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Hi Worldbuilding!
After reading this question:
I'm really hoping that Worldbuilding.SE turns into the next Arqade in the hot network questions list.
The home for all the out of context titles? ;p
Not my favorite question, but some people seemed to like it.
It's not the question itself that makes it for me, it's the photo in the top-rated answer.
I know exactly what's coming and I still laugh every single time.
hey there @SteveV. and @HDE226868
hi @Shalvenay
how're things going?
Then again, here on Worldbuilding Stack Exchange, you can learn how to take down the Internet, fight with a towel, and turn us all into pets. We're like Lifehacks Stack Exchange, just for really demented people.
@Shalvenay Hi there.
No complaints
I like your chat room
Haven't been here before
@SteveV. Good to have you.
6 hours later…
@SteveV. That's a nice list you have there :D
@HDE226868 Best comparison
Morning WorldBuilding
1 hour later…
What can we do about Max? See the comments at worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/78616/…
We can’t even invite him to chat if he keeps making scratch identities and doesn’t register.
@JDługosz It's kind of sad, but if he is not willing to participate there is not much we can do for him. The chat has been mentioned at least three times and he never reacted to any of those comments.
4 hours later…
@Secespitus I don't think you should correct AlexDarkshine's punctuation any more. He's obviously not trying. His questions should be closed until he can figure out how to use punctuation properly, and spell-check.
@kingledion I hate reading questions with such a bad form...
I need to fix this stuff, even if he has never tried to fix this mistake himself. I think I fixed that mistake in nearly every question of him.
Good afternoon by the way.
1 hour later…
posted on April 20, 2017 by Jasper McChesney

Big decisions you may not be consciously making. All World-Building is Modeling First, I want to propose that all world-building is model building. When I say “model” you may think of something technical, like a climate model running on some super computer. But there are many kinds of model. They can indeed be mathematical, but can also be purely mental, drawn on paper, or made of clay. A mode

@Secespitus Don't forget that he can't use chat because each account has <20 reputation points.
How do we know (besides style I suppose) that each account is the same person? Is that a mod ability?
@HDE226868 I know. I meant that he never tried to create an account and then provide an answer to other questions. Or edit posts. Anything that gives him the 20 reputation he would need to join us here.
@Secespitus While the desire to help is good, sometimes the horse has to find its own way to water in order to drink
@HDE226868 Does he get the reputation of all the accounts that would be combined?
If so he would get to the 20 reputation limit with this (11 rep), this (8 rep) and this (3 rep)
@AndyD273 I think mods can see IP address. And I think avatars are generated based on IP address, and this guy's avatar is the same
@AndyD273 The mod tools show that he is almost certainly the same person (or dog).
@Secespitus Ah, right.
@Secespitus I would think so, but I'm not sure about the details of merges of unregistered accounts.
@kingledion If I see mistakes I try to fix them. That's my way of helping the site, as I am not an active writer of questions/answers. I wouldn't feel good about ignoring such obvious mistakes.
Meh, I think its better to make people follow the culture/rules to play in our sandbox. Its good to be open and welcoming, but if someone is throwing out turd questions, its better to discourage that than continuing to try to polish them.
@kingledion I don't say that his questions should not be closed/downvoted but that should be about the content, not about the representation.
@kingledion We don't have a grammar based close reason though so they shouldn't be rejected for bad grammar. They could be downvoted for showing little effort.
If enough are downvoted he may get a question ban. Can't remember if they are given for downvotes or just closures.
@Bellerophon That user already had question bans. I know that I looked at his profile at least once while he was banned. And I think it was shortly after one of his questions was closed. I saw that with another user shortly after a close, too.
@Bellerophon I take exception to his questions, because I, at first, repeatedly edited his questions and gave him advice on how to correctly punctuate in English. There's no excuse to not learn after a month.
I say he's a troll and we don't want him.
Close his questions on sight until he goes away.
