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Alas I use the tablet to draw on it using my hand, so it's somewhere in between (but I really wanted to look how long I could do that before you would ask)
@dot_Sp0T, and you've used the Surface? Have you had a chance to play w/ the table sized one?
Not very :P
I used to use AutoCAD and 3dStudioMax back in the day
wanted to know what the cool kids use these days
Depends what you're doing
@SerbanTanasa yes, I use the surface as my main goto solution for everything besides gaming. So I write code on it, use it to make notes on slides and scripts in classes, and use it as a graphics tablet together with Clip Studio Pro for drawing; due to time allocation I mostly use it to write code and do homework, etc. on it...
No I did not yet have a chance to use a table-sized one, but if I ever have the money I think I might get me one just because I want to create/run some top-down RTS on it
thanks for sharing
you're welcome, I hope I could help you. I'm using a surface pro 4 with max specs currently, that might be worth to notice
good $TOD
slow day :P
question: have any of you played a game called Duskers?
I noticed it on steam a couple of months ago and picked it up on sale 2 days ago
@AndreiROM good game
I'm now officially addicted
i literally cannot wait to get home and pilot my drones around derelict space stations, hunting aliens and scavenging scrap
well i gootta go
short visit
take it easy
remember me!
@TrEs-2b you will not be forgotten.
@dot_Sp0T too bad it doesn't have a multiplayer, eh?
@AndreiROM indeed; but then again I HATE SCARY GAMES
although probably not so much in multiplayer
@ArtOfCode no!
duskers isnt scary
it's .. a little thrilling, perhaps?
once you get the turret mod you can literally just start hunting down enemies ..
@AndreiROM then thank god we all have different perceptions and preferences
@dot_Sp0T So what you're saying is that you refuse to play games like Alien Isolation, the Green Room, or Tax Filing Simulation 2016?
I think of it more of a puzzle game than a horror game
@NexTerren that last one should never be named
The Game That Must Not Be Named
saying / typing it's name 3 times in the same thread will summon cthulhu
@NexTerren I am just saying I reheheheheally don't like playing them
Forgive me, I'll be more careful in the future. After all, we need to keep this chat SFW.
Haven't played the last one
@NexTerren and demonic invasion
@dot_Sp0T I hear you get a free trial every year if you earn a paycheck!
What game? Tax Filing Simulation 2016? :)
Indeed, Tax Filing Simulation 2016.
@NexTerren I am bracing for Armageddon and the arrival of the demonic host
Hi, demons, can I be your friend sidekick?
@ArtOfCode I thought you were already on good terms with @James?
oh my, the Battlefield trailer made one of my favourite songs non-favourite-anymore :(
@NexTerren snort
@dot_Sp0T "I'm a Little Teapot?"
@NexTerren No. Rainbow connection
... I don't actually know this title.
i'm checking it out on spotify
God, I love technology
not quite my cup of rainbow
not a bad song though
The internet is a deathtrap
@dot_Sp0T and yet also a repository of knowledge
if we forward the theory that a repository of knowledge is a deathtrap, then are libraries death traps?
@AndreiROM Wait...you didn't know Rainbow Connection...brought to you by Kermit the Frog?!? Freaking Canadians
@James us ignorant northerners, right ?
@AndreiROM it's the books, you see?
I'm also Romanian
This cancels out us voting for Trump
so is it ignorant Canadians, or Romanians?
@dot_Sp0T filthy books.
@James sweet jesus. I never thought of that term
You're welcome ;)
@AndreiROM burn them all!
makes me think of "cro magnum"
@dot_Sp0T burning's too good for 'em
so on the subject of burning books
I recently read an article which is oddly related
a bunch of highschoolers came home with notes for their parents
asking for explicit permission to read the book Fahrenheit 451
Sounds 'merica
the teacher was afraid to offend any of the sweet darlings my making them actually use their brains for a change, you see
this particular parent was a journalist and immediately pointed out the sick, sick irony of asking for permission to read a book about restricting knowledge
@AndreiROM I thought it was 451
oops :P
@DaaaahWhoosh fixed, thanks for pointing it out
anyway, it's things like that which make my blood boil
to be fair, knowledge goes both ways up to a certain point
@AndreiROM What temperature does it boil at?
the current state of affairs seems to be that anything which makes anyone the slightest bit uncomfortable is to be banned
@AndreiROM sur eit doesn't ignite your pages?
@dot_Sp0T I have a fair number of limbs, but none can be described as pages :P
@NexTerren currently running a fever at around 37.2 degrees celcius
thankfully the boiling is metaphorical
Either my jokes are getting worse, or I need to explain it :(
@AndreiROM Well stop being sick!
@NexTerren and what's worse, I'm at work
@AndreiROM Stop being at work as well!
@dot_Sp0T definitely getting worse, lol
@NexTerren oh, God, can i? please?
@AndreiROM ah shoot
don't worry, I believe in you, dot_sp0t
you'll bounce back in a flurry of comic relief
@dot_Sp0T "Bounce back." Clearly implying physical humor. Chop, chop!
iirc I should've chatted one of you people up on steam, but I forgot who it was..
i wonder what the origins of the phrase "chop, chop" are
Probably has something to do with an axe
@dot_Sp0T I like to keep my usernames pretty consistent, so I'll always be easy to recognize
also by my profile picture of a murderous Romania Ball (currently a pumpkin due to Halloween spirit)
@AndreiROM maybe some chinese place? "I've got the ducks" "Gleat, CHOP CHOP"
@AndreiROM so it was you?
@dot_Sp0T Laughing. Out. Loud.
@dot_Sp0T you do have me on steam now-a-days, although I'm not sure we've ever chatted through it
