers.
@JDługosz :P
Somehow (a novel idea here becomes the key to the story) ensure that they don’t become parasites on the system itself.
@JDługosz part of that problem is the sprawling and unforgiving nature of modern regulatory bureaucracy
Did you look up the how and why written constitutions are a thing?
@FerretCivilization my understanding is that much of it is to limit the power of gov't, no?
Probably I have a poor understanding myself, jstor.org/stable/2139444?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents But internet things like this help, ha.
yeah doing some research -- basically it's two functions: 1) codify the structure and form of gov't and 2) limit the power of gov't agents and bodies
oh one other thing: there is at least some notion of a bureaucracy present
Pretty much maybe, who knows the real reason probably got lost in the national library system so...
Something something bureaucracy, something something Mr Gorbachev cut up this red tape.
1 hour later…
posted on October 17, 2017 by Vincent Locas

In this article, I will cover 17 different software for making maps. Some of them are general image manipulation software; others are more specific and have a more limited application. I chose those because they are the most widely used, they have more content, more resources, more tutorials and you’re more likely to get help if you ask a question. There are a lot of softwares for making differ

Q: How to safely check if you are immortal?

Pavel JanicekMy hero lived his usual life until recently, when he realized that Magic actually exists. So far he has been granted levitation for a short period of time and invisibility for several hours. Both worked perfectly fine. Now, he received a third gift from a magician. Immortality. My hero was told...

Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat. — James ♦ Oct 6 at 18:08
Following that comment are 57 more comments. We cannot automatically move them to chat; that's a one-time operation. They can only be added one at a time via cut/paste (the timestamp is a link that you can add to chat to get oneboxing, like I did on that comment).
If any of y'all feel there's something worth preserving in all those comments, please salvage them somehow. That comment thread is likely to get nuked before too much longer.
Q: Why is Writers stack exchange much more useful than worldbuilding?

MyrmidonWell,Writters stack exchange offer us better/flexible options for developing our worlds and characters,is it fault of badge rushers? To be honest,Worldbuilding expects too much but offers too little,I dont want to sound like this...However writers SE helped me much more than WB.

3 hours later…
@MonicaCellio I copied some of the (in my opinion) important ones (highly upvoted and useful questions about clarifying the question) into the chat.
@Bellerophon doom indeed my friend
4 hours later…
Q: My recently asked question does not show in active page

VylixWhat could make a species evolve downward facing ears? This question does not appear in active page of Worldbuilding.SE. It does not disappear completely, and can still be accessed from https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions. I noticed this happened after I edit my question after pos...

4 hours later…
@Shalvenay if the rapier guy wins, it's with a thrust to the brain or heart. Ergo, the hammer guy just keels over.
@MichaelK I have no idea what you are talking about. No such travesty was ever attempted.
@Shalvenay after rereading that conversation, I think the point I was making was that it would look cooler if the hammer guy won. If the rapier guy won, it'd be blink-and-you'll-miss-it fast. Hammer guy by comparison would be moving in slow motion.
@DaaaahWhoosh Ah, that makes sense. I was assuming a ceremonial first blood type duel rather than an actual fight.
I mean, I do imagine the hammer guy looks like Sylvester Stallone.
he takes one look at the rapier guy, and says "cut me, Mick"
and right as they come into distance, cut to credits. Leave it as a Cliffhanger
Q: Goldplating Planets with Kilonovas

Serban TanasaOne of Alice's interstellar jaunts will take her to a Gold Planet. It's a planet that was recently covered in a meter deep layer of gold dust (for realism, it is mixed with silver, platinum, teensy bits or uranium and the like) I've been thinking about how to do this -- since planets don't natur...