I feel like this is not an answer but it is pretty highly upvoted and I worry I'm just biased because it is beating my answer. Has anyone got any ideas what I should do?
A: How many people would have to be killed to make the streets 'run red with blood'?

Will This is the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh last year. Streets running red with blood. There is a lot of rainwater too which hopefully is not cheating. Still pretty bloody looking. I read that 100,000 animals are sacrificed there for this ceremony each year. Probably not all on this particular s...

Downvote it
I just did
You are right, it doesn't answer the question
@Bellerophon Flummox summarized that pretty well
@kingledion I don't know how bad the punctuation is so I can't really comment but I feel like we shouldn't take unilateral action in that way against a user unless we have genuine evidence that they're trolling. If you feel strongly about it you could try a meta post.
@Bellerophon Look at any of his questions and in the revision history look for my edits and the word "Punctuation" to get a feeling
But mainly it's about using a comma to divide sentences,That's just weird,And not so hard to learn
does this user know that people are editing his questions?
maybe he just doesn't notice
@DaaaahWhoosh yes
I had multiple edits rejected and saw him write a comment like "Sorry for the one trying to edit,I just edited myself"
What's the users name?
@kingledion I think he is just trying to promote his "Men going their own way" and "women are evil" ideas.
@Bellerophon Alex Darkshine
Plus throw in the fact that he keeps pushing his "Men are natural pack hunters" agenda, and I'm tired of seeing his posts.
@Bellerophon Example
Oh, it's that guy. I read some of his posts a bit back.
@kingledion ...how can that even be an agenda?
oh, you mean like regular sexism?
@Bellerophon actually, I was thinking of the same thing he was...
I mean, I understand the core of it. It had a certain appeal as a 20 year old who can't get laid
this guy autodefenestrated himself and they had to hose parts of him off the sidewalk...
Back when I was in a frat house and read Maxim and whatever
looked a LOT like the pavement running red with blood.
But then I grew up, and frankly, I wouldn't want to talk to 20 year old me either.
@JourneymanGeek (I love that word. I'm going to keep it.)
@HDE226868 woof?
@HDE226868 It is easy to spot an alias cluster, especially when it is being used to "grief" the forum|Q/A. It becomes somewhat more difficult if they are using Chinese IP address because they will claim they are in a coffee shop or some such cluster of users. Anonymous routers can allow you to pick up such IP address's. My opinion, you can do a @kingledion and force the square peg into the triangle hole OR you can simply ignore them. Me .... I just ignore them they go away on their own.
@kingledion I talk to 20 year old me all the time. Mainly by leaving him/her/it notes all over the place and waiting for him/her/it to find them.
@EnigmaMaitreya spotting socks is a bit of a art
I'm still working on how I get the replies.
10/4 Good Buddy
@Bellerophon Are you aging backwards like Merlin or are you still 20?
@kingledion Unfortunately the more mundane explanation that I'm not yet twenty.
Ageing backwards would be so much better.
Although I would be nearly dead.
@Bellerophon Well you seem way more stable than I was at 20. I was busy failing out of college due to weed and Tekken, which is what I imagine AlexDarkshine is doing with his superior manliness as well.
Maybe not Tekken, is that still a thing?
I thinm tekken games are still being released
Never heard of Tekken. Doesn't mean it isn't still around though.
I dropped out of college...
and I didn't have weed or tekken as a excuse ;p
college, for me, was four years of video games and realizing just how wrong/stupid I'd been for my entire life
I guess I need to start giving people more slack, especially if they're younger than me
Oh man I just almost got sucked in to the Tekken 3 wiki. I used to know all these guys! Man i would wreck some shit with Jin.
@DaaaahWhoosh My conclusion was the younger (idiot man-boys) need more tough love. It was Marine Corps boot camp that fixed me into a useful member of society. I just needed to get my ass kicked.
I ended up graduating when I stopped caring about "awesome" and "gave them the sort of answers they wanted" ;p
@JourneymanGeek :) And Ain't that the way
@JourneymanGeek Indeed it is
@kingledion I don't know if it'd solve all the problems, but yeah it'd probably help.