"Chop chop" is a phrase rooted in Cantonese. It spread through Chinese workers at sea and was adopted by English seamen.[1] "Chop chop" means "hurry, hurry" and suggests that something should be done now and without any delay. The word "chopsticks" likely originates from this root.[2]
@AndreiROM no; I mean yesterday I've someone on here mentioned for me to chat them up on steam because they were leaving the chat here
@dot_Sp0T not me then
@NexTerren knowledge is a weapon
a really clumsy one though
@AndreiROM So is stupidity.
I much prefer a semi-automatic carbine
@NexTerren I think stupidity is less of a weapon and more of a luxury
if you can afford to be an ignorant bastard and still live a decent life, I envy that person
@AndreiROM Hm. Maybe what I want to say is that "ignorance can be weaponized."
Mob mentality and all that.
Make the uninformed passionate and you can do great things.
@NexTerren ah, that's different
I was thinking at a more individual level
No matter how ignorant you are, knowledge will always beat you!
Ah, fair enough there.
@dot_Sp0T yes and no
@dot_Sp0T I don't know what you're saying but you're wrong.
@AndreiROM have you ever been hit by a book?
you see, there's something to be said for being happy in life, and ignorant people tend to be happier :-/
@dot_Sp0T no, but i've once had a cat thrown at my head
The more knowledge, the thicker the book, the more it hurts
@dot_Sp0T Throws the bound Twilight collection at your head
@NexTerren simply coming into contact with that is bound to render you brain-dead
to my everlasting shame I've read all 4 books
Sticks and bones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
@AndreiROM Family? Significant other? Dangerous levels of curiosity?
i was on the 8 hours flight from europe to canada, and my sister had all 4 books in her luggage. I couldn't sleep
@AndreiROM So a little of A, a little of C...
@AndreiROM 4 books in 8 hours, that is impressive
after reading them I couldn't sleep because I realized that I was related to someone who spent money on those books
I found I can read much, much faster than I can enjoy.
I eventually forgave her
@NexTerren well .. eventually all those paragraphs of getting lost into someone's sparkling eyes just start to blur and you just want to end your own misery
if i had to read one more sentence about sparkling vampires I was going to be sick
@AndreiROM "Sparkling vampires can be found in the best-selling book series, Twilight." <-- One more sentence.
I know this is not a programmer chat, but there's a bunch of them in here and they also seem to do java; so I'll still ask: Does anyone know where the heck to find an up-to-date list with most/all of the values that can be returned by the java property os.name ?
@dot_Sp0T Not off-hand, but that seems like something I could find. One second.
sounds like something you can find on stack overflow
@AndreiROM you'd be surprised :)
i know just enough java to know i don't want to know more
@AndreiROM that is sad :(
@dot_Sp0T that site has yet to let me down
it also led me to WB SE, so yay!
@dot_Sp0T idk, maybe it's because of netbeans, but I really, heavily, dislike java
i'm primarily a c# guy, with plenty of javascript and jquery thrown in
@AndreiROM the issue is that most of the things you find on there are really obvious things and all the complex really specific issues and stuff get pushed aside by the sheer masses of repeated questions etc
@dot_Sp0T I found "most" but no promises to "all." Here: lopica.sourceforge.net/os.html and here: java-gaming.org/…
@AndreiROM definitely must be netbeans; have a look at eclipse once in awhile
@dot_Sp0T that is true. Which is where being a google ninja comes in handy
@NexTerren yeah both are 10 years old
@dot_Sp0T Hm. You're right.
@dot_Sp0T there's so many technologies I want to brush up on that I don't even know what to do first. And I'm also finishing up my university degree through night school, so right now I'm barely finding room to breathe
@NexTerren well I've been over them a few times before; currently raking through the openjdk sources as the normal jdk gets system properties over native calls, and these are not delivered with the oracle java sources
@dot_Sp0T I feel intimidated :P
@NexTerren check this out <3 hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/jdk/file/687fd7c7986d/src/windows/… it's even got comments so I don't have to get into the OS specific libraries (so I do not have to find copies of these libraries)
@dot_Sp0T Well, nice find!
aah approx from line 350 down
Being fair, I've stumbled upon this jewel of a question: stackoverflow.com/questions/40262030/… be darlings and give it an upvote
@AndreiROM why do you have to ruin my joeks :(
@dot_Sp0T oh. I literally just figured your joke out
Idk if it's just my fever addled brain or whether your jokes are too subtle :P
Subtle is the only thing I am good at
naturally I'll just assume that I'm perfect, and it's your fault :D
I deleted my comment. Your joke is back in play ;)
did you take a look at that clone society question?
@AndreiROM I had a brief glance at it
I was a little confused by it. Feels opinion based
Yeah, the question as it is posed is hard to answer; the disclaimer at the end seems to add some very strict limits on the answers though; so it's less opinion-based and more hella hard to answer as I see it
@dot_Sp0T meh. I'm a simple guy. I get confused, i vote to close
@AndreiROM I can't even VTC... only flag
How much rep do I need for VTC?
@dot_Sp0T you need to work on those reputation points
not sure TBH
maybe around 10K?
@AndreiROM I TRY
you're such a fixture on WB SE that I'm really shocked you're not very high up on rep
you just gotta get in there and be the first to answer questions
I even punched out a multi-paragraph answer on this one: worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/60796/… - but the attention is all going to the two-paragraph that doesn't even try to deliver real explanations
that was you, wasn't it?
I live by these
Q: Six simple tips to get reputation fast on any Stack Exchange site