Kilonova --- or it is KILLonova?
I wanted to call it "Golden Rain" but thankfully (?) googled the term first
@JoeBloggs What was the context here?
@MichaelK Your comment about a certain android. Surely such a thing is as preposterous as sequels to the Matrix.
@JoeBloggs But of course. :)
@JoeBloggs Obligatory xkcd: xkcd.com/566
Re-poen vote almost succeeding... 4 of 5... anyone else want to pitch in?
@MichaelK There you go
@Secespitus Thank you. Think that is the first time I have seen a question reopened.
I honestly think the re-open limit should be set down to, like, 3 votes.
I think it should be raised to 10 votes and the close limit brought down to 1 vote and only given to people with <100 rep.
@Bellerophon ...
@Bellerophon You want users with experience on the site to be unable to VTC?
@Bellerophon Is this where I insert a polite chuckle?
Another re-open vote. Personally I think the edits fixed it.
I'd suggest adding the reality-check tag, but apparently I don't know how that tag is supposed to be used
@DaaaahWhoosh Nobody knows how that tag is supposed to be used...
@MichaelK There you go, take two
@Secespitus yeah, and I love how, knowing that, the consensus seemed to be to keep using it
@Secespitus That tag is meant to be used??
I thought it was ironic...
@DaaaahWhoosh I always thought it was for "I have a certain scenario and am not sure if it contradicts itself somewhere" type questions
@Secespitus I think I used it once then realised the fundamental daftness of it.
@Mithrandir24601 yeah, that sounds about right to me. But it varies from person to person
@Mithrandir24601 Pretty much that
@DaaaahWhoosh Yeah, that's the problem - an inconsistently applied definition messes everything up :/
It seems like it should be relatively niche, yet it's one of the biggest tags
I don't know how to use it and apparently I have the bronze tag badge.
I just realised something.
@FutureHistorian what?
@Secespitus reality-check? It’s a direct request to criticise the premise. Normally, you trust the premise of the question as given and answering by saying the question itself is BS is contraversial.
So have we had any new insights on the issue with WBSE being worse than WritingSE?
I heard someone say that people on WritingSE eat children and shower only every other day.
@dot_Sp0T It's the badge rushers pparently
@Secespitus badger?
@dot_Sp0T Exactly :D
How about we introduce some Swiss humor to the round? I guarantee no-one will get it!
The Swiss have humor?
@FerretCivilization we have indeed. Patented and written down for everyone to enjoy and laugh in a chorus.
Sounds dangerous.
@dot_Sp0T WB often confuses downvotes and close votes.
@Bellerophon I think this is mostly due to us attracting people that do not want to understand the rules of the network
I wonder if we would get less new users if anyone registering for this site as their first site were to take a multiple choice test which they had to pass with 50% right answers.
@dot_Sp0T We would. i probably wouldn't have bothered registering even if I could pass.
@dot_Sp0T I know I wouldn't have. Also what would we ask that would be remotely effective?
@sphennings just ask the things that are explained on the 'tour' site. i mean a need of 50% right answers means that you'll basically pass by randomly choosing answers
And I was going to say that I do need to know possible options for vehicles that the Visitors could use other than their drones, transports and also the main spacecraft used during the Invasion (which is very small by Visitor standards by the time the Invasion of Earth begins, given that the spacecraft is 5 to 7 km in diameter).
Not all vehicles, since in this case, I just mean ground, air and possibly orbital vehicles at the very least.
So, no interstellar or interplanetary-capable spacecraft for this situation (at least not yet).
@dot_Sp0T? What are my options for military vehicles besides the drones, and transports that could be used both during the Invasion and the occupation of Earth?
After all: do they have anything remotely resembling a tank, APC, strategic bomber (atmospheric, of course), military truck, etc.?
Self sufficient autonomous mechs an option?
It is hard science fiction. As long as it is plausible, go ahead.
And known physics should be the only limitation.
So, @FerretCivilization? Within those constraints, what are my options for K1 civilisation vehicles?
I will decide which ones the Visitors will use more frequently, at least ignoring the drones and transports.
And robotic soldiers count as infantry, so no.
Actually, come to think of it, would these robotic soldiers even look like a Visitor (albeit not a fleshy one) or would they be completely different aesthetically from the Visitors?