@kingledion I've given up on being a useful member of society. Useful member of worldbuilding is pretty much my only achievable aim now.
@Bellerophon Don't give up the ship! You're not even 20 yet. You'll do something useful
@Bellerophon There are World Builders and there Are World Destroyers each believe the other is the destroyer
@EnigmaMaitreya pretty sure it's the one with 'Destroyer' in the name
@EnigmaMaitreya So you're saying that not only am I not useful, I will also destroy the world?
@Bellerophon Maybe you'll be patient zero for the zombie plague?
@Bellerophon Are you aware of the "Puriten/Protestant Work Ethic" - "The Protestant work ethic, the Calvinist work ethic or the Puritan work ethic is a concept in theology, sociology, economics and history which emphasizes that hard work, discipline and frugality are a result of a person's subscription to the values espoused by the Protestant faith, particularly Calvinism."
I took a class in college about how a lot of Christians believed that working hard all the time for your entire life is the best way to feel close to God
@EnigmaMaitreya I hadn't heard of it.
@DaaaahWhoosh Its still alive today
@Bellerophon No I am saying there are those that want a regimented society with themselves at the top telling everyone how to be. There are those that want everyone to be the Best they can be at what they want to do. They are distinctly different approaches to World Building. We choose ultimately OR we allow others to choose for us.
@DaaaahWhoosh It isn't a bad theory. If I was God and I actually cared about the world doing well I would prefer people to work hard than to pray to me to do their work for them.
@DaaaahWhoosh Yes and it manifest itself with the antagonizm shown vs homeless and welfare recipients.
@EnigmaMaitreya I reckon we should go with the having stuff chosen for us.
@EnigmaMaitreya yeah, I can understand that... though in a lot of cases, it's not that people don't work, it's that they can't
@Bellerophon Shrug I choose to not blame others for my miserable life :)
@DaaaahWhoosh My problem with the progressives is they do NOT go far enough. They pick this kind of worst of both worlds.
@DaaaahWhoosh We no longer need everyone to work. We could do so much more robotic than we do now. We could allow more people to choose the path they want to take vs forcing them into a path we think is best for them.
@EnigmaMaitreya I'm under the legal age to be an adult. Even the government blames my parents for my miserable life.
@DaaaahWhoosh To do that would require us to shed that "Puritan/Protestant Work Ethic" and that is proving hard to do.
@EnigmaMaitreya yeah, but I mean, I think there's a lot of truth to the idea that people are happier when they're working. It's just something we're built for
@Bellerophon More complicated than that, the government in the US now (vs when our children were under age) want to tell your parents how to be parents AND still be able to hold them accountable.
@DaaaahWhoosh Work at that they want to work at or Work at that they are forced to work at.
@EnigmaMaitreya The government over here just wants to have votes constantly as far as I can tell. We have had a national vote every year for 3 years.
@EnigmaMaitreya the first one, definitely. Though I bet a lot of people don't know what they want to work at
@DaaaahWhoosh The question then becomes were they ever given a real chance to find out what they wanted to work at. Amish - Ritual - Their children can leave and go to the NON Amish world to decide which they want to live in. That is representative of being given a real chance to choose.
If you have to work to eat, you get some satisfaction from working, and even more from knowing you (and your kids) aren't going to starve. So working hard at something you don't necessarily like is fine as long as the motivation is there.
@DaaaahWhoosh Most people at secondary school and university certainly don't.
I think automation is getting closer to where the machines could do most of the stuff, but it's still a decade or two off. at least. As is, if you want to eat, you need to work.
@AndyD273 In a world format such as this chat it is rather hard to answer that question. Technically, for the USA, we no longer require people to work to eat, or have housing or medical services or education. We have the capability to supply all of this to our citizens. BUT the focus on being rich (a perverted outcome of the Puritan Work Ethic) redirects those capabilities to selling to a World Market vs taking care of our own.
