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@dot_Sp0T kinda, after I pay for internet and write answer to similar question worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/60125/… . senpai noticed your interest, but question and explanation rather big/long, so prior the discussion have to be a base established
3 hours later…
Well, good morning everyone
Good Morning :)
How's France?
Getting ready for its new overlord... erm... overlady
@bilbo_pingouin is it another person named after a country?
No, we have presidential election in May
Whose your fav, if you don't mind me asking that?
The list is not yet clear...
For the moment I'm essentially disappointed by most candidates... or I am not on the same side as they are.
But seeing Trump winning, most people got in mind that M. Le Pen will win.
No bother; I really prefer our Swiss system I guess; instead of one person at the top there's 7 persons that reside over a department each and have to take decisions as a group
no I like the presidential election... everyone vote directly for the person we want to see at the top.
Because you need a single person to talk to the others
@bilbo_pingouin care to elaborate?
But then the government, which is actually where many decisions are taken, come from the parliament election.
@dot_Sp0T You get invited to the G7. Who do you send? 7 people?
You take turn?
@bilbo_pingouin nah, there's a Bundesratspräsident that changes each year - the function is represential as well as the person who leads discussions; but nothing more
@bilbo_pingouin yep; if we get invited that is
So, in fine you don't get to choose who's going to be your representative.
At least not directly.
Well it's a tad more complicated
It is. But I like the fact that the head of state, the person who represents you in front of other countries' head of state, in international conferences, and so on, is decided directly by the people.
@bilbo_pingouin yeps; I'll need to verify a few facts briefly
Now in France, the government comes from the parliament. So if both the president and the government come from the same side (as it is right now), the president gets a lot of influence. If they come from opposite side, the president usually restict himself to some negociation with the government, international affairs and state representation (last time was 1997-2002 with J. Chirac as president)
So on the Swiss government: There's a two chamber parliament - one chamber is the Nationalrat with 200 seats distributed in proportion to the inhabitants of the different Kantone (e.g. 1 seat for a small Kanton such as the Appenzell but 35 seats for Zurich), the other chamber is the Ständerat which consists of 2 seats for each Kanton (making 46 seats); Then there's the Bundesrat which consists of 7 seats residing over 7 different Departements (EDA, EDI, EJDP, VBS, EFD, WBF, UVEK)
Now the task of these organs is to propose new laws and implement accepted laws/changes - the people of Switzerland vote for these new laws and changes basically one every quarter. E.g. at the 27th of this month we vote about the Nuclear Power Phase-Out of Switzerland
I know that it's complicated to make a perfect system, because, you can see that, for example, the representation of each individual in the Ständerat is much higher in Appenzell than in Zurich. And are there exactly 35 more population in Zurich than in Appenzell? If there isn't, you also create an imbalance here.
@bilbo_pingouin the representation of the individual is pretty much the same for each Kanton in the Nationalrat; but then again - the Nationalrat doesn't represent the individual per se.. the individual represents itself; the Nationalrat/Ständerat is more of a group of elected individuals that, besides their normal jobs, spend a lot of time each year discussing on how to implement the changes decided upon by the people
It's probably a weird concept to wrap your head around
E.g. I've now got the documents on the nuclear-power vote in front of me. There's a little booklet explaining the position of the original group proposing the law, there's some statements from the Bundesrat, and there's a list of proposed articles of the law, as well as proposed amendments
Now if this initiative (proposal) gets accepted by the peoples votes, the Nationalrat/Ständerat will have to work on implementing this initiative and integrating it into our current set of laws so it doesn't clash with other laws or severely cripple Switzerland for some reason
@dot_Sp0T Nope. If, say (inventing number, I'm too lazy to look it up), Appenzell, has 10,000 people and Zurich, 700,000, you have $2\times 10^{-4}$ representant per people in Appenzell and less than $3\times10^{-6}$ in Zurich.