Well you already said drones, the military has already has things like en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goliath_tracked_mine (Goliath) and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foster-Miller_TALON (TALON) along with a few others in use and research en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_robot just take a few and make them what they are eventually to be.
I know that. But what I mean is, what other vehicles can I have BESIDES drones.
Ones that organic Visitor forces can use side by side with their autonomous robotic forces (aka: drones and robotic infantry)?
After all: you do need to supervise the autonomous robotic forces somehow.
After all: if they were too overdependent on these robotic forces, they could have just turned Earth into a computer after the Invasion, which, although interesting, is not exactly the kind of story I am working on (at least not yet).
Would they even want to fight besides the drones they deploy? Seems better to just sit and space and spam kinetic rod bombardments against anything not for them.
Possibly not, but still, it is an option just in case.
Besides, I did point out that they had enough rods to target our nuclear silos, most of our air bases and at least most major cities (enough to devastate chunks of them), correct? Well, come to think of it, they probably have more, but they probably chose to reserve them for bombing Earth in case humans rebel after the Invasion, and when they do use them after that initial strike, it is for tactical rather than strategic reasons. And I was thinking about what you said about more remote bases.
And chances are: they are probably a few remote ones that survived, plus bases that were probably kept classified and NOT with knowledge accessible via the Internet. But then again, the drones would probably take those out as well in the long-term.
Yeah we talked about that. I was the one to say they should have more, seems like every story out there is the military getting wiped out but the rebels don't have to deal with that same force, ha.
Still, @FerretCivilization? Any vehicles that the organic Visitors could use side by side with their robotic ones?
As for transport and stuff for the biological aliens, all I can think of is analogues to what Earth uses, just with fancier fuel and armor we still work on. With a different design.
Well, the thing is.........the rebels initially were somewhat.....disorganised, so the Visitors thought it was a good idea to at least reduce their presence to just a few organic troops and rely more on the drones and robotic soldiers while they prepare the GPI's police (both normal, which is armed to the teeth anyway and secret), along with their "security forces", aka: the GPI's military.
Any 2030, though, their direct presence is mainly robotic units, with the few organic units left on the planet serving for support roles and protection of top priority military installations in use by the GPI and a few facilities the Visitors built since the Invasion, in addition to their Lunar outposts.
Most of their forces are still prepared in case the Resistance gets out of control.
So when the times comes, the Visitors will just take matters into their own hands should the GPI prove unable to contain the Resistance.
Then again, even if the Visitors are forced out of the Solar System, they are not letting Earth go without a fight. As in: they will inevitably return and with either a bigger force or some RKVs, but enough to render humanity extinct unless we can have a few settlements outside Earth by then.
And if a bigger force DOES show up, even those colonies would not last very long.
Besides, the chances that humanity will be united by the time the Visitors are forced out of the Solar System (if it happens), are very slim. As in: once the Visitors are dealt with, humanity will go back to killing itself, either after reconstruction or immediately after the Visitors are defeated.
Realistically this is just a depressing tale of how humans got beat down, tried to rise up, either to be beat down harder or just killed off it seems.
@FerretCivilization. In a realistic scenario, unless humanity was to be destroyed from the very beginning (and that would mean no reason to invade, just launch RKVs immediately), this is exactly the kind of story that could happen.
Besides, @FerretCivilization. I was just about to start digging deeper into the drones and how they could be used against humanity besides air dominance.
What other roles could these drones serve besides air dominance and patrols?
@FutureHistorian Tactical strikes against ground targets.
That makes sense. What about anti-ship attacks?
After all: if they have access to the Internet, they should be aware of Earth's wet navies.
True, though the invasion would not be as sloppily handled.
As in?
Then again, the only justification I can come up with for why Earth's wet navies were not targeted is probably overconfidence on account of the Invasion's commanders.