@EnigmaMaitreya I've actually been in a position where I've had to be on welfare, and I can say from first hand experience that it's a horrible trap. It's a weird thing. On one hand I'm glad it was available when it was needed, but on the other hand it was hell the entire time, and yet strangely hard to break out of.
@AndyD273 I'd like to hear more about how it was trapping you
Although I will admit I am asking because I am predisposed against welfare, being an evil Republican and all.
@kingledion I want to say BEGONE, SPAWN OF SATAN but as a Democrat I'm worried that'd be offensive
@DaaaahWhoosh to whom, me or Satan?
hmm, actually I don't know. It's just one of those "someone is probably offended by this" feelings
@AndyD273 I understand, one only need to read the various polarized "news/info/ sites to see the problem. Welfare, being unemployed etc brings a self perpetuating condition. Oh your out of work ... there is something wrong with you ... next. In addition, Welfare (as vs the Great Society) mandates that one of the parents be absent. This is without doubt majority destructive to the "family".
@AndyD273 Non of this needed to be this way. It is a group that chose to turn "Teach a man how to fish and he can feed himself" to "Steal the fish from Peter and feed you ... remember who is feeding you and vote for me"
@kingledion It's a mindset thing. You are barely making enough to survive, so you need the extra help, but if you try to work a little harder to get more money to survive, you are in danger of pushing yourself outside of the place they will help you. It forces you to become self limiting.
@AndyD273 Hmmm
@EnigmaMaitreya I wasn't out of work, and I didn't feel that there was something wrong with me. I don't think anyone even knew that we were on it.
@AndyD273 I was speaking in general about how "others" view being out of work or on welfare
There is a direct analogy in the academic community if your not published and/or your not being cited then your pretty much worthless.
@EnigmaMaitreya I don't know about that. I never felt stigmatized. (at least in my case) it was an entirely internal thing.
Unless you've experienced it, it's really hard to explain
Or understand for that matter
@AndyD273 No doubt
I am truly grateful that it was an option, but there is something fundamentally broken with the current system
@AndyD273 it seems to me like it's not the kind of system that can be fixed until we live in a post-scarcity world
@AndyD273 There we agree 100%
or maybe until we spend less money on defense...
@DaaaahWhoosh I don't know. Maybe. I actually think that the problem is how it is being run. Like, it's a spider web. It stops you from falling, but it's designed to keep you from getting out very easy.
@AndyD273 kinda like prison?
Yeah, kinda
One where you are your own jailer
yep, that does sound pretty broken
You could make some hard decisions and get out any time, but it's SO hard, and staying in your little box is so easy
@AndyD273 How different is that than one hooked on drugs and marignaly able to support the habit?
@EnigmaMaitreya Never been on drugs (thank God) but after watching Requiem for a Dream, I'd say they are pretty similar.
I think a big part (and what ultimately helped us) is teaching people how to be better with money. (Most) poor people are poor because they are bad at managing money.
I took some hard decisions, cutting off things, etc
There should be a way to encourage people to help themselves. Like "OK, You're getting government money, now you're required to attend a money management class, and if necessary a trade class."
@AndyD273 Agree and "credit" as it is practiced now would have fallen under the "Usury Law" when my "selective service duty" was complete - "Usury laws are regulations governing the amount of interest that can be charged on a loan. Usury laws specifically target the practice of charging excessively high rates on loans by setting caps on the maximum amount of interest that can be levied. These laws are designed to protect consumers."
Credit as it is now practiced has made more peoples life more ... complicated than it has helped.
It might even be a good idea to force people to work in some kind of civil service job if they can't find work on their own.
If nothing else it'll get them out of the mindset that they can do nothing and be paid for it.