Jeff AtwoodAn article, "6 Simple Tips to Get Stackoverflow Reputation Fast" at codexon.com, made these suggestions: Be the First to Answer. Even at the cost of quality. Use Downvotes and Comments Strategically Use obnoxious in-your-face formatting and lists. Be Aware of the 200 rep/day Limit ...

@dot_Sp0T i'm loyal to my friends :D
frankly, i think your first sentence makes more sense than the whole answer which is top rated
i liked your answer a lot, actually
@AndreiROM oh you /*blushes*
@dot_Sp0T one simple reality to remember about answers here is that whoever is first in the stack is going to get 70% of the upvotes. People rarely go beyond the first one or two answers, especially if they're long
it's super important to be the first to answer
and, I find, it's good to have solid formatting. Headers, bolded text, that sort of thing
people find a well structured long answer less intimidating to read
I originally wanted to expand it with some proper calculations instead of the fast approximations I did on the train
@dot_Sp0T that questions didn't even deserve numbers
it's a bit whimsical as we have no real way to predict how things would play out
the OP didn't tell us much about the population and society of those colonies
Now you're hard on them; naturally anyone having taken a quick look at history would've been able to come up with the answer I gave and thus would not have had to ask in the first place, but still it's a good question if you look at it from a format perspective
@dot_Sp0T I'm usually pretty harsh with ppl i guess
The population cannot be more than a few 100 on the Moon, a few multiples of 10 on the Mars and some crews of 6-18 people anywhere else :D
maybe you've noticed that in some of my answers :P
@dot_Sp0T with today's tech levels, yup
@AndreiROM I am quite straight when I say sth I mean that, no hidden meaning, especially when my brain's cranked up - most people though don't get that because they constantly look for hidden stuff and implications which makes communications that much harder
@AndreiROM actually I was assuming a steady improvement in rocket- & habitat technology
The issue still is the distances
@dot_Sp0T yup. People seem not to realize that we're not even 100% sure of the content of our solar system - it's just too big
Did some formatting magic, tell me if it improved please :)
shoot I cannot nest two superscript tags
@dot_Sp0T much better
Anyone know how to write 10^-4 without using the <sup> tag?
@dot_Sp0T $10^{-4}$, using LaTeX.
@HDE226868 lovely, but it somehow messes up when used in a <sub> tag; at least it did in the preview render
@dot_Sp0T If you want to implant a superscript and a subscript, use $_{10^{-4}}$.
Don't mix the tags with LaTeX.
Hmm, so I have a battery question, but I don't know if it would work better in Engineering SE or Chemistry SE...
@AndyD273 spell it out
If I take a battery that is "dead" and completely replace the electrolyte and maybe the terminals, would it be a "fresh" battery?
@AndyD273 would put it on engineering
Like, if it was a lead acid battery that had been used up, and I drained out the acid and replace it with fresh, would it be "charged" again
@AndyD273 so if you take a battery and completely replace everything that makes it a battery, is it still the same battery?
the thing is, the acid is very likely to have eaten through the housing so ...
seems to me that if you replaced all the parts there's no reason why it shouldn't work
@AndreiROM I'm just curious if the electrolyte needs to be charged as well
at the same time, however ... i'm not sure the actual physical battery would survive the rebuilding process
@AndyD273 interesting question :)
Well it's an engineering question
Anyone of you using MacOS or any Linux distro?
I have an macbook I use when I don't need to do anything important.
@dot_Sp0T currently on Ubuntu
Lovely, could you guys run the following codesample for me?:
class Blergh {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new ArrayList<String>() {{
}}.foreach((k,v)->{System.out.println(k + " -> " + v)});
that's Java, it'll run on Windows
From the looks of it he wants to see what os name is returned for mac os and linux?
so here we go
sorry I accidentally pressed enter while typing it out
also still got a typo... shoulda typed it in an editor instead
big typo
froget that code
BTW, you know you can just download virtual box and a linux live cd image and test it yourself?
@AndyD273 sure I could, but that means I need to install Virtual Box and get me a linux live distro and then get the code in there and whatsnot :)
True, but it's dependable and a lot easier to debug
What's wrong with Google
@ArtOfCode lots of things actually; but I think I misunderstood your question
Google works perfectly well for finding out what os.name is for X OS
A: How to get os name (ubuntu) in java program