So, without knowing it, I think I bought Earth more time.
As in: we have another month before getting conquered.
As in after the first hit and settlement any sign of rebellion would be put down hard and quick. There would be no story of rebels in the first place.
Then again, they probably thought the Resistance was more of a nuisance than an actual threat when the Invasion ended. Ten years later, that assumption was proven wrong.
Oh and another thing. I need to further develop the GPI's internal political system.
That's just were I called it sloppy.
And as for drones, they could also probably handle detention centers if they were advanced enough.
Since it is a Visitor puppet state, I need to know what the limits are when it comes to options for internal structure of the GPI government.
Would you want to treat it like a colony or a prison?
Well, probably a colony.
Then again, it cannot be immediate. Otherwise, the Resistance would have an easier job retaking Earth unless the Visitors directly intervene.
So, a transitional timeframe needs to be in place first.
As a colony like system the Visitors would probably just be local rules meant to enforce the major policies of whatever they are as well as local ones to ensure they stay in control. Would make for more incentive to obey the rules and get more freedoms.
So, could that be the GPI's role?
Because I thought the GPI could be a temporary transitional period until more Visitors arrive to the Solar System (which would take decades or centuries at most).
At least originally.
Most likely a subset under the local Visitors to maintain that order. Start making a hierarchy of command, reward those in the lower parts for doing a good job and obeying whatever they have to obey. And punishing everyone for those that get away with disobeying, though that could work either way, depends on the people.
Still, by 2030, 100 million out of 4 billion human survivors are living under the GPI's rebuilt cities, though 3.9 billion people are still scattered across the globe, either still drifting alone, trying to survive or in small settlements, possibly not related to the GPI but with the potential to help the Resistance even in a small way.
Besides, 10 years is too short a timespan for the Visitors to convince a majority of Earth's population to live under the GPI. In fact, the majority of the adult survivors still have memories of the Invasion and traumatising ones at that. After all: they were forced to flee their own homes, they lost families, friends, and any traces of their pre-Invasion lives has been completely destroyed.
The 100 million humans living in the city centres by then only wanted to join because they thought it would be a better alternative than continuing a seemingly hopeless battle.
And considering that the GPI is whispering propaganda in their ears 24/7 at this point, their numbers are growing by this point.
Of course, there are those who simply just want to live out their lives, and then there is those who will continue to resist regardless of the cost.
Hearing the first part gives me hope military units in out of the way places. Though it seems like you know what you want to start working for story wise.
As the Resistance becomes more of a threat though, the GPI begins targeting settlements outside the city centres regardless of whether they are affiliated with the Resistance or not. So, basically, as the occupation progresses, even neutral settlements may be forced to side with the Resistance as the GPI attacks them with a complete disregard for human life, hoping to kill everyone in these settlements. And by "everyone", I mean leave NO SURVIVORS.
But that is only when the Resistance becomes more of a threat.
However, while they are still less of a concern, the neutral settlements are left alone. The GPI only escalates it out of fear that they might be potential hotspots for breeding resistance groups.
Pretty much for the first part, the goal is to make people hate the resistance for what they do, and love those star obeying people whose behavior is rewarding.
Wait a minute. Attacking neutral settlements is only going to embolden the Resistance, correct?
Assuming, of course, they can survive the GPI's onslaught.
Depends on the people, though for some, hearing that the resistance did something and got away, then hearing that the GPI is once again cracking down on everyone else would be disheartening. Homefront, that is were I am getting the idea.
True, but for others......if the Resistance can save some settlements from being wiped out........
Then the GPI may be in for a bad time.
Then the Visitors Orbital bombard the place, fuck everything in that area of Human success.
Or will that actually just make the GPI attacks on neutral settlements more brutal? Or for shites sales, force the Visitors to intervene directly?
Or that......