@EnigmaMaitreya You're not wrong
I encourage the High School kids I mentor/tutor and the local community college ... young people that I tutor, to open a checking account at a bank that allows multiple savings accounts that allow transfers for free. Get a Debit Card and start weekly transfers to one of the accounts on the things you "need" to pay. At the end of the cycle choose to put 10% into a different account for "future items"
@AndyD273 I hear there's plans to build a wall, that's going to take a lot of manpower
@DaaaahWhoosh And teach valuable construction skills
@DaaaahWhoosh Ha ha and is he sheding all the ... people your group didn't like?
@DaaaahWhoosh And $2 trillion, if Stephen Colbert is to be believed.
@HDE226868 Muwhahahahaha
@HDE226868 yeah, I sure hope Mexico has been saving up
@DaaaahWhoosh Have fewer people been crossing the border illegally lately?
@EnigmaMaitreya no idea
You guys shouldn't build a wall, you should dig a channel.
Much better idea, channels are more likely to trap people in then you can make them pay to be pulled out.
@Bellerophon The Rio Grande River serves as one ... mostly for the Texas Border
@EnigmaMaitreya so, then, we don't even need a wall? Just having Trump as President is enough?
@DaaaahWhoosh OR getting other governments to do what they are supposed to do?
@EnigmaMaitreya But you put water in it. That lets people swim it. You either widen it so it is hard to swim or drain it and make it deep enough that if you fall in you can't get out. This is why the US is never going to succeed as an independent country. You have the manpower but not the ideas.
@Bellerophon The bigger hole is New Mexico, Arizona and California ... they do not have a barrier such as the Rio Grande. Just a lot of SAND
So yeah, that's my recommendation to fix the system in the short term, until we get direct energy to matter conversion figured out: If someone gets into hard times and needs welfare, require them to attend a class on managing money, and either get them training in a trade, or find them something civil to do that helps other people. Even if it's working in soup kitchens or shelters.
@EnigmaMaitreya Dig a pit and then heat it so the sand becomes glass and it is too slippy to climb out of.
@Bellerophon Well Drug Dealers then probably get a new cash revenue by trafficking the illegals through their tunnels
What tunnels?
@Bellerophon The ones that run under the Boarder
If they are already working then they still have to take the class. Also assign an adviser to look over their finantial accounts once a year
@EnigmaMaitreya If the USA digs the pit deep enough they will hit the tunnels and can then plug them.
@Bellerophon content.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1895418,00.html - Shrug we find em, we deal with them and new ones show up because the profit is so great to the Drug Cartels
@EnigmaMaitreya How can they dig a tunnel under a pit? The pit just has to be deeper than the tunnel. There is a limit to how deep they can build tunnels.
@AndyD273 Do not misunderstand me, I think High School (?) is failing the kids by NOT requiring a class dealing with the pit falls of living on credit
@AndyD273 Those are some very good ideas that would certainly help to improve the system.
@Bellerophon Not in the Sonora Desert unless your talking a realy deep pit and what I was saying they move a mile east or west and dig a new one
@EnigmaMaitreya I'm not disagreeing with you in any way. But a lot of adults need that class too, and money management in general.
@AndyD273 100% Agree
@EnigmaMaitreya You misunderstand, the pit runs along the whole border and is as deep as possible.
@AndyD273 yes. They are all “guest” cookies with the same email info.
It is the number 1 immigrant trapping device.
If you're income is less than your output, your upkeep will be your downfall.
@Bellerophon Hum, Ok, so instead of the "Great Wall" we create the "Great Pit" shrug works for me
Since the UK dug the Atlantic Ocean there have been very few illegal US immigrants crossing our border.
@JDługosz Muwhahahahahaha seriously? kick em if for no other reason than being blatantly easy to detect
Actually, if they dug a deep trench, and piled the soil from the trench up on the edge, you'd get a pit and a wall for the same price.
@Secespitus yes, but don’t forget that they start at 1 not zero, so add them together and subtract n−1.
@AndyD273 True.