I do not understand your math representation :/
This mean that not anyone gets the same representation in the parliament...
@dot_Sp0T www.math.ucla.edu/~robjohn/math/mathjax.html sorry about that
it's in LaTeX
I recommend getting Mathjax
it can be useful :)
So how can I see what you mean now..?
The link explains you how you can get mathjax activated here... and that will render the latex thing readable
anyway, that's 0.0002 and 0.000003 but in scientific notation and latex rendering
Well naturally you cannot get below 1 representant for reasons of not cutting people apart
no bother I just didn't get what the page was telling me to do
@dot_Sp0T I was only calculating the Ständerat, which sends 2/Kanton..
So I should create a bookmark for the javascript execution
@dot_Sp0T yep
of these links right?
Well apparently I can neither create a blank bookmark nor modify an existing bookmark in any way here in Microsoft Edge.. sooo I can't currently use it because I am in no mood to reevaluate new browsers :(
The Ständerat does not represent the people but the political/governmental instance that is the kanton
and then again, none of both is as represential as what we know from the US or probably France
France is doing the best for president, for me, as everyone count exactly the same way regardless of where you live (or anything else, for that matter)
but then for the parliament, it falls down to the same issues: the country is split into small division, and an election take place in each of those. Each local winner will get to parliament.
@bilbo_pingouin but that is the same here :(
The parliament is not representing you.. You are representing yourself
Which lead to an imbalance between the heavily populated area, and deserted area, and is also biased against minority parties, which might get no representation and yet collect more than 10% of the total vote
@bilbo_pingouin I am not sure I am getting you
@dot_Sp0T yeah, sorry it's a bit hectic, people talking to me in my office.. ^^"
@bilbo_pingouin no bother
normally we have in most "Western" countries, what we call a representative democracy. Not everyone can go to the parliament all the time. And not every decision can be done using referendii (I mean in Swiss you use that tool very often, and that's good, but not all the time because that would be impractical).
So you vote for someone, and give them the right to decide for you on a number of subjects/topics.
that's what we call representation.
Of course, it's an election, so you might be represented by someone other people voted for and you not, but majority rules.
That elected person has to represent your meaning or your best interest in a certain office. That can be a city, that can be a canton, that can be a parliament, or that can be in bilateral or other international discussion.
I don't know of any democracy who does not work with that principle.
Real ones.
@bilbo_pingouin ouch
Anarchy (in the political sense) for example is a democratic system of governance, without representation. And no country has an anarchy
(when no confused with chaos)
Now, each country implements its own way to organise that representation.
Naturally there will be representation, but there's different forms - E.g. there's the forms where people vote for representatives once in awhile and that's it. No influence anymore, whatsoever
And there's the Swiss way which I was elaborating on, where the same thing happens; but the eventual final decision on anything is still done by the people by voting on these decisions
and as this is a democracy, there naturally is the downside of minorities having to fight harder than majorities
@dot_Sp0T still not all decisions as far as I know. I know you vote more regularly on a variety of subjects. Which is good. But you don't get a say in each and every law, do you?
@bilbo_pingouin actually yes we do; at least regarding laws and reforms
Do you have a vote every week?
@bilbo_pingouin approximately once every quarter and sometimes in-between
@dot_Sp0T and typically 4-5 laws/proposals at once, isn't it?
@bilbo_pingouin typically yes, although this november there's only one thing
So you have a political system which isn't able to change any law but 4-5 every 3 months...
The French parliament, as well as the EU Parliament, does that like every week
@bilbo_pingouin that's as much as I remember from school, etc.
@bilbo_pingouin how comes they have to change so many laws and create so many new laws..?
You speak german, don't you?
I'm too lazy to look it up, but I think there are many laws that are voted in the Parliament in Swiss as well, but a law can be challenged by one of the political party and presented to a global votation. Similarly, people not elected can initiate a votation by themselves (provided they get enough support for it).