Just look at Vietnam, thinks like My Lai alienated a lot of neutral Vietnamese.
Then again, the Resistance could (in theory) evacuate the settlement after they repel the GPI to make a new one before the Visitors start bombing the place.
They have the advantage of space, if a group gets too bold they get visible. Vietnam examples are the best. Though if you are going to give them that handicap of being that slow, just sloppy. Mind as well just wipe everyone out once the rest of the Visitors show up.
Then again, depending on how many people survive the onslaught on said settlement, they may not do so in time for kinetic strikes.
Also could the rebels really afford to save a settlement, that could and probably would be a drain of resources they do not have to give for people that most likely would not be able to fight.
Probably not the entire settlement. But enough survivors that could be there to make another one, depending on how big that settlement was. And not every resistance group.
Tactically they are better not saving most settlements.
Make another settlement, that would be hard, they would probably all be wanted for aiding the enemy if they did not turn in those that just tried to help them live a little longer.
Also I imagine a good story part being one of the settlement people a rebel groups rescues yelling at them for making all their lives worse.
So, the chances are, most neutral settlements that the GPI could target would be left empty of human life, regardless of the Resistance responding or not.
And NOTE: I am referring to neutral ones.
There are still settlements that will voluntarily aid the Resistance, regardless of whether the GPI attacks or not.
Yeah probably. Create a hell of a rumor mill, especially if they clean up the bodies.
True, though the more they help the more visible they become.
Hence why most aid to the Resistance is rather.......secretive. And the various resistance groups have outposts hidden and scattered throughout the globe. They cannot be too disorganised or the Visitors will finish them off easily. If they get too organised, though, the Visitors will begin orbital bombardment.
Neither of which is a good sign.
Well of course, be hard to communicate when all forms of electronic comm systems would be a big no no. Be some moles too to weed out those that help the resistance too.
Of course, the invasion force at this point has three internal factions: the Loyalists (which are the majority of the Visitors in our Solar System), which want to complete their objective of "civilising" humanity, the Exterminators, which want to dissolve the GPI altogether and exterminate humanity, and later on, there is the Negotiators, which feel that the Invasion was a HUGE mistake and want to give Earth their sovereignty back, and even accelerate our progress just in case.
The lat two groups eventually break away from the main invasion force, with the Harbingers relentlessly attacking both the Resistance AND the GPI, while the Negotiators are aiding the Resistance in some form, though those groups form after the Resistance becomes more of a problem.
@FutureHistorian Harbingers?
Sorry. My mistake. Exterminators.
I mixed them up. Oops.
At this point, though, I have no idea which the majority of the Visitor invasion force and the GPI consider more of a threat: the Resistance, the Negotiators or the Exterminators.
Harbingers, taking direct control.
Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny.
Damn right it is.
Still, the Exterminators are possibly a bigger threat than the Resistance, correct?
Or is the Resistance (and later their Negotiator allies) more of a threat than the Exterminators?
Exterminators just want to wipe out humans, what would the Visitors care as long as it is not messing them or their areas up?
Except that the GPI counts as a human puppet government so.........
Seems like there are plenty of other humans to go be killing before they need to get to the GPI.
And since the majority of GPI forces are human (not counting the grown part of the officer corps), they are also on the crosshairs.
And do they not have a priority system to please everyone?
So, I think the Loyalist faction may target the Exterminators while they are still busy with the Resistance so that way, they cannot threaten the GPI.
Probably something like that, have those in power stick the Exterminators next to some of the worse know areas of resistance and tell them to have fun for a while.
There are moderates on all three sides, but the radicals on those groups decided to act first before the moderates had a chance to compromise.
Then again, the Exterminators are not exactly known for their willingness to compromise.
It really would not be a compromise if played right, it would be a, if you can kill all of those humans first over there that would be great then (Which would probably never come) you can get to killing the friendly natives that stood by being all good.