@Bellerophon Are you rewriting history? The Native Americans dug the Atlantic to Keep you Euro's out. Then you made the Tall Sails ships
@JDługosz I already did
@EnigmaMaitreya This is WorldBuilding - we are regularly rewriting (parts of) history here ;)
Q: Creating random probabilities for a games, characters, and creatures, etc

Conrad R. SnyderIII enjoy creating games in my journal. My question would be: What is the best way to create random elements in a game, that is about exploration and discovery?

Q: stackoverflow comment etiquette

FlummoxPopular questions, and answers, have a good possibility to generate off topic comments. Like this question about blood. (not the best good example) For questions there is a guideline. But I could not find one for comments. So, What is the Stackoverflow Comment Etiquette?

@EnigmaMaitreya No, Britain definitely dug it. I remember it was at the same time as we built the Ural mountains.
@Bellerophon Pictures or it didn't happen
@WorldbuildingMeta Seems in need of migration.
Got tickets for the group to the Bulls Game on Sunday so now to get reservations before the game for eating as a treat for them GO BULLS lets close the Celtics out.
@EnigmaMaitreya Happy?
@Bellerophon That's a nice hole.
I pride myself on my holes.
@Bellerophon STAR STAR STAR :D
I've nearly gathered an entire galaxy.
Why do I always get stars in twos? Are there two people on here with very similar tastes? Never mind, I just got a third star.
Did anyone ever figure out a way to query the number of stars people have on chat?
Q: Why is chat.stackexchange.com not exposed in Data Explorer

Mathias R. JessenI want to measure the inflation of "favourite" flags in chat rooms, but can't find any way to query it. All Q&A sites exist in SEDE, but why not chat.stackexchange.com?

I could probably make one of those headless horse-browsers to read through the transcript and count the HTML
but I could also not do that... tough decision...
@DaaaahWhoosh To do or not to do. The never ending dilemma
@DaaaahWhoosh Would it be easier to go through the list of all starred posts? Seems like it would be quicker.
@Bellerophon oh yeah... I guess that exists...
quick, everybody who thinks they have a chance! Check how many of your posts have been starred!
I have 259
@DaaaahWhoosh I don't even know how to do that without sifting through the entire chat history.
@James there's a link to all the starred messages (on the right, there's a view more and view all) then you can say you want to see only yours
then it's 50 per page
@DaaaahWhoosh You have 259?!?!
How do I find that out
Its not close to 259, thats for sure
@kingledion I just explained to James how to find out, but it looks like it can only be for yourself
Of curse, that doesn't take into account posts that were starred multiple times.
208 given all the pages have 50 posts
Wow, the Factory Floor info page (chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/17213/the-factory-floor) semi-creepily shows the hours where you are online.
And for me its very correct
oh, huh. Do I have the most posts in this room?
I'm suddenly self-conscious
Ok I only have 27 stars
@Bellerophon Ah sorry but no that is not neither the Atlantic soil or the Urals soil.
@EnigmaMaitreya It is sand, beaches have sand.
But I will do you all a super favor and give a list of who I have added multiple stars to:
@DaaaahWhoosh 5; @Pete 4; @AndyD273 2
So @DaaaahWhoosh is leading in the all important category of stars received from a giraffe
dude, I'm leading everything. I have like twice as much chat posts as anyone else.
I'm supposed to be the quiet one!
@Bellerophon Ah but the Atlantic is not a beach :)
@DaaaahWhoosh Let
Someone get the ban hammer
ok those stars were unnecessary but, heh.
@kingledion I'm not kicking myself out of the room
@James Who could resist?
@kingledion None for me. :(. Just because I have lower rep you won't star me. That's so unfair. I'm going to go and complain on meta.
@EnigmaMaitreya The edges are.
@Bellerophon I did give you one star
This one time
@Bellerophon You did not claim to dig the edges and I am not sure how one can don that except maybe here on world building
@EnigmaMaitreya ...gandhi maybe?
Actually it was for your holes like 5 mins ago
@James Nah he ate the chocolate
@kingledion Thank you.
