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actually -- selectively sticky cluster munition bomblets ;) (i.e. they stay there inert until handled or stepped on/run over, then stick to you and start to count down to kaboom)
White Phosphor has always worked quite well to 1. Destroy Weapons caches that you are going to leave behind a pair of WP Grenades generally speaking disable an artillery barrel from being reused. 2. Tanks and other vehicles tend to be vulnerable to WP.
yeah WP is nasty and effective
A person that happens to get that .... on them tends to have a bad day
WW II -> "a single U.S. mortar battalion, the 87th, fired 11,899 white phosphorus rounds into the city. " - 1944 liberation of Cherbourg
to say the least WP, Napalm etc are weapons that tend to strike terror into the hearts of the bravest of men and women
And that kind of Terror is the basis for Death Note isn't it?
@EnigmaMaitreya ...yeah. part of me wants to imagine draconic fire breath as WP particles suspended in an oily/sticky base
almost more like a big ol' spitball that gets on you and then ignites, making an absolute mess of you
@Shalvenay Awesome and no one will mess with it except from a really long ways away
@EnigmaMaitreya yeah xD it'd also make parenting an...interesting experience
@Shalvenay Yes it would, so better give them scales that are proof against the little ones. I suppose that would make for a resale value
yeah -- I'd definitely envision that they'd be resistant to their own "breath" weapon
@Secespitus I lost a total of 60 points, up to 20 in some SE’s, only 5 in others. Deleting without killing votes is a separate intervention so how and when they apply it might not have a hard boundary. So, if he didn’t have “a lot” overall, was he just a fan of me in particular? So I wonder if anyone else here was affected.
it'd still make life interesting from the perspective of architecture etal
I lost 6 over in the Space Exploration Beta
Do you know what city had the greatest number of deaths due to a bombing raid?
either Tokyo or Dresden (the two big firebombings of WWII) come to mind
I think, as in without looking it was Tokyo
So your dragon can cause damage that may be way out of proportion to the dragon itself
@EnigmaMaitreya yeah -- or even a humanoid draconic species (i.e. dragonborn)
It is the only (as far as I know), non biological weapon that can effectivly take on a life of its own
Hum, come to think of it, I am unaware of any gravity weapons, but they could fall into that class of weapons as well
My idea for a gruesome weapon is a thin needle dart that can be guided. Once it penetrates the target, it sets off a core of nanoexplosive based on metastable Halfnium nulclear isomer. (Like in this Answer).
But nanotech disassemblers that eat through armor and then anything else is pretty mean. Have it self replicate, and you get a waeapon similar to the 1980’s remake of The Thing.
@JDługosz Yup or the remake of "The Day the Earth Stood Still".
I think it was Greg Bear in one of his books that the enemy destroyed the Earth to kill Humans because they saw them as resource threats, by launching a small Black Hole to collide with the Earth and let it consume it from the inside out. And there wasn't anything anyone could do about it once it was gravitationaly close enough to consume the Earth.
@DaaaahWhoosh prolly not. SE promises not to poke its employees with sticks
hey there @JourneymanGeek
So, just a question: what elements are necessary to make a cyberpunk world?
What do I need to make a world cyberpunk?
And what could I do to fit it in a 21st Century context if people start complaining that the genre is so 1980s - 1990s?
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