@dot_Sp0T yep... but not Swiss German ;)
@bilbo_pingouin pretty much, this sums it up quite well: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gesetzgebungsverfahren_(Schweiz)
@bilbo_pingouin there's no Swiss German writing; We use German-German, French & Italian for all official texts
@dot_Sp0T ok :D
A friend of mine do write it down in Facebook, and I am sometimes puzzled by the meaning ;)
Basically there's many ways for laws getting passed; but they still have to be made public and there's always enough time to create a referendum by collecting 50'000 signatures
@dot_Sp0T yep that's what I meant by being challenged.
If I wanted to create a proposal for a law saying that every cow in Switzerland had to be painted pink, I would've to collect 100'000 signatures. After that it has to be looked at by the parliament and has to be brought up to the people's vote if there's no fundamental flaw in it
@bilbo_pingouin but 50'000 signatures from a set of 8'000'000 people is nothing
it's not even 1 percent
So yes and no; while big changes/proposals have to be brought up for public vote in any ways, there's also smaller changes that can be passed if no one notices - due to the party system as we have it though there's always enough attention it seems
legifrance.gouv.fr/affichJO.do?idJO=JORFCONT000033342116 this is the summary of what happened one day in France.
Ok, many are not laws per say... but still decisions taken.
I assume your parliament/senate members are fulltimejobs?
@dot_Sp0T they should be... but some cumulate it with other functions (mayor, typically)
And this nosdeputes.fr/dossiers/date is a summary of what is being worked on by the assembly alone.
Yeah, here the parliament membership is what we call an Amt (probably translate to office?); you don't get paid by the country to do it, but most parlamentarians have some backing from their parties - so it's private funds
So to come back to the original point, so you need a representation. And how is that representation organised is complex and varies from country to country.
You want to make sure that the diversity of the country is well represented, so you need people from the various places. You want it to be fair, so each parliament member represents the same number of voters.
Those are rules that you should have for a parliament
And that is very hard to get.
If you fail in one or another, you get parts of your country not represented, or you get demographic imbalance in representation, which can lead to a majority given to a person/party with less total vote.
Like apparently the recent US election. Clinton received more votes, but Trump won more (larger) states.
@bilbo_pingouin true, which is an issue of the elector system (if i got that name in my head correctly)
There's a CGP Grey episode on Youtube detailing the various ways to organise that representation. It's worth watching it.
But there's another big issue in countries like the US or France or Germany, etc... The country is defined by a common ethnicity and or language - which actually promotes having minorities
But in general, the German way is not too bad. They split the parliament in two. One side, for region representants, and one side for a proportional vote. So they essentially take the two extreme and combine them, hoping to get both benefits. But then it's complex to understand...
It's a complicated subject, in my understanding there's no real way to structure a government so it can incorporate whatever minority there is, because minorities are a symptom of a system too generalized already :/
But that's a whole other story
Do check the CGP Grey's video :)
And follow by youtu.be/Mky11UJb9AY
no, never
picture me saying "No, Never!" in similar fashion to this excellent clip: youtube.com/watch?v=A8yjNbcKkNY
Do you have a cow at hand?
I only keep spherical cows, in case I find a frictionless vacuum.
@BESW sure makes it more convenient to throw them around
Regular exercise is necessary to keep them perfectly elastic.
@BESW I should exercise more regularly as well
As should I.
Sooo how are all of you early risers?
It's 9pm Thursday night.
You should really fix your watch, it's 1200
3 hours later…
It's 0845. Early rise my bum.
@Green wassup, green
@AndreiROM thinking about a piece I want to write for Medium.com, not the WB blog.
@Green never heard of medium
what's it about
@AndreiROM I want to do a point by point analysis of what I think will happen with Trump's plan for his first 100 days.
@AndreiROM It's a snazzy new blogging platform. Not sure what, if anything makes it special other than it's new and growing.
@AndreiROM We use it for the WB blog.