@James your 'h' is loose
crap nuggets.
@EnigmaMaitreya But as soon as we started there were edges which we then dug to make it wider.
@Bellerophon Are you suggesting the Atlantic is just a side effect of edges?
No, I am suggesting edges are a side effect of the Atlantic.
@Bellerophon Oh ok, just making sure
@Bellerophon btw were you around for when, what is now the Atlantic was just a valley?
I was around when it was a flat field. I was around when we dug it into a valley and dumped the soil on the Urals. I was even there when the Queen dug the final shovel full out of the straights of Gibraltar and allowed the Mediterranean to flood the valley.
If you just read my starred chat list you might think I was a snarky a-hole.
@James Think?
And if you meet you you would realise it is true?
Q: What game is this?

JanCrowdI randomly ended on this stack and I'm liking what I see. The single problem is that everyone mentions about worlds and I assume its a game or something. Couldn't find anything on google or on this stack. help meee , gimme a link.

@Bellerophon Ah which queen was that? I told the Atlantians to NOT dig that pit so deep because it would tap into all that water - natureworldnews.com/articles/7560/20140613/… - and Flood the Planet but oh no they wouldn't listen and were just sure they were the smartest people on the planet.
Just a darn good thing I had the fore sight to order my ACME Ark
@EnigmaMaitreya Queen Matilda.
@Bellerophon Never heard of her, she must have been a pretender
@EnigmaMaitreya She fought a civil war against Stephen which ended with him becoming king on the agreement that her children became ruler when Stephen died.
She was often known as the Empress Maud I believe.
Oh, I think the Hyperboreans would have something to say about that claim. I saw one the other day and should let her know. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperborea
So now I got a Muian giving me crap that the children are getting out of hand re-writting all this history. I had to remind him it was his choice to alter the information and make the Muians seem like myth. But I just know I have not heard the last of this from him ... they are such trouble makers. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu_(lost_continent)
When judging any great claim just remember, it was almost certainly Britain that did it first.
And on that I leave you.
@Bellerophon I am going to get the tickets so later then
1 hour later…
@Bellerophon Oh absolutely. When I was a lieutenant in the Air Force I worked for this awesome full bird colonel and it was her adjective of choice for me :)
@DaaaahWhoosh check out the episode of “Adam Ruins Everything” on immigration. Most people fly. Most undocumented people entered legally (and let their visa expire).
@DaaaahWhoosh I just got a badge that said 10 people starred 10 messages.
@JDługosz I assume I got that a while ago (259 starred messages implies more than 10 starrers), but I don't remember being excited about it, even though I would have been
ah, I got it over a year ago. So..... WHOO
Wow! I just saw “user was removed” notices from 6 SEs.
so, they finally found your sock puppet
@JDługosz It wasn't me
@JDługosz "User was removed?" As in your account was removed or...?
@NexTerren another user was removed. That user had upvoted some things, those votes are now retracted
@DaaaahWhoosh Ah, got it.
In six different SEs, including 20 points for Worldbuilding.
I figure some of you would notice too… he must have upvoted a lot.
I wonder how high a building with 51 floors is.
And how many metres 46 out of 50 floors is.
@FutureHistorian Depends on the building's purpose and the architecture of that era.
Well, I am thinking: cyberpunk 23rd Century.
And as a corporate regional HQ.
The Willis Tower might be a good example. The observation deck is the 103rd floor at 1,353 feet, so that's 13.14 feet or almost exactly 4 meters per story. theskydeck.com
It was made for office room back in the... 80s, I think? For the Sears corporation.
@JDługosz I got -15. But I thought the reputation is only adjusted if a user has not few votes?
or... the 'staff'... so maybe not even mods know how
Well, thank you.
hmm... I wonder if 'staff' used to refer to a bunch of people you hired to hold long sticks. Kinda like the 'shotgun' seat
Also, NOTE: any ideas for magnetically attached explosives (in a formal military design, rather than guerrilla warfare thing)?