Taher KhorshidiI found that there is only three system properties to determine os details : os.name : Linux os.version : 3.13.0-74-generic os.arch " amd64 ubuntu specific solution is to read these files : /etc/*-release for me : $ cat /etc/*-release DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=14.04 DISTRIB_CODENA...

A: Java - How can i determine the running Mac OS X version with code?

Marcus AdamsUse: System.getProperty("os.name") // Yields "Mac OS X" System.getProperty("os.version") // Yields "10.7.4" for me on Lion

Also if anyone is still in science mood, here's the actual snippet:
import java.util.ArrayList;

class Blergh {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new ArrayList<String>() {{
            }}.forEach((s) -> {
                System.out.println(s + " -> " + System.getProperty(s));
And here's a cleaner version without any imports or java8 stuff:
class Blergh {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for(String s : new String[]{"os.name", "os.version"}) {
            System.out.println(s + " -> " + System.getProperty(s));
y'know you can still do code formatting in chat?
how'd you do that?
Q: How much of a battery needs to be replaced for it to be a fresh battery?

AndyD273If I take a battery that is "dead" and completely replace the electrolyte and maybe the terminals, would it be a "fresh" battery? So instead of pulling up to a charging station in your electric car, plugging in, and waiting half an hour or more to be able to continue, could you pull up, suction ...