If played really well it would probably pacify even more of the population.
So, 50/50 chance that the Exterminators will probably break away from the invasion force IMMEDIATELY after they form and attempt to take over all Solar System operations. Of course, that fails and they are forced to flee to Earth and with their assets, try and take out the Resistance, the GPI, the Loyalists and the Negotiators. The radical Negotiators eventually went to Earth in the months following the attempted takeover, and the moderate Negotiators and moderate Loyalists were all killed.
In other words: the moderates were executed for treason by throwing them off into the vacuum of deep space.
Basically, death by suffocation.
This aliens just get sloppier and sloppier I swear, whatever their command is needs to start some mass unification of policies and ideals.
Why? Because bullets would just result in damage to the spacecraft and Moon assets, but the latter already took damage anyway.
Especially during their attempted takeover.
So, any ideas on how you can force the three sides into a compromise, at least for a while?
Well did they have these problems with those other planets they took over?
Well, it varies.
Some cases, perhaps. Others, not so much.
After all: no FTL = reinforcements would take years to arrive = officers and troops need to be prepared for any situation. Inevitably, this kind of thing would happen, they just need to be kept under control for as long as possible.
Besides, they did have some planets attempt rebellion, but they got RKVed eventually.
Ah well that is a strong insight to their species.
As for compromise. Still say let the exterminators go wild on the resistance and maybe non-GPI areas, Negotiators reward the good subjects with better stuff or something and maybe a secret apology for the mass murder or something.
Humanity is on that category of "species that attempt rebellion and eventually have their planet's crust molten off should they succeed".
So, even if the Resistance did manage to liberate Earth, the planet will practically lose its crust to RKVs either way.
And that is just moderates.
That would be the realistic scenario yeah.
The radicals will attempt to fight, the loyalists, the GPI, the Resistance in the case of the Exterminators, and each other.
But the moderates could take a different approach.
Though if the radicals get too dangerous and vocal, they might get purged and executed for "treason".
If they end up fighting, what would be the case of the reinforcements when they finally arrive. Would they too have ideological differences or would they take a side fully.
If the Resistance has not liberated Earth by then?
Because by that time, the Visitors have been completely booted from the Solar System. The Loyalists and the GPI have already beaten the Negotiators before the Visitors lost their grip on the Solar System, while the Exterminators were mercilessly destroyed by the Resistance, and the GPI loyalists that are still around after they were overthrown are basically all either dead or about to be mercilessly killed by the nations that formed after the Visitors were defeated.
If the resistance has the help of some of the Visitors against I probably imagine as with most stories a more powerful opposition of Visitors then it is going to be a bloody long time of fighting. Neither side fully dying off.
Why? Did you REALLY think another global government would form once the GPI was overthrown?
Most of the world will not outright oppose the idea, and the new nations have their own rivalries and alliances, just like prior to the Invasion.
More realistically the Exterminator group has won and managed to keep control of space while just bidding their time, otherwise Earth, even split up again now has their hands on advanced tech that they could continue to use and probably reproduce.
@Shalvenay Say hello to you first this time eh.
hey there @FerretCivilization
How are you?
alright here, as for you?
Going again, ha.
mostly back going over here :)
Cool cool, I think, heh.
hey there @SerbanTanasa @JoeBloggs and @JDługosz
What’s everybody working on now?
still pondering elven constitutional bits
I’m trying to write dialog for someone who’s very non-verbal and not good with words, but is exceptional in reading body language.
Looking at Phosphorus analogues of Nitrogen compounds, also Alaskan and Northern Canadian military units.
@FerretCivilization analogues: sounds like a subject we’ve always interested in on WB. Silicon life, etc. Maybe you can post something on it.
In “Cold World” Hal Clement uses sulfur for oxygen in his higher-heat life. Is this in the same category?
I did, came out poorly, it was one of the comments that hinted at it.
And yeah, like that.

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