Because the closest thing I can think of it WW2's "sticky bomb" and that bomb was bollocks.
@FutureHistorian how are you supposed to deliver it?
if it's not guerilla warfare, you shouldn't have guys throwing bombs at tanks
@FutureHistorian And why the magnets? Why not just explode on impact?
The Grenade, Hand, Anti-Tank No. 74, commonly known as the S.T. Grenade or sticky bomb, was a British hand grenade designed and produced during the Second World War. The grenade was one of a number of anti-tank weapons developed for use by the British Army and Home Guard as an ad hoc solution to a lack of sufficient anti-tank guns in the aftermath of the Dunkirk evacuation. Designed by a team from MIR(c) including Major Millis Jefferis and Stuart Macrae, the grenade consisted of a glass sphere containing an explosive made of nitroglycerin and additives (this added stability to the mix, as well...
This thing.
Yeah, they did them in socks, right?
With tar or something on the outside?
No, seriously.
I don't think the real sticky bombs were made out of socks, the improvised ones maybe
Tar + Sock + Fire triggered explosive + Fire = sticky bomb
Well what do you mean "real?" I think they were legit used in WWII.
like, if the quartermaster hands you a sticky grenade, it better not be a tarry sock
The ones I am thinking of in a 23rd Century context are for anti-infantry instead of anti-tank.
So, any ideas for anti-infantry versions of futuristic sticky bombs?
Okay, but still. Why not on-impact vs sticky? I think that answer would direct the mechanics of how it'd work.
sticky would be great at lowering morale
I have fond memories of people in Halo screaming as they realize they've been stuck, but can't do anything about it
Well, it could work, but then again, this is urban warfare.
And not even that.
It is a cyberpunk story.
Well if it is for morale you want something big and flashy before it goes off, and messy after it goes off.
just make a grenade with a lot of loose cables. When it hits someone, the cables will instantly get tangled, because of course they do
Assuming we're kind of soft for the sci-fi, RPG launched style, sticks on via magnets, drills in, and shaped explosive fills the inside of armor with the explosion. Burn them from the inside.
That's the most gruesome way of killing somebody I can think of for a sticky grenade off the top of my head.
I am going for a hard science cyberpunk story.
Hard. Hm.
@NexTerren how big would you need the motor to be for a drill that goes into someone?
actually, if you fired a corkscrew at someone, would it drill itself in?
@DaaaahWhoosh That depends on the nature of the armor, I'd imagine. And I have 0 clue what the material characteristics of hard-science-fiction cyberpunk armor is like.
So I'd just be guessing, to be honest.
Is this armor like modern soldier armor, or full suit classic cyberpunk armor?
Or something else?
Not classic cyberpunk, that is for certain.
Think extrapolating modern technology and translating it to cyberpunk.
So kevlar with ceramic plates, probably?
magnetic grenades probably aren't going to work with real armor
even that fancy carbon stuff isn't going to be magnetic
Fair enough.
So, normal grenade, on-impact grenade or remote explosive?
Yeah. Shaped charges would still work assuming the plates are still super tough. Honestly adhesives are getting pretty advanced so you could use a legit sticky bomb. RPG that launches with a head that flattens and as it fattens exposes the adhesive (like the Google car flypaper for people).
Assuming you're still doing this for morale reasons, it sticks, make it beep really loud, big flashing light. Very showy. Then it does the shaped charge, blows a hole into the armor, then a second explosive that throws napalm into the hole and lights it on fire.
ooh, you could probably do something way worse than beeping
Oh yeah?
yeah, like maybe it laughs at you. Or tells a joke at your expense. Or plays a few seconds of a song popular among teenage girls
oh my God, it plays "Let it go"
Or... a Rick Roll.
I'm trying so hard not to audibly laugh at how terrible that would be
"In the arrrms of an an angeeel..." POP! WOOOSH!
this is seriously too much
I can't even
there has to be some sort of Geneva convention against this
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