@Green @ArtOfCode annotated Trump's Contract with the American Voter, and I did the same: i.sstatic.net/tuS1a.jpg, i.sstatic.net/QPJr2.jpg.
Not very sophisticated, and entirely opinionated; I look forward to seeing your piece.
I don't think trump is going to be as disastrous a president as the media is painting him to be
in fact, IMO the media is rabidly accusing of everything except being the Grinch who stole Christmas
The Grinch had better hair.
I'm Canadian, so I wasn't as emotionally invested in this election as you guys
I feel like that balloon-whale tag isn't getting as much attention as it should
we should totally get a conversation going about them one day
@AndreiROM Its been done. There are a couple questions out there on the site I believe
@HDE226868 I think I'm going to go into more detail than that.
@Green Yes, I assumed so.
Its like half the country forgot that old adage, "You can't go back"
@James I think that half the country doesn't understand that robots took all their jobs, not the Chinese.
But let's hope that this doesn't turn into a miniature Butlerian Jihad.
Break all the machines! Human inefficiency for everyone!
We are definitely headed toward a future like AI
just fyi:
in Language Overflow, 2 hours ago, by ArtOfCode
Folks, there's a dedicated election chatroom, if you want to discuss the thing. It's probably best to keep election chatter out of your site's main chatroom so that folks who don't want to have to deal with the election don't have to.
@ArtOfCode that is a good point, but nevermind that point there usually isn't anyone talking about anything on here but the people that are currently discussing; so yeah :/
aye, I know
But when we're mentioning whales anyways - what's up with their weird accent?
@dot_Sp0T they just don't make the effort to speak English properly
they think they're better than us just because they float
dang floaters
I always wanted to ask a question about the City of Whales.. but I can't get the beasts big enough to fit a city inside :/
@dot_Sp0T my mind shut down when I tried to imagine a whale city in the sky
i mean .. they float
that's like ... their thing
why would a whale need a house, or sleep in a bed?
can't imagine a whale wanting privacy or needing to go to the store either
@AndreiROM aaah you're looking at it the wrong way around; you don't put whales into a city..... you put a city into whales :D
@AndreiROM Whale City in the Sky with Diamonds?
your whales are all called Lucy?
@ArtOfCode I support this
what else would you call a whale?
@ArtOfCode Maybe they have different whale-song inflections to determine which Lucy they are talking to.
@JourneymanGeek Bob
@AndreiROM how would you call the pot of petunias?
Whale Bob doesn't appreciate being confused with Lucy
@dot_Sp0T Bobina?
@Green as in "Lucy-ooohohhhhh" vs. "Lucy-aaahheeeehhhh"?
@ArtOfCode Precisely.
@AndreiROM I speak horse whale. He's called Susan lucy. And he wants you to respect his life choices.
@AndreiROM weren't you asking me about MHI the other day?
Now I am wondering what'd happen if all the whales of the world were instantly tele-magi-ported 1 kilometer up
Make sure you give them all a bowl of petunias first.
@ArtOfCode naturally, one each
That's a lot of "Oh no, not again"s
I wonder which will have the bigger impact on society, the whales or the petunias?
depends on what they land on...
ah, no
@JourneymanGeek we assume them to be lifted 1 km from their original position at time-zero
Someone asked me for a copy, and baen has this thing where you can gift a book when you buy a bundle
Definitely the petunias. It makes a bigger dent.
@ArtOfCode, side question: how's episode 2 coming along?
@Green slowly, I'm afraid
I've been away from WB chat for a while so I probably missed any progress statements.
@JourneymanGeek I think it's been a couple of weeks, but I guess?
@ArtOfCode Ah, okay. Anything I can do for you, or has RL kicked in?
@JourneymanGeek it's ok, I bought the series off amazon
RL has more than kicked in, it's curb-stomped its way in and then thrown its victim off a cliff
@ArtOfCode what's RL?
real life
@DaaaahWhoosh, do you think you could make a cover-photo for the YouTube channel? What we have right now looks a bit weird.