fixed font button that turns up when you have a multiline message
alternatively, indent by four spaces like on the main sites
Chat supports a similar set of markdown to comments
Didn't know the first thing and haven't thought the second thing would work
now you do :)
one of today's 10000
@ArtOfCode and I promise to you I'll forget it again
Of course :)
Sooooooooooo any of you actually ran it?
Not yet, this thing has a shorter battery life than a goldfishes memory, so I had to plug it in and wait for it to wake from hybernation
Now I gotta see if I even have java installed
@AndyD273 you're a good person, thank you very very very much
@dot_Sp0T this thing doesn't have java on it, and I wouldn't know how to run it if it did
@ArtOfCode Ubuntu right? Would be apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk, and then compile it with javac; but you're right I am way more interested in what it says on current Macs tbh
If it really is that easy...
@ArtOfCode javac myfile.java, java myfile.class
hmm... Error: Could not find or load main class Blergh.java
yeah gimme a sec :(
Testing it in windows first, just to see if it'll work, then I'll put it on the mac
nah it's oracles fault
I never installed eclipse on this machine, since I got it after android studio came out
Error: Could not find or load main class Blergh.class
that's after sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk and javac Blergh.java and java Blergh.class
you did everything right
Ah, gotcha. It needed java Blergh
os.name -> Linux
os.version -> 4.4.0-47-generic
try that, @Andy
sorry bout the mistake with writing .class
shrug no worries
I usually use ant or maven to compile
@AndyD273 make sure you're running javac <- with the c at the end
that makes the full sequence of commands javac myfile.java then java Blergh
@ArtOfCode I wouldn't have thought that Ubuntu doesn't modify the os name in its kernel
Ah, that worked
Andys-MacBook:Desktop andy$ javac Blergh.java
Andys-MacBook:Desktop andy$ java Blergh
os.name -> Mac OS X
os.version -> 10.11.6
You could make this into a neat little utility, actually...
@ArtOfCode ?
I mean I am extending my personal utility library with a little Util that allows me to access system-dependent locations for different kinds of data (locations as listed in this thread gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/35700/…) but that's it
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Blergh {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for (String property : args) {
            System.out.println(property + " -> " + System.getProperty(property));
Did we have any questions on trains that circle the planet indefinitely?
$ java Blergh os.name os.version
os.name -> Linux
os.version -> 4.4.0-47-generic
@ArtOfCode would certainly be neat indeed
But only if you have a usecase for it
What's beautiful about it is that you don't have to do input validation, as an empty array just means the loop body is never entered
I don't suppose there's a handy way of getting a Java console?
@ArtOfCode That javac part was throwing me off quite a bit... Java is weird.
I gotta run for a while.
i.e. something that evaluates and runs Java on the fly?
@ArtOfCode java 9 is actually getting one
Can we btw force people to accept answers..?
@dot_Sp0T Oh my god! Trump is in our chatroom!
@James that seems very far-fetched
...I apologize for all the Trump references but I am actually having a bit of a challenging time with that whole five stages of acceptance
maybe you should stop blowing your own... trumpet.
@James I call them The 5 Stages of Smashing Things with Various Implements, stage 3 s baseball bats
The sad thing is I get why people voted for him. I can't hold on to the feeling for more than a second or two but I get it. When you first hear him say something outlandish the lizard part of your brain goes "Hell yeah!" before the smart part of your brain goes "Oh dear god what is wrong with you" He appeals to that little reflexive nub in our brains...
and its addictive...
@James you'd enjoy the election room, I think
random political discussion and theorising
I am trying to keep my blood pressure down
Have to avoid that feedback loop
oh, man. I just realized, if Trump imposes some sort of new immigration laws, maybe there would be some equivalent to a green card involved
and they could call it a Trump card
Oh dear
the question then would be, how close could you get to the wall before pulling it out
I want to smack you, but that was funny.
sigh I just realised I need to buy a PS4
@dot_Sp0T #firstworldproblems :p
@dot_Sp0T may I ask whatever for?
@DaaaahWhoosh Detroit: Become Human
I mean, it looks cool, but I assume it's not going to be
there's also a bunch of older PS games I should eventually play I thought
yeah, maybe. The Last of Us was decent
does PS4 have backwards compatibility yet?
@DaaaahWhoosh I wouldn't know
yikes I need to go else I get no sleep
I'll be stalking this chat again in some 8 hours, make the best out of that time o/
hmm, of the two drawing tablets I'm considering buying, one has the features I want, and the other one has DW in the name.
it's like, do I do what I want to do, or do I pick the one that literally has my name on it?
As of 34 minutes ago, @CortAmmon is Worldbuilding's first 50k user.
so... mod ping so we can congratulate him?
or meta post so we can congratulate him?
Oh. Right. I forgot I can do that.
OR is there going to be a surprise party?!
Interesting, pinning a mod-ping makes the name disappear, and we get a number...
@bilbo_pingouin Known bug.
ok... was not know to me...
Me, neither.
so to pin it, you'll have to rewrite a message with a normal ping... so that I can star it ;)
As of 51 minutes ago, @CortAmmon is Worldbuilding's first 50k user.
'cept it's not 34 anymore
Nice catch, @ArtOfCode.
Good... :D
that was certainly worth keeping a track of :)

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