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Its also not the 1950's anymore.
You can't go backwards people.
So I buy a game on Amazon specifically so a friend and I can co-op this weekend... and the publisher announces it's free-to-play this weekend.
The cosmic forces have it out for me in a very mild-mannered way.
I may be struggling with the whole election thing. Even murdering aliens in Warframe last night didn't help. And this old standby didn't help either.
@James That may be one of those time when booze is actually an answer.
@bilbo_pingouin *solution
I tried that. It didn't help
and now I have headache
Though, admittedly, 4 years drunk might be hard to get by
Answer and solution are somewhat synonymous fellas.
Booze is always a solution ;)
@James No, it's a chemistry joke.
aww crap I should have gotten that
yeah, I needed time but I got it later
hence the delete
Ohhh. Okay. I read the first two words or so. Just wanted to know what it was about.
boring and useless ;)
@bilbo_pingouin I know I am but what are you?!
Wait, no... hm.
a pingouin?
With feathery feet.
hm... no. Just named by someone with disputable humour...
which reminds me that there's apparently a Penguin in the UK named "CGP Grey"...
which, I'm assuming, you all know :-/
@James Does it help any knowing that enough of the republican house and senate dislike him that he probably wont be able to do most of the crazier things that he's talked about. And also I don't think any president has really come through with their campaign promises.
No. no it does not.
heard he already removed a few from his website...
I would kind of like to have a wall between the US and Mexico. Not to keep anyone out, just to have a big wall. Like a Great Wall of America.
maybe the Mexicans can pay for half of it, and both countries can post guards. They could have some cool ceremony where they agree not to kill each other
The batshit crazy stuff was never my concern. My concerns revolve around foreign policy, money in politics (citizens united is a freaking travesty) minority rights (which republicans love to restrict anyway), aaaaand climate science and change
You know, if the DMC had put up anyone besides Hillary things probably would have turned out different. It was such a crooked, underhanded, tone def campaign...
I think the Mexicans might be keen on building a wall, to avoid Americans to get out of their country ;)
@James yeah, as far as I'm concern (from that far away), Climate, Science, Economy and Diplomacy are things that scare me with Trump.
Well that and a few negative -ism, but that does not affect me so much
This is the first time Michigan has voted Republican since 1988, and Hillary had record numbers of voters not voting for her
@bilbo_pingouin Don't worry, it'll get there
@AndyD273 Trump apparently lost like 1.5 M votes compared to Romney... but Clinton lost like 4 or more compared to Obama...
@James well the worst to me, is that it is a bad precedent...
She actually won the popular vote
well last I heard
@bilbo_pingouin You mean not acting like a politician?
@AndyD273 No...acting like a giant F*&^stick.
@DaaaahWhoosh I just want to see what graffiti will spring up on it. Maybe it'll be this century's equivalent of the Berlin Wall, in a way.
that would be fantastic...
@AndyD273 No, that cutting any ties with the rest of the world, insulting foreigners and Muslim is any kind of solution..
But he wont actually be able to do that, so it won't really matter what he said
@AndyD273 it still makes us look bad
@DaaaahWhoosh yup
2 days ago, by Monica Cellio
I'm stepping out now. Try to keep things civil everyone, ok? There are a lot of strong feelings around the current US election, but let's remember (a) the primary purpose of the room and (b) that SE is worldwide.
He listened to what the people wanted. People are sick and tired of the same old crap time after time. People just want something different, and the DMC wouldn't listen.
^^ Just a preemptive reminder.
can we at least agree that the voting system needs to change?
I agree with that, states shouldn't be all or none
@James Maybe go by county?
you should split the electoral votes based on percentage.
Again, CGP Grey showed that with 22% of the popular vote, you could win the election.
I think the electoral college might be fine, first and foremost I want to let people vote for multiple candidates
do it like they do for SE mods
In this case in many states you basically ignored the will of half the voters.
@DaaaahWhoosh Yeah, I'm a big fan of the STV system.
The primary system needs to be reworked completely
STV and MMP are actually much improved systems
compared to FPTP
sexually transmitted virus, my medium pony, for Presidents turkeys pardon
@DaaaahWhoosh ...that was a good effort
the last one was a stretch, but I already know that one
Seriously, you all know CGP Grey, or you have no idea what I'm talking about?
I was going to feign ignorance, but it was too difficult
Primaries need to be no more than three months long. They should be capped on possible money.
he's like the randall munroe of youtube videos
(as in, smart and popular for stick figures)
And gerrymandering should be punishable by a public a#$ kicking
I don't know how you'd stop gerrymandering from happening
By having a MMP, you essentially reduce the effect of it
or, you could specify that all angles in a district are less than 180 degrees.
you should re-watch a few videos... ;)
I did that today :D
I liked the one about how the electoral college failed us again
@James but where would you do it?
Anyone bored and mind doing a favor?
@NexTerren the chances of 'yes' are nonzero
@DaaaahWhoosh You're my favorite Woosh.
@NexTerren the chances of 'yes' are a positive infinitesimal.
I posted a new sandbox question. My questions are:
* Would it get closed for being too opinion based?
* If so, suggestions?
ssssh, wait for the meta bot to post here
Ooh, dragons.
If automation is slower than the human, is it really automation?
Indeed, dragons.
it's just she's been getting slow in her old age. It's the least we can do to try and help her feel useful.
@NexTerren I don't think it's too opinion-based, but maybe that's just me.
Mkay! Maybe it's safe to post. I had it typed up as an actual question but was hesitating to hit "submit." So I moved it over to the sandbox.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

Nex TerrenDealing With Dragon Slayers The setting is mid-medieval in technology, vaguely European. There exists no magic in the setting except what is explicitly defined in this question (which all relate to dragons). Dragons are the traditional winged, scaled, fire-breathing beasts of fantasy, ranging i...

You know, maybe the problem isn't switching to some other voting process. Maybe they should just have required voting like in Australia. I heard turn out, while record numbers, was only something like 20%
> I am a moderator on Stack Exchange. If you put me in a position to control a country's military, infrastructure, and economy, the government will collapse within the week and we'll all die.
I need to put that on my profile.
@NexTerren I think it is a bit open-ended... but it's a good question. Though I would have preferred if the dragon slayers... actually turned into dragons...
@bilbo_pingouin SO ACTUALLY in the world if one keeps killing dragons (or just lives long enough) they do eventually. Just that hasn't happened in a very long time; they always die or stop killing dragons (in an interest of self-preservation) before then.
You still can reduce the amount of dragons... never getting rid of them. I found the irony nicer, but eh, your world, your rules ;)
Well it is intended to be less direct irony along those lines: "you create a monster by killing a monster."
yeah but my way you explain the dragons from the curse
and it makes ethically much more complex
Mm, fair enough. Fair enough.
A few of your points are in the comics series fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Geste_des_Chevaliers_Dragons
Where men become monsters when in the presence of a dragon
but in there, the virgin girls are exceptions
on that note, g'night
@bilbo_pingouin Night!
Talk to you later.

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