@ArtOfCode like a whale?
ah ok
@Green I can't open the link at work. What's this channel about?
@dot_Sp0T I wasn't aware whales threw people off cliffs
@ArtOfCode there's much we didn't know about whales until very recently ago
@AndreiROM I was about to say "gimme an email address, baen'll give you a book for starting an account, and see if you can get the monster hunters" ;p
@AndreiROM It's about WorldBuilding. @James, @NexTerren, @MonicaCellio, @DaaaahWhoosh and myself have recorded ourselves talking about world building.
...well that and a bit of rambling.
@JourneymanGeek thanks for remember, appreciate the intention
@James Fair assessment.
@Green sounds interesting
that and quite a lot of rambling ;)
@AndreiROM I've enjoyed recording them and playing them back. Normally, I don't like the sound of my own voice.
@Green you realize we played the game better when we practiced it right...
@ArtOfCode Is truth.
@James when is that not true?
It didn't occur to me until after but we got far to detailed.
That game is funnier when you just give little one line ideas.
@James Then we'll have to play it that way next time.
I also think we need to pick a theme...or at least some sort of guiding force...
gravity maybe.
@James Gravity as a theme to give gravity to our discussion is wonderfully recursive. I approve.
@James Precisely.
@Green yes. Any suggestions?
I recently drew a pig with a sword, it turned out pretty well
or... pretty good?
@DaaaahWhoosh Um, take what amazing thing you made for the square and make it a long rectangle.
@DaaaahWhoosh applause
@Green I'll see what I can do. Someone give me the proper dimensions
at 300ppi, what is that in centimeters?
(jk but I do eventually need to figure that out)
@DaaaahWhoosh I'm not going to google that for you.
I can probably just scale it as long as I use the right ratios
19.70 by 11.08
or that
@DaaaahWhoosh what program are you using that does explicitely need metric measurements?
(pixels / ppi) * 2.54
@dot_Sp0T I have a piece of paper, a pen, and a ruler
I guess I could use inches, but I'm trying not to
@DaaaahWhoosh dayum, you're going the low-tech route
@DaaaahWhoosh you should get hold of a graphics tablet
@ArtOfCode yeah... I have one, but it's old. I guess I should see how the technology has improved
Look at Wacom
Well supported, good quality tablets
I use a surface and Clip Studio Paint for drawing, etc. works like a charm
@ArtOfCode they also appear to be expensive
@DaaaahWhoosh think I got mine for somewhere around the £60 mark
maybe I shouldn't be looking on their site
product sites like fooling you into buying the expensive ones
something like a 7.5 inch photo edition
Good morning.
Did you guys miss me?
Silly question, of course you did.
...And work is now pulling me away. Fantastic timing!
@NexTerren Honestly? You really shouldn't ask questions you don't want answers to.
@Green You know that there was a hole in your life, Pistachio.
@NexTerren You don't know me!
You don't know my life!
and you don't know me vanishes in puff of smoke
@ArtOfCode Dude, you're still in chat.
I see your little icon still.
what? no, no I'm not
blame caching
blame anything but the lack of magical powers that definitely doesn't apply to me
@ArtOfCode, do you use Surface for your professional work?
what do you think of the table-sized one that came out recently?
@SerbanTanasa I think you mean dot... firstly I don't own a Surface... and secondly I don't work in the graphics field :)
Though, the table sized Surface looks awesome, if only I had the money to buy one
ah, i do mean @dot_Sp0T
No worries :)
You're a coder, right?
I do like doing graphics work, but it tends to be computer graphics rather than hand drawn graphics - and I'm nowhere near a pro.
I do like doing graphics work, but it tends to be computer graphics rather than hand drawn graphics - and I'm nowhere near a pro.
It's all true so far

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